Najib: Victor or Dead Man Walking? Koon Yew Yin (Can comment here) Calvin

Publish date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016, 07:44 PM
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Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Author: Koon Yew Yin   |   Latest post: Sun, 17 Jul 2016, 06:37 PM


Najib: Victor or Dead Man Walking? Koon Yew Yin

Author: Koon Yew Yin   |   Publish date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016, 06:37 PM 

So far if we go by the mainstream and official media reports, it appears as if Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Razak is the big victor in the 1MDB and personal donation double scandals.

But is this such a certainty? Have the UMNO rebels and the UMNO revolt been crushed? Has Najib been cleared of his alleged political sins and crime just because the Attorney General has declared that there will be no charges against the PM and that the RM2.6 billion political donation and RM42 million from SRC International transferred into Najib's personal bank accounts cases are closed? Has his nemesis, Dr. Mahathir, met his Waterloo? Will Najib be leading the UMNO and the Barisan to another five more years of rule after the next election?

These views of a Najib victory and the defeat of Pakatan and the UMNO dissidents led by Dr. Mahathir and Tan Sri Muhyiddin have been strengthened by the recent Sarawak election results and the success of BN in the two recent by elections. The disarray within Pakatan Harapan and failure of the Citizen's Declaration to ignite a grassroots fire targeting the Prime Minister have also led to much crowing from the pro-Najib camp.

UMNO's dedak eaters and prepaid bloggers, including a prominent ex-opposition born-again UMNO supporter and racial chauvinist writing all the way from Manchester, have been more than boastful. They have been writing night and day about how Najib has triumphed; they have praised him sky high for his political skills and acumen; they have screaming headlines in their blog sites such as "It wasn't bullshit. Najib has been telling us the truth all along".

There are two main reasons why I disagree with their assessment.

I believe (and there are many analysts out there who feel exactly the same way except that unlike me, they are afraid, unwilling or unable to publish their opinions openly!) Najib is living on borrowed time. Together with his wife Rosmah, as well as the alleged masterminds and those benefiting from the 1MDB fiasco, we can be sure that they still cannot sleep well at night; and are also probably having nightmares of going to jail.

Investigations continuing in Singapore, Switzerland and US

The first reason is that although the investigations on 1MDB and the donation have come to a standstill in Malaysia, they are continuing in Singapore, Switzerland and the US. These investigations cannot be aborted the way they have been in Malaysia. Everyone connected to the internet now knows that Gani Patail, the then AG who arrived at his office to finalise the corruption charges against the Prime Minister, resulting from the investigations of the multi-agency task force into 1MDB was unceremoniously sacked.

According to an informant to the Sarawak Report:.

He was finalising it. He went to his office and found he could not go in. Ali Bin Hamsa, the Chief Secretary to the Government, was waiting and he told him [the Attorney General, Abdul Gani Patail] that he was dismissed. He could not even get his papers.”

Further, SR noted that "Within hours of this secret drama at the heart of government, as all Malaysia knows, the Prime Minister had moved to effect what has been described as an attempted coup d’etat.

The head of Special Branch was removed, the Deputy Prime Minister was dumped and four members of the investigating Parliamentary Accounts Committee were elevated without choice to positions in Cabinet and its work was declared suspended. Other known cabinet critics of the the 1MDB scandal have also been unceremoniously dismissed by the Prime Minister."

Najib may have got rid of his cabinet and UMNO critics but the celebration by his cronies and supporters is premature.

As the saying goes, "The Empire has struck back". This is the second reason why, apart from the ongoing foreign investigations and new foreign bombs likely to explode when least expected, Najib may be a dead man walking as a result of the latest local bomb.

The Empire Strikes Back

The Malaysian bomb is a result of his UMNO critics under Dr. Mahathir's leadership setting up a new party.

To me the most important political development in the last few months are the events leading to the statement by sacked Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin calling attention to the emergence of a new party and a proposed truce among opposition parties so that they can work together to prepare for the next general election.

In his statement he said: "I agree with Mahathir's suggestion to set up a new political party that will cooperate with all quarters including Pakatan Harapan, PAS and civil society, to continue the struggle to save Malaysia, while taking necessary steps to enact institutional reforms."

Muhyiddin appears to be now echoing the call by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man and PKR deputy president Azmin Mohamed Ali, for Harapan and PAS as well as others, to come back to the negotiation table to form an opposition front for the coming polls.

According to him, "This pact is extremely important to give the people confidence that other parties besides BN can lead Malaysia better and take care of the people's needs."

The proposed grand coalition may appear to be the chance for the opposition to get rid of Prime Minister Najib.

But to me it is important to point out that it is our last hope for institutional reform and the last chance for us to achieve our goal of a developed nation which under BN rule has become an impossible dream.


Calvin comments,

The Media in Malaysia is Govt controlled. As such the opposition has little avenue to air their views. In i3 Investors' forum due to uncalled for and cutting remarks, Uncle KYY has also not given space for comments. So I have reposted his message here.

All may give your views here. But please be cordial and refrain from vulgarities.

The powers that be are ordained by God. Therefore, we should pray for all that are in authority that our country may enjoy peace and prosperity.







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Apollo Ang

he talk bad about the govt only but still support bursa

2016-07-17 21:29


wait a min....aren't all of us are also... 'dead man walking'?
sooner or later we also dead ma..

its just that..some has the art of acting like god while they are still to admit I am amazed by this.

2016-07-17 22:04


You are pretty much right tebalmukakyy, though he is not a dead man walking. Only tebal muka to appear here.

2016-07-18 00:25


He don't dare to talk about stocks already. So now divert attention to talk about politics. Since he mentioned before that China is better, he should just invest in China stock market. Forget about Bursa.

2016-07-18 00:35


Malaysia is compromised. He is basically a lame duck PM because he owes too many favors to too many people to keep him in power and out of prison. He owes Apandi big time for stopping criminal charges, he owes Datuk Muhamad Ibrahim for stopping investigation into 1mdb, he owes Adenan for keeping him in power, he owes Fat Boy for keeping quiet over 1mdb, he owes the Arabs favor for admitting they donate the money, he owes Fat Momma for ignoring his Port Dickson tryst. Practically every strand of hair on his balls is being held by someone who will demand some sort of monetary compensation in the future. You can bet that the next scandal will be even bigger than this mothers of all mothers of all mothers scandal.

2016-07-18 07:58


Well said Soojinhou. Everybody (inside his team) likes him very much..walking ATM

2016-07-18 08:27


better fast fast sell Ah Koon counters.....

2016-07-18 09:02


he only pandai talk...pandai cheat...

2016-07-18 09:39

Jonathan Keung

i beg to differ from YYK assessment on BN ( Ah JibGor ) . Ah Jib Gor has backing from the armed forces and PDRM. the key securities ( Home and defense ) is all with him.

setting aside the PSD employed the most number of ( > 2 Million ) public servants (which in my view )mostly are contented with the way BN is running the country.

rural areas ( Sabah, Sarawak, DFelda, Felra, Risda ) are all playing the part as loyal servants. Judiciary and administrative (for a start ) are totally submissive to the PMO. How can they (Opposition ) rally and brought about any changes.

Last but not the least. the state of opposition parties are all in tatters (fighting one and another ) we are not talking between PAS Vs PAN or PKR ( Rafizi against Azmin). DAP equally has its internal bickering. Dr M parties basically consist of ExUMNO people. people are more worried about the economy and putting food on the table. This is my personal take ondead man walking article

2016-07-18 09:52

Apollo Ang

you are right jonathan. the army and the police force are with ah jib gor. even if opposition win there will be a coup. so anyhow opposition cannot win and march to putrajaya.the best is no need and go to vote cos opposition is a sure lose opponent

2016-07-18 11:31


Hi guys,

From these 10 posts I deduct that Opposition will be having a tough time. Pm Najib has little favourable comments either. Same goes for Uncle Kky. His credibilty has dwindled.

Tell you what? There is hope. What hope?
So easy.
Just migrate to Booming Iskandar.
His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor is quite fair to all races.
Johor boleh!
Iskandar boleh!

Hip hip hooray!!

2016-07-18 12:12

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