Posted by UlarSawa > 14 seconds ago | Report Abuse Uncle Koon is powerful lah. If he join HengYuanese jadi super promoter baru ada hope lah. If he is super penkritik then habis lah. Haiyoh. Correct? ---------------- This old man has no money to push any share now. This old man already lost > 500 million in last few years. Basically, this old man also lost until not much money left behind. He sold his bungalow lot and land in last few year. Very sad to hear that.
That's why thrash talk and get the leisure all we want. Don't have to take it too personal for now until the moderator impose stringent condition for all. Still must respect the wet market gentlemen rule. Share price direction.
How you know Uncle Koon loss rm500 mil last year. You are his sexytary can access his bank acct kah. At least he is still ada sikit power when he said something leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
Posted by UlarSawa > 14 seconds ago | Report Abuse Uncle Koon is powerful lah. If he join HengYuanese jadi super promoter baru ada hope lah. If he is super penkritik then habis lah. Haiyoh. Correct? ---------------- This old man has no money to push any share now. This old man already lost > 500 million in last few years. Basically, this old man also lost until not much money left behind. He sold his bungalow lot and land in last few year. Very sad to hear that.
1. No such thing as HY hedge contracts all expired in June
2. If HY hedge contracts expire monthly/bi-monthly, will see 1.07Bil hedging loss realised Q3. The RM 1.O7 Bil is marked to market unrealised derivatives loss, mean HRC will make a total realised loss on outstanding refining margin swap contracts expired monthly/bi-monthly if you had frozen all the spot and future refining margin at 30/06/2022 price.
Uncle koon also learning mah. Bursa many also swing kaki mah. Why you all can swing and Uncle Koon cannot swing kah. Unfair mah. You all also promote the ctr and swing at the end also sell mah. Uncle Koon also see TA also like many of you all mah. Haiyoh. Correct?
But he swings so fast like dah makan feng tau yin...
Posted by UlarSawa > 16 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Uncle Koon is powerful lah. If he join HengYuanese jadi super promoter baru ada hope lah. If he is super penkritik then habis lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
MM if you had frozen all the spot and future refining margin at 30/06/2022 price. Then Q3 July, Aug and Sept what will be HRC profit look like from buying crude and selling refined products?
Correct Correct Correct. Ular is one of the follower. Keep following Uncle Koon if ada chance will try to get angpow from Uncle Koon. Uncke Koon is a very generous old man. Very kind to give angpow to the public especially those like him one. Kissed his hand and ucap terimakasih to Uncle Koon one after dapat angpow from him. But many are ungrateful one after dapat angpow already kutuk uncle Koon lagi caci maki Uncle Koon one. Haiyoh. Correct?
If U take all derivative valuation mark to mkt in June & flow thru P&L....base on the same high standard as Petron...then Hengyuan will make Q2 losses of Rm 412m or EPS loss of Rm 1.37 per share & Half year losses of Rm 475m or EPS loss of Rm 1.58 per share mah!
If H2 derivaties loss is RM 1.07 billion then most likely the actual physical buying crude and selling finished products will earned RM 2.5 billion. This make H2 net earning of RM 1.43 billion
This is proven: Even though 2020 HRC derivatives gain is RM 1,124,316,000. But in 2020 PAT only RM 250,983,000
Come back to 2022: Hengyuan realised derivatives loss for Q2 RM 438,758,000 and culmulative 6 months RM 870,964,000 all flow thro the P&L and yet HRC acheived H1 PAT of RM 714,941,000 and Operating profit before changes in working capital RM 939,171,000.
Why U R so stubborn....the working is all work up for u by Hengyuan....Just look at the detail financial statement as at 30-6-2022....just look at the comprehensive income lah!
Simple mah!
If U take all derivative valuation mark to mkt in June & flow thru P&L....base on the same high standard as Petron...then Hengyuan will make Q2 losses of Rm 412m or EPS loss of Rm 1.37 per share & Half year losses of Rm 475m or EPS loss of Rm 1.58 per share mah!
No need to bluff mah!
Lu tau boh ??
Hengyuan is having a losses of Rm 475m as per comprehensive income disclosure mah!
Stop kidding yourself mah!
If Hengyuan make money after june 2022....due to hedging....that is another story mah!
But since the Crack spread has fallen to USD 1 to 5 from USD 20 to 25....i doubt hengyuan operating profit will be good....u will be lucky hengyuan just break even loh!
As for hedging profit if it come after june, it will need to offset agst the culmulative hedging losses of more than Rm 1 billion as at june 2022 loh!
In addition there will be a mark to mkt inventory losses for hengyuan due to crude fallen from USD 110 in june to USD 92 now loh! Easily the mark to mkt losses inventory exceed Rm 150m loh!
I do not need the advice from stockraider after a long bad mouth from him on Hengyuan. What do you expect from an office boy standard in investing ?
He said, Hengyuan is a con stock, Chinaman siphoned money from Malaysia to China. I had made a report on him to Hengyuan management, I hope a legal action is taken against him. FYI, stockraider is the one losing his money in 2017. I made million from Hengyuan in 2017. No reason that I take his advice. If he is so good, he should make more money than me in 2017. I am very disappointed with him. Hence I report his name to the management of Hengyuan and suggest to the management to take a legal action against him. I mean business.
KUALA LUMPUR: Affin Hwang Capital expects a strong second half of 2022 (2H22) profit turnaround for Velesto Energy Bhd on the back of a higher capacity utilisation. The research house said the drilling market outlook had turned more favourable compared to a quarter ago with demand and charter rates on the rise.
Barring any unforeseen disruptions, it said Velesto should end 2022 with a full-year 59 per cent utilisation. "Management is also sticking to its bullish tone as it expects utilisation to rise close to 80 per cent in 2023 from our existing 65 per cent assumption.
"Velesto has locked in roughly 18 per cent utilisation so far, with most of the potential contracts still under negotiation under Petronas' umbrella package," it said. Meanwhile, the firm said the estimated higher 72 per cent rig utilisation in 2H22, above Velesto's 60 per cent breakeven level should lead to a strong profit turnaround and narrow 2022 losses significantly.
It said 2023 was shaping up to be a strong recovery year driven by a recovery in both rig demand and charter rates. "We reaffirm our Buy rating and target price of 11 sen on Velesto. "We believe market expectation on Velesto has bottomed and downside on its share price appears limited. "We see value emerging and believe that the current share price has not factored in the improving drilling market outlook," it added.
The unrealised derivatives gain/loss although did not pass thro' the P&L as it was kept as other comprehensive income: Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss:
But in Balance sheet the unrealised drivatives gain/loss was captured as derivatives assets and derivatives liabilities thus reflected into NTA.
Actually 30-6-2022 is the highest value of wealth destruction in Hengyuan despite reporting record operating qtrly profit eps of Rm 2.22 loh!
Why leh ?? Something is not right mah!
Posted by Sslee > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
The unrealised derivatives gain/loss although did not pass thro' the P&L as it was kept as other comprehensive income: Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss:
But in Balance sheet the unrealised drivatives gain/loss was captured as derivatives assets and derivatives liabilities thus reflected into NTA.
U need to be honest by calling a spade a spade mah!
If U take all derivative valuation mark to mkt in June & flow thru P&L....base on the same high standard as Petron...then Hengyuan will make Q2 losses of Rm 412m or EPS loss of Rm 1.37 per share & Half year losses of Rm 475m or EPS loss of Rm 1.58 per share mah!
No need to bluff mah!
Lu tau boh ??
Hengyuan is having a losses of Rm 475m as per comprehensive income disclosure mah!
Stop kidding yourself mah!
If Hengyuan make money after june 2022....due to hedging....that is another story mah!
But since the Crack spread has fallen to USD 1 to 5 from USD 20 to 25....i doubt hengyuan operating profit will be good....u will be lucky hengyuan just break even loh!
As for hedging profit if it come after june, it will need to offset agst the culmulative hedging losses of more than Rm 1 billion as at june 2022 loh!
If you want to buy share based on NTA then go and buy Insas. If you want to buy share based on earning then you may consider Hibby or HRC or Petronm or many more others
Ya how do u handle the high risk highlighted below leh ?
Why need to be very careful with "Private Refining Margin Swap" ?
Even in the event, we are highly successful with the trade and make billions- The Private Counter Party....can simply just default and nothing we can do loh!
The huge sum of money, that Hengyuan is tune of Rm 1.3 billion losses, is just ridiculous mah!
Posted by stockraider > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Just becareful loh!
The Hedging is done thru a Private Refining Margin Swap....thru a chinese counter party in SPORE loh!
It is one to one bets loh!
Be very careful mah!
Very Good Points loh! is not an is an individual counter party....having a private deal with Hengyuan mah!
Who is the sooohaaiiii counter party dare to bet one to one... with a refinery like HRC, on Refining margin on one to one bet leh ??
What is there for them, what is counter party their competitive edge over hengyuan leh ?
Posted by qqq3333 > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
if every refinery go short on the crack spread contracts, who is on the other side? is there enough volume to make the exchange viable?
Posted by qqq3333 > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
if every refinery go short on the crack spread contracts, who is on the other side? is there enough volume to make the exchange viable?
Posted by qqq3333 > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
if every refinery go short on the crack spread contracts, who is on the other side? is there enough volume to make the exchange viable?
Very important Question if u can answer then u will solve the mystery loh! is not an is an individual counter party....having a private deal with Hengyuan mah!
Who is the sooohaaiiii counter party dare to bet one to one... with a refinery like HRC, on Refining margin on one to one bet leh ??
What is there for them, what is counter party their competitive edge over hengyuan leh ?
The huge sum of money, that Hengyuan is tune of Rm 1.3 billion losses, is just ridiculous mah!
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,539 posts
Posted by Zhuge_Liang > 2022-09-12 11:29 | Report Abuse
Posted by UlarSawa > 14 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Uncle Koon is powerful lah. If he join HengYuanese jadi super promoter baru ada hope lah. If he is super penkritik then habis lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
This old man has no money to push any share now.
This old man already lost > 500 million in last few years.
Basically, this old man also lost until not much money left behind.
He sold his bungalow lot and land in last few year.
Very sad to hear that.