Posted by PureBULL . > 2015-03-01 04:53 | Report Abuse
Dear Koon Yew Yin,
Very well written, Uncle KYY.
There r lots of simple strategies, a smart mgmt team can do to create value n vibrancy of their plc co.
I am so glad. For once there is true meaning of activist investing in KLSE. Please continue to do so. Do encourage n empower your rich social circle of friends to do so.
We truly need many rich investors with deep pockets n knowledge of running biz to be active in our stock mkt.
All these great ideas originated by your beloved Warren B., a graduate of top biz school of ivy league Uni.
Warren B 's successes in M&A n activist investing has created 3 great biz in USA today:
i. Hedge Fund Industry
All hedge funders r motivated by Warren B's original structure of fantastic reward scheme to himself i.e. 20 n 5
20% sharing of profits n 5% mgmt fee every year for the fund he managed.
It was too good that Warren even gave it away. Instead he bought a plc, BRK to continue his good job. Though buying BRK was his single biggest regret. The premium he paid for BRK could easily be used to directly make him twice richer, so he said.
ii. Private Equity Fund Industry
As a young graduate in his 20s , Warren visited 3 factories on the way back from New York City to his small hometown. He gave advice to the 3 owners of the factories on how best to grow their biz. Now U know why fund managers want to do factory visits.
Warren bought many unlisted co. Put in his ideas n grow the co instantly.
His great success attracted so many smart pple to quickly set up Private Equity Funds in US n now all over the world.
iii. Activist Investing Fund Industry
Many graduates of top biz school later will follow n copy Warren's way of making easy n fast money. They know all about biz n mgmt. So they will buy the co, make some noises to force thru the M&A or change the CEO n team. True to form, many become billionaires by being activist investors. The big names u know r B Ackman, Carl I, D Loeb, D Einhorn, J Paulson, S Cohen, D Tepper, S Klarmen n so on ...
They r all of the same tribe except 1 who is 1/2.
Uncle KYY, once again, WELL DONE ........
Wish to hear more from KYY.
Posted by chonghai > 2015-03-01 10:37 | Report Abuse
I agree with (1) and (2). As shareholder I want to know the the arrangement for excess cash.
(3) to (6) will not benefit the company in long term.
(6) may casue the company to grow without making profit, which is extremely dangerous.
It looks to me mr Koon put too much attention on stock price.
Posted by Egokoon > 2015-03-01 10:43 | Report Abuse
KYY taking credit from Oooi Teik Beng hard work again. Want to ask KYY, why so silent on Mudajaya and Jtiasa? Not taking credit for your fail buy calls?
Posted by ganasai > 2015-03-01 11:00 | Report Abuse
kikiki, dont talk the sad point. charity man will help yours gain back in lat and vs. kikikik, but the rule is: yours must help him gain first.
Posted by Egokoon > 2015-03-01 13:16 | Report Abuse
Praising trickster old man won't get you anything. KYY taking credit for Ooi buy calls. Only after VS and Latitud gain 70% the old man start to brag and dupe newbies to be his victims
Posted by veln82k6 > 2015-03-02 13:25 | Report Abuse
Same strategy used in jtiasa. Haha..
No result.
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Posted by lmenwe > 2015-03-01 00:01 | Report Abuse
To me the suggestions seem focus on how to help big owners to dispose the shares they own rather than creating long term value. Spliting shares, bonus issue will never change the counters' business and fundamentals.