
winterwolf | Joined since 2014-05-06

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2021-06-17 08:47 | Report Abuse

After the pandemic due to covid19 virus, Democracy has a new meaning;

" one chooses freely and willingly a leader to decide if you are to die prematurely through asphyxiation ".

News & Blogs

2021-06-17 08:42 | Report Abuse

IF USA does not ring fenced China through Iraq, India, Singapore, Philippine, Japan and south Korea, China would not be so "military".

If USA's aircraft carrier fleet does not ply the South China Sea so very frequently, China would not be spending so much on military hardware...

what is wrong for one to develope her own defence mechanism when the enemy so wantonly instigate for a fight ?

The trade war is just a dumb move that will lead to inflation, the taxes imposed are paid by the local importers and the worse is the goods are still cheaper and there is no local manufacturer or supplier to replace. Only the ignorant are blowing the trumpet to make noise only.

News & Blogs

2021-06-15 20:44 | Report Abuse

You can print as many information on the USA war machineries moving in and out of SCS, it served no purpose, China will just monitor and ignore, and the American also knows that they can only sail along certain corridor. deviating from that only means disaster, from certain previous experience. They also know those land to sea mid range missiles are not sitting idly too.
All these posturing are just to instigate reactions and China so far has no interest in taking the bait.
People like you really do not know what war is all about.

Posted by GoldenHarvest1 > Jun 15, 2021 3:33 PM | Report Abuse

USS Ronald Reagan AC group enters SCS

News & Blogs

2021-06-15 20:33 | Report Abuse

The only problem is the land the Taiwanese sitting on is not independent. It belongs to China, and currently China has no intention to let it be carved out from her territory. Just like no matter what the Sulu Sultanate claims, Malaysia will never let Sabah be carved away.

Posted by RiverOfSilver > Jun 15, 2021 3:14 PM | Report Abuse

Taiwan has independent parliament, independent president, independent cabinet of ministers, independent armed forces, independent everything

News & Blogs

2021-06-15 20:18 | Report Abuse

Corak migrasi warga China merangkumi seluruh dunia; dari Antartika ke Arktik, di mana ada daratan, di sana juga dapat warga orang China. Dalam beberapa hari lagi, China akan menghantar angkasawan mereka ke Stesen Angkasa sendiri.

Soalan kamu itu dari minda yang amat sempit dan hanya menunjukkan betapa kurang pengetahuan diri sendiri.

Posted by Mynihar Nihar > Jun 15, 2021 1:12 PM | Report Abuse

Jika china begitu bagus kenapa chiness ni tak pindah jer dari eropah atau negara lain ke China?? adakah ini salah satu cara cina nak kuasai ekonomi dan politik negara2 yhang mereka tumpang cari makan bertahun2, Jika begutu bagus china ni harap pulang lah segera majukan lagi china.. huhu dan jangan lagi hantar anak2 china ke eropa untuk belajar hantar ke peking atau Beajing


2021-06-15 09:38 | Report Abuse

In share market, whatever goes up must come down, that is a normal process, that is why cycles appears in shares trend as economies are also cyclical. People study this cycles and trade accordingly, right or wrong is another matter.
Just imagine, every time you reverse your car, a dog comes out of no where barking incessantly, one or two times is fine, but, if it happens for days, weeks and months ( year? do not know yet, just like the side effects of vaccines, needs the test of time), it gets very annoying. Then again after these few months, getting use to these barking, it becomes a norm, any comment from the few names are sidestepped and skipped. Empty vessel does make plenty of noise, especially when dog hides in it.


2021-06-15 09:02 | Report Abuse

Glovefinish appear in the forum when the the shortist started to short all gloves stock, so it was about 6 months ago. Up till now, the number of posts he made counted 1499 ( but the comments he made is far more than this )... working out the maths, he made about 8 posting a day without a day of rest. so he practically eat shit sleep in this forum, doing nothing except to read, reply and comment on how Gloves stock should dive down. Respect should be given to his dogged determination.

News & Blogs

2021-06-14 19:38 | Report Abuse

Go find the answer to your dumb questions yourself. I am not here to teach you and open up your mind by spoon feeding.

China was sanction by USA that control the world economies since 1949 till 1972. Whereas Malaysia had all the assistance from the early days and yet you are so proud of those meagre development that we achieved ? When Malaysia had her first national car in the 80s, China cannot even afford to make one of her own, but you care to compare what is today ? You only want to use that little statistical advantage to gloat, no idea why you so indulge in this syiok sendiri behavior.

Let me tell you this, I had been to the remotest of area in both countries, and I can tell you, some of our kampungs or dwellings are no where in comparison to China's villages.

You so damn sure Jho Low is in China currently ?
he may be disguised, transformed and live amongst the crowd in Malaysia for all we know. Malaysia can make the Mongolian lady disappeared, even in immigration records, legalized so many illegals, what is so difficult to hide a young and obese guy ?

Posted by cyeec2000 > Jun 14, 2021 2:35 PM | Report Abuse

Winterwolf: Most questions you cant answer?. the facts was malaysia already requested returning back of Jho Low but china has no action?The question is why they dont want to return back Jho?.Culprits are everywhere in the world, politicians are same to be scrutinized.In fact great china cant compare with Malaysia, but gpd per capita of Malaysia leading in many years will you think its impossible? is about 30 years leading.

News & Blogs

2021-06-14 13:47 | Report Abuse

I am not here to tell you anything, just go and have an open mind and read from many more other sources. A judge also need to hear from 2 sides, but the way you write your comments, it is all from one side of the coin, the side that blinkered and blinded you.

A political party, no matter what the doctrine is about or what you say, is only good if it governs well and let the people live a good and prosperous life.

Do you know the GDP per capita of China 40 years ago compare to today ? Do you know the task in governing 1.4 billion people compare to Malaysia's may be 35 million ( including the illegals) ?
1980...China GDP per capita was 194 USD, Malaysia 1774 USD
2000...China GDP per capita was 959 USD, Malaysia 4043 USD
2020...China GDP per capita was 10261 USD, Malaysia 11414 USD
you guess what would be the figure by 2021 ? By the way, in most part of China, especially the 3rd tier cities, the cost of living in China is 20% lower than Malaysia and this constitute about 60% of the country ?

You think Sarawak Report and the Edge print gospel truth ? were all these claim verified ? Till today, the country is said to lose 50 billions in wealth, yet the main culprit is still enjoying a good life roaming the various coffee shops and eateries, free willingly and you go barking at a foreigner thousand of miles away. Some where there is a claim some one in Malaysia bough a mansion in UK for 350 million RM ...( unverified ), care to say anything ? LOL...

Posted by cyeec2000 > Jun 14, 2021 1:15 PM | Report Abuse

Why Sarawak report and the edge reported that the 1mdb also related with slibing of xi?

News & Blogs

2021-06-14 13:08 | Report Abuse

The initial period of the Qing dynasty was how all the various territories were consolidated and well managed. The real prosperities begun there, it was only toward the end that it got destroyed by cronyism and corruptions.

News & Blogs

2021-06-14 13:01 | Report Abuse

How about you getting an open mind and read more of other perspectives other than those western garbage written by vile animals that has ulterior motives to destroy and destroy ?

For your information, China built two high speed rail in Xinjiang, one connecting from the south and another from the east to open up the area; a god forsaken, hot, arid and inhospitable region. Most Uygurs thank god they are born there in this era ( except for those radicalised ones or the common word, terrorist ). 20000+ mosques existed for the total population of 25 millions and only 50% are muslims, with Uygurs constitute 45%. In 2020, the total GDP for Xinjiang is about 1380 billion RMB or 900 billion RM. I guess Malaysia is lagging way behind if you want to compare the rate of growth.

Posted by cyeec2000 > Jun 14, 2021 12:20 PM | Report Abuse

In other perspective what China have done to minority in xin jiang, reeducation camp which they don't dare to open for outsider or UN investigator to visit. Those camp is alleged as source of cheaper labors, what worst is it become country legalize legislation and labor framework, The US black was killed incident is huge disparity to be compared which it never be system in place in legislation. you should feel luckily you are not born there, One belt one roads turning other countries port to be own military port which already many countries fall to debts traps. Not to mention west, the Asia country like philipines, Japan, South Korea, India,Myanmar peoples view them as threat.

News & Blogs

2021-06-14 12:40 | Report Abuse

Not going to argue with you as most facts are available on internet nowadays.
Twisted minds tend to come up with twisted logic, ignoring all factual events free willingly.

Historically the only time a power in China invaded other territories were in the Yuan Dynanty, The Moguls. The ancestor of the present Mongolian ( not the Han ). All these places you mentioned, Xinjiang, Taiwan, Tibet were all peripheral territories that flip in and out as territories of China through historical time. It was mostly uninhabitable landmass that lacks basic requirement like water supply and fertile soil for cultivation. Life is harsh and the few residents still need to put up with hordes of invaders that kill and rob. It was the Qing Dynasty (AD 1644 – 1912) military that accorded the protection required and these were officially sanctioned as the Dynasty territory. Xinjiang were already part of China in the Han Dynasty (206 BC – AD 220), just for your information, outposts that were built still there till today.

Japan attacked and occupied Manchuria in 1931, waged a full fledge war with China from 1937, 4 years before USA joined the fray in 1941.

"In 1935 the Chinese government put out a map titled "Map of Chinese Islands in the South China Sea" this map had eleven dashes on it. In 1949 the Chinese government dropped their claim of the Gulf of Tonkin and the now infamous nine-dash line was created. "

After WW2 in 1945, this claim was recognized by the western powers, especially UK and USA, and all other contesting countries now, unfortunately, were just various colonialist territories that do not have any interest in it at the time.

Atlas printed and used in schools in Malaysia during the 1970s even has clear print out who owns these islands in the South China Sea.

After WW2, 1945, Japan was also forced to return Taiwan which they colonized since 1895, to the Nationalist China at the time. In another word, it tells you who own the Taiwan Island. Thereafter, the Nationalist Government of China lost in internal power struggle to the Communist Regime and fled to the Taiwan Island in 1949. It was the anti communism sentiment of the time that the nine dash line and Taiwan becomes a dispute when the western government refuses till today to recognize the claim that they once agreed upon.

From 1949 till 1972, USA sanctioned China by imposing embargoes on everything China.

As far as Vietnam is concern, the relationship with China is a complex one. You can google it yourself. If China wanted to occupy it, the Communist China would have conquered it in the 1979-1990 conflict.

The above are all verifiable facts. So, who is twisting facts for own convenience ?

Posted by supersaiyan3 > Jun 14, 2021 9:19 AM | Report Abuse

So you think Japanese war also ancient history? You people are twisting facts at your convenience

News & Blogs

2021-06-12 11:37 | Report Abuse

The fact is, after 12 months clean bill of health, Taiwan decided to throw the shit at the fan, then tried very hard to hide the hands, yet when got hit by the shites, Taiwan blame the neighbour 5 blocks away for not sharing the water that she needed urgently for washing. Damn....don't they know it is the dry season ?


2021-06-12 11:27 | Report Abuse

Bursa gave 1 month extension to QR issuance...till end of June.

News & Blogs

2021-06-12 11:22 | Report Abuse

When every capable country were preparing for the pandemic, taking precautions, Taiwan, financially very strong, healthcare standard wise at the forefront, but all we saw was how it gloated on its cases free society, making all kinds of disparaging remarks at China for the spread of the virus, playing dirty politics at the world stage at every possible turn; It does about everything except to be prepared for the eventuality of vaccination.
Vaccines were not booked, license to procure and produce were rejected and being too calculative, wanting western vaccines only, which was cornered by its 5 eyes buddies and Euro, rejecting all China made vaccines.
So, now she has the gall to complain about Thailand ???


2021-06-11 19:59 | Report Abuse

KLK is doing a MGO on the remaining shares in IJMPLNT, and further good news is it intends to maintain the listing status, unless other shareholders dump the shares on KLK that listing status cannot be maintained due to breach of listing requirement.


2021-06-11 10:48 | Report Abuse

People here tend to think Foxxconn and China are enemies. Do not forget they are seem to be like this due to American strategies to stall China's growth. Before Trump era, Foxxconn earned its fortune in China, so the relationship can go quite deep. The 4.7% stake in Dnex is just short of being a minor substantial shareholder for the time being, more will come in all likelihood, one way or the other. It is a stamp of approval for Dnex as a longer term investment tool, as Silterra is a gem under current chips shortages.


2021-06-11 10:27 | Report Abuse

@LossAversion; care to elaborate whose place are you referring to ?
You have a racist mindset, and a very dumb one for that for making such statement here.
Languages are universal, certain people can express well only in certain one they know well, so do you deny them off such opportunity to express their opinions ? There are all kinds of languages use in youtube everyday, why dont you go there and ask them to respect your kind ?

Posted by LossAversion > Jun 11, 2021 10:16 AM | Report Abuse

Wasting time on recalcitrants who do not know their place!!!

News & Blogs

2021-06-08 08:07 | Report Abuse

The title is paper packaging, but out of the blue Tomei is included, when did Tomei started doing business in paper jewellery ?


2021-06-04 08:00 | Report Abuse

Just wondering why such price sensitive information were revealed here so many days prior to the actual announcement ?

What is Bursa doing ? What is SC got to say about this ?
Breaching insider rules so as the shortist can make money ?
And these group of people have the gall to gloat here.

The integrity is seemingly going down the drain, if Bursa and SC cannot rein in such behaviour .


2021-05-26 19:39 | Report Abuse

@sharemarket21, what is in Malaysia that can cloud one's judgment ? January 2021, anyone of you here expect Malaysia to be the worst pandemic zone per million people basis ? None. I guess. What is going to happen in the coming months is beyond anyone of you. You made that call, it is just a 50/50 call, right or wrong. Yet you do not even know if you can survive this pandemic the next couple of weeks.

The Indians never expect that they would ran out of firewood, cremation grounds, just 2 months ago.


2021-04-09 17:01 | Report Abuse

Everything is possible in the stock market
The only problem is, by the time Dnex is 30 sens,
all these people had probably lost the pants some where before, or
the balls got squeezed into the gut and the gut stick out from the mouth, finding it difficult to press the buy button.


2021-04-03 20:26 | Report Abuse

frankly I concur with you. But, the forum is filled with punters that have only 1 track mind that Dnex should be flying so that they can make their instantaneous wealth this very moment. Wishful thinking is detrimental to one's financial health especially in Bursa. Short term punters may get into trouble as time is a luxury.

The values of Dnex need time to unlock. Aside from the fundamental values, People are blind even to the fact that PP price need to be agreed upon, then once these investors' commitments are obtained, there is this fixing of the price maintain at certain price to get the 5 days weighted average price. once this new PP shares are listed, the share price need to be smoothened out and shares distributed. As this is a large quantity issuance of PP shares amounting to roughly 668m, a few tranches may be involved with high possibilities of many other groups of investors involve. Letting the price running up too fast may just derail the fund raising exercise to complete the deal financially.
It definitely will be good news if the PP is only 1 tranche and involved only 1 investor. This is the only luxury all of us here hope for.

your comment comes immediately after mine and you did not say to whom you are directed at. Well, anyway you should also give your advise to those fund managers at Amanah Raya, KWAP or EPF, they buy and sell blue chips shares every day. Damn, you are so smart.

Winterwolf, Dnex is good share, no need u sell in sell out, don' t give unproductive comment, actually the comment is not refer to u, but look like u are same level with him


2021-04-03 13:25 | Report Abuse

@leestar, my comment is just a sarcastic retort to Yupeetan comments; i think you have no idea what was written and just lack of comprehension. By the way, If a comment here can destroy Dnex play, you need to go and get some brain cleansing before you lose your pants. Dnex is now a mid to long term investment tool, no more your short term fling, so be prepare for it.

Posted by leestar > Apr 2, 2021 8:38 PM | Report Abuse

Friend, a lot of people buy share hope can earn some money, don't simply give rubbish comment to destroy it.


2021-04-02 20:25 | Report Abuse

yes, dont lose your wife or kids money, Sell down, let someone buy back at 86 sens so than he can sell again at 94 sen. He needs the milk powder money.


2021-04-01 12:41 | Report Abuse

668m PP shares to be issued., boosting the share capital to 2.89b.

Friendly party probably identified and share price agreed upon, or not.
Price fixing is yet to be done and all jumping high and low crying coarse for limit up ?
How the PP shares going to be released and who is the subscriber, these are privilege knowledge that will only surface many moons down the road. This will determine if the price should go up or not.

Meanwhile, too may self interests barking puppies here. mostly noise and no substance. Yuppeetan, you bark enough ?


2021-04-01 07:51 | Report Abuse

30% PP....those that dream of limit up can continue dreaming. Price will be suppressed for the time being to facilitate PP to be completed.


2021-03-31 19:03 | Report Abuse

@KeMie, if you think your observations are correct, file a complain to Bursa. If this pattern persisted, Bursa can drag the perpetrators to court for giving false representations to the market. Bursa can check the records as all orders keyed in are recorded, even though cancelled. People does mistakes occasionally, Bursa can excuse that, but if it is a common frequent pattern done all the time in a particular account, that is a crime.


2021-03-31 08:40 | Report Abuse

Alfonso, the one memalukan negara are those in the government. They do know how the country is run, cheat, lie and steal , the motto just like those in the USA.


2021-03-31 08:10 | Report Abuse

looks like there are plenty of traitors among us.
if Xinjiang cotton, Malaysia palm oil and Malaysia gloves being accused of forced labour out of the blue do not ring a bell in the head, all deserved to be punish accordingly.


2021-03-30 14:41 | Report Abuse

@ ali trying to mislead ?


2021-03-29 09:17 | Report Abuse

it is the same as Xinjiang forced labour in the cotton field, trumping up charges for certain evil agendas


2021-03-27 18:40 | Report Abuse

As long as local political issues do not rear its ugly protruding head into Bursa's trades, the green light for the market to move higher is given by over night Dow Jones.
The manipulative Fed chairman Jerome Power statements lifted the fear of the charging bear and the bulls seem to be going to have a field day soon, if not already
All this happened within those few hours. The steep drop to a steep rise happened within the 24 hours.


2021-03-27 18:26 | Report Abuse

there is a meeting in town today.
there is reason for play to be halted temporary
and as long as no bigger issues crop up,
play should resume...
warrants pricing at a big discount is always either one expecting the mother share cannot sustain the current share price, or,
a vehicle of certain another word , manipulated.
the former is always for a short period
whereas the later is normally existed for a certain period of time.
The answer to the question will be clear later....the operator will never reveal until the story is concluded. point guessing.


2021-03-27 11:20 | Report Abuse

Trevor777, yes, you may be right here, but your guess is just the same as anyone else, a small piece of the whole puzzle. It is quite obvious when a warrant is allowed to trade at a discount, encouraging the exercise of such warrant will bring in a sizeable source of funding to the company. This happened relatively quite often recently if compare to the whole warrant history of Bursa. Otherwise, warrants tend to trade at a premium and allowed to expire at maturity, especially if the Big holders of the mother shares do not own a large portion of it. The exercise of such warrant is dilutive to the ownerships. Why this dilutive process is allowed is worth pondering upon.


2021-03-26 16:31 | Report Abuse eat 1.00 roti canai at tepi longkang again ? You cirit birit with limit dow is not surprising.

You must have sold your ticket at 90 sen the other hoping to buy back cheaper next week ?


2021-03-26 15:40 | Report Abuse

For a particular reason, no play today.
it will be monday, look at Monday. not today


2021-03-26 12:14 | Report Abuse

@strattegist, Yupee itu makan roti canai tepi longkang, pasal itu 1.00 sekeping. Standard tak sama. Lepastu, kena cirit birit pula, sebab itu siang pagi malam limit down...
Chef ni malas buat kerja, semua tertunggu tunggu...lama lama semua janggut pun jadi panjang.


2021-03-24 08:46 | Report Abuse

@yangkwang99, you are too cocky for the market. if your attitude prevails, the market will wipe you the next upcoming tsunami...LOL


2021-03-24 08:44 | Report Abuse

@apprentice, you are right, Maybank pays better dividend over the years and resulted in a better dividend yield.
But, share market is not about dividend alone. People is looking at capital gain as well. If one were to compare, Pbbank definitely has better opportunity at capital gain which can sum up to more than 10% a year easily. The relatively richer valuations for Pbbank testify to that.
Pbbank pays 13 sen dividend this time was due to its very recent 4:1 bonus issue. Those who hold 1 share ends up having 5 shares now,
so if to compare, Pbbank actually pays 52 sen for the period.


2021-03-24 08:29 | Report Abuse

@kfliau, as far as I know, eventually the one really makes money from the market are those who identified good value stocks , hold and grow with numerous bonus issues and regular dividend payouts. Those who think they can time the market so well ends up the poorer one.
This is one fact that time will not change.


2021-03-23 13:55 | Report Abuse

when you refer others as low class
what else can you mean ?
Human classification is all scientifically done, only you think you can classify others at your own whims and fancies.
Others are not human to you ?
you can twist all you want, but your comments are there for all to read. I choose to use English here, it is my choice, I can also use Bahasa Malaysia here, if I choice to. I also respect others who uses Mandarin. For any other languages, I will just skip.


2021-03-23 13:43 | Report Abuse

DON'T is a word of command, not suggestion
when did I say is discrimination ?
twisting facts for self justification ?


2021-03-23 13:39 | Report Abuse

human are classified to low and high class ?
all i know, scientifically, it is just 1 class...homo sapiens.
and the nearest one is known as Chimpanzee...are you one of that class ?


2021-03-23 13:37 | Report Abuse

a sentence that initiate with "DON'T" sound like a suggestion ?

like I said, I respect all languages here. Certain people may have limited capability in languages, why deny them the right to express their opinions?


2021-03-23 13:21 | Report Abuse

may be we should not be using English in this forum too ? There is no Westerners here, right ?

If you cannot read the language, just skip the comments; they are after all, just comments.

It is funny after 60 over years of independence, the country is still having people who do not learn tolerance and respect the existence of others.


2021-03-21 21:52 | Report Abuse

1:2 bonus at ex price of 2.53

the new reference price is 1.68

but the account for every 1 share will now have 1.5 share

what the account holder lost is the fractions that was not carried forward.


2021-03-21 19:01 | Report Abuse

@Ifahjais, at exercise ratio of 20 to 1, you go figure out what kind of opportunity cost there is. Most PA in Bursa perform badly. Anyway, the owner of the shares knows what is best for himself. It is not for us to judge.

News & Blogs

2021-03-20 19:54 | Report Abuse

Tobby, use some common sense, it is the duty of one who is in the opposition. That is what the rakyat need. Read the report and see the perspective, see if the content is appropriate or not.

If you are staying in a particular house, is it appropriate for you to condemn openly about what happens within ? would you rather discuss it quietly behind the scene ?

We need voices of opposition, as Malaysia Boleh spirit is every where, including especially playing with dirt and most rakyat is basically blind in the eyes and also the mind.