Same with me. I poured all profit generated by other stocks I bought and make my cost around Rm 4.00. @Sifu Dragon I will follow your ways. @Sifu michael.... 就像你说的,买得低 才能抱的紧。我对它有信心,要真跌破4块.... 我就切......... 鸡蛋糕😜😜
YTL and YTLP annouced following qtr earnings 4.53c and 8.62c, with current share price at 3.88 (T4Q EPS 21x) and 5.38 (EPS 15x), genting last Q earnings was 3.90c (RM529m) and current share price price at 4.73, thats T4Q EPS of 30x..... in order to make it to lets say 21x EPS, earnings needs to be at 5,63c or RM760m..... this is the hurdle earnings GenT needs to make :-) peace
Last call 4.71 for u Ikan bilis buy in today , QR will announed either today or Monday , 600 mil net profit will bring Genting close 5.30 first day , 300 mil to 600 mil net profit , gurantee close 5.10 , 8 percent up first day closing
31 march 2024 usd/rm=4.71, 31 dec 2023=4.605, 2.7% drop in usd, x 5000m exposed in usd debt=130m lose in foreign exchange. Compare to 2.2% gain in 23Q4, 4.7%x5000m=235m swing , or 235m lower then 23q4
Dont be scared, 235m swing will only effect genting profit by around 90m, calculation as below235x0.471=110, assuming , Genm increased by 180mx0.08% management charged by gen to genm, 14.4, effect in genting around80-95m
500m is possible with no impairment loses, but is impossible because this is genting, hopefully have something gain on dispose assets/ similar to contra it,
Wah! You able to move Genting share price up 2 sen, must be financially very powerful! Hopefully funds profit taking from YTL power today quickly move in Genting.........
Genting and Genm Qtr report, Always last Thursday of the quarter, (but not the last day), if Thursday is the last day, then one day before. 29 may genP, 30 may Gent/ GenM
Gt fun mean genting fun. Dec 24 to may 25, will be the big bull run for genting for many reason, may 2025 targeted price eps60x12-14pe=rm7.20-8.40. This june will be around 5-5.80
genting and genm like to test investor patient . they will keep at 4.75 and 2.75 level for long time until eveyone give up then will on rise. Maybe we still need to wait until q-report out , only move. Be patient , u will be rewards.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
33 posts
Posted by kent9988 > 2024-05-23 17:27 | Report Abuse