U look at Derivative Note 18 of Q2 result & zoom on the core problem area the Refining Swap Margin & ask yourself
Refining Margin Swap Notional Contract USD 227m or approx @ 4.30 at Rm 976m Assets Rm 261m.....this is the likely deposits to secure the contract . Liabilities Rm 1,751M @Most likely losses incurred todate....if not how to explain notional contract is only Rm 976m but its liabilities is Rm 1,751M
Do u not see...something strange ??
Why the other derivative other than Refining swap margin derivative, do not attract such a high collateral deposits of Rm 261m b4 can execute the contract leh ?
I do not need the advice from stockraider after a long bad mouth from him on Hengyuan.
He said, Hengyuan is a con stock, Chinaman siphoned money from Malaysia to China. I had made a report on him to Hengyuan management, I hope a legal action is taken against him. FYI, stockraider is the one losing his money in 2017. I made million from Hengyuan in 2017. No reason that I take his advice. If he is so good, he should make more money than me in 2017. I am very disappointed with him. Hence I report his name to the management of Hengyuan and suggest to the management to take a legal action against him. I mean business.
Lowest 4.39 leh. Now is 4.65 leh. Haiyoh. Swing higher sikit lah. Range 4.20 to 4.80 leh. Ada 60 sen leh. Daily range pun ada belasan to 20sen lah. You get 5 to 7 sen only kah. Haiyoh. Correct?
Think the lowest was 4.35, and MM was so seductive and on heat, she moaned and whispered in my ear....4.00...4.00....
Now swing is limited to 5c-7c......not worth the time. I like fireworks......
Posted by UlarSawa > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse Now MM follow wind blowing mah. Talk like lalang lah. Now ex divvy date only dapat to rm4.00. No more rm3.00. Ball sudah kecut. Haiyoh. Correct?
Raider mana ada lost in 2017 lah. He managed to save AhFah at the end lah. AhFah pun managed to pay all his son education fee in Australia leh. Everyone heard about AhFah news leh. You ini macam cakap Raider lost in 2017 must be slander Raider leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
I do not need the advice from stockraider after a long bad mouth from him on Hengyuan.
He said, Hengyuan is a con stock, Chinaman siphoned money from Malaysia to China. I had made a report on him to Hengyuan management, I hope a legal action is taken against him. FYI, stockraider is the one losing his money in 2017. I made million from Hengyuan in 2017. No reason that I take his advice. If he is so good, he should make more money than me in 2017. I am very disappointed with him. Hence I report his name to the management of Hengyuan and suggest to the management to take a legal action against him. I mean business.
Should have followed the proper research out there. Why bother in street room. Roasting and roasted even until this stage. Still spamming what crakcing nonsense. Hit and run and take profits when there is any short spike until the value and volume emerging one day.
Even though 2020 HRC derivatives gain is RM 1,124,316,000. But in 2020 PAT only RM 250,983,000
Come back to 2022: Hengyuan realised derivatives loss for Q2 RM 438,758,000 and culmulative 6 months RM 870,964,000 all flow thro the P&L and yet HRC acheived H1 PAT of RM 714,941,000 and Operating profit before changes in working capital RM 939,171,000.
So if H2 derivaties loss is RM 1.07 billion then most likely the actual physical buying crude and selling finished products will earned RM 2.5 billion. This make H2 net earning of RM 1.43 billion
It's really lucky I lost a few hundred bucks to cut lost today . Otherwise, it was really killed by holland king otb. But I know there are many people still stuck at hiaptek 50cents price and msc $5. My co-workers say they see the wrong people and subscribe to these sweet potatoes.
Really. You cutloss few hundred only. The most dont go out dinner few times only. Eat maggi mee pun boleh tahan lah. Then good to you lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
ty Y
It's really lucky I lost a few hundred bucks to cut lost today . Otherwise, it was really killed by holland king otb. But I know there are many people still stuck at hiaptek 50cents price and msc $5. My co-workers say they see the wrong people and subscribe to these sweet potatoes.
Ular takda judi at here lah. Cakap many time already. TP pun not hit rm4.00 leh. Cannot let it hit rm4.00 leh. Later case study failed leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
Perhaps if we talk less, got chance to collect at 4.00....hahahahaha
Posted by UlarSawa > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse Really so explosive earning. no wonder you die die tak mau cutloss like Uncle Koon said one lah. Pakai Hope analysis kah. Ada ego kah. Haiyoh. Correct?
You all dont mention sifu OTB name then he will not curse you all lah. Later the Cafe Boss macai macai pun keluar collect mayat again lah. Undertaker job very busy again lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
There is nothing special in this room except thrash talking. Why bother listening to these spammers who are hiding without a proper identity smoking cracks day and night here. The good ones would have published with all the info and more accountability out there. A few made it and facing the heat like a man now. Here, the few amateurs self claimed what accounting expert even asked the few sillies to add more post result. All these nonsenses and gobsmacked, complimenting each others when the share price is trading far below expectations and many still roasting.
Posted by MoneyMakers > Sep 12, 2022 10:39 AM | Report Abuse Simple layman If HY hedge contracts all expired in June, Q2 would’ve reported (-400Mil) loss If HY hedge contracts expire monthly/bi-monthly, will see 1.07Bil hedging loss realised Q3
I am laughing my heart out. 1. No such thing as HY hedge contracts all expired in June
2. If HY hedge contracts expire monthly/bi-monthly, will see 1.07Bil hedging loss realised Q3. The RM 1.O7 Bil is marked to market unrealised derivatives loss, mean HRC will make a total realised loss on outstanding refining margin swap contracts expired monthly/bi-monthly if you had frozen all the spot and future refining margin at 30/06/2022 price.
Posted by deMusangking > Sep 12, 2022 10:49 AM | Report Abuse
Really. You cutloss few hundred only. The most dont go out dinner few times only. Eat maggi mee pun boleh tahan lah. Then good to you lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
deMusangking, Cutloss a few hundred only also no shy cry father cry mother in i3 day and night.
Publish real data or publish assumption data is different leh. No one bother also mah. Both sides pun asume this assume that leh. No one is right until next QR is out lah. All also tikam tikam only lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
There is nothing special in this room except thrash talking. Why bother listening to these spammers who are hiding without a proper identity smoking cracks day and night here. The good ones would have published with all the info and more accountability out there. A few made it and facing the heat like a man now. Here, the few amateurs self claimed what accounting expert even asked the few sillies to add more post result. All these nonsenses and gobsmacked, complimenting each others when the share price is trading far below expectations and many still roasting.
Haiyoh. HY 2017 history many got pregnant kah. Unwanted kids were born during that time kah. Now suffering kah. Haiyoh. Correct?
Virgins...people looking for virgins like the purple colour chips new technology IPO...this hy played until pregnant in 2017 now old hag already no one wants...just like that otb.
Uncle Koon still very powerful leh. Ular predict green today pun cannot tahan Uncle Koon punya blog leh. Kesian HengYuanese yang clever ones leh. Have to endure again until next QR leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
Code Red, Code Red....few minutes after KYY blogged....ppl give in to him....hahahahaha
Uncle Koon horsim lah. You see he tulis blog only the share price pun follow his blog mah. You panlai one will know what to do mah. You still hoping and ego make you feel he is tarnishing HY leh. He is sharing all pun can see mah. Sharing pun kena kutuk black heart kah. Kesian Uncle Koon leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
Old man KY gel is good fr lubricating only. Mouth smooth but black heart. Full of vengeance. Narcissist
Ular wondering why keep repeating post the same thesis one leh. Cannot write blog macam Uncle Koon kah . Tulis blog and post in I3 lah. So kesian keep repeating the thesis pun takda many want to read again and again and again lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
It doesn't matter whether it is pure assumption, factual or thrash figures. Still the current share price is the underlying factor to determine the outcome of all these nonsense public wet market forum debates. Or else why coming to I3 ? Should have joined Tik Tok room.
Aiyoyo MM what nonsense u talking pending 1.07Bil hedging loss
If HY hedge contracts expire monthly/bi-monthly, will see 1.07Bil hedging loss realised Q3.
The RM 1.O7 Bil is marked to market unrealised derivatives loss, mean HRC will make a total realised loss on outstanding refining margin swap contracts expired monthly/bi-monthly if you had frozen all the spot and future refining margin at 30/06/2022 price.
You also dunno lah. I3 is more like a pasar malam mah. Many like to visit pasar malam mah. The best place to lepak mah. Dont you think so. Haiyoh. Correct?
It doesn't matter whether it is pure assumption, factual or thrash figures. Still the current share price is the underlying factor to determine the outcome of all these nonsense public wet market forum debates. Or else why coming to I3 ? Should have joined Tik Tok room.
Really. Make money quietly kah. Macam pun bising in the forum kpkb macam losing money ani kuan leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
Posted by myongcc5 > 57 seconds ago | Report Abuse No words can explain tis old ...tis old man, tis old man ... ---------- No worry. A good investor will make money quietly. This old man already lost > 500 million in last few years. Basically, this old man also lost until not much money left behind. He sold his bungalow lot and land in last few year. Very sad to hear that.
Zhuge, thanks. I hv the same believes. Yrs ago, my friends told me tht retribution will b upon him but I still prayed tht he is spared. Attitude too persistent. Hope he realizes his narcissist n vengeance n enjoy balance of life
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,546 posts
Posted by Zhuge_Liang > 2022-09-12 09:55 |
Post removed.Why?