
max8 | Joined since 2013-03-14

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2013-05-09 22:07 | Report Abuse

我们这班没政治经验的同学们做了一天的 pacaba 现在都明白了 BN 的伎俩,没理由民联经历了 bersih123 还完全没防备?关灯换票的招中了那么多届还没准备手电筒就是自己的错了,居銮就是show过熄灯魔术,我们这次才有十足准备,0730hr 进去时就让 ktm 看清楚我们有备而来了。别怪 BN,怪自己笨才对。

难怪之前 BN一直说会赢,因为 BN 知道要赢懒惰的笨蛋根本不难。那些有 paca 的站 BN 都十分厚脸皮努力做票进去,没 paca 的站我真的没眼看了。
This is the part why I am so angry about PR, especially PKR n PAS which were so loose to put effort on this section. How stupid they were making such mistakes, after learning their opponent was so desperate to win, and even so openly use all sort of shameless dirty tactics? Naive and Bodoh!!


2013-05-07 17:54 | Report Abuse

I wont touch this stock. Dark STAR.


2013-05-05 06:08 | Report Abuse

We Malaysians stand today on the brink of history. We have reached the final day of a historic campaign that will change our country forever. Throughout Malaysia, we have seen hundreds of thousands of people of all ethnicities come to our ceramahs. The response in frontline states such as Johor, Sabah and Sarawak, the heartland and fortresses of Umno and Barisan Nasional, has been tremendous and inspiring.

To the rakyat and supporters of Pakatan Rakyat, we thank you for your faith, your courage, and your committment. This is a campaign built on the millions of small and large sacrifices that you have all made. It humbles me and all leaders in Pakatan Rakyat.

Sunday’s election will mark the decisive step in an amazing, peaceful, democratic revolution that will take Malaysia into a new era. Let us go out to vote in strength on Sunday for candidates in Keadilan, PAS and DAP.

A few instructions that will help us win:
Encourage all your friends, family and neighbours to cast their ballots because every vote counts
Know where your polling station is. Double and triple check your voting status. Plan a route to the polling station and do consider traffic
Vote as early in the day as possible. Polling starts at 8 AM and an early vote helps us to defend against voter fraud
Do not be intimidated by those who try to scare or threaten you, we are here to defend the rights of all Malaysians
Believe that your vote will change the future of our country and when you check the box on your ballot your act will be written into the history of Malaysia
In preparation for our first few months of government, I am releasing a Pakatan Rakyat Roadmap outlining key actions that we will undertake in order to fulfill our manifesto promises. As I have always emphasized, the focus of this roadmap must be pro-rakyat and consist of measures that will have both immediate impact, and long-term benefits. These are reforms that BN has never dared to implement, but Pakatan Rakyat has the courage to do so – reforms that will bring back a renaissance, a genuine merdeka and democracy to Malaysia.

You can read the 100 Day Plan here at Please share it with everyone who you know.

I want assure all Malaysians not to fear. This transition will not only be historic, but also peaceful. Pakatan Rakyat’s Security Advisory Council of former generals and police will help myself and other Pakatan Rakyat leaders through the process.

I warn the Election Commission again - the rakyat will not tolerate any electoral fraud. Be vigilant of all suspicious activities. We must ensure that only Malaysians will decide the fate of our nation, and Insyallah, we will succeed.

Our nation is a land of promise and fulfillment. Seize your destiny. Ini kali lah!

Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
May 4, 2013

PS We are making a huge push to get out the vote on Sunday. We still need your help to make it happen. If you have not given before, please consider a donation now. If you have given before, consider our success on Sunday the best return on investment possible.

Click here to donate:

News & Blogs

2013-05-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

Wish those travelling balik kampung undi a safe trip. See you in New Dawn of Malaysia. UBAH!

News & Blogs

2013-05-03 04:43 | Report Abuse

Stop your people intervene our local politics!

(2 Days Left. Please sign the Petition NOW! )

SOS Malaysia. Now or Never.


2013-05-03 04:42 | Report Abuse

Stop your people intervene our local politics!

(2 Days Left. Please sign the Petition NOW! )

SOS Malaysia. Now or Never.


2013-05-03 04:42 | Report Abuse

Stop your people intervene our local politics!

(2 Days Left. Please sign the Petition NOW! )

SOS Malaysia. Now or Never.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 16:00 | Report Abuse

Too damn politically biased.
Read U in the doom.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 15:38 | Report Abuse

Your ink is your vote.

Five years ago during the last week of campaigning of the 12th General Election the Election Commission suddenly reversed its decision to use indelible ink to help prevent voter fraud. A dark shadow was cast upon the credibility of the polls.

Once again the EC has promised it would use the best indelible ink in the world to ensure a fair election. But we discovered this week, just days before polling, that the ink can be cleaned off soon after it is applied. You can watch a video of the ink being removed here.

We knew it would not be easy to win this election. We knew we would face a tremendous amount of fraud. We knew our opponents would spend much more money than us. But millions of Malaysians who want to change Malaysia and be a part of history will not be intimidated by a government willing to do anything to stay in power.

You can help us win on Sunday. Your ink is your vote.

During the next four days talk to your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers about the importance of their vote. Mobilize your own army of supporters. We cannot lose when millions of Malaysians are united in the belief that every single vote counts.

Empower yourself by supporting this campaign at It is time to turn our likes and shares into real action.

Will you take the next step? Will you make the commitment over the next four days to do everything you possibly can to help us win on the fifth of May?

Ini kali lah!

Thank you,

PS Visit for constant updates about the election.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 15:30 | Report Abuse



























2013-05-02 13:47 | Report Abuse

PKR: PM's Office linked to flying in dubious voters

The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) is allegedly involved in purported operations to fly in dubious voters from East Malaysia to the peninsula, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said today.

He said that his party has obtained photographic and documented evidence that 16 chartered flights have been flying to Peninsula everyday from various locations in East Malaysia.

He added that by polling day, at least 40,500 people would have been flown in via such flights, while passenger manifests which he claimed were in PKR’s possession reveal that the passengers are mainly foreign nationals.

Anwar also said that the party has obtained a copy of email communications within Malaysian Airlines (MAS) that made a direct reference to the PMO in relation to the chartered flights.

However copies of the said documents were not shown to the media as the party has not decided on the next course of action, said the opposition leader.

More Muddy Leaks.


2013-05-01 20:03 | Report Abuse

Bro Ooi, why waste time on these upah-troopers, especially in such hilarious defending mode. I doubt whoever hiring them really do a brief IQ check before putting them on field, or they are just like minds with like standards. And worst still, placing them at i3investor site.


2013-04-30 15:18 | Report Abuse

2025-2030 shld be the reaping time.


2013-04-30 15:11 | Report Abuse

I like Tony Pua & Rafizi... Malaysia eccnomy/biz needs these brilliant minds.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 13:59 | Report Abuse

Rahman Ended.5+5=10=1
Start from A..
Lembaran Baru for Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2013-04-28 15:31 | Report Abuse

BN may say: "You know mahh... All these crowd are actually done by cut-n-paste CG effect.... like Lord of the Ring one....". Unlike BN reps,so many hand-shaked ... we sure win.


2013-04-27 22:23 | Report Abuse

If PR wins, these government-linked funds should also be scrutinized thoroughly, as it incurs much higher risks towards our financial system and stock market, by which certain invisible hands could manipulate the funds to serve any unknown purpose. Worst thing is we have no ideas at all of our fund whereabouts.


2013-04-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

Indeed quite a shock when seeing the photo of so many people attended Tok Guru's ceramah in PPPPPPPPPPUTRAJAYA!!!!


2013-04-27 21:34 | Report Abuse

Agreed w waha. This does not need a high IQ to analyse, common sense.


2013-04-27 19:57 | Report Abuse' target='_blank'>

Access to Malaysiakini 'restricted' by ISPs
12:28PM Apr 27, 2013

Access to Malaysiakini through several Malaysian Internet service providers (ISPs) has been "restricted" since the kick-off of the official campaign period in the May 5 general election.

As a result, readers have been facing a frustrating time accessing Malaysiakini - it's available one minute and not the next, literally (see chart above).

Malaysiakini believes that either the ISPs have been ordered to limit the website's readership or the restriction has been imposed without their knowledge.

However, access through two of the Malaysian ISPs - Time Internet and YES YTL - has not been affected, while international users are also able to get to the site without any restriction.

This appears to be a novel way of stopping Malaysiakini, where previously large scale DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks were launched in the bid to shut down the online news daily. In recent months, Malaysiakini has implemented measures to make its servers more robust and resilent against such attacks.

"We are extremely disappointed with such underhanded tactics," says Malaysiakini chief executive officer Premesh Chandran (right).

The Malaysian government has pledged time and again not to censor the Internet, and this is an clear departure from its stated policy, he added.

Premesh called on all ISPs to vet their systems thoroughly to ensure that no illegal restrictions have been implemented.

He said that restrictions to the Malaysiakini domain name could have been put in place by a rogue staff member or a hack into either the ISPs' systems or at a common Internet gateway shared by various ISPs.

'ISPs should stay out of politics'

Malaysiakini is making an official complaint to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) on Monday, and it will hand over evidence of the restrictions - the result of an exhaustive investigation by its technology team over the past few days.

"ISPs should stay out of politics and make sure their staff do not follow illegal instructions which undermine the accessibility of their networks. They should also ensure shared gateways are free of tampering and restrictions," said Premesh.

Malaysiakini is currently working on a number of solutions around the restriction. Meanwhile, readers are advised to keep clicking on their browser until they are able to get through to the site.

Readers can test their access to Malaysiakini by comparing access via and - a second address made available yesterday. As at 12 noon today, the new address is free of ISP restriction.

Malaysiakini's readership last week reached over 1.2 million readers and is expected to be even higher closer to polling day on Sunday.

UPDATE: Readers can access Malaysiakini through this alternative URL - You may need to delete your browser's cache.


2013-04-27 10:35 | Report Abuse

Oh Encik Kulim KulimChan. Where the hell this article says so...


2013-04-27 08:34 | Report Abuse

New Slogan of Supermax: Supermax... with Balls we rise.
UP UP Supermax... will put u in my list once my bullets refilled.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-25 15:38 | Report Abuse

PKR queries 'fishy' diversion of ballot box shipment
ade ikan kembung dalam kotak ballot ke???

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 15:33 | Report Abuse

KiniNews: GE13: Soi Lek: China is more corrupt but they're world's No 2

An Honest Leader to Enlighten

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 10:29 | Report Abuse

Fcuking well said andychunky28.

News & Blogs

2013-04-24 19:43 | Report Abuse

Suddenly, I smell some kind of tango like harmony between Jacko and Ranger .... kakakaka... may plan a mamak chat after 505...


2013-04-24 15:55 | Report Abuse

The price could be kept on pushing higher to justify the new share price to encourage subscription.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-24 14:03 | Report Abuse!/jynkhoo?hc_location=stream

转载: 我是丘沁伟,我支持两线制。



「各位同志,大家晚上好。是的!Apa Khabar ? 各位同志们,今天,我们很火大,如果你有发现到网路上或者是报纸上我们都会看到「505回国投票换政府」有没有听到?有没有看到?有吗?有!「505回家投票换政府」听起来很爽,讲起来很爽,然后呢?换成回教党执政,更爽!有吗?火大!为什么火大?因为我们看到这些可怜的、从外国回来的、只知道从很多很多的媒介看到的不过是我们假象的一面,他们今天从外国回来之后,我说,拉了一堆屎、投了一张票,然后拍拍屁股,管你今天我们生活在马来西亚的我们,是怎么样的去面对回教党,对吗?这现在我们很火大的地方,他们真的不负责任,因为他们根本没有看清楚反对党的阴谋,所以我们有责任站在这里,告诉他们我们很火大。」













2013-04-24 12:00 | Report Abuse

Ranger mana stock yang kamu favor indeed? Good fundamental ke? Apa pula dengan technicalnya? TP kamu bagaimana?

News & Blogs

2013-04-24 11:23 | Report Abuse




News & Blogs

2013-04-24 09:57 | Report Abuse

Dear Bingo, For every posting Ranger counts his UPAH, Our every vote counts to UBAH for Malaysian Kids' Future. Dont waste time with these fellows.

Announcements & Events

2013-04-23 11:54 | Report Abuse

half sen lah, hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-23 10:11 | Report Abuse

Jacko. Focus! focus on your stocks... U tiada Upah dibayar pun.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-19 21:43 | Report Abuse














