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5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-07 17:25 | Report Abuse

Semasa memberi ucapan kepada lebih 200 orang sukarelawan Polling Agent-Counting Agent di Bangsar hari ini.


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-07 18:33 | Report Abuse

Video ekslusif MANIFESTO Pakatan Rakyat, sila lihat dan nilai sendiri.. (^_^)
sila share untuk UMUM tahu, tak perlu di harapkan RTM yang tidak boleh di harap tu, BN punya DEMOKRASI, adalah DEMOKRASI SATU HALA saja..


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-07 18:39 | Report Abuse

tiada seorg pn yg bijak pandai dlm umno/bn.. sampaikn manifesto pn ciplak org punya...tak malu UMNO

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-07 18:53 | Report Abuse

Pakatan: BN took a leaf from our manifesto

Pakatan Rakyat leaders are seeing red over the liberal use of their ideas in the BN manifesto unveiled last night.

According to PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali, PAS has identified at nine issues in which BN had borrowed from the Pakatan manifestopublished in February.

He told a press conference today that the wordings may be different, but ideas were essentially the same.

Among others, Mustafa pointed out that BN’s promise to review the national automative policy to gradually reduce car prices by between 20 to 30 percent, was not original.

Pakatan had promised to gradually remove car excise duties with the intention to totally remove the tax in order to have a competitive automotive industry.

On BN’s promise of 20 percent special payments for oil producing states, Mustafa said that this was again similar.

Pakatan had promised in their manifesto to increase oil royalty payments from 5 percent currently, to 20 percent.

“These are just a few examples of how several of our ideas appeared in the BN manifesto. It is not a coincidence, but it is plagiarism,” he said.

PKR: No real reforms from BN

Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said the BN manifesto pales in comparisan to Pakatan’s in terms of outlining proper reforms.

“This is plagiarism in its clear definition. Their manifesto is populist, but misses out on the more important points, which are fundamental reforms,” she said after a free health screening event in Pantai Dalam.

In comparison, Nurul Izzah said Pakatan had properly outlined how it will eradicate corruption and break monopolies.

“Our manifesto is about curbing the problems at the very cause,” she said.

The BN manifesto had stated that more courts would be established specifically to hear more graft cases.

What about GST?

She pointed out that the manifesto had left out any mention of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which is expected to be implemented after the general election.

“They should have made the announcement in the manifesto. We know they plan to implement the GST, but where is the GST in the manifesto?” she asked.

She said that the GST has already been tabled in the Parliament and that the MPs come across the Bill before.

“It has always been on the top of a stack of Bills but it was never debated. BN should be clear in their intentions with regards to the GST,” she said.

Short URL: http://www.freemalaysiakini2.com/?p=74552

...tak malu these UMNO/BN leaders...even manifesto also cannot come with one but copy from akatan Raakyat, so how are these UMNO copycats to rule the country????

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-07 18:57 | Report Abuse

Yes, Zaid, nation’s fate rests on the Malays

YOURSAY ‘This GE is for us to say loud and clear to all politicians – enough is enough, stop the nonsense or end up in prisons.’

Zaid urges Malays to vote Pakatan for more benefits

your sayGhkok: Wow. I think these are the most sensible words that poured out from anyone’s mouth that I’ve heard over the last five years.

Former minister Zaid Ibrahim said it so plainly, so frankly, and so simply. Anyone can understand. It’s a gift to be able to explain things this way.

To recap, he said that basically it’s a win-win situation. If you vote for Pakatan Rakyat, and Pakatan wins and forms the next federal government, you have the chance to experience a better Malaysia with the necessary reforms and new policies in place.

However, if you vote for Pakatan and BN still wins (but with an even stronger Pakatan in place), you have the chance to get even more handouts from BN.

So voting Pakatan is a win-win proposition for the voter. You can’t lose. Although Zaid was addressing Malay voters, I think this proposition applies to all voters, not just Malay voters.

Faz: Zaid, you were an enigma to me until you produced this article. A very well thought-out strategy of “Either way, you (the voters) win by supporting the opposition”.

I love the reasoning, too. I hope all Malaysians will hear your appeal, and not only the educated Malays.

I see no problem with the thinking Malays but feel helpless with the ‘educated’ Malays who have sold their souls to Umno for a quick fix and the ‘protected’ kampung Malays who are kept ignorant by Umno through TV3, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times andThe Star.

Please translate what Zaid had said into Bahasa Malaysia and distribute them quickly to the Malay kampungs and I’m sure, most of the Malays will warm to it as it is compellingly logical. Only Umnoputras will despise it....

...continue reading here please, all FREE..



2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-07 19:12 | Report Abuse

Kenapa dia sangat marah dan benci dengan Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Terbaru dia kata Tokguruku itu sebagai tamak kuasa? Siapa yang tamak kuasa sebenarnya. Apabila terus mencatur politik Umno untuk memastikan anaknya nak, itu bukan tamak? Semua orang tahu apa motif beliau bermati-matian mempertahankan Umno. Bukan kerana agama dan bangsa, tetapi kerana Mukhriz.

Dia marah kepada Nik Aziz kerana jelous dengan penghormatan dan penyanjungan rakyat kepada Nik Aziz. Dr Mahathir sangat menyempah gelaran Tokguru diberikan Nik Aziz. Sebab itulah dia melarang orang Umno atau pegawai kerajaan memanggil Nik Aziz sebagai Tokguru. Dia sendiri tidak pernah mengikhtraf title tokguru yang diberikan kepada Nik Aziz. Baginya gelaran tok guru itu tidak lebih satu tektik hendak mengelirukan rakyat kononnya Nik Aziz sebagai manusia yang baik.


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-07 19:23 | Report Abuse

One Malaysiakini reader wrote this.....

Najib ups the BR1M payout

How could a government running on a Deficit Budget afford such generous CASH handouts? Even a rich country like Singapore programmed its assistance through schemes like CPF - Medisave and education grants to the under privilaged and poor! I mean, where the hell is the money going to come from, if not from Taxpayers. However, in this instance, Taxpayer are not rebated at all. In a nutshell, we Taxpayers are the ultimate SUCKERS - we even pay from BN's grand occasions!!

...so we the Rakyat are going to become suckers.


37 posts

Posted by maryam > 2013-04-07 19:58 | Report Abuse

For your info alanec; gelaran tok guru tu nik aziz bagi kepada dia sendiri,dia yang suruh orang panggil dia tok guru. Kalau you jumpa dia you tanya la kepada dia tanah yang dia ambil dari orang kampung .dia cakap kat orang kampung nak buat markas tahfiz, jadi orang kampung bagi la tanah tu kat dia . Rupa rupanya. Dia dan anak beranak buat petrol pam, pergi la pulau melaka tanya penduduk disitu ,,, semua orang tahu


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-07 20:14 | Report Abuse

Jadi orang bagi ke dia tanah tu kalu betul pun. Yang BN tu curi tanah kata beli RM1/- satu kaki jual berjuta2 di pulau Pinang dan selangor, apa yang u mahu cakap. Bela lembu kerajaan BN bagi RM250 juta, kerana Isteri ada lah menteri. Kalu PAS curi pun tak nampak teruk, tapi bila BN curi seluruh dunia tahu. Tu pun skandal Tg Agas belum keluar lagi, berbilion......tanya RPK...........


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-07 20:19 | Report Abuse

Bezalah diantara orang beri dan "curi" daripada rakyat melalui manipulasi!!!!!!!!

Posted by khalil992418 > 2013-04-07 20:34 | Report Abuse

PKR pun tak boleh control land price kat Selangor, mcm mana tu...?


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-07 20:43 | Report Abuse

Sapa dan negeri mana boleh control land prices? Kebenaran nya kalu BN tidak kalah 2/3 di Parliamen rakyat abuk BR!M 1,2 dan gula2 lain jangan harap nok dapat sekarang. Yang berikan duit bemula dari Negeri Pakatan P. Pinang dari kelebihan bajet peruntukan tahun selepas kegunaan perbelanjaan lain.

Posted by hattorihanzo > 2013-04-07 20:56 | Report Abuse

RAHMAN is now completed..now let's start a new one..ANWAR. Eh my name begins with one of the word la...got chance to become PM...i better enter politics now.. :)


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-07 20:57 | Report Abuse

May be it's AMWAY series next... haha.

Posted by hattorihanzo > 2013-04-07 20:58 | Report Abuse

AMWAY oso can...still got :)


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-04-07 21:05 | Report Abuse

Curi/beri dengan manipulasi/atas nama Agama ...dengan Curi/beri dengan tiket'Kuasa/Jawatan'...Bezanya banyak... seperti...Slogan bersama PAS anda ke Syurga dan Bersama UMNO anda ke Neraka...

Yang tu sapa nak jelaskan?


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-04-07 21:19 | Report Abuse

Rasanya sanjungan penyokong PAS pada pemimpinnya keterlaluan...gambar berpelekat ditampal merata2 terutamanya kereta dan motorsikal...kelamaan boleh jadi semacam pujaan melampau...sedangkan jelas... ada larangan dalam agama islam...

Nape pemimpin Pas diamkan sahaja?


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-04-07 21:38 | Report Abuse

...Orang politik "Genetik" tetap sama... mereka berpolitik..
...Mendabik dada pilihan terbaik...hakikatnya hanya mahu menjadi 'Raja Baru"


75 posts

Posted by suhnaj > 2013-04-07 21:45 | Report Abuse

Wahai sekalian orang-orang yang beriman! Mintalah pertolongan (untuk menghadapi susah payah dalam menyempurnakan sesuatu perintah Tuhan) dengan bersabar dan dengan (mengerjakan) sembahyang; kerana
sesungguhnya Allah menyertai (menolong) orang-orang yang sabar
(Al-Baqarah 2:153) |

Posted by Kingkongbuddy > 2013-04-07 22:35 | Report Abuse

Akujuga shiok....BODOH punya BN

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 01:38 | Report Abuse

BN cemerlang,terbilang,temberang!


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 01:41 | Report Abuse

Tok Guru is a one in a million men....Najib?


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 01:45 | Report Abuse

Bukan semua TURUN bagus.BN turun subsidi.....PR turun harga minyak.


...as I Malaysian wrote...

For BN, Rakyat get RM 1 from BN will lose RM 10 through BN corruption. For PR, PR earn RM 10 will give Rakyat RM 1 through their surplus. Which type of government would Rakyat like to choose ?

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 01:58 | Report Abuse

Gelombang anak muda tolak Umno/BN in Larkin Central.Johor Bahru


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 02:05 | Report Abuse

Teruk dan lebih teruk


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 02:13 | Report Abuse

Ng Yen Yen will not be defending her seat in Raub....I miss seeing her being thrash by Sakmongkol AK47 (MOHD ARIFF SABRI BIN ABDUL AZIZ )

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 02:30 | Report Abuse

Kenapa Berpolitik?


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 02:35 | Report Abuse

See the whole story of YB Lim Guan Eng going to jail because of helping a Malay girl.


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 02:36 | Report Abuse

See the whole story of YB Lim Guan Eng going to jail because of helping a Malay girl.


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 11:45 | Report Abuse

Despite having more than a month to thoroughly scrutinize the Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto – Pakatan Harap Rakyat – the Barisan Nasional (BN)’s Manifesto, which was launched to great fanfare on the 6th of April, shows that it is a coalition that is fundamentally opposed to and incapable of introducing significant and much needed reforms in the country.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

While we have no problems with the BN trying to incorporate our ideas into their own manifesto, it is laughable to see that even this copying is half-hearted, like many of the so-called transformation initiatives of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The BN promises to reduce car prices by 20%-30% but stays absolutely silent on the unfair and opaque system of Approved Permits (AP) allocations that have been given to many BN cronies.

The BN promises to expand the Rapid Bus System to every state but does not allow the state governments or the local authorities to provide their own bus services.

Read-more:- http://goo.gl/sQVtC

...damn UMNO copycat??? tak ada otak???


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-08 12:24 | Report Abuse

UP the BRIM1 for what? It will create more corruption. Better give us fair price on cars, the electricity, the water, petrol compare to oil producing countries, rice, sugar, transportation, BN, please don't cheat us anymore. PLEASE PLEASE


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-08 12:28 | Report Abuse

Who copycat who? ONLY BN works for all Malaysians.

Who's the dictator in Malaysian politics and still wanting to grap power until today?

1969-2013 UMNO leadership...Tengku Abd Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Husin Onn,Tun M, Tun Abdullah, NAJIB

1969-2013 DAP leadership...Lim Kid Siang, Lim Kid Siang, Lim Kid Siang, Lim Kid Siang, Lim Kid Siang, Lim Kid Siang

So, WHO'S the dictator in Malaysian politics still wanting to hold power at party level?


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-08 12:33 | Report Abuse

UP the BR1M for what? It will create more corruption. Better give us fair price on cars, the electricity, the water, petrol compare to oil producing countries, rice, sugar, transportation, BN, please don't cheat us anymore. PLEASE PLEASE


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-08 12:42 | Report Abuse

BR1M is a social aid like what they do in western countries. But there, they have very high tax rates. Not here. Funds from high taxation rates are used to give social aids. In Europe and US, they provide social aids to the needies and the poor., jobless people, etc.

Not in Malaysia. Tax rates are low. If We can afford BR1M, why not?


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-08 12:51 | Report Abuse

Who say the TAX rates in malaysia is low? Please don't cheat us. Look at the Car Tax, the necessity tax, like rice, sugar, the electricity, the water, and the worst is the CAR TAX.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-08 13:27 | Report Abuse

income tax low lar


674 posts

Posted by lmf_hau > 2013-04-08 13:29 | Report Abuse

Ranger ,

U as a BN supporter , read the below b4 barking around :-




某天你在街上讲电话,一个驾着摩托的男人,抢掉你才用了一个礼拜的SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE。幸好,因为使用一个大马智能手机回扣的RM200,你的损失减少了两百块。

















《你錯在,甚麼都沒做!》- Ng Mei Ching




531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 13:56 | Report Abuse

Take it easy. Angry useless people will hurt yourself. Ignore them because useless people is useless to be educated. We just do what we must do. Don't let the useless people spoil our mood.
Be happy, the time is coming.
If we failed to make change this time, we will come back again everytime until change happen, even we should educate our subsequent generation, be brave to take change if thing is bad. Don't scare of change.
We made it in the past 308, a very good start for Malaysia Nation. Don't give up, don't angry, just quietly execute until it "CHANGE".


74 posts

Posted by AJ AJ > 2013-04-08 14:08 | Report Abuse

is the writing in kanji??

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 14:09 | Report Abuse

Exactly brother stock5678 , CHANGE we must or we will all masuk longkang and end up like Greece & Cyprus as a bankrupt nation. Don't be surprise that UMNO/BN is going to start the GST if it stays in power and then you see all things & goods will increase in prices & I do really pity the kampung folks.


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2013-04-08 14:10 | Report Abuse

Who is the most powerful man/woman in BN politics now?
Is he a Malay?
Ooops...a hint.


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 14:14 | Report Abuse

i like your nick name, umno2mampus. Ya, pity to kampung folks because they just watch manipulated tv news and information.
tptan, who is powerful doesn't important because i don't even interested to know. I only have one objective, 1 direction.

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 14:19 | Report Abuse

Apparently MCA has handed over the Kuantan (Pahang), Wangsa Maju (Kuala Lumpur), Gelang Patah (Johor) parliamentary seats to Umno. It has also made way for PPP in the Kota Laksamana (Malacca) state seat, and for MIC in the Tronoh (Perak) state seat..
So Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek how do you propose to look after the Chinese interest may I ask..


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 14:23 | Report Abuse

Soi Lek says:"emm....arr....hmm....oh..... Oop, sorry, you were asking me? Anyway, whatever it will be, will be, why should i borther? I still can fuking around. Don't interrupt me now. emm...ar....oh,,,,babe....cak hor lu si, lut hor lu si, emmm...."

Posted by lotsofmoney > 2013-04-08 14:24 | Report Abuse

You should go to India to find out.

Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 14:25 | Report Abuse

If Najib ask us not to choose between parties but make a choice between Anwar or him..then debate la Najib Razak..make it easier for us to decide right?


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2013-04-08 14:27 | Report Abuse


Posted by UMNO2MAMPUS > 2013-04-08 14:32 | Report Abuse

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his entire cabinet tells us that the Lynas factory in Kuantan is safe. Or are they just eager to let Lynas get on with their 12-year tax-free business plan to make billions of profits at our expense?

What did BN make a U-turn on the need to export the radioactive wastes from Malaysia? Why was Lynas allowed to started its operation without long term waste management plan, without proper decommissioning and dismantling plan. Why hasn’t the Temporary Operating License (TOL) been suspended since Lynas has publicly stated that it will not ship its wastes abroad? Will our Ministers move their homes to Lynas’ backyard?


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-08 15:46 | Report Abuse

Pengumuman oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak mengenai kesediaan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) menaikkan insentif Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) dari RM500 kepada RM1,200 untuk keluarga berpendapatan bawah RM3,000 sesungguhnya paling menarik perhatian ramai.

Ia satu berita gembira di luar jangkaan yang amat dialu-alukan, selain itu orang muda yang belum berumah tangga juga mendapat manfaatnya apabila insentif BR1M untuk golongan bujang turut dinaikkan dari RM250 kepada RM600, membuktikan betapa prihatinnya Kerajaan BN.

Di lihat dari respons hadirin yang berada di dalam dan luar Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil pada 6 April 2013 semasa pelancaran Manifesto BN bertemakan "Menepati Janji Membawa Harapan" itu, ternyata rakyat agak teruja dengan pengumuman tersebut.

Suasana sebegini jika dilihat oleh pemimpin PR tentu sekali mengundang gundah dalam hati, sementelah lagi sejak BR1M diperkenalkan pada 2011 diikuti dengan BR1M 2.0 pada 2012, sudah acap kali PR cuba mempersendakan insentif tersebut.

Pemimpin PR pernah menganggap penerima bantuan BR1M ibarat anak ayam dan lembu yang diumpankan dengan makanan, malah lebih teruk dari itu rakyat yang mendapat manfaat BR1M disamakan seperti penagih candu. Demikian hinanya martabat rakyat di mata pemimpin PR.

Mungkin dari aspek politik, PR merasakan penghinaan sebegini perlu untuk mengurangkan rasa terima kasih rakyat kepada BN, tapi hakikatnya kritikan yang tidak bertamadun sedemikian hanya mengundang amarah khalayak kepada PR.

Insentif BR1M bernilai RM1,200 dan RM600 ini mungkin dilihat kecil amaunnya oleh sesetengah pihak khususnya dari kalangan pemimpin dan penyokong PR, namun bagi rakyat yang menerimanya ia adalah satu pemberian penuh bermakna yang amat bermanfaat untuk mereka.

Sebab itu ramai hadirin yang mengikuti majlis pelancaran Manifesto BN itu secara spontan menadah tangan tanda kesyukuran malah ramai juga yang melonjak kegembiraan melaungkan ucapan terima kasih kepada PM sambil menyatakan sokongan padu kepada BN.

Senario ini tidak wujud semasa pelancaran manifesto PR pada 25 Februari 2013 yang lalu di SACC Shah Alam yang serba suram dan hambar, kerana janji yang ditaburi lebih banyak menimbulkan keraguan dan kesangsian ramai.

Berbeza sekali suasananya semasa pelancaran Manifesto BN yang mendapat sambutan hangat dan dihadiri puluhan ribu ahli, penyokong BN serta rakyat jelata yang setia hingga akhir majlis. Ini pun sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan tahap keyakinan umum yang tinggi kepada BN berbanding PR.

Rakyat tahu kenaikan insentif BR1M seperti dinukilkan dalam Manifesto BN itu merupakan satu akujanji yang ikhlas, realistik dan sudah pasti akan ditunaikan kerana terbukti sedari dulu lagi Kerajaan BN sememangnya menepati janji

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