Don't talk about property slow down here, bcoz always got property goreng kaki help the developer sapu the property... just go and tell those goreng kaki property slow down.hahahaha
Stupidivan, what is your intention here? You have been mentioning & shouting the same point for more than 10 times, now you change your ID from v1 to v2, who are you indeed?
Paperplane sifu come back liao arr? aiya... I no buy Gadang last 2 days, run chicken liao. Paperlane sifu take out 5% of his funds can buy out Gadang liao. Sure fly.
Gadang good earning is from construction division and not from property though it helps to increase the bottom line. Directors are back buying from the open market. We have about another month to December to complete a successful 2015 operation. So far 9 mts to September Gadang has reported a set of good results,why not wait for the momentum to carry on to the end of the year.
superb99 sifu, I dare not touch it oh.. nanti itu penggoreng kasi minum nescafe shake then I tremble... Itu Fat lady very kacau, day day tok interest hike.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
12,994 posts
Posted by tksw > 2015-11-23 18:02 | Report Abuse
superb99 sifu, I llsten to you. Wait break 195 oni buy, is it?