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Guan Eng hints he will step down if funds not given to TAR UC

Publish date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019, 09:05 PM

PETALING JAYA: Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng today hinted that he would resign if the RM30 million pledged to the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) is not given once MCA relinquishes control of the institution.

Lim and MCA had been at loggerheads over the allocation, with Lim insisting a few days ago that public funding cannot be given to institutions that are controlled by political parties.

Last month, MCA president Wee Ka Siong criticised Lim for being unsympathetic towards the Chinese community by slashing a government grant to the institution.

The Barisan Nasional raised the issue over the funds while campaigning for the Tanjung Piai by-election.

“To avoid unnecessary political polemics over whether this minimum annual pledge of RM30 million to TAR UC is genuine or not, let me state this in clear and unequivocal terms.

“I will be willing to pay the highest political price as finance minister if this minimum RM30 million pledge to TAR UC, commencing from 2019, made in my capacity as finance minister is not delivered, when MCA surrenders political control over TAR UC,” Lim said in a statement.

The DAP secretary-general said with his pledge, there was therefore “no more excuse nor reason” for MCA not to give up political control of the institution.

Earlier, Lim said that he had repeatedly stated that the Pakatan Harapan administration has set aside and is willing to give TAR UC at least RM30 million annually from 2019 onwards.

He also said the condition was endorsed by Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Lim went on to hit out at Wee, accusing him of trying to distract from the issue by stating that this minimum RM30 million pledge annually to TAR UC is a “sandiwara” as it was not included in the 2019 or 2020 Budget.

Wee, he said, cited the RM5.5 million in the 2019 Budget and RM1 million in the 2020 Budget for TAR UC to back up his claim.

“Is Wee so ignorant as a former Cabinet minister that he does not know how the government Budget works?

“Then why are there major development expenditure items in the Budget with an allocation of only RM10? I do not need to explain further to spare him embarrassment over his incompetence.” 
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Tarc issue was a blunder

2019-11-16 23:53


Vote who also same.
No hope.

2019-11-16 23:58

Dato Seri John Lu

Next GE send you back to opppsition

2019-11-17 08:51


Game over for them. Checkmated. No maruah to stay. Setitik nila is enough to rosak sebelangga many drops.....mana tak rosak susu

2019-11-17 08:52


Malaysia stock market rank at last in the world is caused by this pukimak LGE . Everyday talk malaysia bangkrup make bad sentiment environment And now US already break new high our malaysia still at near 5 year low bottom . HK riot incident hangseng index also never 5 year low . Pukimak ph govement.

2019-11-17 09:32


Same sentiment - anger and all- among the people as before the downfall of BN? Learn from yhe litmus test reults and wake up, pH !! Time is running out

2019-11-17 09:41


pH's betrayal that ppl cannot forgive

2019-11-17 09:59


Stupid LGE, please let TAR UC alone!!!!! There are more than 1 way to skin the cat(aka MCA).

2019-11-17 12:54


dap was too arrogant and thought it is unsinkable. Should leard from ' Titanic'

2019-11-17 12:58


Stupid lge need to go in order for dap to survive. He is not the substance to manage and lead. He is only a low class fighter cock on opposition side.

2019-11-17 13:00


TAR UC is open to all races please. So all Malaysian should be angry with this person LGE who called himself a Malaysian.

And many current DAP leaders (& ministers too) studies in TAR UC.

2019-11-17 14:32


lge, do u need Malaysians to beg for u to stay on? don't u know as days passed by...more n more hated your stupid attitudes? by all means resign if u dare...don't just threaten us like a small kids! NOT FIT 2 BE A MINISTER!!!

2019-11-17 15:27


Post removed.Why?

2019-11-17 21:47


LGE even the hawkers also go all out to race donations for TAR, the more they rally support from the non bumi, the weaker is your political position and this will put dap in a political bad light bcos of u and mahathir action loh...!!

Don be naive loh...Mahathir supported your stupid action on TAR bcos he could not careless for DAP and the non bumi, but for your party the non bumi are your core support, it is very essential mah, the way it is going u r losing popularity support and mca is benefiting from your blunders.

Don be arrogant, u r now one of the most hated, dap leaders bcos of your arrogrance, it is time u should to take action, restore TAR loh....!!

2019-11-18 07:41

bakchormee uncle

LGE brought up penang and made everyone believe in him and he thought he can be arrogant. One TAR UC issue is enough to bring him down anytime by the chinese community. His father's effort ruin under his hand. damn!

2019-11-18 14:29


if lge cannot change his thinking towards Sarawak people, DAP sarawak will suffer in this coming state election badly as there are already signs people in Sarawak not happy with his bullying style towards Sarawakians in general who voted for DAP before and thinking easy to bully. How long can You do that?

2019-11-18 15:33

Jonathan Keung

LGE should resign . His action of withholding TARC grant gather much bricks bat from Johor voters. At food Court people asked DAPwhy are u not helping TARC a private institution set up to help non malays for higher education. DAP ceramah speakers was booed

2019-11-18 16:19

Lam Fook Leong

TAR was setup because BN government knew they had given Malay students more seats than other races in the university. LGE you are not qualified to speak anything about TAR issues until now. Anyway, it is still not too late if your government is willing to give back, if not more than what the previous government gave.

2019-11-18 19:22

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