Take note, WITHIN 6 MONTHS FROM EXPIRY DATE, then action to delete. Since the company did not ask for extension for the report, most likely it can meet the deadline. Optimistically.
2 days to escape.... only the brave and the rich will buy below 0.05.... there will be big winners and losers depending on whether they ever submit an audited report....paktua bought at 0.09... good luck
After delist all the project go to major shareholder. don't need anyone to report to. now company already too messy. might as well delist like Serba Dinamik.
Upon reviewing the quarterly report, it is clear that the company is short of the necessary funds to carry out its projects. It relies on issuing new shares to acquire the needed capital, yet this method is now overused and has become unreliable.
For those who still holding have to face this challenge and get ready for the consequences that the company might face delisted ‼️💔😭 So get ready guys don’t play play ok 👌 The choice is yours and be ready for the live and death battle ⬆️✅⬇️🩸☠️
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
910 posts
Posted by TCH1186 > 2024-02-05 18:56 | Report Abuse
O. O