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2,671 comment(s). Last comment by uncensored 2022-01-03 12:28


777 posts

Posted by stockfreak > 2021-12-15 13:59 | Report Abuse

Xi doesn't talk much. For those who knew him in early days, they were given an impression that Xi was a very power hungry person. Everything he did, he wanted a ladder up.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:00 | Report Abuse

He is not a capable person but good in politic manoeuvre...hehehe


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:04 | Report Abuse

At the beginning those old man chose him to lead the country over other because they thought he is a sheep & easy to control. But hahaha to their surprise he turn out to be a wolf under goat skin.... hahaha
15/12/2021 2:02 PM


2,657 posts

Posted by alenac > 2021-12-15 14:04 | Report Abuse

You are wrong he is cherry picking certain sectors of the economy by imposing stringent compliance and regulations, to stop certain capitalist "dogs"(which is by the way created and made rich by the government ) from being too powerful and overstepping their boundary of courtesy and can become a threat to the CCP government.

Posted by uncensored > Dec 15, 2021 1:56 PM | Report Abuse

Deng knew the failure of Marxism economy hence he abandoned centre economy planning & common prosperity policy. he adopted Capitalism economy model to spearhead the economy of China. The current China success is due largely on his willing to embraced Capitalism.

But current chairman reversed China economy policy.... he trying to adopt Marxism economy in order to reverse the slowing down of China economy...


3,309 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2021-12-15 14:05 | Report Abuse

sounds like our taliban gomen also., our GLC copycat china state owned enterprise ...latest taliban flop JDN 5G monopoly wakaka


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:23 | Report Abuse

alenac you are wrong, He even trying to start a Mao similar style of revolution but failed due to strong internal opposition. Common prosperity & centre economy planning are Marxism key economy policy which both leader Mao & Stalin used in managing their country.The end results are reached the destination "Holland". If current chairman has his way then very likely history will repeated itself.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:24 | Report Abuse

He will bring China economy to "Holland" if no one able to stop or advise him...


7,015 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-15 14:38 | Report Abuse

From Robert Kuok Memoir “In its 5,000-year history, I doubt that China has had as enlightened a group of leaders as during the past 30 years. They wanted their country to grow, and their people to prosper. Few leaders today compare with China’s in terms of true patriotism, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate their lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living.

In my business travels around China, I often came across incompetent or bigoted officials. Nearly every time I had a major tussle with one, or I met a dubious vice governor or mayor, I would come back and, in my judgmental way, tell my colleagues, “How can that man run such-and-such a city?” And sure enough, the next time I visited the place, say a year later, the man had been removed and a better man was in his place. I began to note to myself and to others that in Southeast Asia, a bad egg gets promoted; in China, a bad egg is removed.

The years of experimenting with extreme left-wing communism have had adverse side effects on Chinese society. One effect is that many grew up without a strong moral compass. They acted as though your wealth should be shared with them. While they professed to share their wealth with you – they knew full well that they had nothing. I used to tell Chinese cadres: “That is not communism; it is highway robbery! You people are even indecent in not telling the truth to yourselves.”

Fast forward to today do you know there are how many Chinese in The World's Billionaires - Richest People On Earth, 2021?

"When you have one million dollars, you’re a lucky person. When you have 10 million dollars, you’ve got trouble, a lot of headaches. When you have more than one billion dollars... that’s a responsibility you have— it’s the trust of people on you, because people believe you can spend money better than the others."- Jack Ma

President Xi is right to hold China Super Rich to their own words of their responsibility to fufil the trust of people on them to spend the money for the betterment of society (The Common Prosperity is definately not the same as previous left-wing communism as communism is long dead and buried in China)


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:40 | Report Abuse


The Unemployed and semi-unemployed might reach 300-400M people/Newly unemployed in 7 industries

China Insights
123K subscribers

We’ve said it before when Chinese officials warn the public about something, it means that the problem can no longer be contained.
After the Chinese government released the economic data for the third quarter of 2021, the official Chinese media warned the public to be careful about the risk of "stagflation", which means that the economy is stagnating while unemployment and inflation continue to rise.
The Chinese people are quickly finding themselves in a situation where prices for everything are rising. At the same time, China is experiencing an unprecedented wave of unemployment.


83 posts

Posted by Alantam > 2021-12-15 14:41 | Report Abuse

poorly written article?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:52 | Report Abuse

Is this question or your comment ?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:55 | Report Abuse



文昭談古論今 -Wen Zhao Official


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 14:58 | Report Abuse


【#中國禁聞】習近平急問「糧食怎麼辦」,糧荒真來了?二十大前,多省政法委書記密集落馬;學者:獨裁政府都想藉奧運提升形象;廣州查出奧密克戎,地鐵站封閉 |

#新唐人電視台 #中國禁聞 #糧荒
習近平急問「糧食怎麼辦」 糧荒真來了?
二十大前 多省政法委書記密集落馬
廣州查出Omicron 地鐵站封閉
東莞醫院停診 交通全面管制







2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

新华网 > 时政 > 正文
字体: 小 中 大 分享到:















  百年大变局之下,“黑天鹅”“灰犀牛”事件不断,发“鸡毛信”的时候也有,习近平总书记语重心长:“我是经常地敲警钟。我敲警钟是为了让大家警惕起来,居安要思危。无论国际风云如何变幻,我们都要坚定不移做好自己的事情。”(记者 杜尚泽)


7,015 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-15 15:15 | Report Abuse

Every countries in the world need to prepared their citizen for jobs losses due to Industry revolution 3.0, 4.0 and ESG sustainable development. China is no exception.

If US-China trade war worsen you can expect a market meltdown you have never see before. So pray hard it will not happen.

The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production.
The Second used electric power to create mass production.
The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production.
Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.


2,657 posts

Posted by alenac > 2021-12-15 15:31 | Report Abuse

Exactly Sslee, the 4th Industrial Revolution will challenge the each country authority over the control of physical, digital and biological spheres. Censorship may even be difficult to imposed.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 15:38 | Report Abuse


US steps up pressure to darken China ............

can they stop China?

The chances of US succeeding is low. Then what? Then the flaws of capitalist democracy will be more exposed................


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 15:41 | Report Abuse

China/ Xi has no choice. The external environment is not for China/ Xi to decide. But China is ready and will succeed.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 15:43 | Report Abuse


中国人口出生率暴跌,经济寒冬公务员降薪。中国加速进入进口负增长时代,多胎政策失效,政府却无视物价、房价、加班等问题 。 中国经济持续下行失业不断,而多地公务员也....



2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 15:44 | Report Abuse

This Biden has been a big disappointment. He is a just a US politician in every sense of the word. One, without any backbone or principles.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 15:45 | Report Abuse





2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 15:46 | Report Abuse

uncensored.........CPC 100 anniversary.........when has CPC no challenges? 100 years also got challenges but always find solutions...............


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 15:56 | Report Abuse

Gordon Chang and his doomsday China.................predicting doomsday for China for decades already.

why spend decades wishing/ predicting doomsday for 1.4 billion? very bad people.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 16:02 | Report Abuse

instead of doomsday and gloom and doom.....this guy got better attitude.....it all starts with attitude.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsVp-2da5C4


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 16:03 | Report Abuse

Will China's "common prosperity" impact the world?



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 16:12 | Report Abuse


多份華為機密文檔曝光華為廣泛參與政府監控民眾項目。| #香港大紀元新唐人聯合新聞頻道

417K subscribers

#香港大紀元 #華為機密文檔 #政府監控民眾項目



2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 16:21 | Report Abuse

don't want to use Hua wei , don't use lah............

epoch is farlonggone.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 16:24 | Report Abuse


Xi Jinping’s Family’s Wealth Exposes The Hypocrisy Of China’s Common Prosperity Campaign

Chinese President Xi Jinping is leading his common prosperity campaign to redistribute wealth with austerity. In recent weeks, his govt has cracked down on several celebrities for various reasons, including tax-dodging. But the President’s own family’s past is shrouded in corrupt deals and accused of amassing massive personal wealth. The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) has a strict image of being intolerant towards corruption. But experts believe that the party itself is riddled with corrupt officials in senior positions. Watch the video to know more.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 16:32 | Report Abuse


Common Prosperity: The Path to Common Poverty in China?

Center for Strategic & International Studies
165K subscribers
Please join the CSIS Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics for a roundtable discussion of the origins and implications of China’s heightened effort to achieve “common prosperity.” Through a one-hour interactive discussion, the program will address the economic, political, and societal components of this drive as well as consider its implications for both China and the United States. Important questions we will answer include: What are the main motivations for Xi Jinping and the leadership to move in this direction? Will this program genuinely reduce inequality and reign in the power of greedy high-tech companies on behalf of the common person and create the foundation for long-term inclusive growth? How will U.S. multinational companies in China be affected? How do these developments factor into America’s China policy?

Joyce Chang of JPMorgan, John L. Holden of McLarty Associates, and Scott Rozelle of Stanford University will shed light on these pressing questions surrounding “common prosperity.” Trustee Chair Scott Kennedy will host and moderate the discussion.

This event is made possible through general support to CSIS
A nonpartisan institution, CSIS is the top national security think tank in the world.
Visit www.csis.org to find more of our work as we bring bipartisan solutions to the world's greatest challenges.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 16:38 | Report Abuse


China's 'common prosperity' push: Means What and Why/How many Chinese will be affected?

China Insights
123K subscribers

On August 17, 2021, at an important meeting by the Chinese Communist Party CCP, a " common prosperity" policy was explicitly proposed.
It suggests that the regulation and adjustment of high income would be strengthened through the institutional arrangement of " third distribution". This statement immediately drew widespread attention and sparked fears among the wealthy in China. The term "common prosperity" has become a buzzword. However, what is considered "high income" by the CCP?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 16:52 | Report Abuse

some like uncensure just sees dark....

better see beauty and appreciate beauty.

in China , they are doing what they can.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

Hey you still have not answer my question why you hate them ? What evil things that they did to CCP or your communist comrade or yourself ?


Posted by qqq3333 > Dec 15, 2021 4:21 PM | Report Abuse

don't want to use Hua wei , don't use lah............

epoch is farlonggone.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-15 17:14 | Report Abuse

Do not be silly lah...Hua Wei has the most competitive system & phone mah!


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:21 | Report Abuse

un.............whatever your ideology, the world surely better if Xi common prosperity succeeds rather than fail.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:23 | Report Abuse

nowadays unrelenting pressure from Biden to try to make CPC fail.................... fair to the 1.4 billion Chinese? fair to the world?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:25 | Report Abuse

short term, China will face a lot of head winds......but are prepared and ready. I hope China will succeed longer term. Xi's target is 2050....not short term.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:26 | Report Abuse

Xi target 2050 China number one in all aspects.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:27 | Report Abuse

America only plan is win elections and disturb China......that is America's only plan.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:40 |

Post removed.Why?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 19:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 20:19 |

Post removed.Why?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 21:08 | Report Abuse


What is Falun Gong and Why is it Persecuted?

In 1999, then leader of China Jiang Zemin declared the Communist Party must eradicate Falun Gong! But why? What really is Falun Gong? On this episode of China Uncensored, the truth will be revealed.


7,015 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-15 21:28 | Report Abuse

No difficult to imagine US Republicans cozying up to Far Right news outlet Epoch Times aligned with Falun Gong in promoting conspiracy theories and far right fake news


Falun Gong-aligned media push fake news about Democrats and Chinese communists

US news outlets aligned with Falun Gong, a religious movement locked in a decades-long conflict with the Chinese state, have been increasingly successful in promoting conspiracy narratives about Democrats, election fraud and communists to the pro-Trump right in America.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-15 21:38 | Report Abuse

My question why you hate them ? What evil things that they did to CCP or your communist comrade or yourself ?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 22:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-15 22:41 | Report Abuse

can China survive as one country without censorship ?

back in 1949 surely not. Its no match to the propaganda from the CIA/ BBC.

even in 2021, its still no match to propaganda from the CIA / BBC. Now, of course more educated and richer than 1949 but China model still better. Its good that media and government work together for the people under the constitution. United, stable, strong, cut out all the crab and all the distractions makes people happier and life easier.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-16 00:12 | Report Abuse

uncensored, why do any one want capitalists democracies with all the dirty politics, antagonistic, lying, distractions if they can get China's whole process people democracy with its 5 year plans, 10 year plans and 30 year plans? ....and delivering results.


175 posts

Posted by Jarklp > 2021-12-16 00:32 | Report Abuse

The new weapons nowadays are climate change, deforestation, democracy, and human rights etc. We are also a victim of the new game. Look at what happened to our glove and palm oil companies when they don't like you. India has a worse record than us in forced labour but nothing happen to them. The big countries will leverage on what they have to screw small countries as long as you are not part of them.


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-16 09:50 | Report Abuse

And human rights as a weapon.,even if all fake and made up


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-16 10:43 | Report Abuse

qqq3333 what are your IQ level ? HaHaHa...
Your answer didn't reply to my question at all ?
No wonder you failed your school exams right ? Hahaha

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