save malaysia!

Joint action by Muslim countries, sympathisers answer to Arab-Israeli conflict, says Dr M

Publish date: Sat, 15 May 2021, 09:34 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, May 14 — Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today a solution can be found for the Arab-Israeli conflict through joint action by Muslim countries and those who back the rights of the Palestinians and their struggle.

It is important for those who support the Palestinians to have a proper strategy in order to achieve that solution, he said in a live public address on his Facebook account that attracted Facebook users worldwide.

“Fighting for the sake of fighting or for the sake of taking revenge is not going to gain anything,” he said in the address “Call for Humanity and the Ummah on Palestine Issues and Condemning Israeli Cruelty.

Dr Mahathir also expressed the hope for the Arab world and the Palestinians to sit down and think of a proper strategy to stand up to Israel.

“I hope that the Muslim world will awaken to the present situation. I wish we all will suffer less against the violent activities of the Israelis against the Palestinians and against humanity,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said it is important to get diplomatic recognition and go into the realm of diplomacy in order to explain the truth of the struggle, that the victims are the Palestinians and not otherwise.

He said the world seems to think that it is the Palestinians who are provoking Israel but as was the case today while the Palestinians were praying in their mosque the Israelis took the decision to invade and attack them.

“People who are praying are not a danger to anyone,” he said. — Bernama

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If u base on holy book of Judaism, Bible & Quran the original of Jews country is very much bigger than now mah!

It consist of existing of Israel, lebanon, Syria, Jordan & some part of Egypt mah!

The jews are not even looking at this lost historical territory mah!

They are happy with 1967 Israel territory with Holy Jeruselam their capital mah!

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 12:40 PM | Report Abuse X

The key points of the conflict is:

Why Jeruselam must be palestine capital & not Israel leh ?

2021-05-16 12:46


15. My SJK(C) Keat Hwa (H) in Alor Setar had taught me to forgive but never forget.
Now I do not have any hatred in my heart. I do not forget the past, but had learned long ago to forgive all whose had wronged me and especially I had forgive my own sins, mistakes and regrets (committed during my untamed reckless year) because by forgiving, I can free myself of past baggage and start to do the RIGHT THING NOW.

16. My SJK(C) Keat Hwa (H) in Alor Setar had taught me a pen is mighty than the sword.
Now I am men of peace. I condemn any violence, anarchy and wars. If you have a very strong justified struggle then articulate your argument in letter, opinion, in world TV, in multimedia, in UN, in court of laws and in court of public opinion. Win the heart of the world to your struggle and please spare the innocent civilians from the unbearable suffering of physical war.

"World peace through non-violent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Thus we must begin anew. Non-violence is a good starting point. Those of us who believe in this method can be voices of reason, sanity, and understanding amid the voices of violence, hatred, and emotion. We can very well set a mood of peace out of which a system of peace can be built.—Martin Luther King Jr.”

2021-05-16 12:50


yes exactly, that is the core of the issue.

we can see how difficult it is for muslims in Malaysia to even give the word 'Tuhan" to non-muslims but only 'tuhan'...

there is no difference in the level of seriousness between the two scenarios above for muslims...they may even die for that

you can forget about logic and justice here...

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 12:40 PM | Report Abuse

The key points of the conflict is:

Why Jeruselam must be palestine capital & not Israel leh ?

2021-05-16 12:51


@sslee, without nuclear weapons from U.S....Japanese would not have given up and talk about peace...

i think humans only talk about justice and peace when they can stand equally tall...else the taller will always bully the shorter

i cannot see fairness and justice exhibited by any race than those vegetarians

all non veg a hypocrites when they talk on peace & justice..they abide by the majority rules thesis

2021-05-16 12:55


on second position of justice i see jews...who rules via their own skills...they have enormous contribution to the world...

i doubt china will have such level of ethics once they dominate

2021-05-16 12:58


Jews cannot dominate the world bcos has population size only 40m mah!

But they can contribute greatly to the world loh!

Posted by probability > May 16, 2021 12:58 PM | Report Abuse

on second position of justice i see jews...who rules via their own skills...they have enormous contribution to the world...

i doubt china will have such level of ethics once they dominate

2021-05-16 13:03


Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 12:46 PM | Report Abuse

If u base on holy book of Judaism, Bible & Quran the original of Jews country is very much bigger than now mah!

It consist of existing of Israel, lebanon, Syria, Jordan & some part of Egypt mah!


What a big bad bloddy load of krap, the usual kind of stuff from you

2021-05-16 13:04


Chinese and ethics are like oil and water.

They want it in whatever way, so ethics is certainly not one of the "ingredient".

2021-05-16 13:06



Advancement in information and communication technology plus social media are altering power relationships in human society by reinforcing or altering human behavior toward self, others and the world view/opinion.

On the positive side: Old institutions and hierarchies, preserved and sustained by ritual, secrecy, information asymmetry, hypocrisy, deception and force are being corroded. For example, the social media has forced leaders down from their ivory towers revealing them for what they are, warts and all.

On the negative side: Selective broadcast or blackout of news by those in power couple with fake news and inflammantory/intoxication comments by irresponsible politicians, paid cyber troopers, narrow minded bigots, willful and ignorant troublemakers in social media had caused deterioration of social coherent and harmony with dire consequences of social polarization and breakdown ending with unending massive civil disorder like what is happening in Hong Kong or in Malaysia case, racial and religious unease instead of racial and religious harmony.

The revolution of ICT& Al technology has unleashed its power and capability to do great good or great evil by controlling public opinion and thus human behavior. Thus if it is used wisely with wisdom and benevolence, it can play a critical role in preventing the initial outbreak or escalation of violence as well as promoting peaceful alternatives to war thus making physical war obsolete.

2021-05-16 13:07


Below video sum up fairly of Jews n arabs conflict loh!

Posted by DickyMe > May 16, 2021 12:46 PM | Report Abuse

he Story of Jerusalem

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:04 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 12:46 PM | Report Abuse

If u base on holy book of Judaism, Bible & Quran the original of Jews country is very much bigger than now mah!

It consist of existing of Israel, lebanon, Syria, Jordan & some part of Egypt mah!


What a big bad bloddy load of krap, the usual kind of stuff from you

2021-05-16 13:08


With the advent of social media, every layman is a news reporter.
They expose the happening but the cause(triggering point) is missing. Viewers take sides and thus chaos spread like wildfire.

2021-05-16 13:15


If you guys really really think that Palestinians should not be fighting back against Israelis, then by that same iddtdiot logic of yours China Chinese should also have not been fighting back against Mongols, Manchus & Japanese

2021-05-16 13:28


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-16 13:31


Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 12:46 PM | Report Abuse

If u base on holy book of Judaism, Bible & Quran the original of Jews country is very much bigger than now mah!

It consist of existing of Israel, lebanon, Syria, Jordan & some part of Egypt mah!


So everywhere got some Jews living then the country becomes Jew country kah

Waah like that must include all of Europe also loh

2021-05-16 13:33


Base on The area they rule b4 mah boloh...!

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:33 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 12:46 PM | Report Abuse

If u base on holy book of Judaism, Bible & Quran the original of Jews country is very much bigger than now mah!

It consist of existing of Israel, lebanon, Syria, Jordan & some part of Egypt mah!


So everywhere got some Jews living then the country becomes Jew country kah

Waah like that must include all of Europe also loh

2021-05-16 13:34


Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 1:34 PM | Report Abuse

Base on The area they rule b4 mah


So which part of Egypt & Syria did Jews ever rule before? Boloh

2021-05-16 13:36


Go & study the Torah, Bible & Quran lah!

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:36 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 1:34 PM | Report Abuse

Base on The area they rule b4 mah


So which part of Egypt & Syria did Jews ever rule before? Boloh

2021-05-16 13:38


It was the Egyptians, the Hittites & the Assyrians who held sway most of the time over the Canaan/Phoenicia region

2021-05-16 13:40


Thats why the British awarded the land they administer to isreal in 1948 mah!

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 1:38 PM | Report Abuse X

Go & study the Torah, Bible & Quran lah!

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:36 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 1:34 PM | Report Abuse

Base on The area they rule b4 mah


So which part of Egypt & Syria did Jews ever rule before? Boloh

2021-05-16 13:40


U think the British Dungu meh ?

Got basis mah!

2021-05-16 13:41


stockraider, dude, don't go around mixing up legends obtained from/through religious scripture with real history la

2021-05-16 13:42


prior to 4th century AD, arianism not trinitarianism was the dominant thought in christianity

2021-05-16 13:46


Boloh...if u rely on christianity as a guide definitely they will support jews compare to arabs lah!

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:45 PM | Report Abuse

prior to 4th century AD, arianism not trinitarianism was the dominant thought in christinanity

2021-05-16 13:47


In a way...British although impartial generally....indirectly...they like jews much more bcos easy & straightforward when come to dealing mah!

It is bcos the West, Jews got back part of its smaller version of homeland loh!

Posted by stockraider > May 16, 2021 1:47 PM | Report Abuse X

Boloh...if u rely on christianity as a guide definitely they will support jews compare to arabs lah!

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:45 PM | Report Abuse

prior to 4th century AD, arianism not trinitarianism was the dominant thought in christinanity

2021-05-16 13:51


Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:46 PM | Report Abuse X

prior to 4th century AD, arianism not trinitarianism was the dominant thought in christianity


so prior to 4th century AD Council of Nicea, trinitarianism was not the dominant form of Christianity

2021-05-16 13:54


The domination of Jews in that region is even very much earlier, during the glory reign of King David mah!

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:54 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by FortuneBlooming > May 16, 2021 1:46 PM | Report Abuse X

prior to 4th century AD, arianism not trinitarianism was the dominant thought in christianity


so prior to 4th century AD Council of Nicea, trinitarianism was not the dominant form of Christianity

2021-05-16 13:56


This gaza is like Kashmir conflict btn India and pakistan ma...

2021-05-16 13:57


What can we learn from the life of David?
David is mentioned often in the Bible, mostly in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament. His life is described in the books 1 and 2 Samuel, and David himself wrote a lot of songs that are included in the book of Psalms. Given all this information about David, what can we learn from his life and from his writings?

Historical context
David lived around the year 1000 BC (see timeline). He was born in Bethlehem, a small city in the country of Israel (about 10 km from Jerusalem). David was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. He grew up under the reign of Israel’s first king, Saul. When he was 30 years old, he himself became Israel’s second king. He reigned 7.5 years over part of the country, and then another 33 years over all of the Israelites.

David has become the archetypal king of Israel, and a picture of the ultimate King, Jesus Christ. As has already been mentioned, he wrote a lot of Psalms. These are very personal songs about his spiritual life, or songs directly addressed at God. Reading them, we get to know David as a person who longed to serve, praise and trust God.

David’s life
The first time we read about David in the Bible, he doesn’t seem to be an impressive person at all: he is the youngest son of Jesse the Bethlehemite and is keeping the sheep. When the prophet Samuel comes to Jesse’s family to sacrifice to the Lord (and secretly anoint a new king), David is not even called to join! Apparently, he doesn’t really count.

But this ordinary shepherd boy is elected by God to become the new king of Israel. That’s not an easy task, and it takes years before David will really be crowned as king. His predecessor Saul does whatever is in his might to prevent his ‘rival’ from taking over the throne. But despite all the difficulties he meets, David keeps trusting the Lord and experiences that God is with him. Amidst many trials, he turns out to be a wise and brave king.

During his reign, David is often in war with surrounding countries, and he enlarges his territory. As God comments later on: “I have been with you wherever you went and have cut off all your enemies from before you” (2 Samuel 7:9).

David was a man after God’s heart
God describes David as “a man after My own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). That does not mean that he was blameless. We only need to read 2 Samuel 11 to see that David has fallen very low: he took the wife of one of his generals, Bathsheba, because she was very beautiful.

When Bathsheba turned out to be pregnant, David called her husband Uriah home from the battle field hoping he would sleep with her. That would “solve” the problem of Bathsheba’s pregnancy.

But Uriah didn’t go home, not even when made drunk, so David sent him back to the battle field with a letter ordering his death. After Uriah’s death, David married Bathsheba. The description of this whole story ends with a clear comment: “the thing that David had done displeased the Lord” (2 Samuel 11:27).

God didn’t let David get away with this. He confronted him with his sin, and David repented. Psalm 51 gives us an intimate glimpse of his emotions:

David was the second king of Israel, and God promised him: “your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before Me. Your throne shall be established forever” (2 Samuel 7:16).

The royal line of David has indeed brought forth many kings. His descendants reigned until the people of Israel were finally sent into exile. But that was not “forever”…

2021-05-16 14:02


David embarks on successful military campaigns against the enemies of Judah and Israel and defeats such regional entities as the Philistines to secure his borders. Israel grows from kingdom to empire, its military and political sphere of influence expanding to control the weaker client states of Philistia, Moab, Edom and Ammon, with Aramaean city-states Aram-Zobah and Aram-Damascus becoming vassal states.[46] The imperial border is described as stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Arabian Desert, from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River. Some modern archaeologists believe that the area under the control of Judah and Israel, excluding the Phoenecian territories on the shore of the Mediterranean, did not exceed 34,000 square kilometres (13,000 sq mi), of which the Kingdom of Israel had about 24,000 square kilometres (9,300 sq mi).

2021-05-16 14:15


an interesting story about David. But, why Bible worth mentioning Jewish David who not even recognise Jesus Christ as christian messenger?

2021-05-16 14:48


The time of david & solomon was only a brief period when both egypt & assyria were in temporary political crisis, so both of them left israel alone during that time

2021-05-16 15:13


Still neither david nor solomon ever threatened either egypt or assyria, which was both much more powerful than israel ever was

2021-05-16 15:13


Don't try to pass off massively exaggerated legend, even if cited in any religious scripture, as real history

2021-05-16 15:14


Hittite empire based in Hattusa (now Bogaskoy in Turkey) & Egypt were the strongest powers in middle east in period 2,000 - 1,000 BC

Hittites were eventually defeated by Assyrians who then took over former Hittite provinces in the Levant

2021-05-16 15:18


Israelis n Palestinian r same stock same race same people

In fact they r brothers

Being sons of Abraham/Ibrahim

War of brothers

2021-05-16 15:34


So u r agreeable historically that Jews are lawful inhabitant of Israel, thus no arguement mah....!!

Posted by WealthSoWonderful > May 16, 2021 3:13 PM | Report Abuse

The time of david & solomon was only a brief period when both egypt & assyria were in temporary political crisis, so both of them left israel alone during that time

2021-05-16 17:00


Israel challenge all islamic nations actually who scared to war with him...EGO Zionist is very powerful, technologically advanced in military now...

2021-05-16 18:43


Just stay away from supporting war other words stay neutral is the best mah!

2021-05-16 18:46


Jewish is highly intelligent, i guess all other races no match with this small demon in war...not even russia, or China..or all Islamic nations combined....

2021-05-16 18:53


sell everything. Israel now targeting HAMAS, TURKI, IRAN, QATAR & MALAYSIA.

2021-05-16 18:56


MYOB is the best policy...

2021-05-16 19:01


DickyMe It is going to be intense and temperature may come to boiling point in this 70 days.
13/05/2021 5:29 PM


"Possible .... and war."

Israel now targeting HAMAS, TURKI, IRAN, QATAR & MALAYSIA.

2021-05-16 22:08


The war with Israel must wait until Malaysia finish building the much delayed Littoral Combat Ship.

and also need more time to prepare the submarine.

wink wink

2021-05-17 06:58


Don't worry

USA wil protect Muslims

Like Muslims in Xinjiang

"Possible .... and war."

Israel now targeting HAMAS, TURKI, IRAN, QATAR & MALAYSIA.

2021-05-17 08:20


Malaysia Boleh

2021-05-17 08:26


never start a war you can't win if you have a brain. Hamas sympathizers can go join the war.

2021-05-17 08:49


All involved parties and their supporters are deluded, biased and sinful. Lack of maturity, sensibility and good karma.

2021-05-17 08:57


maluasia tends to 'anak kera di hutan disusui, anak sendiri di rumah kebuluran' ....

....and 'pot calling the kettle black' (No mirror to self-inspection when labelling them practising apartheidism)

2021-05-17 09:00


For those who interested to read some background history.

2021-05-17 13:40


Simple mah!

If Palestine do not recognise Israel & do not let Israel keep its holy land Jeruselam, how can they have peace leh ?

Posted by BursaTornado > May 17, 2021 1:40 PM | Report Abuse

For those who interested to read some background history.

2021-05-17 14:52

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