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  21 people like this.
xiaoeh i3 is the place to learn everything
loved i3😂
16/01/2025 4:25 PM
xiaoeh Mtaverse first talked about buddhist teaching - no mkt
then FengShui - no mkt
then talked abt Yi Jing - no mkt
and now...
16/01/2025 4:35 PM
xiaoeh please focus your facts and figures on company...
got mkt...
with facts and figures
16/01/2025 4:36 PM
ahbah With the mkt in crash mode, got moni to give angpow ?
17/01/2025 10:19 AM
xiaoeh Metaverse please create related political topic and post all your thoughts there
u should learn from Engineering Profit
if people got interested will go over your thread and comments
do u know u r very annoyingly posted something irrelevant here and still think that u r the truth master?

if u want to talk cock make fun we are happy and welcome
if u want to provide facts and figures in regard to PBB we lagi most welcome
but if just trying to gain public recognition by posting something irrelevant...
please la...
17/01/2025 10:54 AM
Lbikeride @mete** Wrote: "One or two persons flag my postings will not do any harm. It must be majority of them come out to vote me out then it is fair to kick me out of this forum or else just keep quiet and listen to the music."

Please be mindful/self-aware. Malaysians are generally nice people, and we take pride in our hospitality, we don't oppose openly as we view that impolite. However, even one or two flags in a forum can indicate that you are NOT WELCOME. We politely urge you to stop, please. Thanks.
17/01/2025 12:42 PM
xiaoeh Dear Metaverse
i do not like flagging game
just hope that u enjoy yourself but please don't force sell something that people don't like😂
17/01/2025 1:14 PM
xiaoeh anyway
true master does not need go everywhere to promote his ideologies
on the contrary everybody will do their searching to reach out the true master...
look at u Metaverse...
u go everywhere shouting u r the true master....😂
17/01/2025 1:26 PM
xiaoeh Bye Dear Metaverse
i'll go now searching my true master...
17/01/2025 1:30 PM
Lbikeride Pesky mosquito won't go away. @Meta** will be back and give us flags. If everyone claims master who gonna learn? In so bad a market, those who bought below 4.40 and way back when at or below 4.00 will still manage a smile. Good hunting 🙏
17/01/2025 3:22 PM
skc761103 艰难的一年 大众银行香港子公司蒙受巨亏! https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/news/view/1459515
17/01/2025 7:00 PM
skc761103 What a lousy management and board of directors..shame on public bank ,...first class services 3rd lass facilities with worse class ROE to minor shareholder
17/01/2025 7:02 PM
Lbikeride @skc761*, it had been warned: go find the report 'Hong Kong Banking Report 2024' , which can be found floating around the Internet. Early on, on 2024, banking experts expected Hong Kong's banking sector would not have a good year, 2024. Also read 'Neutral impact on Public Bank from HK unit performance' article. Find out the outcomes from branches in Cambodia and Vietnam. Go also find out reserve this bloody bank has - then make decision to hold or to sell. No point calling management lousy. It is your call - make decision to hold or to sell.
17/01/2025 8:09 PM
Lbikeride Someone wrote on this forum: "Whether you all believe or not, my trading level is beyond master level as I can read beyond the future and stock market is more like a Kindergarten game for me as most of my opponents are really just like a kids who are too emo." Uncle Koon once said: "你想买股票,你就买啦;你想卖股票,你就卖啊。别变成精神病啊。当心心理健康啊。" Take care of your mental health.
17/01/2025 8:20 PM
skc761103 @lbiker* if u r the hongkong resident u will know why I quote 0626.hk lousy management..even no any other investment bank analysis cover on this lousy bank since year2014. Try to compare with others local bank in hongkong n U will find that why I quote 0626.hk is worse ROE among peers .public bank holdings Malaysia don’t even bother to implement any action to preserve minor shareholder benefits.correct me if I m wrong
17/01/2025 10:58 PM
skc761103 Besides , 0626.hk business is purely in hongkong n with minor business in China, nothing to do with Cambodia ,Laos or Vietnam.No any M
17/01/2025 11:10 PM
skc761103 No any merge acquisition past 10years to boost shareholder value but offer such high risk loan to those bus n taxi license...what a shameful n irresponsible board of directors which majority from its mother company .better delisted n shutdown the operation n return capital to those minor shareholder of business can’t perform n can’t compete
17/01/2025 11:16 PM
Lbikeride @skc7** okay got you. I hope I could to talk to some "smart guy" over the weekend about this by asking these questions. I'm not that smart, but I could answer the third one:
[1] Why one branch (0626.hk) heavy loss has neutral impact on the bank (1295)?
[2] Why not shut down the operation of the branch (0626.hk)?
[3] Does the bank care about the well-being of its investors? If it does, why not return capital to minor shareholder?

It is too technical for me, ain't no banker. I try to get answer.
18/01/2025 12:46 AM
skc761103 @lbikerider, I m glad finally u viewing in the point of minor shareholder of 0626.hk. bout their frustration n sadness become shareholder of public bank Hong Kong, those public bank group Malaysia board of directors n top management ceo so n so don’t even bother on how to preserve minor shareholder interest n benefits of 0626.hk as public bank hongkong only a peanut compare to whole public bank group.but one thing need to admit is tat public bank Hong Kong is a listed company n they shall have responsibility n integration to preserve the losses of it’s minor shareholder as almost all is retirees, they not hoping much just hope tat it can perform like wat it does like public bank Malaysia, have dividends n have capital protection.It Is just a simple wish for them but since year 2014 if minor shareholder buy in 0626.hk till now, what he get is hughlosses...
18/01/2025 9:03 AM
skc761103 What a so call prudent bank in Malaysia turn out to be rubbish bank at overseas...omg.public will have loss confident putting money into loss money bank compare to others showing good profit bank as public is very simple mindset..loss making company is a lousy company..tats it...the higher management n board of directors of both public bank Malaysia n hongkong is a good in cost effective but not a good banker...compare to those local Malaysia bank like hongleong which also having its footsteps in China
18/01/2025 9:08 AM
skc761103 @meta, I m not like u expert in everything from religion to fengsui to politics to general, u should know better than me
18/01/2025 9:26 AM
Lbikeride Hi @skc7* If you invest some money in 0626.hk, unfortunate at this moment, but you will never know what 2025 will bring. To cut lost, hold, etc is entirely up to you.

I talked to "some guy" who claimed used to work in banking industry. The outcomes of the talk are something like this:
[1] banks are legally loan out a portion of their funds they get from investors etc (known as fractional reserve banking), or they will get penalty.
[2] A bank cannot entirely cease its operations due to a single loss in 2024 without facing significant legal repercussions; the whole shebang of law books will be thrown at the bank! I don't know whether I convey the message intact. This much I can do at this moment.

I wish you well.
19/01/2025 1:36 PM
Lbikeride Hi @xiaoeh please do not respond to @metaverse for your own good. @meta* who said "Whether you all believe or not, my trading level is beyond master level as I can read beyond the future and stock market is more like a Kindergarten game for me as most of my opponents are really just like a kids who are too emo." displays delusions of grandeur (believing oneself to be superior to others) and delusions of having special powers (like seeing the future) can be symptoms of disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Seek professional help b4 too late. Now @meta* you can flag me.
19/01/2025 2:51 PM
xiaoeh Noted and Thanks Lbikeride
19/01/2025 3:43 PM
skc761103 @lbikeride thank you n appreciate your efforts to clarify the doubts. I can assure u is as long as public bank Malaysia n its subsidiary management,board of directors didn’t change their mindset to put priority on preserve minority shareholder benefit n interest of public bank Hong Kong ..things will be more worst n end up they will take granted to delisted n privatized public bank hongkong at lowest price which far below its p/b value....which turn out public bank Malaysia is ultimate beneficial n the loser will be minority share holders of 0626.hk
19/01/2025 9:43 PM
skc761103 Let’s do hope that those old aging management n board of directors of public bank Malaysia showing some mercy to those minority share holders of public bank Hong Kong which to be fair to them as well ...a group of poor old unlucky retirees choose 0626.hk .....HARAPKAN PAGAR PAGAR MAKAN PADI
19/01/2025 9:57 PM
metaverse Markets are never wrong – opinions often are. (Jesse Livermore)

Stock analysts like to give target price and tell you Public Bank is worth RM5 or YTLP is worth RM7 or Index will close at 1800 in 2024 but none of these prediction came true because stock analysts are not stock traders and they can't understand the logic behind the news so their target price to most professional traders are just plain rubbish.

Fundamental and technical analysis are derivative of historical data so must be used with caution as historical pattern will evolve with time. Investment Banks do have their own trading departments so you have to read their analyst reports with a pinch of salt as sometimes they will add salt to your wound.

In stock market no one is guru but either winner or losser. Be open minded and read as much as you can as stock market is a voting machine reflecting the reality instead of your personal opinion as your personal opinion most of the time is an illusion out of your imagination. If you think my writing agitated you it is because you think you are agitated but market will not work that way. You must put aside your ego and personal opinion and see the market with an unbiased mind and hit the button when the price action reaches the climax so you must be patient and wait for the sucker to make mistake as market spend 80% of the time in consolidation range.

20/01/2025 8:16 AM
metaverse “看山是山,看水是水;看山不是山,看水不是水;看山还是山,看水还是水。”这三重境界,不仅是对自然景象的感知,更是人生成长的深刻写照。其中的“看山还是山,看水还是水”这一境界,更是被人们被视为人生的最高境界,因为它不仅蕴含着对世界的深刻理解,特是心灵回归本真、与自然和谐共生的至高境界。随着年岁的增长,人们开始意识到,世界并非总是如我们所见的那般简单直接。生活的复杂性、人性的多面性逐渐展现在我们面前,于是人们开始质疑、思考,甚至迷茫。而人们也不再满足于表面的认知,开始深入挖掘事物的本质,探索现象背后的规律。然而正是这些经历,促使着人们不断地成长。人们也会学会从不同的角度思考问题,学会理解并接纳世界的多样性,同时也更加深刻地认识到自己的局限性。在经历了漫长的探索之后,有一部分人能够达到一种超脱的境界,即“看山还是山,看水还是水”。但这时的“看”,已经不再是初识世界时的那种简单直接,而是经过深刻反思和内心磨砺后的重新认识。在这个阶段,人们不再被外界的纷扰所迷惑,不再为名利所累,而是以一种更加平和的心态去面对生活。这种境界的达成,并非一蹴而就,而是需要长时间的修行和磨砺。它要求我们在面对生活的种种挑战时,要能够保持一颗平静的心,不被外界的喧嚣所打扰,在理解世界的复杂性时,能够保持一份宽容,不轻易地做出评判。人们对世间万物的认识,其实是在实践的过程中逐步深刻化的。有些人经过漫长曲折的探索苦修后会发现,人生的最高境界不过是返璞归真,看山还是山,看水还是水。
20/01/2025 8:33 AM
metaverse I am not here to spread fake news or make fun of those who have incurred losses from buying Public Bank as I see a lot of people have high expectation from stock market and some of them even takeout all their EPF saving and buy YTLP. However, I can see from @skc761103 that his holdings in Public Bank Hong Kong have caused him significant financial pain. I sincerely hope he can find a way to resolve his financial issues.

If Public Bank is truly a well-managed institution, they should have been able to replicate their successful business model to turn around Public Bank Hong Kong. Unfortunately, this has not been the case, which suggests that Public Bank's business model may not be as robust as you all think so good luck buddies.
20/01/2025 9:08 AM
HKHedgeFund One US fund management throw more than RM1.4billons share on total on public bank, LPI
20/01/2025 11:25 AM
metaverse Ladies and gentlemen, the magical show is happening right before your eyes! And yet, you all still can't accept the reality that the true master can see far beyond the future. Some of you even like to flag the true master messages. If the posts irritated you, I can assure you all that you'll end up losing your underwear in the stock market because most of you have formed strong opinions about the stock market, but in reality, most of your opinions are just illusions without any basis. So sit back, enjoy the show, and maybe—just maybe—you'll learn a thing or two before end up homeless for losing all your EPF saving. God bless you all.
20/01/2025 12:23 PM
metaverse 三元九运,北斗七星的右弼星主管20年大运(2024到2043年)。右弼星五行属火,银行股五行属金,火克金。以玄学规律来推算,大众银行前景,夕阳西照,寒风冷夜,追星望月,秋雨绵绵,一叶知秋。


依书直说,以风水八卦来推算,大众银行不应该有这样大的成就。如同对面阿马银行一样(Arab-Malaysia Bank 创办人四眼仔枪杀事件,一马公司被罚款28亿马币,澳新银行贱价清仓出货,谈到头皮都发麻, 阴风阵阵,太巧了吧!),因为大众银行的玲珑宝塔的龙脉旺气被国油的双子塔镇压。道生一,二生三,三生万物。其实,大众银行的标识是一个八卦图,卦中有卦,天地人,三重卦。万物生于有,有生于无,周而复始, 生生不息。太极生四象,四象生八卦。如果大众银行的股价跌破这个“四四”价位,是清仓出货的信号。因为这个分水岭价位或许是标叔冥灯带路,回光返照,挥手告别,信不信由你。十年弹指一挥间,恩怨情恨皆是缘。

20/01/2025 12:45 PM
Lbikeride No one should respond. Keep your sanity, be cool. Anyone bleeding to dea*h because your share is down? If you've got heart attack because of it, this thing is not for you.
20/01/2025 1:10 PM
metaverse 可怜之人必有可恨之处,可恨之人必有可悲之苦。



因果报应,不懂就不要装懂。很多人会因为这些半桶水的分析而倾家荡产,家破人亡。君子爱财,取之有道。本质上,@LB* 和那些网络诈骗集团没什么区别。他们的目的就是要骗那些无知的退休人士入局买大众银行,推高股价,然后他们就偷偷出货。谁是疯子,谁是骗子,大家应该心中有数。

20/01/2025 2:01 PM
metaverse 财经新闻 外资大步撤离13.3亿令吉马股 2025年01月20日



博傻理论 大象打架,小草遭殃 metaverse
Publish date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024, 12:06 PM

看图推演 (网页链接),如果富时大马吉隆坡综合指数失守《第一防线1580》和《第二防线1552》,将引发恐慌性抛售,全面性股灾。我们的经济部长,曾是国油高管,对石油工业了如指掌,苦口婆心劝告人民说,马来西亚的石油储备相比十年前已经减少一半。国库空虚,入不敷出,以此类推,所有经济补贴,包括RON95、食油和水电费,都会逐步取消。97年《亚洲金融风暴1.0》,从泰铢贬值开始,美元热钱瞬间回流,导致亚洲经济泡沫崩溃。溪云初起日沉阁,山雨欲来风满楼。一个完美的《亚洲金融风暴2.0》即将来临,您准备好了吗?

20/01/2025 2:15 PM
supersaiyan3 吾觀之Metaverse挺迷糊的。






如果懂巴菲特的話,就知道the "economics" of public bank is deteriorating。period.


20/01/2025 2:15 PM
metaverse @super* 话中有话,这才是股票高手。风水可信不可迷。同样的道理,技术或基本分析,可信不可迷。可是那些股市小白因为会看一点点财报就自以为是天下无敌。如果是那么简单,官有缘也不会输到贴地。可是官有缘是亿万富豪,他输的起。你们问问自己,您拿的出几个100万来输?官有缘有上百个股票经理为他收消息,可是一山还有一山高,最后还是被市场大鳄收割,遍体鳞伤。你们这些股票小白算老几?一天到晚flag大师博文,不知天高地厚。

@super* 如果懂巴菲特的話,就知道 the economics of public bank is deteriorating。就是說,你拿各項數據去除的話,會發現「速度」變慢、或甚至惡化了。


If you are an ordinary poker player looking to get more bang for your buck, this will be your laundry list:

1) Maybank (1155)

2) RHB (1066)

3) HL Bank (5819)

4) Alliance (2488)

5) Affin (5185)

6) Public Bank (1295)

7) AMBank (1015)

8) CIMB (1023)

20/01/2025 2:44 PM
metaverse 一因果不可改,二真相不可说,三智慧不可传,四无缘不可度。万古长空,一朝风月。老僧三十年前未参禅时,见山是山,见水是水。及至后来,亲见知识,有个入处,见山不是山,见水不是水。而今得个体歇处,依前见山只是山,见水只是水。每一个在你生命里出现的人,都有原因,都有使命。喜欢你的人给了你温暖和勇气;你喜欢的人让你学会了爱和自持;你不喜欢的人教会了你宽容和尊重;不喜欢你的人让你知道了自省和成长。世间事,凡有一得必有一失,凡有一失必有一得。很多事,不是你想,就能做到的。很多东西,不是你要,就能得到的。很多人,不是你留,就能留住的。
20/01/2025 2:58 PM
metaverse 几个傻瓜一直 flag 大师博文。其实是大师自己 delete 博文。和几个傻瓜的 flag 一点关系都没有。加油 flag 哈哈
20/01/2025 3:42 PM
xiaoeh Posted by metaverse > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse
几个傻瓜一直 flag 大师博文。其实是大师自己 delete 博文。和几个傻瓜的 flag 一点关系都没有。加油 flag 哈哈
20/01/2025 4:10 PM
Kitty Kitty Opportunity for the prepared. Action for the well informed.
21/01/2025 7:04 AM
EngineeringProfit I'm back.....
21/01/2025 7:07 AM
xiaoeh just some observation & just talk cock😂

banking sector is the first to get hit during economy crisis
banking sector is the first to recover after economy crisis
i think the best time to get in banking sector and hold for long term is during economy crisis
or else you have an option to trade with the cycle if you are active investor/trader/gambler whichever u feel comfortable

we don't need rocket science to do investment/trading/gambling to achieve better result
just the following
1) basic mathematic calculation+
2) logical thinking+
3) put in effort to follow up and analyze market information+
4) well managed own emotion
21/01/2025 9:00 AM
metaverse Good morning! Public Bank is currently testing its 200-day moving average (200MA) at RM4.36 (simple) and RM4.41 (exponential) according to TradingView. As you all know, the rule of thumb is that when the price is above the 200MA, it's considered bullish, and when it's below, it's considered bearish as foreign fund managers often follow this indicator closely.

Yesterday's sell-off hasn't reached a climax based on volume analysis, but if you know how to catch a falling knife with Tai Chi (slow and easy, don't use margin as the bank will force selling your shares and play within your mean as stock market is not a get rich scheme), then by all means, go ahead.

Both Public Bank and Genting are seen as weather indicators for the Malaysian economy. The long queues at BTOTO suggest that the economy might not be as strong as we think, so be prepared for the Asian Financial Crisis 2.0.

博傻理论: 马股双熊,一个不能说的秘密 metaverse 🍌🍌🍌
Publish date: Wed, 08 May 2024, 05:30 PM


21/01/2025 9:41 AM
metaverse I am wondering why some of you still can't accept the reality that this true master can see beyond the future as last year when most analysts predicted that Public Bank will go RM5, YTLP will go RM7 and KLCI 1800 but to show you all the magical show I said 马股未来走向《昙花一现》. Just that you can't see beyond the future you make the assumption that everyone else also can't see the future.
21/01/2025 10:22 AM
metaverse 量能八卦图


21/01/2025 10:22 AM
metaverse 大众银行,《价跌量减》, 巽为风 (巽下断 ☴)。然后《价跌量平》,震为雷 (震仰盂 ☳)。

21/01/2025 10:42 AM
metaverse 巽卦:价跌量减,卖出信号,股价的下跌是不需要成交量来佐证的,高位无量下跌也一样有高风险,当投资者的恐慌情绪开始时,开始时,很小的成交量就会把股价打到跌停板。

21/01/2025 10:50 AM
metaverse Posted by troy88 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

2024 most bullish bank stock was CIMB. 2025 may be ABMB.

Posted by pang72 > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I believe so..

@metaverse 🍌🍌🍌, DBS will not be able to replace the Tiger as Tiger is wholly owned by the government so they have the war chest to fight with DBS and evidently Tiger is quite big in Singapore so the business model of Tiger is considered globally competitive and unlike Public Bank Hong Kong is bleeding badly. One gain is other's pain so DBS will eat into the market share of Public Bank and clock is ticking so good luck my buddies:

If you are an ordinary poker player looking to get more bang for your buck, this will be your laundry list:

1) Maybank (1155)

2) RHB (1066)

3) HL Bank (5819)

4) Alliance (2488)

5) Affin (5185)

6) Public Bank (1295)

7) AMBank (1015)

8) CIMB (1023)

21/01/2025 11:20 AM
metaverse When I read the YTLP forum, I was laughing until I crying. The party is over, and the bull is bleeding and kids still refused to go , waiting for the DJ to play the next song. Too bad the next song is Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Hate Myself for Loving You (Official Video):

21/01/2025 11:58 AM

  6 people like this.
yaustan24 ABMB is a laggard stock despite exceptionally good results reported. At this rate, it is expected to drift lower due to selling pressure.
05/06/2024 2:04 PM
dawchok Bought in for the expected 5.8% yield and leadership from DBS
06/06/2024 6:13 PM
1288Go Dawchok,
How is DBS involved with Alliance Bank?
Thank you..
22/06/2024 1:44 PM
bilisinvestor Can this small bank survive in this more competitive market? With the emergence of the digital banks?
02/07/2024 6:30 AM
troy88 This underrated bank will slowly climb past RM4 in time..
10/07/2024 10:16 AM
EZMONEY13 @troy88 in just 1 week time haha congrats
17/07/2024 3:54 PM
troy88 Haha, I guess I weeks time is considered "slow". Good luck
17/07/2024 4:21 PM
troy88 Slow and steady. RM4.50 incoming..
14/08/2024 10:13 AM
EZMONEY13 Haha 50 cents at a time, ill take it
19/08/2024 10:11 AM
troy88 Nice, touched 4.50 as predicted. More to come. Many investors ignored this underrated bank stock with such good dividend yield when it was cheap couple of months ago.
21/08/2024 9:32 AM
ScotFree Huat ah! Hehehe
21/08/2024 8:03 PM
kenwilbur Going down
30/08/2024 10:54 AM
KingKKK ABMB: Ready to Soar or Due for a Pullback?

11/09/2024 8:09 AM
troy88 New high. Congrats to the patient holders
23/10/2024 4:45 PM
KingKKK 5 Key Strategies for Successful Investing in Malaysia - KingKKK

28/10/2024 8:01 AM
StarOfTheBull https://www.sinchew.com.my/?p=6058767
10/11/2024 1:36 PM
troy88 Congrats to all loyal shareholders of underrated ABMB
11/11/2024 9:18 AM
mf 2024-11-11

Price Target

Alliance Bank Malaysia - Possible DBS Entry- the Evolutionary Next Stage? BUY
Source : RHB-OSK, Price Call : BUY, Price Target : 5.50
Last Price : 4.87, Upside/Downside : +0.63(12.94%)
11/11/2024 4:50 PM
mf Dow Jones

Dow Jones Industrial Average





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12/11/2024 8:56 AM
troy88 DBS is a powerhouse bank in Asia and my biggest bank holding in my portfolio. I'd be delighted if DBS can buy a big stake in ABMB and power it to new heights!
12/11/2024 9:12 AM
tssl74 @troy88...yes, Hope so.
12/11/2024 9:47 AM
ScotFree 5.5
15/11/2024 3:34 PM
EZMONEY13 it takes 4 months to reach RM5, cool and steady la
15/11/2024 8:37 PM
Changes in Sub. S-hldr s Int (Section 138 of CA 2016)
15 Nov 2024, 07:00
Particular of Substantial Shareholder
Address 5th Floor, EPF Tower, No 1, Persiaran Kwasa Utama, 40150 Shah Alam Selangor
NRIC/Passport No/Company No EPF ACT 1991
Nationality/Country of Incorporation Malaysia
Descriptions (Class & Nominal Value) Ordinary Shares
Name & Address of Registered Holder You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or
attachment. To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment,
please access the Bursa website at http://www.bursamalaysia.com

Change Detail
Change Date 13 Nov 2024
Change Reason

Nature of Interest 118996993

Transaction Detail
Transaction Type Date of Change No of Securities Price Transacted (RM)
Disposed 12 Nov 2024 518,000 0.000

No of Securities after Change
Direct Interest (units) 118,996,993
Direct Interest (%) 7.687
Total Share after Change 118,996,993

Remarks You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access
the Bursa website at http://www.bursamalaysia.com
18/11/2024 8:52 AM
tssl74 Anyone has any further update for this counter?
22/11/2024 10:30 AM
Creations Dip to 4.96. Quite hurt.
27/11/2024 2:58 PM
StarOfTheBull Expecting dividend announcement and QR out by tomorrow or this Friday.
27/11/2024 3:10 PM
Creations Isn't that great news ? But it seems opposite way lol
27/11/2024 3:23 PM
tssl74 @Creations
You bought at high price?
27/11/2024 4:05 PM
tssl74 Hope for gd news
27/11/2024 4:05 PM
Creations I bought at 5. Still holding while waiting something good.
27/11/2024 4:08 PM
EZMONEY13 Profit & rev QOQ YOY high, dividend lower, why !
29/11/2024 10:26 AM
Creations div lower, and share price dip. from former maybank ceo. it aint right.
03/12/2024 11:09 AM
EZMONEY13 What aint right
11/12/2024 12:25 PM
turbochart US Fed meeting LIVE Updates: US central bank likely to slow its rate cuts, dollar strong ahead of meeting
18/12/2024 12:34 PM
StarOfTheBull Those who bought at RM5 also should be happy today.😁
26/12/2024 2:43 PM
troy88 New high. Congrats to holders.
07/01/2025 9:14 AM
KingKKK ABMB: Poised for a Breakout?

07/01/2025 10:32 AM
StarOfTheBull Just wonder is that guy who bought at RM5 is still holding or happy 😁 now?
17/01/2025 4:19 PM
pang72 Will alliance rename to dbs malaysia after acquisitions?
It looks cool with brand new DBS... logo which represents the strongest bank in Asia
17/01/2025 6:14 PM
pang72 Hopefully CNY ang pow mari from our neighbours country to privatise ABMB this week
20/01/2025 10:22 AM
troy88 wow, DBS driven rally? Nice.
20/01/2025 10:41 AM
troy88 Gonna catch up to Ambank soon..
20/01/2025 10:57 AM
pang72 Most powerful bank in Asia dbs power up most powerful SME bank in Malaysia.
20/01/2025 10:59 AM
pang72 Wonderfully combination
20/01/2025 10:59 AM
kokchengkai if dbs come in,ABMB midterm target wil be replace MAYBANK bcum top bank in malaysia .
20/01/2025 6:51 PM
troy88 2024 most bullish bank stock was CIMB. 2025 may be ABMB.
21/01/2025 9:14 AM
pang72 I believe so..
21/01/2025 11:04 AM
pang72 Patiently wait for announcement make
21/01/2025 11:51 AM
pang72 Dbs ceo hints of expansion into Malaysia Long ago.
This is the timing along with SEZ

21/01/2025 11:57 AM

  peter Too likes this.
100Mark REITs are sensitive to interest rates. Thereby, low interest rates boost borrowing capacity, aiding growth
30/09/2024 2:56 PM
RGBeric wait dividend again
15/11/2024 4:54 PM
Terry Kok slowly but surely improvement.
29/11/2024 2:19 PM
4dking777 not bad not bad, slowly back on track now
29/11/2024 5:48 PM
Schwoosh Sapu sapu sapu
03/12/2024 1:26 PM
ks55 Intermark is now 58% tenanted. By end of Dec another 10% and making 68% occupancy rate. ARReits is going back to its glorious days.
06/12/2024 4:28 PM
AmberAsset ong ong huat huat!
11/12/2024 2:19 PM
HaHassan Perfomasi suku tahunan semakin cemerlang. Tambah reits ini dlm portfolio 😊
12/12/2024 4:13 PM
meowmeister wait lower than I buy more ARREIT, probably hit support near 0.36-0.37
12/12/2024 5:19 PM
Joscylyn AmanahRaya Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) has completed its strategic acquisition of a private education asset in Glenmarie, Shah Alam for RM31.4 million

13/12/2024 2:58 PM
astor1es Arreit next resistance at 0.40, The newly-acquired freehold property is currently leased to Tinta Pendidikan Sdn. Bhd, an education provider offering preschool, primary and secondary education.
13/12/2024 5:01 PM
CarolineTeoh Nice, this is a promising acquisition. It will reach a 1-year high or even higher
16/12/2024 9:56 AM
Tokyolo enter at 0.385, another potential REIT with improving revenue & profit
16/12/2024 5:18 PM
100Mark The real estate investment trust (REIT) segment, which has been performing commendably this year, is expected to maintain its steady momentum into 2025 !

17/12/2024 3:42 PM
HaHassan Nampaknya ARREIT akan memecah 40 sen tak lama lagi 🤗
18/12/2024 3:28 PM
CarolineTeoh https://www.edisi9.com.my/2024/12/amanahraya-reit-ke-tumpat-bantu-mangsa-terjejas-banjir/

ARREIT and ARIM distribute aids to flood victims in Kelantan. Good CSR for Amanahraya Reits
19/12/2024 4:13 PM
mroverlord888 props for ARREITS.... helping back the community....
19/12/2024 5:39 PM
Joscylyn Good public appearance. I guess more people will take notice of this Reits and try to look into it
20/12/2024 11:54 AM
Vista99 looks like ARREIT need more momentum to cross 0.40 ...
23/12/2024 10:54 AM
Cptzer0 At just RM0.39 per share currently, ARREIT is trading at a massive discount to its NTA value of RM1.27. That’s is nearly 70% undervalued & make it as one of the best deals among REITs right now
23/12/2024 5:17 PM
sg999 NTA RM1.27 is not updated
Holiday villa oledi sold...
23/12/2024 7:33 PM
CarolineTeoh Arreit had bought private education asset in Glenmarie, Shah Alam for RM31.4 million after that. Therefore, NTA will remain above RM1
24/12/2024 5:00 PM
100Mark the divestment of Holiday Villa Alor Star for RM35.9 million will free up cash flow for higher-yielding investments and reduce gearing, making ARREIT leaner and more agile 😉
26/12/2024 6:46 PM
stonedInvest Worst is over for ARREIT, income to kick into high gear next year
26/12/2024 6:49 PM
Vista99 Slow but still heading towards one-year high ..
27/12/2024 5:42 PM
Hansonjj It was the Holiday Villa Beach Resort and Spa Langkawi that ARREIT sold was RM145 mil early this year https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/696211
27/12/2024 10:26 PM
KemoSabe Price is coming back and strategically ARREIT is set to continue diversification in the investment portfolio
27/12/2024 10:28 PM
Hansonjj I agree. With their current solid management team, looks like ARREIT is bouncing back
27/12/2024 10:35 PM
Tokyolo ARREIT said the gain from the disposal will be reflected in the financial statements ending Dec 31, 2024.
30/12/2024 7:56 PM
CarolineTeoh It surely will have positive goodwill in the account
30/12/2024 9:17 PM
HaHassan akan mencapai harga tertinggi semasa kptsan q4 diumumkan 😀
31/12/2024 12:08 PM
Vista99 With improving occupancy rates and proactive asset management, Amanahraya Reits is sure to post a strong fourth quarter performance
02/01/2025 3:18 PM
astor1es ARREIT 2025 Short term TARGET PRICE 0.45
02/01/2025 7:16 PM
eL3MeN7K 0.40 hard wall actually, need more volume & buying momentum
06/01/2025 1:09 PM
Joscylyn No worries, investing in this REIT is for dividends, there is no need to rush to get capital gains
06/01/2025 4:51 PM
CarolineTeoh Bank Negara Malaysia may lower the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 25 basis points to 2.75% in 2025. Good news for property and REIT sector

07/01/2025 9:46 PM
mrkhoi306 save to enter now as ARREIT have new tenures ranging from two to three years that provide some stability
08/01/2025 3:39 PM
100Mark If you look at what its NTA is, you’ll know how undervalued this stock is
08/01/2025 5:31 PM
HaHassan buat masa ni, kita kumpul saja sebelum saham mula naik tinggi
09/01/2025 12:04 PM
CarolineTeoh ARREIT currently owns 11 properties with a total asset value of RM1.412 billion. Indeed, it is undervalued ~
10/01/2025 11:48 AM
KarmaS ARREIT portfolio’s average occupancy rate, currently at 75%, is expected to rise to 80% by Q4 FY2024, supported by new tenant commitments at Menara Vista and Dana 13
10/01/2025 1:20 PM
Joscylyn KLCI sinks into red sea ... but this Amanahraya Reits is holding up quite strongly
13/01/2025 2:39 PM
KarmaS AmanahRaya REIT announces resignation of Tunku Rozita and names Mohd Iskandar as acting MD

14/01/2025 6:57 PM
jofij86494 AmanahRaya REIT announces resignation of Tunku Rozita and names Mohd Iskandar as acting MD
14/01/2025 6:58 PM
100Mark New management joins. More valuable asset acquisitions coming soon? 😀
15/01/2025 12:12 PM
orbiter Hope can see 0.40 before next month, price already stable down
16/01/2025 8:14 PM
Vista99 Believe in REITs as they will continue to grow decently this year
17/01/2025 4:37 PM
CarolineTeoh ARREIT owns 1 shopping mall, namely Selayang Mall, which has an occupancy rate of 96%, which will bring considerable income to the company
20/01/2025 3:54 PM
astor1es Selayang Mall benefited from active marketing efforts, attracting 10 new tenants, bringing the total to 173 tenants in 2024 (compared to 163 in 2023).

These additions, along with lease renewals and committed rental increases from 41 existing tenants, contributed an extra RM0.09 million in monthly rental income, alongside higher income from parking rentals
20/01/2025 4:46 PM
Joscylyn Probably Amanahraya Reits will declare dividend in the next qr
21/01/2025 11:54 AM

  4 people like this.
Dato’ Dr. Yu Kuan Chon, DIMP, PPT, MBBS
(Chairman, Executive Director)
Dato’ Yu Kuan Huat, DPMP, PMP, AMP, PPT
(Managing Director)
Khong Kam Hou
(Senior Independent Non-Executive Director)
Ching Lee Fong
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
Lee Zhi Yan
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
04/11/2024 8:17 PM
62 years of age Malaysian, Male
Chairman, Executive Director
Dato’ Dr. Yu Kuan Chon was appointed to the Board of the Company on 3 September 2003, and became Chairman
on 20 February 2004. After obtaining his medical degree in 1988, he began his career as a houseman in Klang,
followed by a role as a medical officer a year later. He subsequently served as a medical officer in hospitals in Ipoh
and Taiping, Perak. In 1995, he left government service to assist in the family business.
Currently, he is a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director at Rapid Synergy Berhad, a public company listed on
the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
He is the brother of Dato’ Yu Kuan Huat, DPMP, PMP, AMP, PPT, and he is a major shareholder of the Company.
He has no conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with the Company or its subsidiaries. He has not been
convicted of any offences within the past five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any, and has not been imposed
any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 30 June 2024.

66 years of age Malaysian, Male
Managing Director
Member, Remuneration Committee
Dato’ Yu Kuan Huat was appointed to the Board of the Company on 3 September 2003, and subsequently assumed
the role of Managing Director on 8 October 2003. Prior to joining the Board, he served as the Managing and Founder
Director of Kar Sin Bhd, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. With over 30 years of experience, his
expertise covers a broad range of industries, including property development, construction, money lending, and
He serves as the Alternate Director to Dato’ Dr. Yu Kuan Chon, DIMP, PPT, MBBS, at Rapid Synergy Berhad, a
public company listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
He is a substantial shareholder of the Company and he is the brother of Dato’ Dr. Yu Kuan Chon, DIMP, PPT,
He has no conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with the Company or its subsidiaries. He has not been
convicted of any offences within the past five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any, and has not been imposed
any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 30 June 2024.
04/11/2024 8:18 PM
75 years of age Malaysian, Male
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Chairman, Audit Committee
Member, Nomination Committee
Member, Remuneration Committee
Mr. Khong Kam Hou was appointed to the Board of the Company as a Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
on 31 March 2023. On the same day, he was also appointed as a member of the respective Board Committees. He
was later redesignated as Chairman of the Audit Committee on 1 March 2024.
He graduated from the University of Malaya with a Bachelor's degree in Economics in 1974 and joined the
Department of Inland Revenue, Ministry of Finance, as a tax cadet officer in early 1975. Over the course of his
career from 1975 to 1991, he served in several key units within the Inland Revenue Department, including tax
assessment, corporate tax, and tax investigation. In 1992, he left his role as a senior tax officer and practiced as a
licensed tax consultant from 1992 until 2019.
He has no other directorship in public companies and listed issuers. He has no family relationship with any director
and/or major shareholder of the Company.
He has not been convicted of any offences within the past five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any, and has
not been imposed any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended
30 June 2024.
He has no conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with the Company or its subsidiaries.

46 years of age Malaysian, Male
Independent Non-Executive Director
Member, Audit Committee
Chairman, Nomination Committee
Chairman, Remuneration Committee
Mr. Ching Lee Fong was appointed to the Board of the Company as a Independent Non-Executive Director on 31
March 2023. On the same day, he was also appointed as a member of the respective Board Committees. He was
later redesignated as Chairman of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee on 1 March 2024.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronics) from University Technologi Malaysia. He is
currently serving as a Senior Engineer at Intel Microelectronics Sdn Bhd and brings over 23 years of experience in
the electrical and electronics engineering industry.
He has no other directorship in public companies and listed issuers. He has no family relationship with any director
and/or major shareholder of the Company.
He has not been convicted of any offences within the past five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any, and has
not been imposed any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended
30 June 2024.
He has no conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with the Company or its subsidiaries.
04/11/2024 8:21 PM
30 years of age
Malaysian, Female
Independent Non-Executive Director
Member, Audit Committee
Member, Nomination Committee
Member, Remuneration Committee
Ms. Lee Zhi Yan was appointed to the Board of the Company as Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 March
2024. On the same day, she was also appointed as a member of the respective Board Committees.
Ms. Lee Zhi Yan graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from Monash University, Australia. She also holds several
professional qualifications, including membership in the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), the Malaysian
Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ).
She began her career as an Accounts Officer at 7-Eleven Australia and later managed vendor details and payments
at Kalari HSE Australia. In 2018, she joined PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT as an Assurance Senior Associate,
contributing to audits, risk assessments, and mentoring junior staff.
In 2021, she became Assistant Planning & Reporting Manager at Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad, focusing on
financial planning and process improvements. Currently, as General & Sales Accounting Manager at Goodyear
Malaysia Berhad, she oversees financial reporting, compliance, and accounting activities, while serving as a key
business partner.
She has no other directorship in public companies and listed issuers. She has no family relationship with any
director and/or major shareholder of the Company.
She has not been convicted of any offences within the past five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any, and has
not been imposed any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended
30 June 2024.
She has no conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with the Company or its subsidiaries.
04/11/2024 8:21 PM
Good123 Corporate Development
The Board is pleased to inform that the conditions precedent of the Sales and Purchase Agreement for 163 Retail
Park have been fully met, making the agreement unconditional as of 23rd September 2024. This milestone not
only affirms the value and appeal of our development but also demonstrates the market's recognition of its prime
location and quality. The successful completion of this agreement reinforces our position as a developer of highvalue properties and strengthens the company's financial outlook.
04/11/2024 8:23 PM
Good123 For the financial year ended 30 June 2024, YNH Property Bhd (“YNHP” or “the Company”) delivered solid results,
with revenue predominantly driven by the sale of Solasta Dutamas, our flagship project located in Kuala Lumpur.
Meanwhile, in the state of Perak, the Manjung Commercial Shoplots and Manjung Point Township have been the
primary contributors to the Group’s performance, demonstrating the strength of our diversified portfolio.
Located in Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur, Solasta Dutamas has a GDV of approximately RM720 million, and is expected
to contribute positively to the Group’s earnings for the next 2 years. As at 30th September 2024, the construction
of Solasta Dutamas is progressing smoothly, with the first tower already topped out, while the remaining two
towers are at the super-structure stage of construction. The project has been well-received by prospective buyers,
with over 70% of the total units sold. The strategic location and premium offerings of this project provide a strong
outlook for sustained revenue generation.
In Perak, our ongoing township development of approximately 700 acres in Seri Manjung is a long-term growth
engine for YNHP. The Manjung Point Township residential units and Manjung Commercial Shoplots continue to
deliver consistent revenue streams. With a forecasted development horizon of 20 to 30 years, this project positions
the Group well for sustained future profitability.
The value of our Seri Manjung township has been further enhanced by the presence of key facilities such as AEON
Seri Manjung and Pantai Hospital Seri Manjung. These facilities not only improve the quality of life for residents but
also increase the attractiveness and long-term value of our developments in this area.
Looking ahead, the Group is preparing to launch several high-potential projects, including Residensi Bangsar
South, located adjacent to KTM Angkasapuri, Residensi Bangsar South has an estimated GDV of RM470 million,
and is expected to launch in 2025 subject to final authority approvals.
Another prestigious future project by YNHP is the development of Menara YNH. The commercial development
spans around 3 acres along Jalan Sultan Ismail, positioned within the bustling Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur
City Centre. The location of Menara YNH offers easy accessibility and close proximity to public transport facilities.
This development has an internal targeted GDV of approximately RM4 billion.
The Menara YNH mixed development will comprise the mix of hotel, service apartments and shopping mall.
Contribution from this project which includes rental income is expected to contribute positively to the Group’s
future earnings.
Last but not least, 163 Retail Park SPA is unconditional as of 23rd September 2024. This provides certainty of the
final payment of Balance Purchase Price due by 22nd December 2024. Approximately RM161 million of the sales
proceeds will be strategically allocated to reduce the company's borrowings, significantly improving our gearing
ratio and generating substantial savings in interest expenses.
The Group remains focused on creating long-term value for our shareholders by pursuing strategic growth
opportunities, optimizing our project portfolio, and maintaining prudent financial management. With a strong
project pipeline, continued demand for quality properties, and supportive market conditions, we are confident that
YNHP is well-positioned for sustainable growth in the coming years.
04/11/2024 8:25 PM
Good123 Last Price
Avg Target Price
+1.415 (325.29%)

04/11/2024 8:49 PM
Good123 Takda fraud jika Ada directors dah masuk jail macam najib 😂
05/11/2024 12:14 AM
Good123 Privatize it cheaply, relist without the rm1bil jv projects😎
05/11/2024 8:27 AM
Good123 Or use a Sdn Bhd to acquire the jv projects at rm1bil or less
05/11/2024 8:28 AM
Good123 Taking out the controversial rm1bil jv projects would make ynh to fly. Wait n see
05/11/2024 8:28 AM
Good123 Jika Yu brothers buat accounting fraud macam Enron, dah masuk penjara macam najib dah 😅
05/11/2024 8:44 AM
Good123 I think pecat independent directors & CFO solusi jugak
05/11/2024 8:45 AM
Good123 As of November 5, 2024, YNH Property Bhd has not publicly disclosed the identity of its Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The company’s leadership includes Chairman and Executive Director Datuk Dr. Yu Kuan Chon and Chief Executive Officer Kuan Yu.  Additionally, the Audit Committee is chaired by Senior Independent Non-Executive Director Khong Kam Hou. 
05/11/2024 8:56 AM
Good123 Removing and preventing accounting fraud is crucial to maintaining integrity, transparency, and trust within an organization. Here are some steps that can help address and prevent accounting fraud:

1. Establish Strong Internal Controls

• Segregation of Duties: Divide financial responsibilities so no single person handles all aspects of a transaction.
• Authorization and Approval Systems: Ensure all financial transactions are authorized by appropriate personnel.
• Access Control: Restrict access to financial systems to only those who need it.
• Regular Audits: Conduct regular internal and external audits to detect irregularities and ensure compliance.

2. Implement Ethical Standards and Compliance Programs

• Code of Conduct: Develop a clear code of ethics and ensure all employees are familiar with it.
• Training Programs: Provide training on ethical standards, anti-fraud policies, and the consequences of fraud.
• Compliance Monitoring: Continuously monitor adherence to regulations and internal policies.

3. Use Data Analytics and Forensic Accounting

• Data Monitoring Tools: Employ software to analyze transactions and flag unusual patterns or outliers.
• Forensic Accounting: Consider having forensic accountants review the financials if fraud is suspected.

4. Foster a Culture of Transparency and Accountability

• Whistleblower Programs: Implement a system for employees to report suspicious activities anonymously.
• Open Communication: Encourage open communication between departments and maintain a transparent environment.

5. Strengthen Financial Oversight

• Audit Committee Oversight: Ensure that an independent audit committee oversees the company’s financial reporting.
• Regular Financial Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of financial statements, with cross-verification by multiple team members.
• Detailed Reconciliation: Perform regular reconciliation of bank statements, accounts, and balance sheets.

6. Regularly Update Anti-Fraud Measures

• Stay Updated on Fraud Schemes: Fraudsters constantly develop new methods, so staying informed on the latest fraud tactics is crucial.
• Review Policies and Procedures: Regularly update financial policies to adapt to new risks and regulatory requirements.

7. Engage with External Auditors

• Independent Audits: Engage reputable third-party auditors to review financial statements independently.
• Periodic Audits: Carry out periodic, unannounced audits to deter fraudulent behavior.

Taking these actions helps to establish a strong foundation against accounting fraud and promotes an ethical organizational culture.
05/11/2024 8:57 AM
Good123 Take private & relist excluding the jv rm1bil habis cerita
05/11/2024 3:17 PM
Good123 Yu brothers Tak macam najib Ka? Tak masuk jel lagi 😀
05/11/2024 3:20 PM
Good123 Bro Yu Ada curi wang syarikat Ka? Bukan kes najib kan?😅
05/11/2024 3:35 PM
Good123 CFO takda junior ac staff buat salah kot ? Ikut arahan Yu Ka? Takda finance director mahupun CFO bukan?😂
05/11/2024 3:38 PM
Good123 Tak Tau buat proper accounting entries untuk jv rm1bil Ka?😅accountant takda atau bro Yu paksa ac staf sengaja buat salah? Macc dimana?
05/11/2024 3:41 PM
Good123 Tak pasti sama Ada bro Yu Akan berada di sg buloh bersama bro najib 👀🫵🏻
05/11/2024 7:12 PM
Michael Kwok Ynh 46 cents
Possible will up above 50 cents range.but sell on strength.
Let see how it move after above 50 cents.
17/11/24 7pm
17/11/2024 7:01 PM
cokodokpisang Sudah 53 cents. Take profit liao.. leave some at 60 sen, to feed the greed.
21/11/2024 4:21 PM
cokodokpisang Greed satisfied and cleared. Unless it drops back to 0.4x .. hold my horses first
25/11/2024 12:50 PM
Birdie The bird is flying.
25/11/2024 4:19 PM
mf target 0.680
26/11/2024 11:10 AM
Zachzach sure or not 0.68?
27/11/2024 4:48 PM
ZenSen Got good news ka?
28/11/2024 6:30 PM
Ghazaar This YNH quietly shooting up 😯
03/12/2024 4:16 PM
cokodokpisang Walao.. don't know the basis of it's growth. Financial numbers not great. Got something coming up in their AGM kah? Or the sale of AEON confirm kah? Walao missed out big 30% gain payout. Only got to makan 18%..fingers itchy to buy.. but I know when I buy sure drop.. hahaha
03/12/2024 6:07 PM
unknown1234 cokodok.. so you bought? why drop so much
04/12/2024 2:51 PM
yongyong88 Peak reached,.... profit-taking,.... Selling has begun... if u r still holding, good luck!
04/12/2024 3:33 PM
khpwwl Rsi high will drop, my friend is not listening, now kena
04/12/2024 8:18 PM
cokodokpisang Walao wei..lucky never buy....had last minute kerja to settle last night..got up late morning.. by the time I cuci mata and backside, price drop liao. Wah piang ah..
Normally I won't praise my boss... but coz him I didn't loose more duit. Anyway YTL n Penta kept me happy today.. tomorrow i think jual liao
04/12/2024 8:21 PM
mf run
06/12/2024 10:50 AM
khpwwl cuci deep deep
06/12/2024 11:42 AM
mf sell
06/12/2024 11:46 AM
khpwwl Possible drop to 0.55
06/12/2024 11:54 AM
HKHedgeFund will rebound
06/12/2024 4:52 PM
hoowk77 run fast fast
09/12/2024 2:54 PM
Noni Dr Doom catch you!
09/12/2024 3:12 PM
Ghazaar Let him catch 😆 Or I will catch him when the price is less than 50 sen
09/12/2024 4:50 PM
future https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/hleresearch/2024-12-11-story-h476513183-Traders_Brief_HLIB_Retail_Research_ndash_Dec_11
Looks like more to go..
11/12/2024 12:42 PM
Ghazaar Nice, strong momentum continues 🚀🚀
12/12/2024 3:27 PM
Michael Kwok Ynh 55-56 cents
Resistance 60 cents
Support 48 cents
Mantaining support majority more then a bullish
Tp 75-85 cents.
19/12/24 3.20pm
19/12/2024 3:18 PM
Birdie What a mess!!!!!!!!!!
20/12/2024 4:10 PM
cokodokpisang As soon there is news on the AEON sales gets announced, and any other land sales, i think this counter will pick up. Just a matter of time. I'm amazed with so much land banks still nothing is finalised.
13/01/2025 4:42 PM
Birdie THe tunnel is still dark
15/01/2025 4:13 PM
cokodokpisang Crap I'm running at a loss now. Bought at 50sen.. oh well. Let's hope for good news coming up..
16/01/2025 3:16 PM
cokodokpisang Come back to 50.5 sen .. can breath again.
21/01/2025 11:51 AM

  7 people like this.
NatsukoMishima No eye see , water falling non stop , how low is low ??
16/01/2025 11:27 AM
HKHedgeFund Anwar has confirm our GDP growth 5.5 percent on the year 2025
16/01/2025 11:33 AM
pang72 This is the effect of Dow up 700pts?
Suncon continue crashing
16/01/2025 11:58 AM
pang72 https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/736288Jeffrey Cheah, private vehicle offload 100 mil shares in Sunway for RM485 mil

16/01/2025 12:01 PM
pang72 The timing for offload is incredible
16/01/2025 12:02 PM
mf sell
16/01/2025 12:03 PM
NatsukoMishima Suncon fair value around rm 2
16/01/2025 1:15 PM
pang72 I can give you one support 52wks low at $2.15
16/01/2025 2:19 PM
questra pumped till overvalued for a long time and now the dump finally come :)
16/01/2025 3:04 PM
Maxlim2000 Run as fast as you can
16/01/2025 3:29 PM
ChloeTai Gamuda won Penang LRT project. That means Suncon lose the bidding of that project. As a loser, its share price crashed.
16/01/2025 3:36 PM
Skywalker00 Suncon major Data Center Project is Chinese owned.
16/01/2025 3:45 PM
mf sell
16/01/2025 4:00 PM
DreamCommander Construction stocks extend decline sharply as SunCon falls over 10%
John Lai/theedgemalaysia.com
16 Jan 2025, 01:09 pm
Updated 03:27 pm

16/01/2025 4:57 PM
Callmejholow i think SunCon will get a hugeeeeee data center project soon. very soon.
16/01/2025 4:59 PM
nayinvest SunCon is pakar for DC construction. A few in Cyberjaya undertaken by them.
16/01/2025 5:46 PM
Maxlim2000 This is how the shark and crocodile making money........................
16/01/2025 6:21 PM
Michael Kwok Wah,really down,u see is it now lower rm 3.a yeahh.please read..
16/1/25 6.45pm
Suncon 4.32
Downgrade lower rm 3.higher cost kick in as minimum salary rm 1700.ron 95 at rm 2.6 also kick in.
1/11/24 3.18pm
16/01/2025 6:43 PM
Skywalker00 Suncon is a well managed company. Just hope they get paid for all the DC works done for the Chinese.
17/01/2025 12:19 AM
HugoUPUPUP Looks like will below RM3?
17/01/2025 2:11 AM
mf Dow Jones

Dow Jones Industrial Average





NASDAQ Composite



17/01/2025 5:00 AM
mf time to collect gamuda
17/01/2025 9:21 AM
pang72 The biggest winner is tan Sri offload $500mils shares in pocket
17/01/2025 11:49 AM
pang72 Ikan bilis become vrge
17/01/2025 11:49 AM
DreamCommander Malaysia data centre plays face further risks, JPMorgan warns as it downgrades Sunway Construction, Gamuda
Anis Hazim/theedgemalaysia.com
17 Jan 2025, 11:38 am

17/01/2025 12:40 PM
Vicky Looking for 2.50 now...quick meltdown soon
17/01/2025 1:23 PM
Agjl JP Morgan downgraded GAMUDA
17/01/2025 5:47 PM
Agjl https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/highlight/2025/01/17/data-centre-theme-losing-its-lustre-says-jp-morgan/
17/01/2025 5:47 PM
markgold Can Suncon data center projects awarded before 2025 be cancelled easily by clients ?
19/01/2025 10:23 AM
markgold If not then the profit for 2025 and 2026 should not be affect by the news.
19/01/2025 10:25 AM
markgold The worst is over ?
20/01/2025 9:59 AM
Riaz1954 JP Morgan is a problem itself..check out their role on financial crisis. They say one thing and do another. They are part of US mafia. US creates financial crisis diary to exit and first to renter …. That’s why they have many billionaires. The world simply follows them.
20/01/2025 10:01 AM
markgold JP Morgan TP for Suncon 2.50 but another international investment bank new TP for Suncon drop to 4.30 from 4.80
20/01/2025 10:25 AM
HKHedgeFund One US fund management throw more than RM1.4billons share on total on public bank, LPI, downgrade all the construction sector for data center AI, suddenly public bank cash flow being withdrawed

20/01/2025 11:29 AM
markgold Buying at 3.58
20/01/2025 11:46 AM
markgold New US policy may affect new data center AI projects for 2025 onward and may affect the profit of Suncon for 2027 onward. Suncon profit for 2025 and 2026 will not be affected by this issue.
20/01/2025 11:57 AM
NatsukoMishima Sun con fair value around rm 2 - 2.40 only !
20/01/2025 1:14 PM
NatsukoMishima Markgold , 3.58 is very high risk to catch falling knife , u better cut loss now !
20/01/2025 1:15 PM
facsc118 got 3.53
20/01/2025 2:37 PM
facsc118 3.43 add more
20/01/2025 3:51 PM
NatsukoMishima Sun con fair value around rm 2 - 2.40 only ! Markgold cut loss right now save some capital for CNY !
20/01/2025 4:26 PM
Agjl Good to be positive but always remember there is a black swan in the making. Japan interest rate hike…. Not sure how severe the impact but there will be impact.. just my humble 2 sen. Cheers!
20/01/2025 9:13 PM
NatsukoMishima Markgold , i hope u will be ok because today suncon will tumble atleast 7 - 15 %
21/01/2025 8:53 AM
newbie9893 NatsukoMishima, i hope u will be ok because today suncon will up at least 7 - 15 %
21/01/2025 9:17 AM
markgold NstsukoMishima, thanks for your kind advice.
21/01/2025 9:24 AM
HKHedgeFund Poor KLSE, only local fund management like beggar every time only want to suck malaysians traders money, this kind of malaysia market totally unacceptable.
21/01/2025 9:30 AM
facsc118 sold all at 3.61 thanks buy average price 3.48
21/01/2025 9:47 AM
21/01/2025 10:30 AM
newbie9893 NatsukoMishima, Suncon already up 7% today..what say you?
21/01/2025 10:53 AM
cheeseburger @facsc118 , thanks for selling, now you miss the boat..
21/01/2025 11:51 AM

  52 people like this.
EasyInKlse JP Morgan 🥱🥱🥱
20/01/2025 1:37 PM
2721 Dato sapu again
20/01/2025 5:56 PM
redhotpepper Wdf, no more cursing, pls share facts yeah. It's damn bored Ng hearing ppl curse without facts
20/01/2025 6:08 PM
Maxlim2000 Wait for trump tonight sapu
20/01/2025 8:02 PM
Antifanaticracism When anyone talked facts those gangsters of sifus will get angry. These employed gangsters don't allow others to talk facts. They will attack even though your message is based on facts. This is a common platform. Nobody or even gangsters can monopolize it. Everyone can write anything. Let the audience decides
20/01/2025 8:48 PM
Antifanaticracism Those brainless macais can't differentiate between presenting facts and attacking sifus. Presenting facts is not attacking. The macais behaved like mad dogs. Simply bite anyone
20/01/2025 8:54 PM
Zhuge_Liang What FA or TA facts he is talking ?
Personal attacking bullshit is not a fact.
Badmouth lies are not facts too.
This shameless liar Antifanaticracism is not knowledgeable as far as FA is concerned.
I never see his facts except badmouth lies and bullshits.
He is only good in personal attack.
Is he recommending any good stock to all readers in I3 to invest ?
The answer is none.
Shame on you !!
He is a shameless liar and a coward in this forum.
20/01/2025 8:56 PM
Antifanaticracism Zhuga is identified as the chief gangster
20/01/2025 9:04 PM
Antifanaticracism Your definition of facts are those opinions that support your ideas. Those opinions that is not in line with your ideas are not facts.
20/01/2025 9:11 PM
Agjl Good to be positive but always remember there is a black swan in the making. Japan interest rate hike…. Not sure how severe the impact but there will be impact.. just my humble 2 sen. Cheers!
20/01/2025 9:12 PM
Zhuge_Liang A shameless liar Antifanaticracism is the gangster head in I3.
If there is no bangla supervisor in this forum, this shameless liar will bully many ... many writers in this forum.
Thanks god to send the bangla supervisor as a saviour to protect all writers in this forum.
The bangla supervisor did a good job to attack this shameless liar ruthlessly.
20/01/2025 9:13 PM
Vincenzo888 What is your contribution in this forum Zhuge_Liang 猪🐷哥亮。

I recommended V shaped recovery of Topglov gained multiple rounds. I recommended Armada profit over 150%.
I recommended Velesto from 0.11.

Go check my posts.

You just a dog following your shameless liar sifu.
20/01/2025 9:16 PM
Antifanaticracism Zhuga is truly the gangsters chief .
20/01/2025 9:17 PM
Proven Zhuge_Liang and Bangla Macai are the same gang. Both are OTB paid macais.

Posted by Zhuge_Liang > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

A shameless liar Antifanaticracism is the gangster head in I3.
If there is no bangla supervisor in this forum, this shameless liar will bully many ... many writers in this forum.
Thanks god to send the bangla supervisor as a saviour to protect all writers in this forum.
The bangla supervisor did a good job to attack this shameless liar ruthlessly.
20/01/2025 9:19 PM
TanDavid88 Antifanaticracism and Vincenzo888 is the same person using a different ids to cheat all readers in this forum.
He is the shameless liar in this forum.
20/01/2025 9:19 PM
edwing9981 Zhuge_Liang, DavidTan88 and Bangla macai are OTB paid macais.

Hired to attack anyone who posted negative opinion on the stock his sifu is promoting.

This is the most shameless liar group in I3 Investor forum!!!
20/01/2025 9:21 PM
Antifanaticracism Agjl, V888, red-hot 👍
20/01/2025 9:22 PM
Zhuge_Liang The accounts of Vincenzo999, Vincent8864, Jeffrey, CaoCao, Genovese and LimPek1510 are suspended.

He uses Antifanaticracism, Vincenzo888 and edwing9981 to post in this forum.
edwing9981 is the shameless liar here.
The admin will not suspend a good person's account.
edwing9981 attacked people in this forum with lies.
A coward and low class shameless liar here.

A good or innocent person will not use so many different ids to cheat all readers in this forum.
A thief, coward or a shameless liar is definitely a bad guy in this forum.
Nothing to argue, stick to the facts.
I think the god is watching him and want to punish him badly.
Shame on you !!
20/01/2025 9:23 PM
Antifanaticracism Audience must be given assess to all information to avoid any tragedy
20/01/2025 9:26 PM
edwing9981 Speaking about tragedy in the past all stocks this shameless liar OTB group promoted ended up with tragedy for example Hengyuan, Jaks, Supermax, Coastal, Hiaptek and many others.

All are recorded in this forum.
20/01/2025 9:38 PM
Antifanaticracism Don't make the audience the rats following the pied Piper and end up in the river
20/01/2025 9:38 PM
Zhuge_Liang What FA or TA facts he is talking ?
Personal attacking bullshit is not a fact.
Badmouth lies are not facts too.
This shameless liar edwing9981 is not knowledgeable as far as FA is concerned.
I never see his facts except badmouth lies and bullshits.
He is only good in personal attack.
Is he recommending any good stock to all readers in I3 to invest ?
The answer is none.
Shame on you !!
He is a shameless liar and a coward in this forum.
20/01/2025 9:46 PM
Zhuge_Liang In every posting, there is always a personal attack.
What facts !!
Personal attacking bullshit is not a fact.
Badmouth lies are not facts too.
No point wasting time with this shameless liar.
20/01/2025 9:48 PM
edwing9981 OTB macais famous for posting abusive, sexual contents and cursing posts.

All audiences already could not tahan these group of shameless people.
20/01/2025 10:01 PM
Antifanaticracism What attack, was there name mentioned. U are just a zombie of sifus with calcified mind set and behaved like someone's dog
20/01/2025 10:03 PM
This group of dogs doesn't know how many enemies they have.

Posted by Antifanaticracism > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

What attack, was there name mentioned. U are just a zombie of sifus with calcified mind set and behaved like someone's dog
20/01/2025 10:07 PM
21/01/2025 9:24 AM
HKHedgeFund Poor KLSE, only local fund management like beggar every time only want to suck malaysians traders money, this kind of malaysia market totally unacceptable
21/01/2025 9:30 AM
OTBisVincenzo888PAPA RECOGNITION OF OTB as @Felix888999 FATHER.
1. Mr FelixTan aka @ Felix888999 and his current IDS @ Antifanaticracism , @ edwing9981 @ Vincenzo888 @ Hansek
APOLOGIZE to Sify otb and called him FATHER.
2. @ Antifanaticracism was a LOW CLASS LIAR whose mother never teach him manners.
3.Today Felixooi aka @ Antifanaticracism is throwing a party
4.@edwing9981 mother and wife will SIO KAN and KAM LAN*CHIO for bangla cafe supervisor and Samy Velloo
5.Enemies of @ Antifanaticracism plse FLAG him in any forum in i3
6.Bangla a sax fiend will jee lat the pu*ki of Felix888999 MOTHER AND WIFE .
21/01/2025 9:40 AM
Ravi Kumar LU coming
21/01/2025 9:42 AM
OTBisVincenzo888PAPA Let forummers know that Mr FelixTan aka Felix888999 aka @ FelixCoconut is now calling SIFU OOI TB as FATHER
He has kicked of his old boss KOON YEW YIN who gave useless BICYCLE TIPS in bursa.
21/01/2025 9:43 AM
Ravi Kumar

LU coming

26 minutes ago

wow! soon u will wwss!!!
21/01/2025 10:10 AM
Hokkage It's flying up. Another big Ang Pow from YTL Power
21/01/2025 10:18 AM
OTBisVincenzo888PAPA @musangfoxxking and @ ravi
The JEALOUS enemies of YTLP @ Felix888999 aka @ edwing9981 and KOON YEW YIN SAID
YTLP will fall to rm 2
Both this fellows HIDING
21/01/2025 10:27 AM
OTBisVincenzo888PAPA Special CNY 2025 OFFER
1] KYY @ yewyin33 is offering his niece for rm 1000 for a nite of fun with her..only back side vergeen
2] @Antifanaticracism is offering his wife and mother for SIO KAN at rm 300 a shot
3]@ks55 is asking his wife to KAMLAN*CHIO at rm 50 a one time HISAP BURUNG
21/01/2025 10:32 AM
musangfoxking that's y cryptos are bullish!
21/01/2025 10:35 AM
ValueInvestor888 now become clearer, YTL n YTLP shares were pressed down for foreign funds to collect cheap...
21/01/2025 10:36 AM
Agjl To all comrades…see money take money first… look out for BOJ meeting soon. May be the black swan. Just be cautious…cheers
21/01/2025 10:46 AM
MrFox me interested in the notes , not the coins!
21/01/2025 10:47 AM
Agjl Concensus is BOJ will look to hike rates. Hope the impact will not be like the previous that ignited the carry trade cash out cause market to free fall…happy hunting!
21/01/2025 10:53 AM
VincentTang https://news.bloomberglaw.com/artificial-intelligence/trump-scraps-bidens-sweeping-ai-order-in-regulatory-reset
21/01/2025 11:09 AM
HumptyDumpty @Agjl Seriously ... BOJ this round.. Not the the second day after Trump inauguration. .But you have been right many times..
21/01/2025 11:29 AM
Agjl Humpty….make no mistake…i m a die hard fan of ytlp and ytl. Not my intention to talk it down. We comrades have been together for almost 2 years now…just share what is in my mind…just my humble 2 sen. Of course i hope i m wrong. Cheers and happy hunting!
21/01/2025 11:32 AM
Agjl BOJ has been under tremendous pressures to hike rates due to Japan’s micro and macro situation…the pressure to hike rates are increasing by the days…it has refrain from doing so for many occasions…the question is , how long can it hold rate steady if the US dollar vis-a-vis Yen keep strengthening???
21/01/2025 11:35 AM
ValueInvestor888 Mkt caught by surprise by last round BOJ hike. This round mkt is more prepared...impact will be very mild, i think
21/01/2025 11:35 AM
MrFox if there is a storm, it will be short and mild! nothing to worry for a long distance traveller!@
21/01/2025 11:40 AM
Agjl The impact will depends on the quantum of hike. Nobody knows and no know can predict…just hope its a non event…i will still adopt “ see money take money” at this stage. Cheers and good luck!
21/01/2025 11:45 AM
HumptyDumpty Yes noted @Agjl this year will be way more turbulent then last year.
21/01/2025 11:46 AM
Agjl Humpty….hope u make lots of $$$$ this year and all the best to all our beloved comrades! Happy hunting
21/01/2025 11:48 AM
OTBisVincenzo888PAPA @Antifanaticracism after calling OTB papa is now watching his mother naked together with MPBJ longkang supervisor Samy Velloo.The mother of @edwing9981 is now KAM LAN*CHIO for Samy while Samy EATS her PU*SSY
21/01/2025 11:50 AM

  5 people like this.
BursaVulture @jjohnchew

What is wrong with you. Someone said going to 9.9% is not an issue as Yinson can cancel their own shares. Just like how you kept saying Yinson sold a percentage of FPSO Anna Nery, when Yinson went into partnership with their Japanese friend clearly states the Japanese co can increase their holding after X years. Talk with facts.
20/01/2025 7:46 PM
BursaVulture The only good thing I see from this YP deal is hopefully Abu Dhadi Fund can pull some strings and give Yinson some really good projects. After all, it is in their interest to see Yinson succeed as they will want to cash out when YP IPO.
20/01/2025 7:52 PM
JediMaster1 The Most shameless i3 user have multiple id and 2 is suspended !

Please flag this most shameless user jjohnchew or report i3 to suspend this forumer >>>>

Mikecyc ( Suspended )

Johnchew5 ( Suspended )

jjohnchew ( this user still actively created fake news and amend facts & figures from good to bad and try to misleading other user )

The most Shameless user i ever seen in i3 !

complain email address : feedback@i3investor.com
20/01/2025 8:45 PM
Philip ( buy what you understand) jjohnchew

Hoho KonLee what do you think :

1.) Current Ratio 0.64 is oredi Low : working capital can Last for 7 months only .

What is working capital after 1 billion influx how many more month can survive?
20/01/2025 10:43 PM
Philip ( buy what you understand) and please tell me why crazy funds will pump 1.5 billion into yinson if details so bad ?

I'm confused, funds silly to punt 1.5 billion usd at 7% cash and 6% in kind with no escape clause except ipo?

So yinson still maintain control and they get to cheat professional fund managers from 3 big firms?
20/01/2025 10:46 PM
Philip ( buy what you understand) Johnchew have you written to them and share your findings? Why would they sign up to a fake company that has increase its share price by 50x in 15 years?
20/01/2025 10:47 PM
Philip ( buy what you understand) Maybe if you write enough stories they can divert funds to jaks instead,
20/01/2025 10:48 PM
Philip ( buy what you understand) Are you implying yinson is going bankrupt and expenses more than revenue?wow... Why Abu dabhi funds yinson production with 1 billion usd when other fpso suppliers all have difficulty getting long term funds from banks?

How come yinson bonds rated A and all their bonds taken up?

Only johnchew know yinson is bad...
20/01/2025 10:55 PM
jjohnchew Hoho Repost :

Hoho including projected Revenue from FPSO Agogo , Atlanta , Maria and Anna Nery as posted earlier :

Hoho just to simplify the illustration:

👉 Yearly Revenue USD 883.56 million x 4.5 = RM 3976 million / year .

QR October 2024 : Revenue RM 1900 million, ie 50 % contribution from FPSO Anna Nery … >>> 1900/2 x 4 = RM 3800 million/ year .

Total Revenue/ year = RM 7776 million

👉 Gross Profit 40 % =. RM 3110.4 million

Administrative Expenses RM 185 m x 4 = RM 740 m / year …

QR October 2024 Total Loans n Borrowings RM 19.37 billion >> interest expenses x 0.09 = RM 1743.3 million/ year .

👉 Total Loans to be paid in 25 years = RM 774.8 million/ year

👉Total expenses ( excluded Hedge , SBB ) / year = RM 3258.1 million

👉👉Total Expenses / year - Total Gross Profit / year = RM 147.7 million , ie : SHORT of Expenses Fund RM 147.7 million.

>>> : As 60 % of Term Loans per QR January 2024 is maturity between 2 to 5 years..

👉Total Loans to be paid in 10 years = RM 1937 million/ year

Total expenses ( excluded Hedge , SBB ) / year = RM 4,420.3 million

👉👉 Total Expenses / year - Total Gross Profit / year = RM 1310 million , ie : SHORT of Expenses Fund RM 1310 million.
21/01/2025 12:52 AM
jjohnchew Hoho why RSS and PDT/ PSS don’t dare to Short … occasionally is IDSS only .

The 2 substantial shareholders are so powerful with their Fund Managers, rotating yummy yummy either price Up or Down… both scenarios are yummy yummy…😅🤫
21/01/2025 1:09 AM
jjohnchew Yinson : Short

Hoho oh as at 20/1/2025 :

IDSS : 10,000
RSS : 22,000

Net Short position as at 17/1/2025 :

21/01/2025 1:10 AM
kcwong98 $1 billion of new investment for FPSO company considering initial public offering

Yinson Production delighted with support from investors as it prepares for growth


$1 billion of new investment for FPSO company considering initial public offering
Yinson Production delighted with support from investors as it prepares for growth

Yinson Holdings Group chief executive, Lim Chern Yuan.
Yinson Holdings Group chief executive, Lim Chern Yuan.Photo: YINSON HOLDINGS
Russell Searancke
Norway CorrespondentOslo

Published 14 January 2025, 19:20
Global floating production company Yinson Production has secured US$1 billion investment from new investors in Abu Dhabi, Canada and Asia in what it described as “pre-IPO growth capital”.

The new investors are the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and funds managed by BCI based in Canada and RRJ Capital Group based in Asia.

The investment, which Yinson said is one of the largest structured equity transactions in Southeast Asia, is made through the issuance of redeemable convertible preference shares, with the option to upsize to US$1.5 billion within 24 months, subject to agreement.

The proceeds will support Yinson Production’s further growth, while US$200 million will be distributed to the company’s controlling shareholder, Malaysia’s Yinson Holdings.

The new funding will strengthen Yinson Production’s market position and help it grow “in a robust FPSO market” as well as boosting its energy transition efforts, the company said.

In terms of the potential initial public offering, Yinson Production’s, chief financial officer Markus Wenker, clarified to Upstream that an IPO is one of “four principal exit options” being studied.

The other three are refinancing, a sell-down through a yield company (bundling certain operating assets into a portfolio company), and/or an equity sell-down at asset level.

“A timeline for an IPO, if we choose an IPO which will depend on the prevailing ECM sentiment at that time and the valuation we can achieve, is three to five years,” added Wenker.

Parent company Yinson Holdings explained separately that some of the US$200 million coming its way will be used to further its renewable energy and green technologies divisions.

Lim Chern Yuan, Yinson Group’s chief executive, said his company was pleased to welcome ADIA, BCI and RRJ as new investors in Yinson Production.

“This landmark transaction comes at a pivotal juncture for Yinson, allowing Yinson Production to capture the great opportunities in the current robust FPSO market, and for Yinson Holdings to return capital to our shareholders and fund our energy transition businesses, Yinson Renewables and Yinson GreenTech.

"We firmly believe in the continued growth of energy demand and also the need for an inclusive energy transition,” he said.

21/01/2025 6:30 AM
Sslee Making mistakes is a natural part of life.

Being stxxxd is a choice.

21/01/2025 6:42 AM
CharlesT Making similar mistake again n again is stxxxd
21/01/2025 7:01 AM
CharlesT Jaks 1.0
Jaks 2.0
Hengyuan 1.0
Hengyuan 2.0

Dont worry, the list will go on
21/01/2025 7:06 AM
CharlesT In all the above cases, I am always the minority, against the majority (Sifu/ Seafood/ Master/Waterfish etc)

Sadly, the final outcome proves that the majority are all wrong.
21/01/2025 7:09 AM
Sslee Jak 1.0 and jak 2.0 the majority (Sifu/ Seafood/ Master/Waterfish etc) were proven right on JHDP but get it terrible wrong on ALP single handedly wasted all the fortune.
21/01/2025 7:30 AM
CharlesT Do u think Yinson's boss will do the same to screw up all yr beautiful profit projections too??
21/01/2025 7:37 AM
Sslee As on Hengyuan 1.0 the majority (Sifu/ Seafood/ Master/Waterfish etc) were also proven right that the widen crack spread do bring in record profit for HRC but that widen crack spread did not last long

On Hengyuan 2.0 all get it wrong because HRC selling long/bet on crack spread going down and when the crack spread going up all the refineries in the world make record profit except HRC suffered big lost from hedging bet
21/01/2025 7:38 AM
CharlesT Lim only holds 20%+ of Yinson's shares?
21/01/2025 7:42 AM
CharlesT Hope he wouldn't give u same surprise later like ALP n Chinaman...
21/01/2025 7:45 AM
CharlesT In short, all the beautiful future profit projections didn't materialise right?

Whether it's Boss's problem, mkt problem or any other problem
21/01/2025 7:50 AM
Sslee Sometime in investment "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
As on Yinson, I will not chase high but collect slowly on the dip.
21/01/2025 7:54 AM
Philip ( buy what you understand) Knowing those who are in my chat group, I freely admit my big mistakes on serba dinamik just as I freely admit my other mistakes in selling topglove 10 10 years early,buying harta early, buying palantir at 15 and averaging down to 8, buying Nvidia late at 180 in 2022, not selling pchem at 9 when my average is 4, buying yinson since 2012 instead of apple, buying stoneco, buying sds.

But I wonder why my results after learning every day is still very green despite the start to the year.

Meanwhile johnchew despite reposting and repeating cannot say how much jaks he is buying in hopes of first dividend of his life and why funds bought 1 billion usd of yinson production in hopes of cashing out in 3 years post IPO for yinson production in nasdaq as they become a energy specialist.

Big question john refuses to answer but stoops to kiddy insults, why they don't buy "profitable jaks" and instead invest in yinson?

Has Abu dabhi funds replied you yet johnchew? Or is the reason you post so much is because you are too free with your time in between jobs?
21/01/2025 7:56 AM
CharlesT Philip improves...congrates
21/01/2025 7:57 AM
CharlesT Even it takes few years
21/01/2025 8:01 AM
Philip ( buy what you understand) Unlike you who never post his mistakes or learn from anything except to be a troll, I'm sure you also won the sports toto results and can dream of buying your dream car finally. Good for you.

Fyi I learn far more from ss lee in his mistakes than I do from your trolling. So wondering who is more beneficial to society? Fyi selling early on top glove and buying early on harta I still made huge earnings on both which is better than those who never invest at all but like to troll.

Guess what, sslee still made money on his area of competence in palm oil stocks which is key. Learn new things every day instead of trolling maybe you will finally get somewhere in life Charles.
21/01/2025 8:03 AM
Sslee The insider projection:
BOD already replied at AGM
EBITDA is expected to reach about USD 1 billion annually from 2026.

Free cash flow after repaying debt and interest to reach USD 200 – USD 300 million annually from 2026 onwards, based on today’s interest rates
21/01/2025 8:05 AM
Philip ( buy what you understand) Sslee I currently hold 5.5m shares of yinson so I am still very very bullish on them. My biggest mistake with yinson was selling some to diversify into o&g eih serba purchase. Very bad mistake. But now I still have some good management in yinson to look forward to as they are guiding to yinson production ipo with more fpso wins. The market is still huge with 84 fpso bids from 2025- 2028 so bidders are still low vs total tenders so prices will definitely be looking upwards of 650k charters per day
21/01/2025 8:14 AM
Philip ( buy what you understand) jjohnchew

Hoho interesting:

Jaks 1.0 : ss leee ( 2021 ) / Mr K2y ( 2017/2018 )
Jaks 2.0 : mikecyc stuck and still treading water
21/01/2025 8:15 AM
CharlesT Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Unlike you who never post his mistakes or learn from anything except to be a troll, I'm sure you also won the sports toto results and can dream of buying your dream car finally. Good for you

Still a very high ego oldman....lol

21/01/2025 8:16 AM
Philip ( buy what you understand) With TAM of 90 billion usd in the next 4 years I think getting the 1.5 billion investment cash from Dubai and rrj means they can go and pick up another 2-3 fpso projects moving forward backed by the strong cashflow from maria agogo Atlanta john moving forward
21/01/2025 8:18 AM
CharlesT Posted by value_invest > 2 days ago | Report Abuse


The Bond at 9.625%, which is considered as high yield or almost junk bond, is considered at the HIGH side. It is obvious that the investors see this is high risk investment bond.
The 9.625% of financing cost is considered at the HIGH side after taking the financing cost into the investment-return equation. This has left the company very little room for any mistake in managing the risk, e.g. countries risk, execution risk, currency and counter-party risk, just to name fews. Any of the risk can severely impact the company bottom line. The company has taken HIGH leverage for the Investment, there is no right or wrong to this strategy. They can HIT jackpot if they can manage all the matrix and risk very very very well or make loses.. It is so called HIGH risk HIGH gain.
Generally ,the yield on investment grade bonds is about over 5% and the credit spread is between 110 and 130 basis points.
Nordic bond market at such a high coupon rate of 9.625%--

Bsides all the country risk, execution risk, currency risk etc, the major risk is the Boss's risk.

High risk high return. Simple.

Many of U only painted the beautiful future profit projections (as U are their shareholders, of course lah) without addressing the risks involved.

But I guess this is normal to most people.
21/01/2025 8:22 AM
CharlesT After U placed yr bets (or investment or whatever U like to make u feel better), pray to see yr future beautiful paper profit projections to turn into real cash profit/ Div/ higher share prices etc).

Hopefully non of the above risk happens...Amen
21/01/2025 8:26 AM
Mar2083 Potentially may test 2.6 soon
21/01/2025 8:31 AM
CharlesT Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 55 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Knowing those who are in my chat group, I freely admit my big mistakes on serba dinamik just as I freely admit my other mistakes in selling topglove 10 10 years early,buying harta early, buying palantir at 15 and averaging down to 8, buying Nvidia late at 180 in 2022, not selling pchem at 9 when my average is 4, buying yinson since 2012 instead of apple, buying stoneco, buying sds.

Philip ah Philip, if only U pay more serious attention to my "trolling" (well, i defined it as noble advice), u could have save tens of millions loss or make tens of millions extra profit last few years, io coming here to express yr regret few years later now....
21/01/2025 8:56 AM
CharlesT My "trolling" is very expensive....lol
21/01/2025 8:58 AM
jjohnchew Hoho recalled u said advise Phillippe not to buy HARTA during price is Higher than RM 5.80 ..

Posted by CharlesT > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

My "trolling" is very expensive....lol
21/01/2025 9:07 AM
CharlesT All my very valuable expensive "trollings" are well documented in Philip's thread.
21/01/2025 9:08 AM
CharlesT This is what Philip gave me in retun to my valuable "trollings"

Fyi I learn far more from ss lee in his mistakes than I do from your trolling. So wondering who is more beneficial to society? Fyi selling early on top glove and buying early on harta I still made huge earnings on both which is better than those who never invest at all but like to troll.

Guess what, sslee still made money on his area of competence in palm oil stocks which is key. Learn new things every day instead of trolling maybe you will finally get somewhere in life Charles.
21/01/2025 9:15 AM
Sslee Posted by CharlesT > Jan 21, 2025 8:58 AM | Report Abuse
My "trolling" is very expensive....lol

Agreed with CharlesT “Honesty is a very expensive gift, Don't expect it from cheap people.” ...

Good advice does not come cheap.
21/01/2025 9:16 AM
CharlesT It's FOC.

But it could be very expensive too....lol
21/01/2025 9:21 AM
CharlesT Philip knows it well
21/01/2025 9:21 AM
musangfoxking jjohnchewing jaks 0.32 n0w 0.13! lost his bearing ...come here to talk kok!
21/01/2025 10:29 AM
jjohnchew Hoho KonLee gang from Insas ke ..


Posted by musangfoxking > 6 seconds ago | Report Abuse

jjohnchewing jaks 0.32 n0w 0.13! lost his bearing ...come here to talk kok!
21/01/2025 10:58 AM
jjohnchew 1st Lies :

Hoho wow Kon ss leee is an “ Attention Seeker “ .., approached my Question 1st in Netx on 2020 telling Lies replied my post which directed to Konstockraider to bail out Stockraider on Insas-WB whom play wayang in Insas-WB forum with Callvin whom invested RM 5000 …

Then Kon Sslleee said StockRaider Win 1 Myvi in Netx RI .. StockRaider said Win 2 Myvi… both blowing bla bla bla Klon the Wayang Script on Insas and WC …

After KonLee posted in Netx , his Kon gang in Tunepro, Hengyuan, Petronm started to promote Netx … will post n delete own posts …..beware .

Posted by Sslee > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > Jan 21, 2025 8:58 AM | Report Abuse
My "trolling" is very expensive....lol

Agreed with CharlesT “Honesty is a very expensive gift, Don't expect it from cheap people.” ...

Good advice does not come cheap.
21/01/2025 10:59 AM
jjohnchew Hoho today ( 3/5/2023 ) just discovered Kon ss leee : The Lies on HRC ( Hengyuan) and Petronm :

KonLee n Probability had been Promoted Petronm n HRC at RM 7.00 with Crack Spread, Crack here Crack there Crack other ppl Pockets …

>>> Very Surprising is found out today Probability is VictorYong aka id … as they Kacukan Tipu in Tunepro …also in Netx after KonartistLee surfaced in Netx told lies to bail out Stockraider…

Probability n aka id will own delete posts …

Posted by Sslee > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

As on Hengyuan 1.0 the majority (Sifu/ Seafood/ Master/Waterfish etc) were also proven right that the widen crack spread do bring in record profit for HRC but that widen crack spread did not last long

On Hengyuan 2.0 all get it wrong because HRC selling long/bet on crack spread going down and when the crack spread going up all the refineries in the world make record profit except HRC suffered big lost from hedging bet
21/01/2025 11:00 AM
jjohnchew Hoho Kon sss Lee twisting n twisting as usual ..

Hoho including projected Revenue from FPSO Agogo , Atlanta , Maria and Anna Nery as posted earlier : is from ssleee earlier post … then he twisted with another post … then posted a Correction thread wow …🤣🤣😅👍

Posted by Sslee > minutes ago | Report Abuse
Yearly revenue from 
FPSO Agogo USD million 4600/15 = 306.67 (2026 onward) 
FPSO Atlanta USD million 1700/15 = 113.33 
FPSO Maria Quitéria USD million 5300/22.5= 235.56 
FPSO Anna Nery USD 5700/25 = 228.00 
Total USD 883.56 million
21/01/2025 11:00 AM
jjohnchew Hoho as said after deducted Total Loans n borrowings from the latest 4 FPSO Loans .. Anna Nery , Maria , Atlanta, Agogo .. there is Balance Loans b/f RM 3.75 billion… minus India Renewables Loans RM 1.0 billion… balance Loans b/f RM 2.75 billion is for What / segment ??? Seems not profitable le ???
21/01/2025 11:45 AM
jjohnchew Hoho Serba 2 ? Sapnrg … once upon a time is Taiko ke …
21/01/2025 11:49 AM

  2 people like this.
kambingbursa bagi jatuh lagi. sudah listing pun kedai byk panas aircond x service. plastic pun mau beli xd. haiyo
23/12/2024 1:51 PM
investopology 99smart why everyday drop yah? And seem like no syndicate inside now.
23/12/2024 6:27 PM
DickyMe Posted by DickyMe > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

The next Sapura in the making.
Alibaba style business
Fetish of gLCs
23/12/2024 6:32 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 the problem is people's trust
23/12/2024 7:15 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 Upturn will come
24/12/2024 10:58 AM
24/12/2024 11:40 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 looking at chart, show rise soon
24/12/2024 3:08 PM
Fairus4469 Menantikan dividen dari 99 😊
24/12/2024 4:07 PM
6182al Ha Ha Ha looks like flying a v bit roo fast 3 more working days before the year end .
26/12/2024 10:49 AM
HKHedgeFund Hapseng, short selling is in progress
26/12/2024 11:14 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 Today turning point starts
26/12/2024 11:25 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 We need a miracle
31/12/2024 9:17 AM
02/01/2025 4:26 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 where are the volumes?
03/01/2025 11:29 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 still holiday
03/01/2025 3:06 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 Anytime would a good time for announcement
07/01/2025 11:14 AM
Donator no more goreng, sure will drop back to 1.xx
08/01/2025 10:38 AM
mf collect
08/01/2025 10:58 AM
howardmark Already warned you all 1 month ago. This counter is so GROSSLY overpriced. Drop until 0.66 then it's fair price.
08/01/2025 10:58 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 they have a monopoly for convenient stores, the current share price is still under value
08/01/2025 11:09 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 people fear for no reason
08/01/2025 11:10 AM
Fairus4469 Mcm mana dapat 66 sen, harga serendah ni ...!?
08/01/2025 6:06 PM
howardmark PE 41 for a retailer??☠ 💀valuation too high and unreasonable. PE 12=0.66 cent more realistic.
09/01/2025 2:01 PM
Donator @ GushikenNaoshi65 "Monopoly" mean no other grocery shop available ! So 99 how to "Monopoly"???
09/01/2025 2:25 PM
investopology CNY coming. Many business coming…
09/01/2025 8:10 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 wait until cny
10/01/2025 10:35 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 monopoly in the sense of mentality, 99smart is more visited than others, in time it will dominate
10/01/2025 10:39 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 KKmart wont list, familymart is a franchise, and 711 is old
10/01/2025 10:40 AM
HKHedgeFund Buy on dip for long term
10/01/2025 10:52 AM
Donator 99 more visited mean will have less chance to have new customer, mean sales wont increase, if want to increase profit have to increase price, but if keep increase price , the customer will become less since it's not "Monopoly" , so the share price wont up anymore
10/01/2025 11:26 AM
Donator KKmart sure want go for listed, they keep open more branch although don't have business😁
10/01/2025 11:29 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 kkmart wont be listing for a long time, not after the sock scandal, people remember stuff for a long time
10/01/2025 11:30 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 We will see how after their next expansion, 2000+ to 3000+ stores, maybe a breakthrough to overseas. I can take profit anytime
10/01/2025 11:32 AM
nicky Slowly going down to its fair value
10/01/2025 12:40 PM
OKU_2020 Below RM 2.00 today....👹👺💀
13/01/2025 9:31 AM
Choww Karrr Cheee😥
13/01/2025 10:08 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 reverser coming soon
13/01/2025 10:29 AM
Donator no more reverse, all the way to south
13/01/2025 10:36 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 chart person, cny coming anyway, extra business
13/01/2025 10:58 AM
mf Asia stocks tumble as markets temper Fed rate cut expectationsInvesting.com- Asian stocks fell sharply on Monday led by losses in Australian and Hong Kong shares as investors reassessed the likelihood of U.S. interest
13/01/2025 11:31 AM
GushikenNaoshi65 long term will have to wait
13/01/2025 12:08 PM
howardmark 66 cents coming.
13/01/2025 1:14 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 66 cents too low
13/01/2025 2:19 PM
GushikenNaoshi65 bounce back until cny ends , then recess
13/01/2025 2:19 PM
Donator bounce like shuttlecock
14/01/2025 4:29 PM
EngineeringProfit Wait till sock & sandwich issues erupt.......
18/01/2025 8:57 AM
nickweichung just saying.... the growth factor in 99 is no longer an appeal or a darling... people who knows how to do math will know that this is an "old" business with lots of other competitors around them pricing it at an extremely competitive margins.
20/01/2025 12:32 PM
nickweichung it won't surprise me if it goes under 2.00. macro overbought really.

20/01/2025 12:35 PM
Fairus4469 Perniagaan 99 speed mart sgt bagus
20/01/2025 4:59 PM
HKHedgeFund Poor KLSE, only local fund management like beggar every time only want to suck malaysians traders money, this kind of malaysia market totally unacceptable
21/01/2025 11:45 AM

  4 people like this.
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
30/06/2022 3:42 PM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
02/08/2022 9:10 AM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
30/08/2022 11:01 AM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
30/08/2022 11:07 AM
21spade Has the Consolidation date decided yet? When will the consolidation take effect?
01/09/2022 10:05 AM
matyeh Ready guys before consolidation it will rise to 5 cent
06/09/2022 4:58 PM
matyeh Based on my experience!
06/09/2022 4:58 PM
mansaham1972 Pancing harga setengah sen setiap hari
06/09/2022 7:31 PM
whistlebower99 https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/edge-former-editorinchief-charged-criminal-defamation-reporting-abnormal-penny-stocks-surge

Difficult to prove manipulation ?
Many innocent retail investors incurred huge losses !!!
13/09/2022 3:44 PM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
25/10/2022 11:32 AM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
26/10/2022 9:32 AM
hoot9e996 consolidation coming soon, be prepare to catch the dip after consolidate
02/11/2022 11:12 PM
bojed Interesting.
05/11/2022 4:32 PM
07/11/2022 10:53 AM
bojed Managed to buy at 0.12 and sold all at 0.135. RM6k profit in not more than 4 minutes. Maybe it will go up even higher after this, I don't know and nor do I care. Goodbye all and may God bless those with good hearts.




1 day ago
07/11/2022 11:56 AM
07/11/2022 8:49 PM
JazzKhor Mdrt can help me calculate? initially i got 60000 unit at 0.015. now suddenly become 0.13. what happen? do i earn or lose? i already sell it very early. just wanna now how does the magic happen
08/11/2022 10:35 AM
Rocket2moon Operators start to fishing .
09/11/2022 1:11 PM
hoot9e996 share consolidate then bonus issue....
dont normally consolidate then OR then deadfish?
10/11/2022 2:52 PM
Rocket2moon Any idea when new warrant will be listing?
14/11/2022 7:23 PM
winston1 18/11
14/11/2022 10:39 PM
Hoot9Yee If I sold mothershare on 10/11, would i still get the bonus warrant? Anyone knows?
15/11/2022 1:08 PM
8899EL8899 THE BIG SHOTS IS VERY SMART,.........






19/11/2022 2:25 PM
bojed Went in again last Friday at 0.14... what can I say? I'm only human LOL!



Managed to buy at 0.12 and sold all at 0.135. RM6k profit in not more than 4 minutes. Maybe it will go up even higher after this, I don't know and nor do I care. Goodbye all and may God bless those with good hearts.




1 day ago

2 weeks ago
22/11/2022 9:50 AM
Hoot9Yee Dumping non stop. God bless u
22/11/2022 8:40 PM
imvu mnc-wc
share issued : 86.955m @ 0.060 = rm5.217m
23/11/2022 7:36 AM
milo this warrant still good ? can swing or moved up ?
23/11/2022 1:03 PM
Hoot9Yee Go MNC .. look good in you
24/11/2022 7:22 AM
bojed I had to sell all at 0.135 this morning due to MNC changed to non-shariah compliant today.

~4% loss. Even if I have to cut at -40% loss also won't be a problem because of my principle.



Went in again last Friday at 0.14... what can I say? I'm only human LOL!



Managed to buy at 0.12 and sold all at 0.135. RM6k profit in not more than 4 minutes. Maybe it will go up even higher after this, I don't know and nor do I care. Goodbye all and may God bless those with good hearts.




1 day ago

2 weeks ago

3 days ago
25/11/2022 10:12 AM
hoot9e996 this funny 1 if u dont know the maths behind after consolidation/bonus u are screwed real hard
21-Oct-2022 09-Nov-2022 BONUS_ISSUE Bonus Issue 3.0000 : 8.0000
21-Oct-2022 07-Nov-2022 CONSOLIDATION Share Consolidation 1.0000 : 10.0000
25/11/2022 3:31 PM
hoot9e996 10 BECOME 1 mother share
then every 8 mother share, free 3 warrant C.
actually now looking at warrant WC, i think u make money back a bit
25/11/2022 3:33 PM










27/11/2022 10:54 AM



WHAT WILL YOU DO ?..........





28/11/2022 7:46 AM
8899EL8899 WHAT I CAN GUESS,......







02/12/2022 8:07 AM
04/12/2022 7:58 AM
whistlebower99 Modus operandi of many loss making penny stocks
1. Directors fail in generating business profit
2. Show multi year losses, multi quarter losses
3. Directors repeatedly do fund raising via shares issuance to PP, ESOS and asset acquisition
4. Directors utilise most of the fund raised
5. When NOSH reach unmanageable Billions of shares, directors do shares consolidation, follow by fund raising via rights issue
6. Repeat step 1 to 5
08/02/2023 10:46 AM
moneycome123456 drop drop drop
24/02/2023 12:38 PM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
22/03/2023 4:01 PM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
31/03/2023 10:37 AM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
31/03/2023 10:50 AM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
09/05/2023 2:58 PM
whistlebower99 Post removed. Why?
30/06/2023 1:34 PM
Michael Kwok Mnc 15.5 cents
Tp 19-23 cents
Stop loss 14 cents
7/10/23 4.10pm
07/10/2023 4:11 PM

26/05/2024 1:21 PM
whistlebower99 FOR NEWBIES

Announced EX Date Subject Ratio Offer
21 Oct 2022 09 Nov 2022 Bonus Issue (warrant) 3.0000 : 8.0000
21 Oct 2022 07 Nov 2022 Share Consolidation 1.0000 : 10.0000
19 Jul 2019 06 Aug 2019 Rights Issue (warrant) 5 : 1 0.0300 View
28 Sep 2016 11 Oct 2016 Rights Issue (warrant) 3 : 1 0.1000 View

Multi year losses
18 out 20 years recorded losses !!!


Check P/L and Capital Changes

NOSH = 237,327,301 after share consolidation in Nov 2022
PA = 13,509,750
WB = 2,995,923
WC = 82,043,015

Don't be caught with worthless warrant when maturity is approaching

Expect directors to restart and continue massive fund raising via shares issuance to PP, ESOS, RI, asset acquisition, etc

Expect NOSH to increase and shareholder equity % and EPS to be diluted with massive share issuance in near future

Continue to monitor
quarterly results
directors plan for utilisation of company funds
directors plan for more fund raising via shares issuance to PP, ESOS, RI , asset acquisition, etc

Expect Cindy Kate to play the price to attract & trap newbies, punters, fomo oldbies etc
17/07/2024 2:43 PM
tklim The average target price for MNC Wireless Berhad (MNC) is MYR 1.51, with an upside/downside of MYR 1.3951. This suggests a strong potential for the price to rise. The current price of MNC is MYR 0.1152, which is significantly below the average target price, indicating a growth potential.

Analyst Sentiments:
The lack of a price target call (SELL, HOLD, or BUY) suggests that analysts have not provided a consensus on the stock's direction.

Recent Performance:
MNC Wireless Berhad's stock has shown a recent uptick, with a day's change of 0.00 (0.00%) and a trading volume of 0 shares. This could be indicative of market interest or reactions to recent news or earnings reports.

Market Sentiment:
The positive sentiment among analysts, with a substantial rise in the consensus price target to MYR 1.12, could indicate confidence in the company's prospects.

Financial Health: The company's financials show a significant drop in revenue estimates and a considerable drop in earnings per share numbers, which could be concerning for investors.

Future Outlook:
The stock price target analysis suggests that sales are expected to slow, with a forecast annualized revenue decline of 3.8% by the end of 20243. This indicates a significant reduction from annual growth of 24% over the last five years.

In conclusion, while the current price of MNC Wireless Berhad is significantly below the average target price, the lack of a consensus among analysts and the company's financial health indicators raise concerns. Investors should closely monitor the company's performance and any updates from analysts or the market to make informed decisions.
09/09/2024 6:11 PM
sangjero NTA 0.29..



Quarter Result

Quarter Result on 31-Jul-2024[#1] QoQ - 54.62% YoY - 55.92%.

29/09/2024 10:52 AM
Lee Ying Yee R+w become rubbish stock ??
05/12/2024 3:54 PM
Firefighter U buy. U die!
17/12/2024 7:21 PM
sangjero https://klse.i3investor.com/mqtrader/app/fa/price_target/0103

BUY 0.10

21/01/2025 11:44 AM

  4 people like this.
TCH1186 Woot
05/02/2024 5:01 PM
TCH1186 ....
16/02/2024 1:56 PM
TCH1186 Ready next week
23/02/2024 4:21 PM
TCH1186 Stop play liao i know u want shoot up. Just press the button.
08/03/2024 6:19 PM
bobetlose button next month la
08/03/2024 7:39 PM
Dividend4You tak boleh main!
14/03/2024 4:24 PM
fl888 Next week , break 10cts easily with free 1for2 warrrant exdate 15-4-24
31/03/2024 11:05 PM
Mar2083 Hope can test 15sen by next week
10/04/2024 8:58 AM
bobetlose Not even 10sen how to test 15sen
25/04/2024 2:22 PM
Raja Nor GC ada good prospek ke this year
28/04/2024 4:27 PM
Mar2083 Hope can test 10sen next week
Huat ar
19/05/2024 7:36 PM
Dividend4You last call for what
28/05/2024 3:12 PM
elmendaman Red red red
30/05/2024 3:46 PM
Robert Waters Boy, this counter sucks. Did they appoint another perfume girl to the board ? Like the last one, with absolutely no experience of any kind. Had no time to check her out.
05/06/2024 9:37 AM
elmendaman Hopeless stock
21/06/2024 5:30 PM
Spacewhalezz where is the boom???
18/07/2024 4:29 PM
BILLC It’s a bomb,,,,,not boom,,,,
18/07/2024 4:41 PM
Robert Waters How, this company is hopeless. Glad I got out.
20/07/2024 3:25 PM
CASHewnut need to open ur eye big big next time
22/07/2024 2:42 PM
Dividend4You Handal dah habis
29/07/2024 4:00 PM
Robert Waters The scumbag director that ruined the company is now suing. What a story.
I think that the biggest positive for handal was his departure. Now the fat ass is back as a claimant. Wow.
07/08/2024 11:26 PM
Spacewhalezz Hahaha another popcorn show
13/08/2024 4:26 PM
fl888 Can buy ….?
15/08/2024 10:58 AM
Icon 888 0.04
16/08/2024 11:44 AM
Dividend4You dah habis
21/08/2024 4:44 PM
Nikkei 225
38,042.50 38,441.00 37,898.50 -1,779.00 -4.47%
30/09/2024 8:45 AM
Income https://youtube.com/shorts/U-efdnhe4lk?si=FSnh-vB8yTI9j80V
30/09/2024 8:54 AM
AJWong Robert Waters, you seem to be a very angry man towards Sundeep. Why?
08/10/2024 10:02 AM
fl888 Who and why Encik Mohd Idzwan buying So much ?
21/10/2024 9:15 AM
fl888 10cts boleh ka?
22/10/2024 11:17 AM
fl888 Oil project in Kazakhstan annoucement coming…
22/10/2024 11:28 AM
eatsmall ketimbang dagangan hari ni..bilaaaaaa...lagiii
23/10/2024 10:39 AM
eatsmall tak gerak pun..
23/10/2024 3:02 PM
eatsmall cirit betull..
23/10/2024 3:35 PM
fl888 Deepavali angpow for Mr. Singh coming…sell upon upside..
30/10/2024 10:59 AM
mf 2024-12-02

Price Target

AirAsia X Berhad - Stronger Quarter Ahead
Source : PUBLIC BANK, Price Call : BUY, Price Target : 2.47
Last Price : 1.90, Upside/Downside : +0.57(30.00%)
02/12/2024 10:55 AM
Robert Waters Old shareholder coming by to have a look. Seems to be getting worse and worse. From bad when I left to catastrophic. Maybe I miss something but new legal lawsuits and departures do not bode well. I hope that the chinese girlfriend from perfume company is gone from the board of directors. That was a good joke, but at cost of shareholders ...
02/12/2024 6:46 PM
Robert Waters Somebody here tries to prevent all meaningful conversation. Sad.
04/12/2024 11:51 AM
bjtoto New Boss
18/12/2024 10:39 AM
bjtoto Jom kita tunggu kat 3 cent
07/01/2025 11:59 AM
bjtoto Sampah counter kita beli kat harga sampah baru Selamat
07/01/2025 12:00 PM
bjtoto Don't be So High buy at current level
07/01/2025 12:03 PM
bjtoto 3 cent is a good entry, 2 cent is a bonus
07/01/2025 12:05 PM
bjtoto Sabark kita tunggu harga sampah
07/01/2025 12:23 PM
bjtoto Safety price 025, lebih dari ni membawa nahas
08/01/2025 9:30 AM
bjtoto Steady, bila nak sampai 025
20/01/2025 9:58 AM
bjtoto Sampah boh Chao Si ahhh
20/01/2025 11:13 AM
bjtoto X lari Mati lahhh
Kalau Lari Operator Mati ahhh
21/01/2025 10:13 AM
bjtoto Boh Zhao Si Ahhhhh
21/01/2025 10:58 AM
bjtoto 25 dlm 1 minggu
21/01/2025 11:43 AM

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