
gark | Joined since 2012-07-25

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2013-01-15 13:39 | Report Abuse

Why seek advice when you have already bought?

Why did you make the decision to buy in the first place? Good company, solid balance sheet, good profits, cash rich?

Or just plain greed? :P


2013-01-14 17:24 | Report Abuse

Sell something with negative premium and buy some thing with huge premium...? Apa logic ini :P


2013-01-14 17:22 | Report Abuse

WB perform better than mother share for the past week... :0

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-01-14 17:12 | Report Abuse

If anyone dare... buy Utusan Malaysia Bhd. If BN win stock rocket, if lose down the drain. :P


2013-01-14 12:08 | Report Abuse

Up slowly slowly.. cruising under the radar. :)

News & Blogs

2013-01-12 17:17 | Report Abuse

If too much fruit on the trees, then how to keep the price steady? Ask them to throw away the fruit ah? :P

If too much supply, sure someone is gonna sell cheap. You can only maintain price if you restrict supply. Or you buy up all the excess supply.

Many many fruit coming out oh... at least 50-100K ha of plantation maturing each year...

Malaysia tried to corner the tin market in 80's end up horrible losses and lost position.

News & Blogs

2013-01-12 16:00 | Report Abuse

You cannot keep palm oil stocks long time like crude oil. Palm oil is an edible oil and will degrade/oxidize if kept too long becoming rancid and unsuitable for human consumption. Like food, palm oil has expiry date, crude oil does not.

If the stock builds up too much, most planters will opt to sell cheap rather than losing all their stocks due to quality degradation.

Also you cannot keep the fruits on the tree unharvested until you have good price, otherwise the fruits will be rotten as well. For oil, you just have to switch off the pump....


2013-01-12 15:52 | Report Abuse

Also G&D cannot simply print new money like US trasury. There are two ways for G&D to print money. Otherwise it will be hyperinflation.

1. Print new money 1 for 1 for every old note destroyed.
2. Print new money 1 for 1 as BNM's CONTROLLED M1 money supply. The M1 money supply is controlled so it does not induce inflation, as the Malaysian GDP grows, new currency circulation is introduced from reserves.


2013-01-12 15:38 | Report Abuse

Correction innang,

Fimacors 20% subsidiary G&D is the one doing money printing. And they do not have full monopoly, as the currency printing is distributed to many parties. However G&D does not only print RM notes in fact they print for majority of the world's currency. Effectively Kfima has 12.1% stake. oins are minted by BNM themselves.


2013-01-11 15:05 | Report Abuse

Baru 4 sen only.. lor :P


2013-01-10 20:15 | Report Abuse

Well just return 20% to shareholders, need some time resume uptrend. Not all undervalue shares will go up, some need years also don't move. But once they do, they will rise to the sky.


2013-01-10 19:37 | Report Abuse

Doing ok what? dividend makan already, price already rise higher...already got 20% gross gains. Now to let it ride only...


2013-01-10 17:46 | Report Abuse

Cat... if you want to leverage up, why buy call warrant.. albeit one with high leverage and near to expiry, the value is severely underwater as well.

Instead you can buy WB which has until 2018 to expire, 4x leverage and trading at merely 0%-1% premium...

yeah YTL Power PE has been consistently reduced from PE 15 until now it is below 10 already.. all due to to the reduction of dividend. The value is there yet not much people are confident in it.


2013-01-10 17:13 | Report Abuse

Pity the cat.. don't play call warrants lar.. all sucking blood one.. :P


2013-01-10 10:35 | Report Abuse

Oh by the way I term those hard sellers as screaming "BUY BUY BUY before it's too late" or "TP XXX!!!!!" or "Major Announcement!".

All not backed up by any facts...


2013-01-10 10:29 | Report Abuse


TDM and Kfima, both shares the same characteristics. Low PE, Low BV good DY and high cash/share in the coffers. However TDM has higher institutional exposure.

But both suffer from trading liquidity and those looking for fast gain will be disappointed.


2013-01-10 09:42 | Report Abuse

There is no hard selling, merely listing down the facts. If you don't like the stock, no one is forcing you to buy :P


2013-01-09 17:05 | Report Abuse

Cat.. exercise Esos not necessary must sell one....just like you exercise warrants can also opt to keep the shares ones. :P

I donlt like hammer, sword, candle, etc but your way of explanation is not necessary right :P


2013-01-09 17:00 | Report Abuse

TDM Dividend is guaranteed minimum 30% of EPS.

So far EPS
1Q = 7,47
2Q = 3.88
3Q = 16.22
4Q = Expect 17

Total = 44.57 eps x 0.30 = minimum 13.47 cent
From the past TDM has paid out between 32%-35% so 14-15 cent TE should be near there.


2013-01-09 16:16 | Report Abuse

"Accidental" long term investment maybe? :P


2013-01-09 11:09 | Report Abuse

Join the TDM boat.. PE 7x, BV 0.7X, DY 4-5%, Net cash RM1/share, dividend policy of 30% is too good to pass up. Divided will be declared by 04/13 expected 15 cents TE.

Further more their 40K ha plantation (~10k planted, 3K ready to harvest) in Indonesia should be ready to harvest in 2013. Two more new hospitals will double the number of beds by 2Q 2013. Lowest PE healthcare/plantation shock in MY.


2013-01-09 00:56 | Report Abuse

Eerr A singh.. actually already got fart gas already commercialized. They use cow fart to generate biogas, mostly in USA/europe. Cow fart is like 40%-60% methane, google it!

"In Fresno, California, a system to harvest methane by-product from dairy cattle and convert it to usable bio-gas is being used, in a partnership with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and BioEnergy Solutions, in which BioEnergy Solutions sells the methane harvested from cows to PG&E, who then converts the methane to usable bio-gas, which is very similar to natural gas"


2013-01-08 13:34 | Report Abuse

2% dividend also want to shout ah? High dividend? Some saving accounts also pay more than that...


2013-01-08 13:30 | Report Abuse

RC already run away looooooooooooong loooooooooooong time ago leh...


2013-01-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

"About one out of four Tenaga Nasional Berhad's (TNB) customers in peninsular Malaysia will have to pay a levy of 1% out of their total electricity bills starting Dec 1.

This follows the launch of the Government's Feed-in Tariff (FiT) system for the development of renewable energy next month.

Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin said electricity consumers, would contribute 1% of their total electricity bills to the Renewable Energy fund if they used more than 300kWh of electricity per month. The move will affect domestic users who run up bills of more than RM77."

Your TNB bill more than RM 77? Good then you are paying to cypark's earnings unknowingly....Thank you for your contribution:D


2013-01-03 20:55 | Report Abuse

Solar power no need to worry about competition from other solar plants, NG or coal power plants....

The price is guaranteed for 21 years concession under SEDA, also all generated power have to be 100% bought by TNB under Renewable Energy Act. SO what is that to fear about competition?

You think how TNB can afford to buy those solar power at inflated price? You are paying the bill as TNB charge YOU 1% of your electricity bill to pay for renewable power. All these under renewable energy act. :D


2013-01-03 20:52 | Report Abuse

Lol.. I am not in the energy business, just very familiar with it over the course of my work, especially on coal and NG business. Did you know a peak production lifetime of a NG well is only about 5-6 years? Every 5 years they have to go find a new source...

My only arguement for cypark is that the earnings is guaranteed under SEDA. TNB have to buy the solar power generated no matter if it needs it or not, and at price set by SEAD which si 'lucrative'. also for solar once you built it, you can continuously milk it for cash. No matter if the oil goes up to USD 300/barrel, the sun's energy is 'almost' free. I think that is what WB is betting on.

Unless of course the sun goes supernova, and take the earth away with it.. then it doesn't matter anymore. :P


2013-01-03 20:17 | Report Abuse

Hahaha 5 years is a bit too short right? There are many companies which has been growing since 20-30 years ago, and so far the growth has not stopped yet? Like PBB, Nestle, GAB etc etc...


2013-01-03 20:10 | Report Abuse

Warren Bufett has bought it's 3rd solar energy generating plant in these 1+ years. :D

"MidAmerican Energy Holdings, a subsidiary of Mr Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway investment company, has struck a deal with SunPower to acquire and build two projects in California’s Antelope Valley.

The deal, which will see MidAmerican pay between $2bn to $2.5bn, marks the third time in little over a year that Mr Buffett has ploughed cash into solar energy."


2013-01-03 20:07 | Report Abuse

I think not holding stock for long term is a bit misleading. As long as it performs we will hold it, and if the growth is peaking and slowing down with not so rosy future then perhaps we will divest. No stock will grow their earnings forever.

The trick is estimating the growth part.. and it is not easy to get it right. :P


2013-01-03 19:51 | Report Abuse

As one of the famous investor once said.."My holding period is ... forever".

As long as the company is doing well, with reasonable valuation, increasing dividends why sell? ;)

All these TP are nonsense, it all depends on the fundamental.. how about all those people who gave TP when XXX shares is selling at X amount and now the stock is trading at multiples of the previous TP. TP is a moving target...


2013-01-02 16:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha I thought you hated cypark.. why you buy leh? :P

Got enough of cypark already.


2013-01-02 15:30 | Report Abuse

Davesingh.. no ahh.. in the money already :P


2012-12-27 17:09 | Report Abuse

Wait and see lor tomorrow for the results :P


2012-12-27 11:21 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow after trading hours, the Quarter results will be out...


2012-12-26 14:09 | Report Abuse

Quarter results end of this week.. insiders buying now?


2012-12-21 10:44 | Report Abuse

Haha Singh, spam all you want, makes no difference. :P


2012-12-19 17:58 | Report Abuse

Yeah Cypark has potential to add income from the solar plants which is expected to double the revenue/profits by next year.

But the reason to purchase the company is not the solar business but the DOUBLING OF PROFITS in 2013.

Can you see the difference, the cause and effect? :P


2012-12-19 16:35 | Report Abuse

Davesingh, we don't care whether if it is exotic/solar/concession/rubbish company, as long as it makes great profit, I don't see it going to PN17 anytime soon. We stick to fundamentals not emotion:P

“I don’t care if it’s a white cat or a black cat. It’s a good cat as long as it catches mice.”


2012-12-19 16:29 | Report Abuse

Quarter report coming soon...


2012-12-14 13:39 | Report Abuse


I think investors are awaiting the selldown of WCT shares and WCT-WD when it is listed near end of the month. If after listing and there are no selldown, I suspect WB will gradually recover.


2012-12-12 18:06 | Report Abuse

Pathew, that is classic leveraged arbitrage play. :)


2012-12-12 18:05 | Report Abuse

Usually for warrants, during mother price fall, it will not fall as much, but during mother price rise, it will stake some time to catch up. For warrant players will notice this trend.

WCT-WB price rise is so sudden that a lot of people are cautious on the sustainability, if the price moderate and stabilize, I believe the price gap will close soon.


2012-12-12 18:01 | Report Abuse

WCT 4Q is suppose to be good according to report as they will revalue the paradigm mall (new mall so not yet revalue (land, building etc)) and book the gains. The price gap of 15 cents is strange as if the market is predicting the share to fall by 15 cents anytime soon. Well for value investors the 15 cents gap presents a good arbitrage opportunity, sell WCT and buy WCT-WB.


2012-12-12 17:52 | Report Abuse

NZ, Subur Rahmat (own by bashir family) has been buying constantly for the past 4-5 years, usually when the stock is beaten down and is of a good value. When Subur Rahmat buys, I follow as the insider have a good sense of value.

However I do not believe the buying signify any sort of corporate action as they has been buying all this while...the last time subur rahmat bought a lot of Kfima is during Nov 2011, when the KLCI went down to 13XX points.


2012-12-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

Go away both of you gumbo and diablo go settle outside like men.. stick to fundamentals in this thread.


2012-12-11 12:49 | Report Abuse

planning to convert.. so it will come to me soon....


2012-12-11 11:12 | Report Abuse

Bought more at 0.40.. still got 15 cents margin :)


2012-12-11 09:54 | Report Abuse

Traders who have no capital to convert will sell off for a wee bit of profit. Those with holding power and have the capital to convert will earn maximum amount. :P