stockraider, I haven't sold my BCorp and BLand shares, but does dispose some BCorp to buy BLand, believing BURSA/SC SHOULD act on behalf of minorities on this matter. Sigh! With VT disposing BLand and BCorp lately, genuinely hope it's not one the biggest mistakes I have made...
Non sense, the last experience should not esilily forget.A show just started, of course , there's a big gestures to fool investors. If situations no good, just buy some insurance. Don't all in, some day, sky will shine again.
Jalil restructuring plan is very good for bjcorp as its going to sweat its assets which will unlock value of bjland. Last week was profit taking but this week will be the time for rebound. In order to move up higher and faster, share must endure heavy profit taking. That is how greenhorn and small timers will be hurt during retracement.
do you think that those that bought @ 45- 50 sen are also sweating?
besides the assets (which have yet to sweat)? ___________________________ Jalil restructuring plan is very good for bjcorp as its going to sweat its assets which will unlock value of bjland. Last week was profit taking but this week will be the time for rebound. In order to move up higher and faster, share must endure heavy profit taking. That is how greenhorn and small timers will be hurt during retracement.
15-Apr-2021 Insider TAN SRI DATO' SERI VINCENT TAN CHEE YIOUN (a substantial shareholder) disposed 4,000,000 shares on 14-Apr-2021. 15-Apr-2021 Insider TAN SRI DATO' SERI VINCENT TAN CHEE YIOUN (a substantial shareholder) disposed 700,000 shares on 13-Apr-2021.
why is our champion VT selling? i thought Jalil was going to sweat the shareholders, i mean, sweat d assets!
So what are you talking about arv18? I think you don't even know what you want in life yet because by the way you explain about all this seems to show a person that has no track record.
Jalil bought 136million shares just so that he could get trap and lose all his money? For you to buy 20 to 30k shares and lose money maybe but for successful corporate people I don't think so. Hehehe good day ahead.
Yes join the sweating club!!!!! Be prepared to be jailed!!!!!! They make use of black money to pump & dump to collect clean cash for some Vvip..... Jalil is a front for pump & dump operations & Vt will promise the sky, made you happy & collect the shares. Start dreaming day & night that some days in future will get good returns.......
seems like Jalil posted smthg in his twitter, going to have news in this 2 months time. Second round of bull coming. Whether he will really get it done or talk to goreng, time to collect n ride along, exit when necessary.
You remind me of the band that was playing in the final minutes of the Titanic. Silly yet admirable indeed.
kahhoeng stockraider, I haven't sold my BCorp and BLand shares, but does dispose some BCorp to buy BLand, believing BURSA/SC SHOULD act on behalf of minorities on this matter. Sigh! With VT disposing BLand and BCorp lately, genuinely hope it's not one the biggest mistakes I have made...
Once the music stops!!!!! Join the sweating club!!!!! Be prepared to be jailed!!!!!! They make use of black money to pump & dump to collect clean cash for some Vvip..... Jalil is a front for pump & dump operations & Vt promises the sky, mades you happy & collect the shares. Start dreaming day & night that some days in future will get good returns.......
Dataprp sunk from rm 4.00+ to 80 sen to shake out the weak holders. Now, it has rebounded in price to current rm 1.93 highest. Berjaya corp might follow the same pattern in price movement. Hold and then benefit from the imminent uptrend.
Be sure to sell your car, house and whatever that may be of value to buy in now. I'm sure you'll make it in no time :D
Roy 8 Dataprp sunk from rm 4.00+ to 80 sen to shake out the weak holders. Now, it has rebounded in price to current rm 1.93 highest. Berjaya corp might follow the same pattern in price movement. Hold and then benefit from the imminent uptrend. 19/04/2021 3:02 PM
Saying that VT is selling to leaving bj is very speculative and can be untrue. Bj is VT's baby and his pride and joy.. He said he is giving away half his fortune to charity. There are many ways to donate to charity without selling bj. He may have some reasons for selling some of his bj shares, definitely not all. Maybe he sold some at the wrong time. To be , no big issue.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,959 posts
Posted by kahhoeng > 2021-04-18 15:36 | Report Abuse
stockraider, I haven't sold my BCorp and BLand shares, but does dispose some BCorp to buy BLand, believing BURSA/SC SHOULD act on behalf of minorities on this matter. Sigh! With VT disposing BLand and BCorp lately, genuinely hope it's not one the biggest mistakes I have made...