Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
1.72   +0.03 (1.78%)  1.68 - 1.72  6,997,300
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Market Cap: 5,072 Million
NOSH: 2,949 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):6,912,589
4 Weeks Range:1.49 - 1.72
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.87 - 1.73
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 1.13
Price Target Upside/Downside: -0.59

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 30-Apr-2024 [#2]  |  20-Jun-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 31-Jul-2024  |  21-Sep-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 24.23  |  4.13%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 3.48%  |  84.40%
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 1.6476  |  1.04
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 8.67%  |  4.31%


Date Subject
09-Jul-2024 Property Sector - Sky High Prospects
03-Jul-2024 下跌股:绿盛世 RM1.49支撑
28-Jun-2024 Property - Data Centre and Johor Exuberance
24-Jun-2024 谨慎看待数据中心热潮/前线把关
21-Jun-2024 【行家论股】绿盛世 盈利乐观销售稳定
21-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 21 June 2024
21-Jun-2024 Eco World Development’s 2Q Net Profit Up 12%, Declares Two Sen Dividend
21-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 21 Jun 2024
21-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 21 Jun 2024
20-Jun-2024 MQ Market Updates - 20 June 2024
20-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 20 Jun 2024
20-Jun-2024 Maybank IB picks top five listed beneficiaries as it ‘gan bei’ to 50 years of Malaysia-China friendship
12-Jun-2024 UEM Sunrise to Sell Johor Land for RM144.9m to Data Centre Company
11-Jun-2024 【行家论股】绿盛世 售地释放地库价值
11-Jun-2024 Eco World Dev. Group - Sells Johor Land for RM402.3m
11-Jun-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Daily Market Report - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Daily Newswatch - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 11 Jun 2024
11-Jun-2024 EcoWorld Sells Land in Iskandar Malaysia to Data Centre Firm for RM402 Mil

Business Background

Eco World Development Group Bhd is a Malaysian property development company. The company has development projects including new townships, integrated commercial developments, luxury high-rise apartments, and green business parks. The company's projects are spread across three economic areas of Malaysia: Klang Valley, Iskandar Malaysia, and Penang. Some of the company's key projects are Eco Grandeur, Eco Ardence, Eco Business Park, and Eco Bloom. The company's business can be divided into revenue generating areas to include the sale of completed properties and other goods, the sale of properties under development, and construction contracts. The company derives a majority of its revenue from the sale of properties.
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  24 people like this.
chongwee eco property johor
19/01/2024 10:30 AM
chongwee https://www.enanyang.my/%E8%B4%A2%E7%BB%8F%E6%96%B0%E9%97%BB/%E8%8B%8F%E4%B8%B9%E9%99%9B%E4%B8%8B%E5%B0%86%E5%87%BA%E4%BB%BB%E5%85%83%E9%A6%96-%E6%9F%94%E4%BD%9B%E6%A6%82%E5%BF%B5%E8%82%A1%E9%AB%98%E6%AD%8C%E7%8C%9B%E8%BF%9B#google_vignette
19/01/2024 10:30 AM
19/01/2024 10:57 AM
sugumaran https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/ceomorningbrief/2023-09-14-story-h-240017061-Shortlist_of_HSR_Frontrunners_Just_Market_Sensing_Parties_to_Start_on_C
24/01/2024 5:05 PM
sugumaran HSR KL-SG
25/01/2024 6:14 PM
sugumaran https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/698603
25/01/2024 6:14 PM
Aati99 Rm1.50 bulan depan sy rasa
30/01/2024 4:52 PM
Aati99 AGM ada menyebar berita baik tak?😄
27/02/2024 5:25 PM
mlab68 EcoWorld the LV of Housing for Chinese Rich!
10/03/2024 4:09 PM
Aati99 Landed punya property di Shah Alam (Eco Grandeur) memang mahal
12/03/2024 4:14 PM
Nick new 52 weeks high
17/03/2024 10:14 PM
wallstreetrookieNEW Congrats to Ecoworld shareholders
17/03/2024 10:20 PM
Aati99 Tunggu ia naik ke Rm1.50 skrg🤗
19/03/2024 10:21 AM
pang72 Penny property stock leads the sectors last year like UEMS set to end...
The big cap property stocks set to take over the game... Sunway, ecoworld, spsetia, Simep..... Ioip...
21/03/2024 4:24 PM
pang72 QR 2.36... Excellent...
21/03/2024 7:03 PM
pang72 Tmr, fly higher for all property stocks
21/03/2024 7:04 PM
Aati99 memang shok ! Ecoworld terus pecah RM1.50 hari ni
22/03/2024 9:49 AM
pang72 English colony building design attracted many young couple for their 1st home!
22/03/2024 3:15 PM
KingKKK Property Sector (KingKKK) - Unveiling Potential Q1 Stars: SUNWAY, AVALAND, E&O, SIMEPROP, UEMS, SPSETIA, IOIPG, MAHSING and ECOWLD

24/03/2024 10:35 AM
pang72 Keep it up
25/03/2024 11:06 PM
Neoh10855 Ewint 5283 Eco international masih murah cheap cheap price 😆
02/04/2024 10:30 AM
stampid54 Beside property counters, their upstream supplier, Eframe is also going up lately, especially its warrant has large trading volume recently
12/04/2024 2:32 PM
15/04/2024 12:05 PM
shareinvestment7 Got Trapped inside Eframe-Wa? So come here and promote Eframe-Wa? Eframe is damn downtrend stock, Eco World is uptrend stock. If you want a miserable life, then go and hold Eframe. If you want an easier life, then buy Eco World.
24/04/2024 10:43 AM
Plantermen Bad timing. DJ index drop 600+points. Don't expect any positive catalyst forthcoming.
24/05/2024 11:03 AM
Jonathan Keung Barchart & MACD showing negative signals. Pull back is expected after recent uptick in prices
24/05/2024 11:28 AM
Yu_and_Mee wait to see on 3rd June
25/05/2024 5:07 PM
pang72 I almost forget the existence of this property stock..

What am I doing?
30/05/2024 5:13 PM
pang72 I pass by the new community township by Ecoworld eveeyday.
I buy grocery and dining at Ecoworld...
I admire their development project with super crowded in the weekend...

I don't know I forget about the listing in bursa:(
30/05/2024 5:16 PM
?? ? Up 11 sen ,any good news ?
30/05/2024 7:00 PM
pang72 Don't know but mooat up 11c out of sudden will link to Data center
30/05/2024 9:11 PM
IWCity (1589.KL) Biggest Laggard In Johor Property Boom

Over the weekend, The Edge Weekly featured a 200-pager Special Edition titled “JOHOR READY FOR THE BIG LEAP”. Johor since the middle of last year had been the hotbed of investment be it property counters and the involvement in Data Centre Theme. Share prices with exposure to Johor were sure hits for these 18 months. The main catalyst is none other than the sheer amount of FDIs pouring into the state. In addition to the big policy moves to formulate and execute business-friendly decisions in spearheading the state’s economic growth.

Quoting Datuk Ho Kay Tat (Publisher & Group CEO of The Edge)


“In 2006, Malaysia launched the Iskandar development project to try and push things forward for Johor, but progress has not been as good as hoped and one reason is because of the cool response from Singapore.

But this appears to have changed recently, and there is now bullish optimism in the air because of closer government-to-government cooperation that has enabled things to move. The collaborative construction of the Rapid Transit System Link (RTS Link) from Woodlands in Singapore to Bukit Chagar in the heart of Johor Bahru and the creation of the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone will be game changers.

Another factor is that Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim is now the King of Malaysia and His Majesty will definitely give an added push to make things happen sooner, rather than later

For Johor, the stars may finally be aligned”

In a RHB Report dated 13 May 2024 Titled [Real Estate - JS-SEZ: The New Chapter of Iskandar Malaysia] mentioned a list of major landowners in Iskandar Malaysia. Further extrapolating from the list, the table below shows the share price performances of these landowners.

Company Name / YTD-Performance

UEM Sunrise +35.7%
Sunway +65.1%
IOI Properties +37.5%
Mah Sing +125.6%
LBS Bina +16.7%
Ecoworld +47.2%
AME Elite +2.4%
KSL +57.3%
Scientex +13.3%
😲IWCity -0.6% 😲
Crescendo +53.1%
YTL Corp +90.1%
MPHB +53.8%

To many investors' surprise, IWCity is the only company that printed a negative return on share price with a meagre -0.6% contraction. The average YTD return for companies with land banks in Iskandar Malaysia Region was +49.8% and even more on a 1-Year measurement.

Surging property prices in Johor as seen from recent transactions with KSL, Paragon Globe, Crescendo and AME Elite are some of the anecdotal evidence that land prices are indeed moving up. Hence, one needs to take a closer look at IWCity as it lags behind its peers by a far margin. Hence, an opportunity for the late comers to catch up with very low downside risks.

10/06/2024 8:11 AM
ConstructionMinion A new data centre counter
10/06/2024 6:28 PM
ConstructionMinion This land only earn 200 million how to pay 20 Sen dividend ?
10/06/2024 11:12 PM
Iamnotasifu Ecowld RM2 lets go?
11/06/2024 9:45 AM
plaxo 88 Yeah, lets go. Long over due
12/06/2024 10:35 AM
ConstructionMinion Eco world is sell land. TM is invest money build AI DC
19/06/2024 2:25 AM
DouglasLiu What happened? Property stocks are pulling back today ...
19/06/2024 5:19 PM
?? ? Kerana Ewint q2 rugi banyak ?
19/06/2024 6:36 PM
speakup Limit down tomorrow
19/06/2024 7:00 PM
cheeseburger good luck those holding...
19/06/2024 7:08 PM
MoonStalker news out, sell out. no point take risk.. just sold all my holding last week when NEWS out..
19/06/2024 7:42 PM
Brutus Good solid QR and the generous dividend! Keep up the awesome job ECOWLD Management! At this rate constantly the PAT will hit RM 280M! Highest achievement was RM 209M. Hoping for special dividend at the end of the FY.
20/06/2024 11:50 PM
shareinvestment7 Maybank raise Eco World new target price to RM1.96
21/06/2024 10:12 AM
DouglasLiu Why limit down 😅


Limit down tomorrow

1 day ago
21/06/2024 4:17 PM

23/06/2024 3:39 AM
DouglasLiu Property stocks continue to move up
01/07/2024 2:57 PM
DouglasLiu Ecoworld's share price is catching up with Sp Setia alrdy. Next, it will catch up Mahsing 😁
04/07/2024 5:28 PM
Brutus Wonder the management is planning any Bonus Issue of 1:1 or 1:2 since price has risen quite a fair bit.
10/07/2024 8:37 PM
CalvinHans EcoWorld looking good... BusinessParks has more capacity for more Data Centre even after Microsoft's deal.
12/07/2024 2:53 PM

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