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ykloh, initial investment in digital bank will impact the performance of ACR. But also not guarantee future can get benefit from digital bank and need continue pump in the money. In market how many digital can doing well and how many player get burn with exit the digital bank market. Is interest to know.
2023-12-11 23:33
Disappointed QR
Aggressive & highest topline in the last 12 quarters yet low bottom line
Although significant impairment yet NPL is still high
2023-12-22 23:53
Ooh, no-ooh, and the sky is falling down
btw, does anyone know AEONCR is making more money when the interest rate is high or low?
2023-12-26 22:10
AEONCR is not like your conventional banks, using depositors' money to lend out. They are raising market in the bond market mainly.
2023-12-27 09:09
Be informed that I closed my short on Aeoncr. Happy New Year 2024, Cheers!
2023-12-27 11:38
Moody’s Investors Service anticipates that AEON Bank Bhd will act as a driver for further growth in Malaysia’s Islamic banking sector, due to the strong awareness and interest in digital Islamic banking.
2024-01-16 15:25
Yes, AEON Bank holds one of the two Islamic digital banking licences awarded by Bank Negara in 2022
2024-01-23 11:55
officially joined the aeoncr bandwagon :-) .... its gonna be a bumpy ride for sure, firstly looking forward to the 24c div on 4th of july, and thereon proper valuation for this 9x PER valued gem. Digital bank loss targeted for the year is RM160-170m.... of whioch aeoncr owns 50% therefore 80-85m a year or 20-21m loss a year, which is reasonable considering they are targeting at least 10% increased in receivable financing.... happy hunting :-) guys
2024-06-26 17:47
1st Qtr 31 May 2024 Results
Total transaction and financing volume in the current quarter of RM1.975 billion was higher by 7.8% as
compared to preceding year corresponding quarter. The Group recorded a total revenue of RM522.259 million,
which was higher by 15.4% as compared to the preceding year corresponding quarter mainly attributable to
stronger loan and financing growth.
The Group has equity accounted for its proportionate share of losses in AEON Bank (M) Berhad during the
quarter amounting to RM11.594 million.
Profit before tax (“PBT”) for the current quarter of RM144.825 million increased by 9.8% as compared to the
preceding year corresponding quarter.
PBT for the current quarter was recorded at RM144.825 million, a decrease of 10.9% compared to RM162.595
million in the immediate preceding quarter. The lower PBT was mainly due to the higher impairment losses on
financing receivables of RM163.457 million as compared to RM113.984 million recorded in the immediate
preceding quarter.
Good results :-)
2024-07-10 20:39
Q2, 2025
The ratio of total operating expenses against revenue for the current quarter was recorded at 68.1% as compared to 58.3% in the preceding year corresponding quarter.
The increase in the ratio of operating expenses was mainly attributable to the higher impairment losses on financing receivables of RM193.584 million as compared to RM120.574 million for the preceding year corresponding quarter.
2024-09-26 20:50
I am planning to let go. The fundamentals are good quarter by quarter continuously. However, the stock price does not align with the financial fundamentals, which are continuously downward.
1 month ago
Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$â¬Â£Â¥
Aeon Credit
Share price (RM)
1st Jan
2008 0.46
2009 0.41
2010 0.63
2011 0.65
2012 1.22
2013 2.30
2014 2.95
2015 2.93
2016 2.69
2017 3.99
2018 5.34
2019 6.51
2020 5.44
2021 4.65
2022 6.55
2023 5.82
2024 5.67
13.12.2024 6.25 Dividend 0.28
1 month ago
Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$â¬Â£Â¥
Year to date
The Group recorded a lower PBT of RM333.811 million for the financial period-to-date as compared to
RM402.579 million in the preceding year corresponding period. The decrease was mainly due to the higher
impairment losses on financing receivables by RM116.420 million and higher other operating expenses of
RM89.392 million in line with increased transaction and financing volume. This is offset by the incremental
increase in revenue of RM214.766 million. The share of losses in AEON Bank for the financial period-to-date
recorded at RM45.511 million. Loan loss coverage ratio stood at 231% as at 30 November 2024 as compared
to 233% as at 30 November 2023.
1 month ago
"Today closing 11.30 . If based on average pe 9 , the fair value should be around 13.50"..
ivanlau, this was your comments right?
2023-12-11 16:05