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584 comment(s). Last comment by calvintaneng 2023-07-29 19:33


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 11:28 | Report Abuse

wow last financial result = 18.39 sen per share , no wonder up like crazy


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 11:28 | Report Abuse

surely this umno related counter and RM2 counter


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:12 | Report Abuse

1 Revenue
2 Profit/(loss) before tax
3 Profit/(loss) for the period
4 Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent
5 Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit)
6 Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit)

Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$)
18.39 earning per share


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:52 | Report Abuse

AlloyMtd tempa nama di luar negara
Date: Thursday, 31 January 2013
Category: Publication - Utusan Malaysia
NAMA AlloyMtd mungkin tidak terkenal seperti nama-nama besar Sime Darby, SP Setia serta syarikat-syarikat konglomerat lain di Malaysia. Mungkin juga ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak tahu kewujudan syarikat pembangunan infrastruktur itu.

AlloyMtd merupakan sebuah syarikat yang berpangkalan di Malaysia. Walaupun kurang dikenali umum khususnya rakyat Malaysia, AlloyMtd sebenarnya telah terlibat dengan banyak projek mega, sama ada di dalam mahu pun luar negara.

Kurangnya publisiti terhadap syarikat tersebut bukan bermakna terdapat kegiatan boikot atau sekatan dalam kalangan pengamal media tetapi syarikat itu sendiri yang tidak cepat mendabik dada menguar-uarkan kejayaan mereka. Sebaliknya lebih gemar mengambil pendekatan menumpukan sepenuhnya terhadap projek yang ingin dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu.

Antara projek yang telah dibangunkan di dalam negara termasuklah Lebuhraya Pantai Timur Fasa Satu, Lebuhraya Kuala Lumpur-Karak, Stadium Bukit Jalil, jalan masuk ke istana negara, projek-projek perumahan dan pelbagai lagi projek.

Bagi projek di luar negara pula, AlloyMtd terlibat dengan pembinaan Jambatan Jamarat di Mina, Arab Saudi; projek Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) di Singapura; loji jana kuasa Jaffna di Sri Lanka, Lebuhraya Yangshuo-Luzhai, China; Lebuhraya Luzon Selatan (SLEX) di Filipina dan banyak lagi.

Berdasarkan pembabitan syarikat berkenaan di dalam projek-projek bertaraf 'mega' itu, tidak adil sekiranya nama AlloyMtd tidak diketahui umum. Bagaimanapun, itulah hakikatnya, syarikat itu lebih selesa bersikap merendah diri serta menumpu dan memberi keutamaan kepada hasil kerja mereka.

Walaupun kurang dikenali di negara sendiri, tetapi nama AlloyMtd sebenarnya cukup mesra di telinga masyarakat luar khususnya di Filipina. AlloyMtd mula tiba di Filipina apabila terlibat dengan projek pembinaan SLEX (lebuhraya berjarak keseluruhan 235 kilometer) lebih kurang tujuh tahun lalu.

Sejak itu, syarikat yang diterajui oleh Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulannya, Datuk Azmil Khalid sedar bahawa banyak peluang perniagaan yang boleh diterokai di negara itu oleh syarikat-syarikat dari Malaysia, khususnya daripada aspek pembangunan infrastruktur.

Sambil mengakui bahawa dalam tempoh tujuh tahun di Filipina, terutamanya ketika pembinaan SLEX, syarikat itu menerima pelbagai tekanan khususnya daripada masyarakat negara itu sendiri. Bagaimanapun, berbekal pengalaman menguruskan pelbagai projek besar, halangan itu tidak langsung menjejaskan fokus utama syarikat.

"AlloyMtd berpangkalan di Malaysia, jadi sudah tentu ke mana sahaja kami pergi, kami akan bawa nama Malaysia. Kami perlu sentiasa berdisiplin ketika menjalankan tugas yang telah diberi, dalam erti kata lain, projek-projek yang telah diberi perlu dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin, demi menjaga nama baik Malaysia.

"Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur kami mampu menyiapkan SLEX pada masa yang ditetapkan serta menerima reaksi positif daripada kerajaan Filipina dan juga penduduk negara berkenaan yang sebelum ini paling banyak mengkritik kami.

"Bukan mahu bercakap besar, tetapi sejak itu nama AlloyMtd semakin dikenali di Filipina sebagai sebuah syarikat berwibawa sehingga diberi peluang serta kepercayaan melaksanakan pelbagai projek lain.

Kepercayaan ini juga telah membuka ruang kepada lebih banyak syarikat Malaysia masuk ke Filipina," katanya ketika ditemui wartawan Malaysia bersempena majlis menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa Calamba, Filipina untuk pembangunan Pusat Kerjaan Wilayah (RGC) Calabarzon, di Manila baru-baru ini.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:53 | Report Abuse

RGC atau dikenali juga sebagai 'mini Putrajaya' merupakan projek terbaharu AlloyMtd di Filipina. Seperti dilaporkan media massa baru-baru ini, syarikat tersebut bercadang membina 16 buah lagi RGC di setiap wilayah di Filipina termasuklah di wilayah autonomi Bangsamoro yang sedang dalam proses pembentukan.

Berbekalkan konsep pusat pentadbiran setempat seperti di Putrajaya, kepakaran syarikat itu amat ditagih oleh kerajaan Filipina dalam usaha negara berkenaan mengejar pembangunan yang dikecapi Malaysia.

Untuk pengetahuan umum, Filipina pada era 1980-an amat membangun, malah lebih ke hadapan jika dibandingkan dengan Malaysia daripada aspek ekonomi serta infrastruktur pada ketika itu. Negara itu telah pun mempunyai perkhidmatan Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT) sekitar 1980-an, lebih awal daripada Malaysia.

Bagaimanapun, berikutan pelbagai konflik di negara itu, termasuklah dengan Barisan Pembebasan Islam Moro (MILF), pembangunan negara berkenaan tergendala sehinggalah ketinggalan jauh jika dibandingkan dengan Malaysia pada hari ini.

Oleh itu tidak hairan apabila Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan dan Industri Filipina, Dr. Lilia de Lima secara peribadi meminta bantuan AlloyMtd membangunkan wilayah berkenaan dan membawa lebih banyak syarikat Malaysia masuk ke Filipina untuk memajukan lagi negara itu.

Sambil mengakui cemburu dengan pembangunan serta kemakmuran yang dinikmati rakyat Malaysia pada hari ini, de Lima berharap penglibatan lebih banyak syarikat dari Malaysia seperti AlloyMtd akan membawa Filipina keluar daripada kelompok sedia ada dan menjadi sebuah negara pesat membangun.

Selain terlibat dengan projek pembinaan RGC di Filipina, AlloyMtd turut mengintai peluang terhadap projek penyambungan operasi LRT di negara itu.

Menurut Azmil, LRT memang sedia ada di Filipina tetapi jaraknya sangat terhad berbanding pertambahan jumlah penduduk khususnya di pusat bandar iaitu Manila.

"Kami masih dalam proses, secara asasnya kami telah diterima sebagai salah satu daripada empat syarikat pembida untuk projek berkenaan. Kami juga merupakan satu-satunya konsortium luar yang berjaya menjadi antara empat pembida untuk projek tersebut.

"Projek itu sangat menarik dan merupakan antara pelaburan utama kerajaan Filipina untuk pembangunan negara mereka. Kami sedang berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan projek ini," jelasnya.

Dalam pada itu, Azmil menegaskan bahawa AlloyMtd juga sedang mengintai peluang-peluang perniagaan lain yang boleh diterokai di negara berkenaan.

"Kita bercakap soal perniagaan, sudah tentu kami melihat peluang-peluang lain yang boleh ditawarkan di sini. Filipina merupakan sebuah negara yang kaya dengan pelbagai sumber, bukan sahaja sumber kekayaan muka bumi tetapi juga tenaga kerja.

"Jadi, peluang ini perlu dimanfaatkan sebaiknya. Bagi AlloyMtd, kami melihat Filipina mempunyai potensi pasaran yang luas, sebab itu kami masih berada di sini, untuk terus meneroka peluang perniagaan dan pelaburan yang ada," katanya.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:53 | Report Abuse

P2.5-B gov't hub to rise in Calabarzon
Date: Sunday, 27 January 2013
Category: Publication - Philippine Daily Inquirer
SAN PEDRO, Laguna - A Malaysian-based infrastructure development company invested P2.5 billion in what would be the first regional government center under a public-private partnership (PPP) project with the Philippine government.

Dubbed a one-stop-shop government hub, the facility will house at least 50 regional offices in Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon) in one location - inspired by Malaysia's Putrajaya, a federal administrative center constructed outside its capital, Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysia's AlloyMTD Group (MTD), which became known in the toll-road business, is expanding its business in the country by reinvesting in government facility construction, mining and energy projects.


"We want to maintain our presence in the Philippines so we thought of creating [more] projects that would cater to what the Philippines needs," said Isaac David, president of MTD Philippines, which also used to operate the South Luzon Expressway prior to its sale last year to the now-diversified food giant San Miguel Corp.

David said four five-story buildings, complete with modern facilities, comprise the government center situated on the 3-hectare property owned by the city government of Calamba in Laguna province.

The company targets to complete the building construction in phases over three years and turn it over to the government under the build-lease-transfer scheme in 30 years.

"It's about time our government employees work in private, corporate offices in order to make the discharge of public service more efficient," David added.


The company expressed its interest in replicating the project in other regions.

[Government agencies] have been renting office buildings since time immemorial. We want to change that. Imagine, [the government] spending P16 billion a year [for space rental alone]," he said.

The company targets constructing a government center, for instance, in Mindanao, which David believed would aid the peace process following the signing of a framework agreement for the creation of the Bangsamoro.

A modern regional government facility in Mindanao, he said," will show that the government means business in giving them the services they need."

"It will no longer be the imperial Manila," he said.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:54 | Report Abuse

AlloyMtd given more time to bid for Manila LRT job
Date: Saturday, 26 January 2013
Category: Publication - NSTP
ALLOYMTD, an infrastructure and construction company and its partners have until May 27 to submit their qualification documents for the bidding of the RM4.8 billion light rail transit-1 (LRT-1) Cavite extension project, here in the Philippines.

Its president and chief executive officer Datuk Azmil Khalid said the Philippines authorities have extended the submission deadline for the pre-qualification documents from April to May this year.

"We are one of the only four successful bidders or pre-qualified for the Manila LRT. The LRT project is one of the biggest initiative from the Philippines government in terms of upgrading infrastructure.

"They (Philippines government) have moved the deadline to May 27 from April. We are working hard with our partners, hoping to get this project. Its an exciting proposition for us," he told Malaysian journalists, who were attending the launch of AlloyMtd's RM181.7 million Calabarzon Regional Government Centre (RGC) dubbed as a "mini Putrajaya", here this week.

Last Wednesday, AlloyMtd signed a joint venture agreement with Calamba City to develop the Calabarzon RGC, Philippines' first public-private partnership initiative projects at the local government level.

For the record, this deferment of the submission deadline is not the first as prior to this, news reports indicate that the Philippines' Department of Transportation and Communications had extended deadlines for submission of pre-qualified documents from August 22 to September 28, and then to October 22 last year.
The LRT extension project is the Philippines government's fourth PPP venture to have been bid out since the programmes were announced in November 2010.

In October last year, AlloyMtd announced that it has teamed up with South Korea's Samsung and other local partners to bid for the LRT project.

Azmil had said that the company's participation in the bidding for the LRT extension projects is a testament of its commitment to continue to invest in the Philippines.

"This is in line with our Prime Minister's (Datuk Seri Najib Razak) call for more Malaysian investments in the Philippines during his visit to the Philippines in October last year," he said.

Formerly known as MTD Capital Bhd, AlloyMtd has been exploring business opportunities in the Philippines, starting with the rehabilitation and upgrading of South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) in 2007. The company completed the construction of SLEX in December 2010 and later sold the toll road to San Miguel last year.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:55 | Report Abuse

Calamba City, Malaysian Group Ink JV To Build Calabarzon RGC
Date: Friday, 25 January 2013
Category: Publication - Manila Bulletin
The Calamba City government and AlloyMtd, a Malaysian multinational infrastructure development group, have signed a joint venture agreement for the development and construction of the P2.5-billion regional government center (RGC) under a public private partnership (PPP) program.

The agreement was signed by Calamba City Mayor Joaquin M. Chipeco, Jr. and AlloyMtd Philippines President Isaac David at the Calamba City Hall in Laguna, on January 23, 2013. Other Malaysian contingent officials present at the signing are AlloyMtd President and CEO DatoAzmil Khalid, Mtd Group Chairman Dato' Dr. NikHussain Abdul Rahmanand.

The P2.5 billion investment is on top of the Malaysian conglomerate's commitment to pour in some P22 billion worth of additional investment in the Philippines for power generation, building and housing ventures.

AlloyMtd will start the construction of the first of four buildings of the RGC which can accommodate more than 50 national government offices presently scattered in Metro Manila, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon (CALABARZON). The project is first in the country.

David said that the regional hub, to be opened in phases over a period of two years, will be turned over to the government after 30 years through a build-lease-transfer scheme in support of the Aquino administration's public private partnership program.

Mayor Chipeco said that completion of its initial phase by AlloyMtd Phil. by the middle of this year will not only decongest Metro Manila but bring about ease, comfort, and other tremendous benefits to millions of constituent and business establishments not only in Calamba and in the province of Laguna, but also within the CALABARZON and nearby areas because various basic services - such as issuance of business permits, licenses, marriage and birth certificates, passports, and other essential services - will now be readily available to the public in one contiguous area with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment with improved internet connectivity.

These facilities are aimed to improve the quality of good governance by reducing the time and cost of doing business in the Philippines.

Laguna 2nd District Rep. Justin Marc SB Chipeco said that the project is already part of the region's medium-term development plan, as endorsed by the National Economic Development Authority.

Chipeco said that he will continuously push for reforms that are focused on creating more jobs and new opportunities to achieve full employment, and on significant reducing poverty.

Dato'Azmil Khalid said that their company's commitment to help build this regional government center in Calamba City is also inspired by Malaysia's Putrajaya, the federal administrative center of the country located south of Kuala Lumpur. He explained the Putrajaya is a planned city, located 25 km south of Kuala Lumpur, that serves as the federal administrative center of Malaysia.

Dato'Azmil Khalid said that he had full confidence in the Philippines under the leadership of President Noynoy Aquino, He added thatthat AlloyMTD will continue to support efforts specially to help the government decongest Metro Manila and open more business opportunities in the countryside. He likewise believes that Calamba is in the right direction toward becoming a key player and major contributor not only in local development but also in national development as well as international trade and investments and hopes that other one-stop-shop regional government center will likewise be established in other key areas of the Philippines.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

AlloyMTD bangun 16 lagi RGC di Filipina
Date: Thursday, 24 January 2013
Category: Publication - Utusan Malaysia
MANILA 23 Jan. - Syarikat pembangunan infrastruktur dari Malaysia, AlloyMTD hari ini menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa Calamba, Filipina untuk membina Pusat Kerajaan Wilayah (RGC) Calabarzon yang bermula bulan ini.

Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan AlloyMtd, Datuk Azmil Khalid berkata, projek berkenaan yang diambil daripada konsep Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan di Putrajaya bakal menjadi pusat pentadbiran kerajaan setempat yang pertama seumpamanya di Filipina.

Katanya, apa yang membezakan projek bernilai RM186 juta tersebut dengan Putrajaya ialah pusat itu hanya menempatkan agensi-agensi kerajaan sesuatu wilayah dan bukannya keseluruhan Filipina.

“RGC akan dibina di kawasan seluas tiga hektar yang mana berdasarkan pelan pembangunannya, empat menara setinggi lima tingkat akan dibina dan menempatkan 54 agensi kerajaan di Calamba.

“AlloyMTD amat berbangga kerana diberi kepercayaan untuk menjadi syarikat perintis kepada pembangunan projek seumpamanya di Filipina. Keyakinan kerajaan Filipina memberikan projek itu kepada kami berikutan kejayaan AlloyMTD membina Lebuh Raya Luzon Selatan (SLEX) sepanjang 36 kilometer pada 2010 dan sejak itu, nama serta imej AlloyMTD semakin berwibawa di Filipina," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama pembinaan RGC Calabarzon antara AlloyMTD dan pihak pentadbiran Calamba di sini.

Majlis menandatangani perjanjian itu disempurnakan oleh Presiden MTD Filipina Incorporated, Isaac David yang mewakili AlloyMTD dan Datuk Bandar Calamba, Jaoquin M. Chipeco Jr.

Yang turut hadir Pengerusi Kumpulan AlloyMTD, Datuk Dr. Nik Hussain Abdul Rahman.

Menurut Azmil, RGC Calabarzon dijangka siap dalam tempoh tiga ke empat tahun dan bakal menjadi model contoh kepada lebih banyak RGC yang dirancang dibina di Filipina.

“Kami merancang membina RGC di setiap wilayah Filipina. Di sini ada 17 wilayah, bermakna kami merancang membina 16 lagi RGC," jelasnya.

Mengulas sama ada AlloyMTD akan membina sebuah RGC untuk wilayah autonomi Bangsamoro yang dalam proses pembentukan, Azmil memberitahu, perkara itu sudah tentu berada dalam perancangan pihaknya.

“Bangsamoro memerlukan sebuah pusat pentadbiran. Ketika ini mereka tiada pusat itu, mereka juga tiada kakitangan kerajaan, tiada kepakaran serta kelengkapan. Oleh itu, pembinaan RGC di wilayah tersebut nanti diharap dapat memberi latihan kepada mereka untuk mentadbir wilayah sendiri.

“Untuk makluman juga, sebenarnya perancangan membinanya telah dibincangkan dan kami dalam proses menyerahkan kertas cadangan. Bagaimanapun, bila projek itu boleh dimulakan, kami masih belum boleh menentukan lagi," jelasnya.

Sementara itu, Nik Hussain turut berkesempatan merasmikan pejabat baharu MTD Filipina Incorporated yang terletak di Menara Perdagangan dan Kewangan, Fort Bonifacio di sini.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 14:03 | Report Abuse

AlloyMTD unveils 'mini Putrajaya' in Philippines
Date: Thursday, 24 January 2013
Category: Publication - NSTP
ALLOYMTD has launched a RM181.7 million Calabarzon Regional Government Centre (RGC) dubbed as "mini Putrajaya", and hopes to implement similar projects in 16 other administrative regions in the Philippines.

Its president and chief executive officer Datuk Azmil Khalid said the company is likely to implement the next RGC project in Mindanao.

"We have already started talking (with the Mindanao authorities) and are about to submit a new proposal. We are preparing the bid and once we finished this, we will put it to the government and let them evaluate," he told Malaysian journalists attending the ground breaking ceremony here.

Azmil is hopeful that the success of Calabarzon RGC will be the template for the implementation of more RGC projects in other regions.

He said there is potential to develop 17 RCGs, or "mini Putrajayas" in the country, which has 100 million population.

"If we do it correctly, there is opportunity to implement this project in other regions under the public-private partnership initiative. We are coming out with almost 2.5 billion pesos (RM616 million) for the Calabarzon RGC and we are excited about it," he said.

"In terms of funding, I think this will not be a problem as banks, foreign and local, will give their support. For this kind of project, funding is simple because cash flow from the rental goes to the banks. In fact, we have been approached by several banks to provide funding for the projects," said Azmil.

AlloyMTD yesterday signed a joint venture agreement with Calamba City to mark the ground-breaking of the Calabarzon RGC project.

Under the agreement, MTD Philippines will finance, design, construct, operate and manage the regional government centre comprising Phase One - the construction of a five-storey building and Phase Two - the construction of three five-storey buildings.

The Calabarzon RGC will house 51 regional government offices and up to 50,000 civil servants.

Besides the signing of the joint venture agreement, AlloyMTD inaugurated its new office at Taguig City yesterday.

Malaysia-based AlloyMTD is an infrastructure and construction group with operations in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, the US, the UK, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Chile and China.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 14:06 | Report Abuse

Tolled Roads
MTD InfraPerdana Bhd (MTD Infra) is responsible for the group's infrastructure development. Its subsidiary wholly owned MTD Prime Sdn Bhd holds the concession for the Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway (KLK) and its extension, the East Coast Expressway Phase 1 (ECE 1). KLK conveniently connects commuters between Klang Valley and Karak Town while ECE 1 joins Karak to Jabor in Terengganu. Upon the completion of ECE Phase 2, ECE will shape a seamless connection between Klang Valley and Terengganu.

Metramac Corporation Sdn Bhd (Metramac) meanwhile, is the concessionaire for the East-West Link Expressway and the Kuala Lumpur-Seremban Expressway, which connects commuters in the Klang Valley southwards into Negri Sembilan.

MTD also owns a 27.8% equity in Touch n Go Sdn Bhd, the sole operator of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) for all expressways in the country.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 14:11 | Report Abuse

and now to submit project tender RM4.8 billion light rail transit-1 (LRT-1) Cavite extension project, here in the Philippines.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 14:19 | Report Abuse

hoping to close above 60 cents ...people are still not aware abot this counter , tomorrow will high fly 20 cents more


16 posts

Posted by caesar > 2013-05-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

sure anot tmr can fly somemore hehe


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-29 17:58 | Report Abuse

tomorrow may open as high as 65 cents due to momentous earning per share!!!

Frank Tan

533 posts

Posted by Frank Tan > 2013-05-29 22:22 | Report Abuse

NTA 0.87 PE 3.51 ..very soon 0.80


69 posts

Posted by Retired > 2013-05-30 09:12 | Report Abuse

seems like MTDACPI going down? any advice


966 posts

Posted by alkop > 2013-05-30 09:15 | Report Abuse

natural ...after shooting up correction...just the the market way


69 posts

Posted by Retired > 2013-05-30 09:16 | Report Abuse

anbz, it did't open as high as you mentioned 65cents, instead went 4 weeks range the share price shoot up from 27cents to 59 cents....i suspect the sharks are selling now and the small fish might be conned into point of view....anyway i might be wrong;)


966 posts

Posted by alkop > 2013-05-30 09:19 | Report Abuse

it sure up back...just to clear the contra layer


69 posts

Posted by Retired > 2013-05-30 09:26 | Report Abuse

so what are we expecting today?


966 posts

Posted by alkop > 2013-05-30 09:31 | Report Abuse

actually when this counter shot up yesterday..i supposed the base at current market should be around 0.45 not 0.35..this is a cool stock...just need patient...only yesterday people woke up about this stock.. abnz n fren done their work well...gud luck


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

don't worry lower for people to be attracted , and market also down 9 point and volume only 122,500 ..this is small ...just wait


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-05-30 10:49 | Report Abuse

bought another 10 lots at 0.525 .. :)


69 posts

Posted by Retired > 2013-05-31 14:55 | Report Abuse

what happening guys....


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-03 08:47 | Report Abuse

good news MTDACPI has WON material litigation against affin insurances!!!


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-03 09:14 | Report Abuse

good news MTDACPI has WON material litigation against affin insurances!!!


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-03 09:14 | Report Abuse

dividen of 10 cents will be announced any time it


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-03 09:20 | Report Abuse

dividen 10 cents out of 55 cents = 10/55 x 100 = 18.18% dividen !!!


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-03 09:27 | Report Abuse

10 cents dividen (18.18% based on price of 55 cents) 15.89 earning pershare is excellent ..10 cents for shareholder and 5.89 for the company ...even well bought at this time amid bear market today :)


770 posts

Posted by bigfat > 2013-06-03 09:38 | Report Abuse

will be waiting for this.. thanks anbz for the 10 cents dividen info...when people starting to realize ..there's no thing than regret :) :) :)


145 posts

Posted by avucin > 2013-06-03 09:42 | Report Abuse

i went to buy this stock last week at 54 cents ...just hopefully it will be appreciated more, and the management are not so keen to publicize any news...LOL

Posted by Davidlimyk > 2013-06-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

Anbz how u know will give 10s div?


145 posts

Posted by avucin > 2013-06-04 09:11 | Report Abuse

touched 0.52 just now


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-04 11:58 | Report Abuse

Publication - The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Manufacturing and construction outfit MTD ACPI Engineering Bhd expects to start work on the viaduct work package worth RM499.98mil for the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang (SBK) line by Aug 7.

In a media briefing yesterday, the company said its subsidiary MTD Construction Sdn Bhd was carrying out the preparatory works for the MRT V7 viaduct package and it expected the latter to start site clearance and earthworks by August.

“We would be engaging the public and implement traffic management to minimise disruption to road users during the construction period,” said MTD Construction executive vice-president and construction and contracts division head Md Shukor Mohamed.

He also said the company would be spending about RM30mil to RM35mil for the relocation of utilities and services affected due to the construction.

It would also conduct dilapidation survey for all building and structures within the corridor of the construction to mitigate the exposure to dust, noise and vibration, while also implement erosion and sedimentation control plan.

The V7 package, which is a Bumiputra-exclusive work package, was awarded to MTD Construction Sdn Bhd in May.

The scope of the project involves building the MRT viaduct guideway and other associated works from Bandar Tun Hussein Onn to Taman Mesra and is due for completion in the second quarter of next year.

Meanwhile, MRT Corp's director of strategic communications and public relations, Amir Mahmood Razak said in a statement that work on the MRT project was progressing well so far with RM13.8bil worth of work packages already awarded.

“Following the commencement of work on V1, V4, V5 & V6, we are pleased to announce that work on V7 will get underway very soon, bringing us closer towards realising the first MRT line for Klang Valley residents by June 2017,” he said.

Work on the viaduct stretches 3.83km and will be the alignment for two MRT stations, namely the stations near Balakong and near Taman Koperasi.

Amir said work would start after the Batu 11 toll plaza of the Grand Saga Highway near Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, and end after the SILK Highway at Sungai Balak Interchange.

Out of the eight viaduct work packages offered by MRT Corp, five have been awarded thus far. The remaining packages, V2 (Kota Damansara-Dataran Sunway), V3 (Dataran Sunway-Section 16) and V8 (Taman Mesra-Kajang), are expected to be awarded in Q2 and Q3 2012.

A total of 85 work packages were tendered out by MRT Corp since the MRT project. Thirty-one have been awarded while 23 work packages are currently being evaluated and 31 are yet to be called.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-04 12:08 | Report Abuse

Publication - The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Manufacturing and construction outfit MTD ACPI Engineering Bhd expects to start work on the viaduct work package worth RM499.98mil for the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang (SBK) line by Aug 7.

In a media briefing yesterday, the company said its subsidiary MTD Construction Sdn Bhd was carrying out the preparatory works for the MRT V7 viaduct package and it expected the latter to start site clearance and earthworks by August.

“We would be engaging the public and implement traffic management to minimise disruption to road users during the construction period,” said MTD Construction executive vice-president and construction and contracts division head Md Shukor Mohamed.

He also said the company would be spending about RM30mil to RM35mil for the relocation of utilities and services affected due to the construction.

It would also conduct dilapidation survey for all building and structures within the corridor of the construction to mitigate the exposure to dust, noise and vibration, while also implement erosion and sedimentation control plan.

The V7 package, which is a Bumiputra-exclusive work package, was awarded to MTD Construction Sdn Bhd in May.

The scope of the project involves building the MRT viaduct guideway and other associated works from Bandar Tun Hussein Onn to Taman Mesra and is due for completion in the second quarter of next year.

Meanwhile, MRT Corp's director of strategic communications and public relations, Amir Mahmood Razak said in a statement that work on the MRT project was progressing well so far with RM13.8bil worth of work packages already awarded.

“Following the commencement of work on V1, V4, V5 & V6, we are pleased to announce that work on V7 will get underway very soon, bringing us closer towards realising the first MRT line for Klang Valley residents by June 2017,” he said.

Work on the viaduct stretches 3.83km and will be the alignment for two MRT stations, namely the stations near Balakong and near Taman Koperasi.

Amir said work would start after the Batu 11 toll plaza of the Grand Saga Highway near Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, and end after the SILK Highway at Sungai Balak Interchange.

Out of the eight viaduct work packages offered by MRT Corp, five have been awarded thus far. The remaining packages, V2 (Kota Damansara-Dataran Sunway), V3 (Dataran Sunway-Section 16) and V8 (Taman Mesra-Kajang), are expected to be awarded in Q2 and Q3 2012.

A total of 85 work packages were tendered out by MRT Corp since the MRT project. Thirty-one have been awarded while 23 work packages are currently being evaluated and 31 are yet to be called.

Posted by Davidlimyk > 2013-06-04 15:25 | Report Abuse

anbz Y this share no vol and keep drop ?

Frank Tan

533 posts

Posted by Frank Tan > 2013-06-04 16:30 | Report Abuse

wow..big kroni projects,profit all the way,can start accumulate.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-07 09:47 | Report Abuse

san miguel to privatize mtd acpi, (mother of petron) at RM 1.00


55 posts

Posted by davidlee > 2013-06-07 09:49 | Report Abuse

rumours or news?


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-07 10:04 | Report Abuse

san miguel to privatize mtd acpi, (mother of petron) at RM 1.00


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-07 10:10 | Report Abuse

San Miguel won't identify acquisition target
By Cris Larano
MANILA--San Miguel Corp. on Monday declined to name an acquisition target, citing confidentiality restrictions in the negotiations on the potential investment.

San Miguel President Ramon Ang told reporters Saturday that the
Philippine conglomerate is planning a $5 billion acquisition that may be completed within the year, Bloomberg reported. He said San Miguel faces other regional companies in the bidding, but didn't name the target or the industry it is in, according to the report.

San Miguel "has been invited to participate and submit a bid for a possible line with the ongoing diversification programs and initiatives implemented by the company," San Miguel corporate secretary Virgilio Jacinto told the Philippine stock exchange on Monday.

"Owing to the confidentiality obligations imposed on the company, we are not in a position to disclose the salient features of the said investment opportunity," he said.

Over the past five years, San Miguel has moved away from food and beverage to heavy industries that provide higher returns for the conglomerate. It has acquired oil refiner Petron Corp. and bought minority stakes in power distributor Manila Electric Corp., toll road operator Citra Metro Manila Tollways Corp., Philippine Airlines Inc. as well as airports, power generation companies, and infrastructure development companies. In Malaysia, San Miguel last year took control of oil refiner Esso Malaysia Bhd.

Mr. Ang has said in previous interviews that the company was looking to acquire Asian firms with international operations as well as regional carriers to help Philippine Airlines launch more flights to the U.S. and Europe.

Subscribe to WSJ:


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-07 10:17 | Report Abuse

san miguel , mother of petron is eyeing valuable company and mtd forays into Philippines and with PE just 2.8,were known to them, so this mtdacpi is to be bought by them to expand their biz in Malaysia , mtd to be privatized at RM 1.00 !!! .... and even LTH don't know about this ..., its between MTD Capital and San Miguel


145 posts

Posted by avucin > 2013-06-07 10:22 | Report Abuse

Petron mother San Miguel to buy MTD ACPI at RM 1.00 ... i had expected this before u, anbz !!!


145 posts

Posted by avucin > 2013-06-07 10:26 | Report Abuse

and i disagree with u that , LTH didn't know any of this????...look they put high resistance at 48 and 49.5 cents ...they want to collect... no doubt for that RM 1.00 :)


770 posts

Posted by bigfat > 2013-06-07 10:32 | Report Abuse

and why some one want to put 105,000 at 48 cents? when the q is still low? yes confirm this Tabung Haji is such dirty muslim


770 posts

Posted by bigfat > 2013-06-07 10:36 | Report Abuse

and u know what... if that Tabung aji want to make duit haram , just go buy guieness or BAT or GAB or genting...what they're doing---manipulating---is still haram...bullshit..but at last RM 1.00 :)


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-06-07 16:11 | Report Abuse

san miguel to privatize mtd acpi, (mother of petron) at RM 1.00 ... and it's not rumor , truth

Frank Tan

533 posts

Posted by Frank Tan > 2013-06-07 16:25 | Report Abuse

Now buy Q increase...try to push price up?

Frank Tan

533 posts

Posted by Frank Tan > 2013-06-07 16:31 | Report Abuse

anbz..then how manies lot u collected? Truth or not,this is very the cronies,and it is very black black horse,when it come,moving like thunder.Collect @ below 0.46 n just wait n b patient.

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