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136 comment(s). Last comment by Desmond Liew 2013-01-21 14:16


2,088 posts

Posted by davesingh > 2012-11-27 20:51 | Report Abuse

READ this pakcik KClow.. you and your fans.. before you confuse innocent people with false motives... read this for you and your fans...remember innocent people here work hard for their money so dont play games with them...

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-27 21:05 | Report Abuse

i have fans? oh wow, didnt know that! i thought you accused me of cheating people?

oh you took from bbt's blog? hahahahahahahahahahaha you definitely dunno my interactions and communique with him! what happen to your own vaunted charts? the same one where Malaysia's index was hovering in the 400+ zone and many other stocks still exist?


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2012-11-27 21:37 | Report Abuse

Yes, more to come. see you at 15xx

Posted by littleshark > 2012-11-27 21:43 | Report Abuse

Oh gosh is bloody war frm everywhr. If drops more will retreat tmr..


531 posts

Posted by stock5678 > 2012-11-27 21:48 | Report Abuse

i can smell big shark already thrown a lot of share slowly, gradually. When the time really come, they will throw MORE at a time. then we will see sharp knife shape happening. But then, that's too late to do anything.


52 posts

Posted by boboijohn > 2012-11-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

So get ready your bullets!

Posted by Kim Yap Lau > 2012-11-27 22:50 | Report Abuse

Najib: GE could be in Dec, or next year http://adf.ly/FM8vs

Posted by Kim Yap Lau > 2012-11-27 23:42 | Report Abuse

DOW down too http://adf.ly/FME97

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-27 23:52 | Report Abuse

would be good if December is on for the GE and remove all cumbersome waiting! :)

BN or PR, let the rakyat decide la once and for all! the longer it gets, the lower market gets because of jittery! get it over and get back to improving the economy climate!


2,877 posts

Posted by passerby > 2012-11-27 23:53 | Report Abuse

you also pissed off of waiting so long already. i got all my holiday plan on hold just becoz i wanna decide my country next term government

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-27 23:54 | Report Abuse

Mahathir himself advocated the time is now! 2/3 i am not sure, Perak going back to PR is a better odd if i am a betting man! :)


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 00:01 | Report Abuse

passerby, the bigger picture should always be a govt of the people, for the people! actually to me, the longer you delay, it becomes worse. priority is to strengthen economy for the benefit of the rakyat, not chasing investors away in an uncertain market condition right? holding to the remaining vestige months of power speaks to me as having priority misplaced.


4,796 posts

Posted by tonylim > 2012-11-28 00:03 | Report Abuse

The november month prior to GE12, the index had 11 straight downs. This time is 18th inclusive today, slow, like the song killing me softly. Comparatively the GE 12 recorded sharp daily index retracements. Lull bfore the storm?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 00:06 | Report Abuse

actually the selldown also in anticipating of a nearer election, one should think logically! hope "inspiration" may come for Najib next week! :)

Posted by transformer123 > 2012-11-28 00:07 | Report Abuse

Our PM is indecisive...
He caused the mess...
Whether now, later, only one voice...change government...
Do you want lynas to shit our land..?
Do you want a better Malaysia...?
Malaysian is matured and the unmatured are is those who do not want to change...

Posted by martiniclub7 > 2012-11-28 00:10 | Report Abuse

Ya la jib kor jus get it done n over with lah! Wanna huat after GE for CNY!! Dun drag it til after cny plsss!! Market will always remain low until GE is over!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 00:13 | Report Abuse

transformer123, depends which side your ricebowl comes from lor! to say unmature seems to me unfair! older people may not necessary go for change if their family and ricebowl is affected! something to ponder!


3,844 posts

Posted by sheep > 2012-11-28 00:14 | Report Abuse

Me not getting any benifit from his 1rakyat handout. Think who i gonna vote?


1,882 posts

Posted by ktrader > 2012-11-28 00:22 | Report Abuse

From PWTC,.....Confirmed...no ge next month!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 00:27 | Report Abuse

you know of any reason for that ktrader?


1,882 posts

Posted by ktrader > 2012-11-28 00:48 | Report Abuse

nope...that's what pink-lip guy told the delegates..

Posted by Stephen Lee > 2012-11-28 00:52 | Report Abuse

If you do not sell now, then the foreign rating agencies will help you to sell down. No body beleived that America is down like shit since 2007.
Any country who does not manage the country's finance or wealth well shall be like America.....sub-prime crisis or another kind. KC Loh has neglected Bank Negara 2011 financial report. Perhaps he should disect it and do a cross examination to see how much is our borrowing and assets.... Cherrios happy trading

Posted by Stephen Lee > 2012-11-28 00:55 | Report Abuse

I do pray that everythings is fine. God bless the beloved nation.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 02:40 | Report Abuse

Stephen, are you referring to Malaysia govt's GDP to debt in your quoting of BNM financial report?

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 02:56 | Report Abuse

Stephen, if it is, i suggest a refresher of Keynesian economics (largely followed around the world), why when a country has high savings, govt will act as Adam's invisible hand and required to spend to avoid inflationary pressure!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 02:59 | Report Abuse

just found this, it will save me a lot of time to put the thoughts in writing. best of all, its localized in the Malaysian context. happy reading!


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:15 | Report Abuse

hence the reason most economists suggest that the GST be implemented this year itself to overcome public debt! but juggling between political survival and ramification to the nations coffers is a delicate matter to handle. Even more so when the rakyat lacks understanding and doesn't see the way the economists do!


208 posts

Posted by djhchew > 2012-11-28 03:19 | Report Abuse

Kc, still not sleeping yet? :)

Divergence of Price/RSI downtrend is confirmed by Stochastic which is now moving side ways >20% for 12 continous trading days..

Though there is no sign of rebound yet, my gut feeling tells me it's this week..

Technical rebound is around the corner as per BBT's 1630..

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:25 | Report Abuse

if i say a bull run may also be possible after election, and BN takes it with bigger than simple majority, will you laugh at me? :)

i am still reading mode! :)


208 posts

Posted by djhchew > 2012-11-28 03:31 | Report Abuse

I am looking at that too.. In the 5 year chart, (Cant find a 20 year chart... ) this is the longest that the Stochastic ever stayed >20%.. :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:31 | Report Abuse

please also remember, we are trying to pump more cash out with "sudden" discovery of oil and squeezing every drop from our marginal oilfields, to have excess revenue.

the third point succinctly mentioned in the above link:

Third and more importantly, if government spending is directed towards investment which raises the productive capacity of the economy e.g. spending on education, that effectively raises the future tax yield, which indirectly allows a higher burden of present debt.

In the end, the real limit to government borrowing (and spending) is neither taxation nor the printing press – its the ability of an economy to produce goods and services.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:32 | Report Abuse

20 year charts, you got to ask from you know who! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:36 | Report Abuse

now that i have tried establishing an economic vs political thought, you will fully grasp what fitch has to say in their last sentence! remember, please read in it entirety and don't be like Mr dave Singham-lingam!


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:40 | Report Abuse

ktrader, thanks for your GE update! appreciate that!

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 03:42 | Report Abuse

i find this very useful in case people wants it for research. i find it quite up to date!


the main page is here:



208 posts

Posted by djhchew > 2012-11-28 06:11 | Report Abuse

But, imagine the repercussions if BN achieved 2/3 majority again..

Perhaps more "ketuk-ketampi" for us rakyat just like in 2008? ie: RM2.80/L petrol and lately the AES..

No doubt there will be a Bull run for certain factors if they do win.. I for one would love to be in it too.. :)

AhJib Gor will have the biggest task of his career to outline and convince the rakyat that he had managed this before the election:



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2012-11-28 06:33 | Report Abuse

Read this please...our beloved country Malaysia is going down the drain???

Tuesday, 27 November 2012 07:29
'Our economy among FIRST TO COLLAPSE amid mounting govt debt'

The Malaysian economy may be one of the first to collapse with the devaluation of the ringgit, a PKR leader has warned.

Former Health minister and PKR vice president Chua Jui Meng (pic) pointed out the recent third quarter 2012 report by Bank Negara Malaysia which shows government breaching the 55% federal debt ceiling to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio by RM27 million.

What this means, according to Chua, is that in the event international rating agencies downgrade sovereign credit rating, the value of the ringgit would fall.

"The international fall in the value of our currency can happen any time, depending on our government’s immediate fiscal controls, especially in spending and borrowings.

"The world economies are already displaying volatile financial fluctuations, and Malaysia may be one of the firsts to go down the drain with a devaluation of the Ringgit," he said in a statement to Harakahdaily.

Chua warned that with the next general election around the corner, government spending was expected to rise, putting more pressure on federal government debt which is already at a staggering RM502.4 billion.

"Can you now see what will happen or the immediate damning effects to our economy if and when the value of our Ringgit falls in the international market? It is nothing short of a socio-economic disaster and nightmare for Malaysians. It will be a story of untold misery, for all Malaysians, except the millionaires or billionaires," Chua stressed.

He further said that if Malaysians realised that the BN government was doing nothing to address the country’s growing debts, they should "know what you must do on polling day come the next 13th General Election"




2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2012-11-28 06:35 | Report Abuse

Contrary to what BN thinks, the M'sian govt is 'BROKEN' & needs to be FIXED URGENTLY

Monday, 26 November 2012 15:48
Contrary to what BN thinks, the M'sian govt is 'BROKEN' & needs to be FIXED URGENTLY
Written by Lim Kit Siang

Contrary to what BN thinks, the M'sian govt is 'BROKEN' & needs to be FIXED URGENTLY

Over the weekend, in his speech to the state-sponsored NGO gathering “Himpunan Barisan 1Malaysia” at the Putra World Trade Centre, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said:

"Why fix it (the government) if it's not broken? It's not broken, far from it. Our country is the envy of many other nations.”

Both at the thousand-people Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat dinner in Kota Kinabalu on Saturday night and the People’s Green Assembly at Dataran Merdeka this morning at the conclusion of the historic 14-day 300-km Kuantan-Kuala Lumpur trek, I had posed the same question whether the “Malaysian government is broken and needs to be fixed?”, and the answer is a thunderous, powerful and united affirmative!

Fortunately, the Malaysian government has not broken down completely, all the more why it must be “fixed” immediately before it reaches a point of no return.

There is a long list why the Malaysian government is “broken” after 55 years of UMNO/BN rule and needs to be “fixed”, but I will only refer to the following instances:

1. Truly independent judiciary and just rule of law.

Malaysia has yet to regain its international reputation as a land where there is truly independent judiciary and just rule of law.

Twenty-four years after the initial and most heinous assault on the judiciary in 1988, resulting in the sacking of the Lord President Tun Salleh Abas and two Supreme Court judges, Tan Sri Wan Sulaiman and Datuk George Seah and the cowing of more than a generation of judges, public confidence in the professionalism, independence, impartiality and integrity of Malaysian judiciary has yet to be restored.

2. Subordination/subversion of key national institutions.

A major example of a “broken” government that needs to be “fixed” is the subordination/subversion of the independence, impartiality and professionalism of key national institutions, whether the public service, Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police, the Election Commission or the Anti-Corruption Commission.

3. World’s best education system.

Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is now talking about having the world’s best education system. But this was promised by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak 17 years ago when he was Education Minister and introduced the Education Act 1996 to replace the Education Act 1961.

The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 has however admitted the failure of the Education Act 1996 to ensure that Malaysia has the world’s best education system, with the growing gap between Malaysia’s education system with those of other countries in student performance and attainments.

When Malaysia first participated in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 1999, its average student score was higher than the international average in both Mathematics and Science. By 2007, the last published cycle of results, the Malaysian system’s performance had slipped to below the international average in both Mathematics and Science with a commensurate drop in ranking. Critically, 18% and 20% of Malaysia’s students failed to meet the minimum proficiency levels in Mathematics and Science in 2007, a two to fourfold increase from 7% and 5% respectively in 2003.

The results of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009+ were also discouraging, with Malaysia ranking in the bottom third of 74 participating countries, below the international and OECD average.

A comparison of scores shows that 15-year-olds in Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai are performing as though they have had three or more years of schooling than 15-year-olds in Malaysia.

4. Among World’s top universities.

In the sixties, University of Malaya was recognised as one of the world’s top universities. Today, we are struggling to get at least one Malaysian university accorded recognition as one of the world’s top universities to rectify the perception and reality that “the best education is only available abroad”.

5. Economic Performance and Competitiveness

Malaysia fell four places from 21st to 25th spot out of 144 countries in the latest Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 of the World Economic Forum. But even more ominous is the country’s losing out to more and more countries although the country was the most developed in Asia after Japan when we achieved independence in 1957, ahead of others like South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong but now at risk of being overtaken by other countries like Thailand, Vietnam and even Indonesia.

6. Worsening crime and Safety of Person and Property

...to continue below


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2012-11-28 06:36 | Report Abuse


6. Worsening crime and Safety of Person and Property

Despite claims that Malaysia is the safest country in the region and that the fear of crime is a problem of public perception, the fact is that the increasing incidence of crime, the lack of personal safety and security of property have become major problems affecting not only Malaysians but also investors and tourists.

As a result, crime and the fear of crime have become major problems in the country which have yet to be seriously addressed by the authorities.

7. Worst corruption problem than under any previous Prime Minister

Despite the GTP and NKRA priority to fight corruption, corruption today under Datuk Seri Najib Razak is in a worse condition than under any previous Prime Minister, as testified by the 17 annual Transparency International Corruption Perception Index since 1995.

Malaysia was ranked No. 23 out of 41 countries in 1995, but it has fallen to the worst 60th placing out of 183 countries in 2011 with the lowest-ever score of 4.3 – in sharp contrast both to improved rankings and scores of other countries whether in South-East Asia, Asia-Pacific or other Islamic countries in Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

8. Flight of two million of the best and brightest Malaysians abroad in the past four decades.

“Chronic and sustained human flight” is one of the indices of a “failed state”. There will be a renewed exodus of the best and brightest Malaysians abroad if Malaysians prove to be incapable of “fixing” a “broken” government in the 13GE.

9. Respect for human rights and environmental/ecological heritage.

The refusal of the Prime Minister or anyone of the Barisan Nasional Ministers and MPs to engage with Himpunan Hijau at the People’s Assembly at Dataran Merdeka this morning at the conclusion of the 14-day 300-km Kuantan-Kuala Lumpur trek to oppose Lynas, affirm sustainable development and halt/review hazardous projects like the gold mine in Bukit Koman, Pahang, the high-tension electrical tower in Rawang, Selangor, refinery and petrochemical integrated development project (RAPID) in Pengerang, Johore is powerful proof that the government is “broken” and needs to be “fixed”.

10. Clean, free and fair elections.

Are the Umno/BN leaders prepared to foreswear conducting the dirtiest election campaigg in the forthcoming 13GE?

Najib said Malaysia is the “envy of many other nations”!

What is there for Malaysia to be proud that we are the “envy” of nationals in “failed states” like Somalia, Congo, Sudan, Chad, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan or Haiti.

Malaysians can only hold their heads high if they are the “envy” of successful developed nations like Scandinavian countries, the advanced European countries or others like Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada.

Najib said that a change of government is not necessary for the country as the ruling BN government is ready to change.

Let Najib prove that the Umno/BN government is still capable of “big change” by meeting three challenges in his UMNO presidential speech later this week, to set forth the case that the government is not so “broken” that it needs to be “fixed”, viz:

> Firstly, declare that corruption is the No. 1 problem in UMNO and the country and introduce an Automatic Enforcement System (AEA) to fight grand corruption with unaccountable and extraordinary wealth of political leaders deemed in law as corruption with the ill-gotten wealth to be confiscated by the state unless the accused could prove their lawful origins in a court of law;

> Secondly, establish the Prime Minister’s sincerity in his 1Malaysia concept and slogan where every Malaysian regards himself as Malaysian first and race, religion, socio-economic status or region second by declaring that Ketuanan Rakyat Malaysia is the overarching UMNO objective and not Ketuanan Melayu; and

> Thirdly, demonstrate full democratic credentials and loyalty to the objective to make Malaysia “world’s best democracy” by declaring UMNO’s respect of the right of voters to choose the government they want and full commitment to transfer power peacefully to Pakatan Rakyat if this is the voters’ verdict in the 13th General Elections.

Lim Kit Siang is the DAP adviser & MP for Ipoh Timur



1,895 posts

Posted by juggernault > 2012-11-28 08:11 | Report Abuse

agree, heard that GM is December... God i wish to get out as soon as possible.. But if get out now lose a lot :C... hope some rebound fast before annoucement..


1,937 posts

Posted by ggecko > 2012-11-28 08:17 | Report Abuse

most likely it will be after CNY, it cant be in Dec, UMNO AGM will be held this week. they'r strategizing their final onslaught for the election. after AGM, they need to go back to their divisions/branches and disseminate info to their people. this will take more than a week or two. so, no GE during december, my bet - Mar 2013.

Posted by bursabulltrader > 2012-11-28 08:29 | Report Abuse

Thanks bingo...great sharing. :)

This is what happen...feel that there is not much changes in boleh land... we all boleh just walk a round and come to the same place!

Posted by bursabulltrader > 2012-11-28 08:32 | Report Abuse

juggernault... no greed no fear :)

For now just act as usual, but make sure empty hand when the real blood bath start...

Posted by bursabulltrader > 2012-11-28 08:37 | Report Abuse

GE, i think this year not possible lol... why PM want to trouble voters during moonson season? Rakyat Didahalukan mahh!


3,615 posts

Posted by Hustle > 2012-11-28 08:48 | Report Abuse

Why during GE the share price will surely drop?
Foreign investor clear their investment? If this is true,then Bursa index is support by foreigner or local investor?
If the market is belong to the foreigner,actually we don't need to concern anymore to the local news and the important thing is beware of mutual fund since it is control by locals and always become the last barrier during crisis and fund buyer always is the most risky group since their money is use to resistance the market drop.Switch to bond also no use,US AAA bond also can turn into BBB bond,so it is actually the same shit.If the market is support by the locals,suppose market activity will be normal,just a few company that fund by foreigner will have some affect on their share price.

Posted by bursabulltrader > 2012-11-28 09:01 | Report Abuse

Base on my "Hypothesis", and only two scenario:

1) Dec-Jan will have small rally...after/before CNY shares will slowly plunge towards 1500 before GE start. After GE, it doesn't matter which party win. BN or PR.. market will slowly move up ..

2) Dec-Jan will have small rally...after/before CNY shares will slowly plunge towards 1500 before GE start. After GE, if BN win market will slowly move up .. If PR win expect another drop to 1400...due to uncertainty..


Posted by Jonathan Keung > 2012-11-28 09:08 | Report Abuse

there is something we can control and there are other things beyond our control. the political divide is something which we need to live with it. times have changed ( for good or bad ) depending which side you are on.

whether BN or PR wins. the people in power needs to ensure the people needs are taken care. the waiting game for GE13 is killing the market.

nobody can predict the future. but coming 2013 will be a tough year for everybody. wish everybody good luck and trade (vote) carefully.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2012-11-28 09:33 | Report Abuse

Djhchew, the AES is a silly mistake to make nearer election. More so if its by cronies held parties. Should have been PDRM. Others like the NFC scandal and submarine purchase at bloated price (and murder mystery along the way) are a long list of things that will always leave bad taste of sheer abuse and lackadaisical attitude in enforecement of anti corruption. The others like you said happened with previous PM,which although I like Abdullah, I thought the job of premiership was way beyond his capability. He was promptly removed!

But the question given to me was about economy and specifically GDP-to-debt issue, unless Stephen asked another thing altogether. Like I said, I don't really care which party wins and I won't vote for something I don't believe in. In this case, both BN (because of sheer abuse) and PR (because I am not convinced of their economic policies and currently law of the jungle attitude with authorities) . Emotions and rhetorics aside, I wanna know which among the two has most destabilizing factor only. Will foreign investor run away if BN wins? Will chinese expect and demand more and bumiputra cede if PR takes it? So looking at the next election with high interest. I like a stronger return for a representation to the rakyat only, thus always believe in stronger opposition, so that Govt is kept on their toes.


3,615 posts

Posted by Hustle > 2012-11-28 09:35 | Report Abuse

HI KC Loh is that possible to practice your 1 day trading technique at MAS counter today?What kind of risky factor that need to be take into consideration?


2,088 posts

Posted by davesingh > 2012-11-28 09:39 | Report Abuse

singh is in the house..KClow you want the government to be on its toes right..like they have been for the past 4 years with all those goodies..you want 4 more years of that right.. then what???whos going to pay the bill..you going to sell your backside in chowkit to the banglas and pay for the bill ah??

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