
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2015-02-20 13:47 | Report Abuse

Why can't Malaysian share joy and happiness with fellow Malaysian, instead of stabbing each other from the back?? See lah how global citizen present himself during a season greetings like CNY to fosther friendship for the world.


News & Blogs

2015-02-20 10:49 | Report Abuse

Another way to present Boycott The Chinese Business ???

#####The trouble is the DAP Red Bean Army cyber-troopers are Chinese and being Chinese they only think in terms of money. Everything to the Chinese is about money. Hence they constantly talk about money and accuse you of doing this, that and the other for money. It is the nature of the money-minded Chinese.

I have no time for these foul-mouthed Chinese. Just to teach these Chinese a lesson I would be very happy to see Barisan Nasional and Umno in power forever. The Chinese cannot stand Barisan Nasional and Umno. Hence the best payback to these Chinese is to deny Pakatan Rakyat the government. ######

I used to love RAJA PETRA KAMARUDIN's comment/inside stories, but after reading what he wrote above, I strengthen further my believe all crows are black. RAJA PETRA KAMARUDIN??? Forget about him!! He is no better than any politician who are in power. Politician who has no power looks clean and good, come with power will corrupt their minds.

News & Blogs

2015-02-15 12:10 | Report Abuse

Iskandar vs Singapore.
Right now Iskandar to Singapore is just like Shengzhen to Hongkong in 1990's.
20 years later (in 2035), Iskandar will be present day Shengzhen vs present day Hongkong, regardless whether you like it or not. It is just a natural phenomenon for business to strive.

News & Blogs

2015-02-15 12:00 | Report Abuse

EPF is more to secure for bare minimum for retirement.
CPF is more to help its member to own a house. In Singapore, you will have more to spend when you buy a flat. Why, using CPF money ma. Otherwise you have to pay rent through your nose. So at the end of the day, CPF members are asset rich, cash poor.

News & Blogs

2015-02-15 11:49 | Report Abuse

EPF vs withdrawal for early settlement of housing loan. I personally do not favor this idea. Why?
1. EPF is meant for minimum 'social security' for your golden years. Many found they have not contributed enough to become dependable on EPF money. What more if you have make premature withdrawal? You will then have less when you really need it the most when you are old.
2. If you keep on paying your mortgage without thinking of settlement with EPF money, you have to strive harder and for self-improvement so as to get better income. And you will also more likely to live within your means. Are you discipline enough not to spend the 'extra' money in your bank?
3. How good is your investment skill? Can generate 8% consistently over next 20 years before you retire? If not, why to trouble yourself. Better concentrate on your work.
4. To convert your EPF into PRS? Never ever have that type of impression PRS can perform better than EPF. Just check how many PRS approved funds were delisted by the commission. Check with Hongkong PRS scheme how many are successful. Don't risk your hard earn money. Don't risk your future living when old.

News & Blogs

2015-02-15 11:31 | Report Abuse

Please make SWOT analysis on EPF vs PRS, you will find PRS is totally unreliable. Never trust big name like Public Mutual or Manulife for your retirement planning. In EPF you should trust.
Withdrawal from EPF is now so easy, you can make withdrawal every month as you like. You can also make 'contribution' every month to enjoy high 'interest rate' so declared. Just make a visit to EPF office and you will be surprised to see the efficiency and the friendly environment that Public Mutual and Manulife can't offer.

News & Blogs

2015-02-11 11:04 | Report Abuse

Feb 10, 2015 03:25 PM | Report Abuse

BDB (72sen) start to move from now on. Buy now and you will never regret.
Those who bought rights issue will be in much better position 'cos original shareholder who subscribe will be at least cost of 90 sen. Unlikely they are going to sell at current price.
Those who bought BDB-OR at 12 sen and below are having profit now. But how many shares were at the cost of 72 sen?

News & Blogs

2015-02-11 11:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Feb 10, 2015 03:37 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by ks55 > Dec 23, 2014 11:43 AM | Report Abuse

Buy Lonbis based on the following:-
1. Bonus warrant 1 for 5. If warrant worth 15 to 30 sen, it work out to be 3 to 6 sen value added to present Lonbis price.
2. Private placement and ESOS at 1.00, effectively provide good cushion for further downside.
3. If start buying at 60 sen, then prepare to buy at 55 sen, then 50 sen, 45 sen etc.
4. Lonbis still making money (provided account is genuine) and paying dividend.
5. Ability to pay dividend means that there is not much cash flow problem.
6. Share price near record low. Less downside risk, high upside potential.

Lonbis at 90 sen is lemon, at 60 sen is orange, at 40 sen may become honey. All depends on entry price.

Seeing increasing profit now. If can touch 74.5sen today, orange will be seeing 90sen.
Warrant will go beyond 30 sen.


2015-02-10 19:07 | Report Abuse

BDB (72sen) start to move from now on. Buy now and you will never regret.
Those who bought rights issue with BDB-OR will be in much better position 'cos original shareholder who subscribe will be at least cost 90 sen a share. Unlikely they are going to sell at current price.
Those who bought BDB-OR at 12 sen and below are having profit now (cost i less than 71 sen).
Total share with less than 72 sen at cost should not be more than 5 million. It is your call now.

News & Blogs

2015-02-09 22:56 | Report Abuse

Just curious to find out who is this growthinvestor? Appear to be like a youngster (Mike Tyson) try to bulldoze all the way. How long has been in the market? Hope he will still be around in 5 years time!

News & Blogs

2015-02-09 22:56 | Report Abuse

Just curious to find out who is this growthinvestor? Appear to be like a youngster (Mike Tyson) try to bulldoze all the way. How long has been in the market? Hope he will still be around in 5 years time!

News & Blogs

2015-02-06 09:09 | Report Abuse

Tien Wah is in sunset industry, just like Star (Star slightly better 'cos it is trying to evolve through internet involvement). But again every share has its market value. To buy Star or Tien Wah with even money, I will choose Star. At present price, I will not consider both. To me, Tien Wah will be a good buy at 1.50, Star will be 1.80.

News & Blogs

2015-02-06 07:19 | Report Abuse

Yes. Market turn sour without warning when too much artificial interference/over-stimulation created an equity monster(bubble). Just waiting for a needle to cause an explosion and people around will at least lose a limb if not their lives.

News & Blogs

2015-02-05 08:38 | Report Abuse

Mahu matikah? Ikut dia?
What happen to LFI? Promote very kuat, after trap people, dia pun sudah hilang.

News & Blogs

2015-02-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

Good. Just 1B. We can afford to pay. No problem. Just increase GST from 6% to 10%.

News & Blogs

2015-02-04 23:32 | Report Abuse

Minister, gua sokong sama lu.

Let us boycott Parkson.
Let us boycott Starbuck.
Let us boycott Petronas.
Let us boycott BHP.
Let us boycott Petronm.
Let us boycott mamak teh tarik.
Let us boycott Old Town.
Let us boycott Maybank.
Let us boycott CIMB.
Let us boycott PBB.
Let us boycott Ah Kow klinik.
Let us boycott Ali denstist.
Let us boycott Mutu barber.
Let us boycott the Star.
Let us boycott Utusan.
Let us boycott Sin Chew.
Let us boycott everything ..............

Let us be self sufficient.
Plant our rice, grow our vegetable, rear our chicken, teach our children, build our house, print our money...................

Look like we have to live in isolation........

News & Blogs

2015-02-04 23:13 | Report Abuse

就是股價上漲 10倍之前,
必須先上漲 2倍。
追高 想死快點嗎?

News & Blogs

2015-02-04 18:38 | Report Abuse

KLCC area plot ratio goes to 20. Good for KLCC, good for KL, good for Malaysia.
How to show the world Malaysia is a 'developed world' if there is no traffic jam?

News & Blogs

2015-02-04 16:43 | Report Abuse

Don't buy from Parkson, William Cheng punya kedai, barang sangat mahal.
Let's buy from Jusco, Jepun punya kedai, barang bagus.
Buy from Tesco, Mat Salleh punya kedai, harga termurah setiap hari.
Biar Parkson rugi sampai barang William Cheng tak boleh jual. Parkson akan turun harga.

Minister, gua sokong sama lu.

News & Blogs

2015-02-04 16:20 | Report Abuse

you boycott gua, gua boycott you. Malaysian boycott Malaysian, buy more westerner. Westerner boycott palm oil, Malaysia buy more sunflower oil.
Malaysian buy from Singapore, Singapore buy from Indonesia. Indonesia buy from US. US buy from China. China buy from Africa.
Finally, all Malaysian product go for landfill, create more value -- land worth a lot of money ma !

News & Blogs

2015-02-03 22:33 | Report Abuse

Why portfolio is different from what I saw at 1558hr?

News & Blogs

2015-02-03 17:14 | Report Abuse

I love Crescendo, bought and sold many times. Right now zero holding. Always in my watch list.

1. First bought 4.7.2003, lowest bought at 91.5 sen. All sold with aggregate 50% profit.

2. Second time bought in Jun 2005, lowest bought at 92 sen( 1.6.2005). All sold for about aggregate 50% profit.

3. Third time bought in Nov 2006, lowest bought at 90 sen (19.12.2006). All sold for aggregate 80% profit.

4. Fourth time in May 2007, lowest bought at 1.30 (21.5.2007). All sold with good profit.

5. Fifth time in Sept 2011, lowest at 1.31 (26.9.2011). All sold with good profit.

6. Sixth time in Feb 2013, lowest at 1.73 (4.2.2013). All sold with very good profit.

I love Crescendo for extra reasons below:-

1. I trust its Directors.

2. Major share holders are financially very strong. Shares not pledged, no question of force selling.

3. Strong cash flow.

4. DY very consistent at about 6% or more. Share price up, pay more.

5. Land cost cheap.

6. Main thrust now is still with industrial building, lesser competition.

Buying strategy:-

1. DJ uncertain, FF keep on selling Malaysian stock, Ringgit keep on falling, properties overhang in Iskandar, housing price start to drop, material cost escalate, hard to secure bank loan ==> property counters going south. Crescendo right now is relatively expensive compare with peers.

2. I will start to buy at 2.00 (打底) 10%, then 1.80 (10%), then 1.60 (10%), 1.40 (20%), 1.20 (50%). Below 1.20, I will convert my REITs to buy till last penny!!!

News & Blogs

2015-01-31 23:13 | Report Abuse

Stop loss at 5%, 10%, 15% or 20% after you have bought the particular stock?
To me, all are non sense!!

In the first place, what prompt you to buy that stock?

Punting -- buy high sell higher?? That is akin to gambling. 50-50 chances make or break.
Value for money -- If you have bought the share based on its worth, say 1.00 is a good buy, so you bought. Are you going to sell if it fall by 5%? Definitely not because fluctuation of 5% is normal. Are you going to sell if fall by 10 or 15%? If 1.00 is already a good buy, don't tell me 90sen or 85sen is not worth consider for further purchase?

Other than value buy, your buying strategy is also play a major part whether you make or lose. When you see value at 1.00, you should anticipate it may drop to 90sen, 80sen etc. Small purchase at 1.00 will ensure you won't lose opportunity after all your hard work (home work). If price gone up after first purchase, and if you choose not chase for more, you at least get paid for your hard work. It is always safe to buy low, and how high you want to sell will depend on your skill and experience.

News & Blogs

2015-01-30 12:45 | Report Abuse

All men are born equal, MISIF is no exception. What is so special about MISIF?
Not competitive close shop lah. Why beg for money when you are already a rich man.
You think only we should be taxed with GST in order to subsidise your greed? Go fly kite!

News & Blogs

2015-01-30 12:39 | Report Abuse

Build smaller houses, use less material.
Why double storey houses with built-up area become 2000, 2500, 2800, 3000 or even 3500 sf?
Can developer build 1500sf houses? Let the owners decide to renovate and make extension if they need 4000sf home to accommodate their 4 person household.
Build small sell cheap. REHDA should supervise its member instead of asking for exemptions and preference treatment.
All men are born equal, REHDA is no exception.


2015-01-29 07:35 | Report Abuse

FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement--January 28, 2015 http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/20150128a.htm

.......Based on its current assessment, the Committee judges that it can be patient in beginning to normalize the stance of monetary policy. However, if incoming information indicates faster progress toward the Committee’s employment and inflation objectives than the Committee now expects, then increases in the target range for the federal funds rate are likely to occur sooner than currently anticipated. Conversely, if progress proves slower than expected, then increases in the target range are likely to occur later than currently anticipated.

Wall Street ends lower after Fed statement, oil drop, Bond prices rose after the statement, which may also have put some pressure on stocks.
“It was more hawkish than people thought. But you are counting grains of sand coming through the hourglass so I don’t think you will see it resonate much longer than what we’ve seen in the last hour or so,” Massocca said.....

So, in short, FED is going to increase rate earlier than expected. US market will be affected sooner than later.
What to expect from Malaysian market? Chow lah !!!!!

News & Blogs

2015-01-28 19:51 | Report Abuse

RMB down against USD is good for China. Why?
Think of Chinese goods, think of Chinese holding in US T-bills.

News & Blogs

2015-01-28 19:47 | Report Abuse

Greece already gone case. To leave Euro zone means it segregates itself. Printing own money means hyper inflation that wipe out all savings (cash in bank and pensions). Recall Chinese Yuan under KMT just before it fell to communist, or more recent one will be Zimbabwe fiasco.

To remain in Euro zone, the financial fundamentals are simply too weak to compete with big brothers. No control over monetary policy. Still subject to Troika's dictations.

Head - Greeks suffer
Tail - Greeks also suffer

It may take 10 years for Greece to recover, with all saving gone.


2015-01-26 09:16 | Report Abuse

WTI hit 44 again. What do you expect?

News & Blogs

2015-01-24 14:54 | Report Abuse

Important thing is how to protect value (or purchasing power) of your ringgit so that what you have now can buy equivalent amount of goods and services next year and beyond.

How to make sure your ringgit won't shrink too much and too fast? 对外到对内

What type of investment can protect you against ringgit depreciation against USD/ Sing dollar/ RMB ?

What type of investment can protect you against inflation and 6% GST ?

As an inference, Highland Estate 400 acres of estate land (Now Bandar Bukit Tinggi I) was bought at 1 million 100 years ago, WCT/MTD bought from High & Low for abut 200 million in 1995, now same piece of land should valued at 1000 million.

News & Blogs

2015-01-22 00:30 | Report Abuse

If you can get 7.2% yield from Hektar, why settle for 6.5%? Sg Wang KO, the Mines also KO. Still recommend people to buy CMMT? Things done in good faith? Any motive behind?


2015-01-21 00:03 | Report Abuse

Foreign Funds selling everyday until yesterday. Today should have no exception.

World market crash in 2015 -- Jim Rickards


2015-01-21 00:02 | Report Abuse

Everybody knew the hard way when US QE ended in late Oct 2014, Emerging markets and currencies all went south. Were you prepared? Were you trapped? How far will Ringgit and KLCI going down before stabilized? How much BNM going to lose in order to support ringgit?
If you have already caught with your pants down, better take some action to prevent you from losing your underpants !!

Blog: Saying Goodbye to QE
Oct 30, 2014 11:06 PM | Report Abuse

No more QE, no more Operation Twist. No more people buying bonds. Bond price drop. Bond yield up. US hedge fund monies from all over the world will flow back to US. Developing countries currency weaken. Central banks increase interest rate. Commodity prices fall.Oil price fall. Gold price fall. Third world economies slow down. Many countries default. Emerging markets collapse. End of the world is coming!!!

News & Blogs

2015-01-20 20:31 | Report Abuse

Save Up For Your Child’s Education Fund Now

How much will a university education cost when your child is ready to go?

First, do your research and find out how much money you will need to support your child’s tertiary education. This figure will depend on whether you want your child to further their studies locally or abroad, and also the course pursued. Then you will have an idea of how much money you will need to save.

Below is the present fee structure for some common tertiary education courses at preferred locations:


*All fees listed are estimates. These estimates do not include accommodation, food, travelling and books costs.

If a medical degree cost RM255,400 in a local private university today, in 18 years, it will come up to RM645,893 (assuming an education cost inflation rate of 5% per annum). If you have more than one child to fund through university, these figures will be even more startling.

News & Blogs

2015-01-20 20:25 | Report Abuse

........ In your 50’s

In the 50’s, your children are in university and only a decade more to go before retirement.

Using retirement savings to pay for child’s education

If you have children, it is not wrong to help pay for their tertiary education related expenses, but not at the expense of your retirement savings. Too many parents sacrifice their retirement savings and withdraw from their EPF in favour of their children’s education. Put your retirement needs first and do what you can to save for both, which is why its important to start planning for both as early as possible.

Investing like you are in your 30′s

As you are nearing your retirement you become even more protective of your savings in your 50′s. Considering the fact that you could be living well into your 80′s or 90′s, you require a substantial amount in retirement. Simply preserving capital is not a sustainable financial strategy, the money must be put to work. While investing money in an investment is risky, it is equally risky for if the money is kept under the mattress. So make sure you keep growing your nest egg well into your 50′s and beyond, to combat against inflation and support you financially.

In your 60′s

In the 60′s, you have finally retired, wrinkles set in, and your children have settled and have started their own families. Money becomes extremely important to you now that you no longer have an income stream. The best case scenario would be to enjoy your golden years in relaxation and do things that you were too busy or didn’t get to choose before, when you were still climbing the corporate ladder.

Completely abandoning investments

You tend to build your funds until you retire, and then stop proactively building and start living off those funds. However, retirees can continue to maximise on their investments to stretch their retirement income through investments that offer monthly or quarterly distributions. Ensuring your investments deliver a steady income stream can help you better manage your budget and stretch your money further (Find out what are the low-risk investments that retirees can invest in).

Not maintaining a medical insurance

As you grow older, your medical insurance becomes more and more expensive. Most people would cancel it, and focus their finances in other areas of their lives. However, there is a reason why the cost of medical insurance increase in tandem with your age — people are prone to sickness as they get older and medical bills would start pouring in. That is when it will hit that you should have kept your medical insurance.

Making full use of financial opportunity at every decade of your life is important. More money handled appropriately means more opportunities and more financial security for you and your family.

News & Blogs

2015-01-20 20:23 | Report Abuse

Plan for your retirement : Financial Mistakes To Avoid For Every Decade

In your 20’s

In your 20’s, you are most probably new in the workforce, trying to work your way up. Unfortunately this also translates to a low income but being young, socialising usually takes priority causing you to overspend and under-save.

Overestimating purchasing ability

You could be wanting to travel the world or buy a luxury car, but you do not earn enough to afford these things. If you cannot pay for these wants from your own pocket, you may end up incurring huge debts that hold you back for years. Get used to saving for the things you want instead of solely depending on credit.

Delaying retirement savings

When you are in your 20′s, retirement can seem far away. The earlier you start stashing away savings for this purpose, the more you will earn with compounding interest and the more comfortable your retirement will be. The money you save in your 20′s is potentially worth way more than anything you will set aside in your 40′s.

Abusing credit cards

While credit cards serve a valuable service by providing convenience, they can also tempt you into living beyond your means. At this stage, your credit card bills can seem burdensome if you are not careful. Failing to settle the full amount, you may resort to paying the minimum balance only, incurring a big sack of accumulated interest (Find out how you can pay-off your debts). Create a spending plan based on your income and stick to it. Use credit cards only if you can pay the balance off in full at the end of the month.

In your 30’s

In your 30’s, you are most probably married, and started to plan for your family which may involve having kids. More and more financial responsibilities are pouring in, and it will take some finesse and strategy to balance your finances and provide the best for your family.

Not planning for your children’s future education needs

Holding your bundle of joy in your arms, the thought of him or her going to the university may seem light years away. But, time flies faster than you could ever imagine. As the cost of a university education is set to rise as years roll by, you should start planning for your child’s university fund right from the birth of your child. If you have more than one child to fund through university, these figures can rack up quite high (Find out how you can save for your children’s future education needs). By procrastinating or not having an education fund at all, you may be forced to dip into your retirement fund before your golden years.

Taking insurance lightly

Individuals in their 30′s often neglect to protect themselves with adequate insurance. They often lose out on the chance to buy life insurance at a lower premium and delay the purchase of disability, personal accident or health insurance. Going without sufficient coverage is financially risky. With having dependents such as spouse, children and aging parents, it guarantees a financial safety net for your entire family if something were to happen to you.

In your 40’s

In the 40’s, one would most probably have reached the peak of their career and be earning substantially more than you were in your 20′s (or even your 30′s). However, many are still busy spending money on the things they want right now, such as vacations, bigger cars, or new houses, and delaying their retirement savings.

Not reviewing your investment portfolio

Yes, it is a good thing that you have an active investment portfolio, but as you go through different stages in life, your risk tolerance changes. You may have been willing to take more risks when you were in your 30′s as you still had the ability and time to earn an income. However, as you are nearing retirement, you may want to review your portfolio to allocate more of your assets in more conservative investments. However, moving your investments to a safer avenue too early could also cause you to run short on your nest egg. You need to ensure that your savings can support you well through retirement. Balance is the key!

Ignoring will

Obviously it is hard to imagine being in your death bed when you are still young and active. However, writing a will should be on your must-do list when you are in your 40′s, if not earlier. A will protects your family and your assets if something happens to you. It also ensures that you have an attorney that will make financial and legal decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated............

News & Blogs

2015-01-19 16:11 | Report Abuse

I love this article. Save in desktop for reminder every single day before looking at market.


2015-01-19 15:49 | Report Abuse

Foreign funds selling non stop. What can you expect ?
Buy now? Want to take risk?
Just be a bit patient. Let foreigners stop selling first. Apparently market may rebound, is it a bear trap?
Don't make a sweet but lose a sugar factory.
Market always here to stay.

News & Blogs

2015-01-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

Foreign funds selling non stop. What can you expect ?
Buy now? Want to take risk?
Just be a bit patient. Let foreigners stop selling first. Apparently market may rebound, is it a bear trap?

News & Blogs

2015-01-15 00:26 | Report Abuse

NYSE no more cheap. FED raise interest rate will kill them all. All Fund Managers already anticipated the outcome. Come out from equity market and plunge into Treasury Bill is the call of the day.


2015-01-14 19:14 | Report Abuse

When price keep on dropping, demand drops. Seem to be against basic law of supply and demand..... BUT . ... the fact is if you are the consumer using 10 tong everyday, and you have stock of another 70 tong to last 7 days, will you still buy 10 tong? You will buy 6 tong everyday now, use another 4 tong from your inventory....

Think of a bigger picture, if your stock normally is good for 3 months, with price falling everyday, will you reduce your stock? How do you reduce it?

Then when price stabilizes and start to rebound, you will have not much stock. How would you respond?

Understand the basic economics will give you ample opportunity to make money. You need not use rocket science to understand simple theory.

News & Blogs

2015-01-14 15:13 | Report Abuse

Find out how AliBaba delivers goods ordered online to appreciate GDex business model.
Alibaba need 1m delivery man for ordinary day, and 2m on Singles Day.
When LAZADA achieve 1% sales of AliBaba, GDex will need 10k delivery man on its payroll.

News & Blogs

2015-01-14 08:43 | Report Abuse

This is how a typical market operators do. I have privilege and witnessed how they operate before. This is especially true when owners themselves are involved and they hire stockists to do it. Money? No problem. Line of credit? No problem. Share? No problem. PAC also involved brokering houses. Multiple accounts and may involve few brokering houses at the same time.

As a reminder, when market became really bad, these super big fish also get caught. Remember John Soh fiasco?


2015-01-13 16:13 | Report Abuse

RMB now 57.96 sen. It will go to 60sen soon. Can it go to 70 sen? 80sen?
Invest in RMB dominated collectibles is equivalent to invest in RMB.


2015-01-13 16:07 | Report Abuse

WTI 44.44, Rouble 65.1965, Ringgit 3.5970 to 1 USD.
Sing Dollar 2.6913, RMB 0.5796

How these figures affect you and me ?

News & Blogs

2015-01-13 15:17 | Report Abuse

High growth tech start-up, go MaGIC


2015-01-11 19:42 | Report Abuse

Just a reminder:-

1. FED will raise interest rate sooner or later. Think of the consequences and the impact on emerging markets, and the behavior of hedge funds.

2. Oil price remain at sub fifties or lower (Some say can go to 20 USD), what is the impact on oil revenue dependent countries include Malaysia. Could it be contagious?

3. Ringgit depreciates against USD/Sing dollars and RMB. What could be the opportunity or booby trap waiting ahead for you to exploit/ evade?

4. BLR (now base rate) will definitely increase. How does it affect Malaysia economy and you?

5. Don't underestimate effect of GST on inflation. Will inflation be at 5%, 6%, 8% or 10%? National inflation figure does not reflect on individual as components of CPI differs. As a pensioner, my personal CPI for 2014 was 6.5% yoy. What is yours?

News & Blogs

2015-01-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

When it already give DY 8%, provided fundamentally good, directors credible, business won't be much affected by changing circumstances => good buy.
DY 8% at 1.40, meaning DPU 11.2sen.
If first buy at 1.40, DY 8%
Next buy say 10% less at 1.26, DY is 8.89%
Next buy at another 10% less at 1.13, DY will be 9.91%.

So if you want to play safe, buy 10 lot at 1.40 => DY 8%
Buy next 10 lot at 1.26, total 20 lot, average cost 1.33 => DY 8.42%
Buy next 10 lot at 1.13, total 30 lot, average cost 1.26 => DY 8.9%
Buy further 10 lot at ........... => DY ? %

Please read carefully and understand the logic, you will never lose money on this counter. You should know better why you want to buy into this counter, definitely is dividend play with long term passive income.

News & Blogs

2015-01-08 09:57 | Report Abuse

Closure of loss-making store in Hanoi only after 3 years of operation. What does it reflect? Calibre of PHB management substandard? Directors not competent?

What we know is Departmental Store normally sign long term irrevocable lease with landlord. How many years lease was signed? What will the compensation like? What about renovation and one off startup cost? What about staff retrenchment cost?

Is PHB plan for another store in Hanoi? Is PHB plan to exit Hanoi?

How much is the potential write off (Loss) for all the above mentioned cost, excluding preliminary set up cost involving meetings, site visits etc... etc...

As CEO, WC should hold responsible for this failure. If you think he can be forgiven because of his advanced age (72 this year), why not vote him out? If not possible, then cast your votes with your legs. AEON always welcome you!!!

News & Blogs

2015-01-08 09:40 | Report Abuse

MYR国内贬值 => 通货膨胀
MYR国外贬值 => 进口货通膨, 海外游受不了