(1) "市场人士:期货成黑色产业企业经营标配" Market participants: Futures become "black" industries enterprises operating standards (Note: "black" industries refer to steel, coke and coal industries)
(2) "在铁矿石供给总体过剩但结构化矛盾凸显的背景下,冬季高炉限产执行效果与预期的阶段性偏离进一步加剧了矿石、钢材等黑色系商品的价格波动。使用期货工具对冲风险几乎已经成为黑色产业链相关企业经营的标配" In the context of the overall iron ore supply surplus but the obvious structural contradictions, winter blast furnace production limit and expected phased deviations further aggravate the price fluctuations of black products such as ore and steel products. USING OF FUTURES TOOLS FOR HEDGING RISKS HAS ALMOST BECOME THE STANDARD OPERATION OF RELATED ENTERPRISES IN THE BLACK INDUSTRIAL CHAIN
(3) "企业使用期货工具渡难关保利润" Enterprises use futures tools to overcome hardships and protect profits
(4) The article also quoted an actual example of hedging by Maanshan Iron and Steel Company (马鞍山钢铁股份有限公司) to make profit.
"2016年马钢共完成大宗钢铁热轧卷板卖出套保4.39万吨,螺纹钢卖出套保10万吨,铁矿石买入套保9.32万吨,铁矿石卖出套保20万吨,以及焦煤买入套保20万吨。最终期现货贸易统一算账计算盈亏,参与期货市场帮助企业增加收益1279万元" In 2016, Maanshan completed a total of 43,900 tonnes of hedges for the sale of hot-rolled steel coils, rebar sold 100,000 tonnes of hedges, iron ore purchased hedges of 93,200 tonnes and iron ore sold hedges of 200,000 hedges ton, and coking coal buy hedging 200,000 tons. Finally futures and spot trades are combined to calculate profit and loss, participation in the futures market help businesses increase revenue by 12.79 million yuan.
** The Maanshan example show that futures and spot trading is combined to calculate the profit and loss. This is similiar when I add Huaan hedging profit to Huaan coke spot average to get Huaan effective coke average.
** You may note that Maanshan beside hedging its finished goods also hedged its raw materials. Hence it is possible Huaan beside hedging coke in the coke futures, also hedge coking coal at the coal futures !
Yea, Anson,agree, 0.21 is very very strong support over there. Q on 0.215~0.22 is more realistic and possible. Together Q on there to average down. Sure will fly, as our new years gift.^^
Nice gang guys or girls, promoting cheap sale,, keep dreaming, you buy at 0.225 huaan will fall even further, no matter you do he will fall more, instead buy at high and huaan will kove up...
You may be correct...they might have changed their business model...if not Huaan should be price range of 30s by now !....bursa approval is just for formality only
Coke price just can let us estimate their eps coming qr.. I'm don't think share price will direct reflect until it free of delist risk.. personally I don't think they gonna be delist.. that y I'm still holding. Buy for my own risk anyway.
Great opportunity to collect more at this depressed price. This is the usual time of the year when share prices normally drift lower to sideways, thereby creating a golden opportunity to buy your favoured share for a song, cheers.
Coke price update : last night malaysia time 3pm closing price rmb 1997. Now Malaysia time 6am coke closing price 2126 rmb ....up how much u count lahhhhhhhh
Let them sell down... i have no problems with that. When bursa approval come and next qr kick in, these people will chase above 30 cents. That time 30 cents also they will say it is cheap
You guys have any advise to tge rest of the team here regarding the heading of Huaan in next few hours and days,, you both waisting our time reading your unhealthy chalenges and argus. Lets focus here are you selling or buying now?..
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,278 posts
Posted by astalavista > 2017-11-28 16:29 | Report Abuse
Okey..now i revise to 0.20 since sharks are reading :)