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Market Cap: 798 Million
NOSH: 532 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):0
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Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 30-Sep-2016 [#3]  |  18-Nov-2016
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 31-Dec-2016  |  25-Feb-2017
T4Q P/E | EY: 24.95  |  4.01%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 3.00%  |  75.20%
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 2.31  |  0.65
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 4.17%  |  2.60%


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Business Background

PJ Development Holdings Berhad is engaged in investment holding, property investment and provision of management services to the subsidiaries. The Company operates in five segments: properties, construction, manufacturing and trading, hotel and leisure, and investment holding. Properties segment includes property development, property investment, provision of property management services and project management services. Construction includes securing and carrying out construction contracts. Manufacturing and trading includes cable, which include manufacturing and selling of cables and wires, and building material, which include manufacturing and selling of roofing tiles, concrete wall panels, and trading of building materials. Hotel and leisure segment includes hotel and restaurant business, hotel management and consultancy services, golf course operations and marketing, and management of timeshare membership scheme.
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JJchan Olh is a typical Old generation ChinaMan (extremely stingy) Will not slaughter Chicken and offer Chicken
head to say he will Repent---- Believe everything to be passed to Elder Son after his passing so OskH
will be his elder son and----pjd the lesser son
17/10/2016 11:23 AM
enid888 @FnR : I also read the news on Goodwood Park today. True, the major shareholder offers $42.81 as compared to the initial offer at $11.88. On top of that, the major shareholders together with the minorities were given dividends many times.
17/10/2016 12:16 PM
JJchan It is a rare occasion that the Q to buy Oskh hit 1M@ 1.53.....maybe some pjd players are stepping on
both ships--some may follow Ironshirt (5 trading days left on First Extension----I think got another
extension or so----olh very cunning )
17/10/2016 6:53 PM
RVI123 There is for sure another extension as allowed by the Takeover Act.

I am not so worried about being a minority shareholder of PJDev after it is delisted. OLH may be a tough negotiator. However, as you can see, everything he do is following the Company Act and business laws. Even though it is unlisted, every related party transaction in future will be revalued by professional valuer. Nothing much to worry about.

He has offered a low price for PJDev but this is permissible by the laws. It is up to the minority shareholders to decide whether they want to accept the offer or not. If they think that the offer is unreasonable, they can reject the offer.
18/10/2016 12:51 AM
terrytsp Surprisingly they collect even when it's 1.52. They might revise the offer again. We should start collecting too.
18/10/2016 9:06 AM
JJchan Don't be silly---absolutely no people buying Except Olh (he tries to generate selling Volume) The Old
fox is manipulating the market
18/10/2016 9:50 AM
valuelurker I see so many comments here but none making a real, concerted effort to protect their own interests'

Get in contact, an email, or set up a website, get REAL and PROPER legal corporate advice wrt takeovers/de-listing/, rights of minority shareholders etc.

Get the info out, factually, you never know there might be clueless shareholders who are still holding their mother shares/warrants. They will thank you.

Dont shoot in the dark. Dont second guess. Be proactive.

And above all, relish the fight.

After all, this is a story of David vs Goliath
18/10/2016 11:30 PM
RVI123 FnR, Valuelurker,

OLH n OSK are following the Company Act, business laws n SC acts properly. He can make any offer he likes n that is his right. We as the minority shareholders have our own rights whether to accept the offer or not. As I thk that the offer price is unfair and unreasonable, we execute my right to reject the offer.
19/10/2016 11:54 PM
RVI123 Did not know that there was a MSWG meeting on PJDev. Too bad.
19/10/2016 11:56 PM
RVI123 I calculated based on the fact that OSK needs to acquire 90% of the shares outstanding and not already owned by OSK n PAC as at the announcement date (30/8/16). When I did the calculation, the figures from IAC was not out yet. Now, since IAC has already stated the actual percentages, that percentages are final and it is even harder for OSK to achieve that thresholds.
20/10/2016 9:25 AM
RVI123 I think IAC based on the figures on 4/9/16 when OSK announcement delisting of PJDev.
20/10/2016 9:28 AM
RVI123 The daily volume is low. The announcement by OSK shows that the quantity purchased from the open market and the offer acceptance are low after 11/10/16. Those who have decided to accept the offer might have already done so before 11/10/16. The remainings are those who have decided to stay on and continue to become minority shareholders unless a fair and reasonable new offer is announced.
20/10/2016 3:54 PM
steveooikp I bot osk 1.53.
PJ dev at 1.50...
so osk 1.53 is worth.
20/10/2016 4:55 PM
RVI123 Eventhough extended by 4 weeks, it is not easy for OSKH to achieve 99.12% and 97.85%. The remaining shareholders are seasoned investors who will not sell at unfair and unreasonable price.
23/10/2016 10:26 PM
Master Kong Ming can see2 this one...hihihi
26/10/2016 8:24 PM
RVI123 Just go through the few current ongoing takeovers and a major shareholding purchase that took place today, then we can see how unfair OSKH's offer is.

Counter / NBV / Offer Price /Premium
Maypak / RM0.49 / RM1.00 / 104%
CenBond / RM1.40 / RM1.75 / 25%
WCT Hldg / RM2.12 / RM2.50 / 17.9%
PJ Dev / RM2.32 / RM1.50 / -35.3%

Note :
WCT - a direct business transaction by Desmond Lim on 1/11/16.
The Net Book Value per share is based on the latest quarterly results as at 30/6/16.

Just look at it yourself, PJ Dev is the only one where the offer price is below the Net Asset / share. If PJDev offered price is to match WCT,OSKH should offer RM2.74 for each PJDev share. The Warrant should be offered at RM1.74 per share.
02/11/2016 11:54 AM
RVI123 The Revalued Net Asset Value (RNAV) of PJDev is RM4.60. Pls don't accept at RM1.50. OSKH is trying to blackmail the minorities by delisting the counter. Many who are worried about the delisting have already sold off their holdings. The remainings are those who know the actual value of the counter and just simply unable to accept the diliculous price.

The offer price of RM1.50 is UNFAIR and UNREASONABLE.
02/11/2016 1:28 PM
bryankhor82 will buy in more..
14/11/2016 12:38 PM
terrytsp Based on today's announcement, what will happen to those shareholders after PJDEV got delisted on 29/11/16?
21/11/2016 8:14 PM
thumxj FAIRnREASONABLE and RVI123, should it be if they acquired 90% of shares and warrants, they are good to go ahead with delisting?
23/11/2016 10:08 AM
Teh_Invest FnR, means they did not achieve the 90%? Do you think they will re offer?
30/11/2016 12:44 AM
CAF-POW Thanks, FAIRnREASONABLE ... I will be interested to use this as a case study for future reference. Do keep us updated how the actual scenario unfolds.
05/12/2016 4:51 PM
Teh_Invest Is this the same case as HWANG? If they're to re-offer it will need 6 months?
14/12/2016 1:45 AM
terrytsp Any update for those who are still holding the share?
08/02/2017 2:30 PM
Teh_Invest Tomorrow is the last day. Anyone any update?
21/02/2017 1:39 PM
860000 last day for what? i just came here to have a look
25/02/2017 6:10 PM
860000 Noted. just keep on let us updated with the progress :D... would be interested to know how it goes
10/03/2017 8:31 AM
terrytsp Will PJD still be giving dividend to existing shareholders?
20/03/2017 11:04 PM
RVI123 PJDev is the biggest beneficiary of this project. OSKH is also benefited but in a diluted form. I thk the remaining shareholders will be the biggest winners of the whole project.
06/04/2017 12:26 AM
RVI123 Like what we had anticipated, everything owned by PJDev will still remained with PJDev. 49% of Yarra Park City sold n 51% is still owned by PJDev. The proceeds from the sales will go to PJDev.
06/04/2017 2:32 PM
py197 I have only 30k PJDEV-W, can anyone advise me what are my alternatives. Tq.
09/04/2017 11:06 AM
terrytsp Anyone received dividend from PJDEV last month? =D
11/05/2017 10:08 AM
15/05/2017 12:58 PM
Wechong Any news from pjdev ?
14/08/2017 9:25 PM
terrytsp Basically the return that we will get is by dividend?
22/11/2017 8:11 PM
Tawaraja Sandra Rajoo What should we do now? Still hold on to it?
27/01/2018 6:52 PM
Akihito 5491885
03/06/2018 10:29 PM
Akihito 583036
03/06/2018 10:45 PM
Akihito 5327552
05/06/2018 6:13 PM
Akihito 5602493, 5195545, 3138252,5218104
07/06/2018 11:17 PM
Peng Hi guys, I'm new
I would like to ask if I'm still holding this stock, what can I do?
I can't find any information from KLSE screencer, but I still received dividend on last week (7 June)
18/06/2018 1:25 PM
Wechong How is the dividend
19/12/2019 8:46 PM
silver123 Dear all expertise, may I know what advise to do with the remaining shares of PJD warrant which will expire end of this year? Thank you.
28/01/2020 5:51 PM
Ha _ Anyone receive offer from PJ Dev to sell the share back to them?
23/04/2020 3:44 PM
rambolee already bought by OSK?
23/04/2020 4:03 PM
junetang PJ Dev no longer listed in KLSE.
12/07/2020 2:51 AM
fuwa88 Any form to submit? Need to get approval from OSK management?
24/11/2020 8:54 PM
mmlim I am still holding the warrant PJDEV-WC. Called OSK, the recommendation given is not to convert to mother share as there is no buyer and also, the offer price for mother share may drop lower than RM1 hence will loss more money!

Very disappointed with the company.
27/11/2020 9:11 PM
jaguarxjl @FAIRnREASONABLE Hi, may i know how much you sold? I still holding PJ Dev Shares =(, price can nego?
24/02/2021 2:02 PM
Venthaan83 @mmlim... I used to have PJDEV-WC as well. But I managed to convert to PJDEV mother shares with the exercise price of RM1.00. That mean if you have 10k PJDEV-WC shares, you need to fork out 10k to convert the warrants to mother shares (PJDEV). Now I get a decent dividend payout from them.... it's around 0.20cent per share yearly. In my opinion, it's worth holding the PJDEV shares.
29/04/2022 10:43 AM

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