Supermxking, again? Lol! Go and check kyy write up when he was holding jaks shares. Browse through the history otherwise you will be a laughing stock here!
Again? The so called costly experience has been shared multiple times... valuation is made on future profits / cash flows, how to ignore power plant when It’s at at least 93%+ completion.
Next month QR will know the remaining 8% is completed.
What is more annoying is the large no of shares after the right issue with min scenario 1.1bil and max scenario 1.4 bil.
Though this is not unexpected with the poor execution of the msian property arm.
DK66 articles will need further adjustments(eg:EPS) in view that the no of shares have increased significantly. Though fundamentals remain unchanged for now.
I am surprised to hear people, in particular KYY, who say investing should not be based on expected future profit. Says must have at least 2 consecutive qtrs of rising turnover and profits which is fine. If investment should not be based on future expected/projected profits then what is investment based on? This is the business risk involved when you make an investment. In Jaks you invest based on its future projected profits from power plant and hopefuly in property too. You think property will forever remain in the doldrums? What goes down must go up and vice-versa. This is the natural economic cycle, nothing surprising. Patience is the master key.
Actually, I believe KYY was referring to assumption or speculating a future profit.
He's not wrong to say that but there must be cautions when company change the core biz.
J@K$ is in water,infrastructure and property development.
Going into utility(power) biz is quite different and require different skill sets. It's like comparing a plastic surgeon and a heart transplant surgeon. Though both knows how to cut and sew, they are very specialise indeed.
But looking at their % of ownership, we know the plant will be run and operated with the expertise of Chinese company which have the know how.
Though whether the plant will be profitable is really everyone's guess. No biz is guaranteed profit. It depends on who is running it and the timing.
We shall see in the coming quarters that J@K$ can justify their rights issue and their plan to turn around the company by moving into utility biz.
There are many people still in doubt whether JHDP will be profitable upon COD. My suggestion is to look at Mong Duong II and Vinh Tan 1. Both are under the same BOT contract as JHDP. Both have reported profits since COD. MFCB, though having a different BOT in Laos, also reported immediate excellent profit upon COD.
small Cap Stock will continue to move forward bcos I believe snap Poll will be announced after 1st parliment meeting. Recession will take atleast 3 Qr to bounce back back ---hardest Hit will be Bumi biz bcos they lack capital for long haul. You don't want a Poll when 90% of yr. supporters are eating one meal a Day
You were already added on 28 may. You need to use i3 messenger to access Jaks group chat. -------------------- meiling0809 Hi DK, please add me to your group. Thks. 08/07/2020 12:10 PM
be very careful with Public Bank's Tp. Look at PB's Tp for Airasia. The highest, just becos they have overhang AA stock surplus. They never check or care AA current situation. PB's tp comes from their Trading Dept....not any analysis
since Supermxking loves 2 buy cheap. He can consider buying from datuk razali la. Datuk razali still has > 10.0m Jaks shares. Supermxking can do a block deal wit datuk n mayb datuk give him vely vely good discount la
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by hosehliaoo > 2020-07-04 19:42 | Report Abuse
ya agree... if we are the management we will be fully motivated to proof this old man that he is wrong