

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019, 09:44 AM


Chean Chhoeng柬埔寨项目约4亿

ARB公司旗下子公司ARBIOT私人有限公司与CheanChhoeng泰国集团于今日签署备忘录,为后者在柬埔寨金边的混合发展项目“The City Gate”配置物联网(IoT)和资讯科技(IT),该部份总值不少于1亿美元(约4亿1700万令吉)。

据了解,“The City Gate”项目总值不少于15亿美元(约62亿令吉),沿着洞里萨河建设包括办公楼、商业综合建筑、艺术中心、文化广场、度假屋、公寓、5星酒店、展览中心及公园。

Chean Chhoeng泰国集团注册股本为800亿柬埔寨瑞尔(约8100万令吉),大股东是上海上市公司广州粤泰集团。














文章来源 : 星洲日报 2019-07-11
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2019-07-12 09:50


Yuetai shares Jiasheng Building turtle speed development 19 years Rongting House project has not yet opened
Yuetai shares(3.920, -0.10, -2.49%) Jiasheng Building "turtle speed" development for 19 years Rongting House project annual report increased sales of 300 million yuan has not yet opened
Changjiang Business Daily reporter Yang Lingling Guangzhou report
A few days ago, Yuetai Co., Ltd. (600393.SH) was highly concerned by the market for its 6.4 billion project “Broken Arm Survival”. In fact, the reporters of the Changjiang Commercial Daily found that several real estate projects of Yuetai Co., Ltd. had serious violations of regulations and even annual reports of fraud.
During the period from June 11th to 15th, the reporter of the Yangtze River Business Daily visited two projects in Guangzhou, which were sold by Yuetai, and found that the Jiasheng Building of Jiasheng Project on the Younan Second Street of Yuexiu District remained In the construction of the construction, it is amazing that the project has been developed for 19 years. The second phase of the Swan Bay project on Taigucang Road in Haizhu District has been basically completed. There is no specific opening time, and the completion time of the project is three years later than expected.
It is worth mentioning that Yuetai shares mentioned in the 2018 annual report that the annual contracted area of ​​the Rongting House project of Guangzhou Company was 4381.16 square meters, the contracted turnover was 293 million yuan, and the annual sales income was 179 million yuan.
However, the reporter from the Changjiang Commercial Daily visited the Rongting House project in Donghua West Road, Yuexiu District. The sales staff said that the project had not been opened for sale because of the dispute over the development of the company. The reporter landed on the official website of the Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Sunshine Jiayuan, and did not inquire about the pre-sale certificate information of the project.
Then, in the absence of opening sales, and no pre-sales information, how did the Rongting government project record nearly 300 million yuan in turnover?
In response to the development and sales of the above projects, the reporter of Changjiang Commercial Daily contacted the secret office of Yuetai Co., Ltd. to conduct an interview and verify the evidence. The staff asked the reporter to send a letter to the e-mail box, saying that the relevant responsible person would check and respond as soon as possible, but as of press time, Did not receive the other party's reply.

Guangzhou two sales projects are slow to develop
On June 9, Yuetai Co., Ltd. announced that it has continuously transferred 5 project equity to Shimao Real Estate for 6.397 billion yuan. Among them, two projects in Guangzhou include Jiasheng Construction Project and Swan Bay Phase II Construction Project .
The announcement shows that the Guangzhou Jiasheng construction project is to promote the name of “Jiasheng Building”. The planned building layer is 51 floors above ground and 4 floors underground. As of May 22, 2019, the project has completed the basement of the above-ground tower. Layer and 36-story structure construction.
On the morning of June 11, Changjiang Business Daily reporter went to Jiasheng Building and saw that the project had begun to take shape. Most of the facades were still cement walls, and a small number of walls were painted with blue paint. The staff said that Jia Sheng Building is still under construction, and the reporter also heard the mechanical cutting sound at the scene.
According to the disclosure of Yuetai Co., the Guangzhou Jiasheng project started in November 2000. The foundation pit excavation was completed in 2001. It was originally planned to receive the pre-sale certificate at the end of 2001 and early 2002. However, due to disputes with the partners, the construction of the project has been in existence for many years. The stagnation was resumed until December 2012, when the expected completion time was June 2015. Subsequently, the project's completion time was adjusted several times.
Recently, the reporter of Changjiang Commercial Daily saw the construction nameplate of the Jiasheng Building Commercial and Residential Building Project on the project wall. The completion date of the project was June 2018. In the 2018 annual report, Yuetai Co., Ltd. stated that the completion time of Jiasheng Building was December 2020.

2019-07-12 15:53


At the same time, the temporary reception center of Jiasheng Building is opening the door at the South Second Street of Siyou Xinma Road, about 100 meters away from the project. However, the sales staff said that there is no opening sale. At the same time, it said that according to the plan, the project will launch a large-sized apartment of 130 square meters to 214 square meters. The current price has not yet been determined, but it is expected to be 80-90,000 yuan / square meter.
It is another Guangzhou project that Yuetai Co., Ltd. plans to sell at the edge of the Pearl River Channel, about 9 kilometers away from Jiasheng Building. It is reported that the project is expected to be completed in 2015, but it will not be completed until 2018. In the announcement, Yuetai Co., Ltd. stated that the construction project of Guangzhou Swan Bay Phase II has been verified by the construction project planning conditions. The verified construction scale is 2, of which 46 floors above ground are 3 floors. At present, the project has passed the construction project planning conditions verification, construction project fire inspection and acceptance, main project acceptance, civil air defense project acceptance record, energy conservation acceptance.
Recently, the Changjiang Business Daily reporter saw in the marketing center that the Guangzhou Swan Bay Phase II construction project was named “Yuetai Swan Bay Qingtian”. The marketing center is facing the Pearl River channel, and the two residential buildings behind it stand tall and have completed the main structure.
The Changjiang Business Daily reporter entered the marketing center with buyers, and the salesperson said that it is expected to launch two large-sized products of 235 square meters and 296 square meters. However, it has not yet started to sell externally. The specific opening time and price are unclear.
Guangzhou Rongting House project nearly 300 million turnover into a mystery
Founded in 1979, Yuetai Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Donghua Industrial. In March 2001, the stock was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In May 2016, it was renamed Yuetai.
The 2018 annual report of Yuetai Co., Ltd. shows that there were 18 sales projects during the reporting period, including 2 new construction projects, 10 projects under construction and 6 completion projects. Except for the five projects in Guangzhou, the remaining domestic projects are located in the third- and fourth-tier cities.
The Changjiang Business Daily reporter noted that the projects in Guangzhou, in addition to the proposed Jiasheng project and the Swan Bay Phase II project, include the Xucheng project and the Yamingxuan project in Yuexiu District, and the billion-year project in Conghua District. Chengquan said the project.

2019-07-12 15:54


On October 26, 2018, Yuetai Co., Ltd. stated that the Guangzhou Rongqing Phase II real estate project developed by Guangzhou Xucheng, a wholly-owned subsidiary, has been capped, but has not yet obtained the pre-sale certificate for commercial housing, and has not been able to publicly sell it. Failure to raise sufficient funds to repay bank loans. As of the disclosure date, the amount of the credit loan business signed by Guangzhou Xucheng and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Xihua Road Sub-branch under the real estate loan contract was overdue, and the overdue amount was approximately 256 million yuan.
Recently, Changjiang Business Daily reporter visited the Guangzhou Rongqing Phase II real estate project and saw that the project was promoted as “Yuetai Rongting House”. Although it has been completed, according to sales personnel, it has not been sold to date. At the same time, on June 15th, the reporter landed on Sunshine Jiayuan, the website of Guangzhou City Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and did not inquire about the pre-sale certificate information of the project.
What is puzzling is that in the 2018 annual report, Yuetai shares said that the annual contracted area of ​​the Rongting government project of Guangzhou Company was 4381.16 square meters, the contracted turnover was 293 million yuan, and the annual sales income was 179 million yuan. . Nearly 300 million signing turnovers came from, and Yuetai shares were not disclosed. At the same time, the project was not seen in the detailed list of real estate sales. In response to the relevant doubts, the reporter called the letter to the Yuetai shares, as the issue of the other party did not reply.
As of December 31, 2018, Yuetai Co., Ltd. had overdue loans of 2.952 billion yuan. At the same time, as of the end of 2018, Yuetai shares short-term loans of about 3.72 billion yuan, non-current liabilities due within one year as high as 2.973 billion yuan, and by the end of 2018 its hand-held cash was only about 391 million yuan.
The packaged sale of nearly 6.4 billion assets is to ease debt tension. In fact, Yuetai has sold assets several times in recent years. In the two and a half years from 2017 to the present, its total profit through the sale of project equity has exceeded 2 billion yuan.

2019-07-12 15:54


In 2013, Yang Shuping will Be Guangdong-yuetai Group, Chengqi Group's Guangzhou Swan Bay Project II, Guangzhou Yaming Xuan Project Phase I, Chengqi Building and other packaging into the listed company platform, in an attempt to recreate the city's previous style. At that time, Yang Shuping made a performance commitment, that is, 2015-2017 net net profit is not less than 1.25 billion yuan. Data show that from 2015 to 2017, the net profit of Guangdong-yuetai was 0.33 billion, 140 million and 1.175 billion, respectively, resulting in a total non-net profit of 1.35 billion yuan. During this period, guangdong- yuetai withholding non-net profit increased year by year, with growth rates of 88%, 350% and 741%, respectively. The rapid growth rate just completed the performance commitment, sparking regulatory inquiries. Inquiries at the time showed that Guangdong- yuetai through the overall sale or acquisition of more mature real estate projects, the realization of the profits of listed companies accounted for nearly 80% of the net profit. Among them, Guangdong- yuetai in 2016 through the acquisition of Yang Shuping's Cambodian projects, the net profit after the deduction of about 102 million yuan, accounting for 70% of the current year's net profit. Guangdong- yuetai in 2017 to transfer 90% of Huainan Real Estate and its holding of Huainan Central Campus project, the net profit after the deduction of about 668 million yuan, accounting for 57% of the year's net profit. In 2018, Guangdong-yuetai had planned to acquire 100% of Jiangmen Bihai Yinhu, and after the failure to buy 60% of the bid for 2.3 billion cash. It is worth mentioning that the project was transferred from Li Ka-shing in 2017 at a cost of 1.8 billion yuan. However, the acquisition was eventually terminated because the listed company had no money. The main business is weak, only play capital, Guangdong-yuetai in the liquidity of 2018 quickly suffered. According to the 2018 annual report, Guangdong-yuetai' revenue was 3.276 billion yuan, down 41% YoY, net profit was 290 million, down 75% YoY, and net profit was 0.02 billion, down 99% YoY. Not long ago, Yang Shuping also received a warning letter from the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Commission. The reason is that it promised to increase its holdings of listed companies by no more than 1 billion shares in the nine months from June 21, 2018, but in the end it was not realized, becoming a gimmick-style increase. Under the crisis, can Yang Shuping come back again?

2019-07-12 15:54


What's going on?
Just 6.4 billion sold five projects, Guangzhou this housing enterprise's equity has been frozen
Southern Metropolis 02 - 07
The badness of the four debt restructurings led to the suspension of the shares of Guangdong-yuetai Holdings and its concerted action persons.
On July 2, the latest announcement issued by Guangzhou Guangdong-yuetai Group Co., Ltd. revealed that, so far, Guangdong-yuetaiHoldings and its concerted actions have frozen 1,627,052,318 shares, accounting for 100% of the total number of shares held by the Company and 64.15% of the company's issued share capital. Not long ago, the Guangdong- yuetai Group partnered with Shimao Group by transferring different shares of its five real estate projects, which will result in a liquidity of 6.4 billion yuan.
Therefore, the company said in the announcement, Guangdong-yuetai Holdings and its concerted actions are actively negotiating with creditors to reach repayment plans and plans, from the relevant information provided by Guangdong- yuetai Holding, the waiting for a freeze in the short term will not lead to changes in the control of the company.
Guangdong-yuetai Group is one of the earliest listed real estate enterprises in Guangzhou.
Why is equity frozen on waiting? Guangdong-yuetai was exposed to the debt crisis in November last year. Subsequently, in December 2018, Guangdong- yuetai and The Guangdong Branch of Great Wall Asset Management Co., Ltd. ("Great Wall Asset" ) signed the Financial Integrated Services Agreement, which will provide the company with a comprehensive financial package using its integrated financial services advantages.
Even two of the three newly added directors are linked to China's Great Wall Asset Management Co. According to the latest announcement released today, Great Wall Asset Acquisition Dongxing Securities Co., Ltd. has restructured four claims (totaling 116,945.89 million yuan) on four claims (total amountof of 116,945.89 million yuan) in Guangzhou Haocheng, Guangzhou Xinyi, Guangzhou Jianhao and Tibet Brown Maple.
Yang Shuping, Guangdong- yuetai Holdings, Guangzhou City Qi and other affiliated companies to guarantee the restructuring of the debt.
In November last year, 11 accounts were frozen across the group due to a loan dispute
However, because the pledged stock of the restructuring debt is lower than the agreed warning line for not replenishing the margin or supplementing the pledged stock, and the interest paid overdue, Great Wall Assets applies to the Guangzhou Notary Office for the issuance of an execution certificate and applies to the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court for enforcement in accordance with the execution certificate.
The Shanghai branch of China Securities Registration and Settlement Co., Ltd. shall, in accordance with the executive order No. 3124 of the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court and the notice of assistance in the implementation of the notice, impose a judicial waiting freeze on the shares held by Guangdong-Thai Holdings, ChengQi Group, Guangzhou Haocheng, Guangzhou Jianhao, Tibet Brown Maple and Guangzhou Xinyi.
Equity waiting freeze affects geometry?
The announcement shows that whether the Group, Guangdong-yuetai Holdings or concerted action persons, in assets, business, financial and other aspects of the independent, from the current situation, Guangdong-yuetai Holdings and its concerted action persons holding the company's shares have been frozen by the judicial waiting for the situation has not yet had a significant impact on the company's day-to-day operations and production. In addition, 1,547,052,318 shares of the shares of the Guangdong- yuetaiHoldings and their concerted actions were not currently listed for sale.
In view of the agreement signed in June 2019 with Shimao Group Affiliated Company on the transfer and co-development of the equity transfer and cooperation of its Jiangmen Yinhu Bay project, Guangdong- yuetai Holdings and its concerted actions are actively negotiating with creditors to reach repayment plans and proposals. Earlier, the Guangdong-yuetai Group held a press conference in Guangzhou, Guangdong-yuetai Group Chairman Yang Shuping has publicly said that with Shimao cooperation, Guangdong-yuetai Group will receive 6.4 billion yuan of liquidity. "Not only will the liquidity risk of the Guangdong-yuetai Group be fully addressed, but it will also provide a strong financial guarantee for the continued development of other projects of the Guangdong- yuetai Group and the future transformation of the Group.

2019-07-12 15:54


Guangdong-yuetai Holding: the company's liquidity risk has not been fully mitigated
Viewpoint Real Estate News: On the evening of June 23, Guangzhou Guangdong-yuetai Group Co., Ltd. issued a statement on media reports and risk tips, saying that the company's chairman had previously said in public that the estimated investment of 2 billion yuan for Baorui International Medical Center was only a preliminary estimate, and that the company's current liquidity risk has not been fully mitigated. On the afternoon of June 21, Mr. Yang Shuping, Chairman of Guangdong- yuetai Holding, said at a press conference: "In 2016, the first water test by the Guangdong- yuetai Group, approved by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Reform Commission, joined forces with the Guangdong Second People's Hospital to set up the first International Medical Center in Guangdong, Baorui International Medical Center, the center was built in three phases. The total investment is expected to exceed 2 billion yuan. "
Viewpoint real estate new media access to understand, Guangdong-yuetai suggest that the above-mentioned estimated total investment of 2 billion yuan is currently only the company's initial investment estimate of the project, the company's project expected the overall investment cycle of the project is about 4-5 years. So far, the company has completed a total investment of 330 million yuan in Baorui International Medical Center.
As Baorui International Medical Center is a cooperative project between the company and the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province, in addition to the above-mentioned completed investment, the company has not reached any investment agreement with the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province and the parties concerned on the follow-up investment matters of Baorui International Medical Center.
At the same time, whether the company can follow up with the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province and the relevant parties to reach an investment agreement is still a major uncertainty.
The announcement also revealed that due to the deterioration of the market financing environment, the company is facing liquidity difficulties, the company and individual companies under the holding company's bank accounts were frozen, some of the company's project assets were seized. As of the date of disclosure of this report, the company's liquidity risk has not been fully mitigated, the company still has some bank accounts and assets in the seizure of frozen. The board of directors of the company solemnly reminds the vast number of investors to invest rationally and pay attention to risks.

2019-07-12 15:55


Former Guangdong old housing enterprises trapped in the situation Yang Shuping's capital play is not working
Damo Finance 07-03
Guangdong-yuetai group Debt Crisis Old housing enterprises Guangdong yuetai group (600393. SH) the debt crisis is spreading further, the former famous Guangdong real estate billionaire Yang Shuping can get through the difficulties? Guangdong-yuetai group announced on July 1st that the controlling shareholders, Guangdong-yuetai Holdings and the concerted action of Chengqi Group, Guangzhou Haocheng, Guangzhou Jianhao, Guangzhou Xinyi, Tibet Brown Maple, all holdings have been frozen, the number of frozen shares accounted for 64.15% of the total share capital of listed companies. The application for execution is the Guangzhou branch of Great Wall Assets, the reason for the freezing is: Great Wall Assets to the acquisition of Guangzhou Haocheng, Guangzhou Xinyi, Guangzhou Jianhao, Tibet Brown Maple four total principal of 1.17 billion claims to restructure, Yang Shuping and Guangdong yuetai Holdings, Guangzhou City Qi and other affiliated companies to restructure the debt. Great Wall Asset applied to the Guangzhou Intermediate Court for enforcement due to the explosion of the pledged stock and the overdue payment of interest. Great Wall assets were meant to solve the danger of Yang Shuping. From the second half of 2018, Guangdong- yuetai group were in a liquidity crisis - at the end of 2018, Guangdong- yuetai group had interest-bearing liabilities of 5.4 billion, cash on hand of less than 400 million, and overdue interest of nearly 3.2 billion yuan - resulting in the freezing of some of the bank accounts of listed companies, the seizure of some assets, and the freezing of the shares of controlling shareholders and concerted action persons. In order to resolve the debt risk, Guangdong-yuetai group hired Great Wall assets for asset restructuring, debt restructuring. In the end, Great Wall assets needed to enforce Yang Shuping's stake to pay off the debt. Yang Shuping is not without self-help.
On June 9, Guangdong-yuetai group packaged and sold their high-quality projects, including Guangzhou Jiasheng Project, Guangzhou Swan Bay Phase II Project, Huainan Hengsheng Swan Bay 80%, Huainan Guangdong-yuetai Swan Bay 20% and Shenzhen Zhonghaofeng 20%, sold to Shimao Real Estate for a total consideration of 6.397 billion yuan. The Swan Bay series has always been a star product line for Guangdong yuetai . In April this year, the Northern Trust had planned to transfer $4.8 billion to The Second Phase of Guangzhou Swan Bay, Hengsheng Swan Bay, Guangdong-Thai Swan Bay and two other projects, mainly through debt restructuring and new development funds.
Didn't expect only a month, Guangdong-yuetai on the change of gossip, mortgage financing for the "back blood" faster "selling son to survive". However, the sale of these assets is fraught with uncertainty. Among them, Anhui Jianglong holds 10% of Hengsheng Swan Bay, Guangdong-yuetai Swan Bay 10% stake, but Guangdong-yuetai has not yet obtained the anhui Jianglong give up the declaration of preferential transfer rights;
The subject matter of the above transactions involves the seizure of litigation matters.
Yang Shuping's Dilemma Yang Shuping was a popular figure in Guangdong's real estate industry. In the 1990s, Yang Shuping, in his 30s, resigned from the Guangzhou railway system, went to sea to engage in real estate, the establishment of the Guangdong- yuetai Group, Chengqi Group. At that time, Yang Shuping's real estate project mainly small household type, soon came to the fore, after 2000, Yang Shuping built the Danang Nanwan project to become a star property in Guangzhou, Guangdong-yuetai Group also became with Fuli Real Estate, Hesheng, such as one of the top ten housing enterprises in Guangzhou. Yang Shuping's city-initiated system also once in the capital market, has staked in Guangbai shares, Guangzhou Securities, the acquisition of the old listed housing enterprises Donghua Industrial. In 2004, Yang Shuping-controlled Guangdong-yuetai Group was listed on the stock set by Donghua Industrial (now Guangdong- yuetai group). However, Yang Shuping was fined 700 million yuan in 2005 for fraud, and several of his projects were seized. Yang Shuping and the city of Qi system, Guangdong-yuetai group have been hit hard, and has since become low-key. After years of silence, Yang Shuping once returned with the Swan Bay project.

2019-07-12 15:55


Same fate like vivocom..

2019-07-13 09:55


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2019-07-13 22:03


Guangzhou Yuetai Group's 64.15% Stake Held By Shareholders Frozen By Court
Reuters July 1, 2019

2019-07-13 22:04

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