Uncle KYY, u r surrounded by too many gungho FA practitioners who fail in timing the mkt. Look for 1.

PureBULL ...
Publish date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016, 12:05 AM
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am leading this large group of Growth Stock Investors.
we r very focus on the mkt.
we aim to catch the right stocks in play at the right timing.

All successful cyclical stock investors or traders r constantly making friend with the 2 pillars of investing:
i. Stock selection of great stocks
ii. Right timing of entry n exit

In a rising tide/purebull, all boats/stocks will float/rise up.
In a purebear mkt, all stocks no matter how good their FA is, will also crush.

That means timing is everything. So if u fail to time, u plan to fail when 'black swan' finally forces all mkts to collide, hence  the implosion of all asset classes.

'Black swan' is rearing its ugly head again. This is the time period most fearful of by stock players, both investors and traders too.
Mkt cycles cause by financial behavior seems to move in time blocks of 2 years each. Only when this bad times mature, super bull run from the rock bottom will take over immediately for the next block of 2 years.

Be safe then to seize the opportunity.
Target the surviving banks at the end of this year to next year now. They r edi close to half price n could go down another half. 
Amore said, Buy when u see blood on the street; means headline news shall read as; some US plc on Wall Street have crashed to 0 or on bankruptcy protection.

NB: Hope DOW today is at double bottom like on Sep 2015 n to be followed by a meaningful REBOUND of 1-2 mths, which I had been shouting all along in Jan 20th. But most of OIL countries r selling assets to feed their countries !

HOPE too is the 4 letter word.

PureBULL . > Feb 11, 2016 11:54 AM Report Abuse 

Uncle KYY, the fact is u r truly the super investor.

Your list of stocks r all great winning stocks that fly really high to the new blue skies.
Each time I used my program to scan, your stocks always appeared among my short list of great stocks.
All great stocks r explosive up trending stocks with huge Primary growth wave or phase that is clearly seen on week charts.
Unless 1 is overly greedy, they r so easy to time the selling on the way up to capture the mega profits. Is A complete waste, if it is not edi done so.

These r ex. of the selling calls:
i. On [12/20/2015 3:47:23 PM] + 12 hrs,
a friend of my with lots of POHUAT, asked me about this great winning stock.
My reply then was,

It has graduated but attempted to do master. it could fail at phd anytime!
great caution is required.
This statement applies to all great winning stocks at their tops = plan your selling/exit.
He's deeply in love, he sold only 20k shares at rm2.02.

ii. Shouted on Jan 5, 2016 05:11 PM | Report Abuse C = 156.
VS 's valuation is grossly over-stretched by the recent WA issue.
Might be timely to switch out.

iii. Shouted on Jan 5, 2016 05:07 PM | Report Abuse C=173.
HEVEA 's valuation is grossly over-stretched by the recent WA issue.
Might be timely to switch out....

All great winning stocks after the explosive growth phase will be 'macam sotong'. It got to be a fair deal to the general mkt, right?

U r most likely surrounded by too many FA practitioners who never believe in timing the mkt. I don't understand their behavior.
Some of these FA fanatics were so cynical to my articles.
1, my son even do lol on me.

This time looks critical. IF mkt can recover, well n good.
IF not, those below 34 who have never seen a mkt crash before, take extra precaution.


PureBULL . > Feb 10, 2016 05:58 AM Report Abuse 


I'm a good student of my guru, 
Bernard Baruch's teaching: 

a. Don't try to buy at the bottom and sell at the top. It can't be done except by liars. 

b. Nobody ever lost money taking a profit. 

c. The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible. 

d. I made my money by selling too soon. 

e. Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures. 

f. Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. 

Understanding f. certainly will help us maintain a healthy n peaceful atmosphere in i3 forums. 
Bernard B was saying that we r all rightfully entitled to our opinion n yet quite many of us here love to quarrel over another person's opinion most of the time. 

Like Uncle KYY, I wish to share n volunteer to give back my views to our wonderful investing community. We all hope to encourage n empower others to excel in their investment journey, n thus impacting n changing some lives. 

Being a Stock investor or trader is the toughest job on earth. 
We still dare to take the challenge, simply because IF u r right about the stock mkt, the rewarding future ahead is always bright n wide open.


3 people like this. Showing 13 of 13 comments



I like PureBull write up!

2016-02-12 01:02


LIKED. are you saying you are more toward a TA?

2016-02-12 01:53


Post removed.Why?

2016-02-12 08:01

JT Yeo

You are right i dont believe in market timing or I wont have held Scientex from $2.47 all the way to current price, since it would have become 'sotong'. In saying that, doesnt mean im ignorant about the market condition. One needs to know roughly where the market is now, ie is other investors greedy or cautious, are they acting aggressively or more reserved etc. And if you ask me now, the market sentiment is very bearish (obviously), even more so for Singapore; investors are shifting funds into cash or fixed income assets etc.

How low will it continue to go? where is the tipping point? I don't know. But one thing I do know - now is not the time to be cautious. And at the end of the day, we are answerable to the stocks we buy, not the direction of the economy. Although earnings do get drag down by economy downturn, but that's where opportunities appear.

2016-02-12 08:42


This is a good remark or comment.

2016-02-12 08:45


What you actually want to tell us?
Can't you say in a more straightforward and simpler way?
I really do not like to read a second times to figure out what you actually want to share.
I tell you my feel after reading through for the first time. Seem like a good write up but nothing direction, have not been enlightened in any way.
So far what I got is you just want to tell us timing is most important in trading. Yes?
If not, then please improve in your style of writing,so that simple man like can be benefitted from your sharing, that is my truthful request. But as it is commonly said: the decision is still yours

2016-02-12 11:27


When all around people are losing their heads.....he who remains anchored are the blessed.

2016-02-12 11:54


in rainy days , people have too many free times and just talk kok.李嘉城 said,he like bad times, as many good things are priced very cheap, many are selling at fantastic offer- price.In times turn brighter ,you will see them all shine .

2016-02-12 12:11


this is when all around you people are losing their heads.

2016-02-12 12:35

PureBULL .

Hi calvintaneng, tony89 n Desa20201956,
Thanks, u r all so kind to drop in.
Hi JT Yeo,
Am so glad u drop your well timed comment. U've eveready gang support. Never know educated people also have gangster spirit.
Will revert back to u soon.
Need to welcome the TUNs of i3 now. They all come on Right timing.

A Big Welcome to the TUNs of i3.
TUN pisanggoreng,
U r absolutely Right. I read 20 times edi, n yet couldn't understand a bit.
I edi swapped my high distinction in Engine degree from Malaya ivy league to BCT University (Boh Cheh Tak Uni). I'm so soli, Please forgive me.
Next time, do introduce your good sifu to me. OK. Thanking you in advance.

TUN Optimuspussy,
U r so cute. I love your pussy very much. Just watch YESTERDAY the infamous film fully sponsored by our govman, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET.
Seriously, it's a good show. Lots of F--- every where in words n in action. Best of all LOTS of PUSSY. TUN Optimuspussy, were u also acting inside there? I think I saw u in the room full of men in action. The very part when Jordan's sexy wife opened the hse door. She was shocked n awed.

TUN silom,
Thank you very much. Please remember to pray for my future success. OK.

Hi TUNs, where is my long loss buddy, OTB ? Is he MIA in NZ now?
Tonite, u 3 don't sleep. I'll try to find OTB to ask Uncle KYY to give u a Big fat ANG POW. I know u love both of them.

My TIANKONG tells me to love my neighbors n my enemy MORE.
But u r all my frens.

2016-02-12 13:00


no point blaming others on ur own loses. Simple rule of investing. Know when to buy and when to sell

2016-02-12 13:20


No worry just read Arnold books. ..ok will be OK it takes time to be emotionally shield. ..

2016-02-13 11:00


Salvatore Dali got sacked by KYY for recommending Borneo Oil.

2016-02-22 09:19

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