KLSE: SMRT (0117)       SMRT HOLDINGS BERHAD ACE : Technology
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
1.01   +0.015 (1.51%)  1.00 - 1.03  1,725,900
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Market Cap: 460 Million
NOSH: 455 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):1,081,310
4 Weeks Range:0.91 - 1.03
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.63 - 1.14
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 1.32
Price Target Upside/Downside: +0.31

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#3]  |  27-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  30-Aug-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: -9.41  |  -10.62%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 0.1375  |  7.35
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: -71.95%  |  -78.04%


Date Subject
29-May-2024 MQ Market Updates - 29 May2024
05-Mar-2024 SMRT Lands ATM Infrastructure Project in the Philippines
05-Mar-2024 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 5 Mar 2024
05-Mar-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 5 Mar 2024
05-Mar-2024 Daily Market Report - 5 Mar 2024
05-Mar-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 05 Mar 2024
09-Feb-2024 Top Gainers and Losers in the Year of the Water Rabbit
23-Jan-2024 SMRT's good run likely to continue
22-Jan-2024 Technical Tracker - HLIB Retail Research –22 January 2024
18-Dec-2023 Trading Stocks - SMRT Holdings
15-Dec-2023 MQ Market Updates - 15 December 2023
14-Dec-2023 MQ Market Updates - 14 December 2023
30-Nov-2023 Stock on Radar - SMRT Holdings
28-Nov-2023 SMRT Holdings Berhad - Powering Digital Transformation
03-Nov-2023 Stock on Radar - SMRT Holdings
19-Oct-2023 MQ Market Updates - 19 October 2023
19-Oct-2023 SMRT Holdings - An Electrified Rising Star
16-Oct-2023 Stock on Radar - SMRT Holdings
05-Sep-2023 Stock on Radar - SMRT Holdings
18-Aug-2023 Stock on Radar - SMRT Holdings

Business Background

SMRT Holdings Bhd is a Malaysian company which is principally engaged in investment holding. The operating segments of the company are Education, Training, and Technology. The Education segment includes the business of operating educational institutions and provisions educational management services; The Training segment provides human resources and human resources development training, consulting, outsourcing, events, learning resources and advisory support services; and Technology segment provides software consultancy and development and its related services. The Education segment generates maximum revenue for the company. The company operates solely in Malaysia.
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  12 people like this.
lotuseater @RCZ2020 u seem to hv not learnt from what faridfet said to u. U seem to panic everytime the stock goes down.
17/01/2024 4:43 PM
lotuseater This counter has so much potential.. u need to have patience to earn big money.
17/01/2024 4:44 PM
RCZ2020 lotuseater yes bro. What to do you get a bit nervous when it fluctuates
17/01/2024 7:17 PM
Cakes Moon My gut feeling tell me that this is the solid rock bottom price.
Tomorrow buy in test water.
18/01/2024 10:42 PM
InfinityTifanny Nice, big funds slowly coming in
23/01/2024 11:15 AM
RCZ2020 What's happening big drop today?
29/01/2024 3:08 PM
stockraiders Price is trending at the bottom trendline of the uptrend channel. If it can rebound off 0.89, the uptrend is still intact.
30/01/2024 12:13 PM
RCZ2020 Going downward trend today. How low can it go?
30/01/2024 3:35 PM
MoneyGamer Given the escalating tension, Mr market is always susceptible to any volatility. Guess SMRT is not immune after all and there is no better time to pick up the battered stock. No one know for sure how long the downtrend it will last, but once it has bottomed out, the recovery will be fast and furious.
30/01/2024 4:04 PM
biggie0000 How high can it go? :))
06/02/2024 6:04 PM
RCZ2020 QR will be out soon
10/02/2024 4:33 PM
dawchok SMRT, keep the uptrend momentum rolling. While others have moved up, you should not be below RM1.
14/02/2024 3:26 PM
VIinvestor @dawchok. Quite hard. SMRT is lacking a catalyst for the second push. Because after the change into IOT business (first catalyst), now the market is quite uncertain what value to place on SMRT. All depending on the next QR. and again the QR should announce on 28th of Febuary. I have my sights on 1.2. Not a financial advice.
15/02/2024 9:50 AM
biggie0000 Need awhile to go above RM1
16/02/2024 4:14 PM
RCZ2020 QR will be out soon
19/02/2024 5:04 PM
RCZ2020 So difficult to touch 1.00
22/02/2024 10:21 PM
RCZ2020 QR out let's see tomorrow
28/02/2024 7:42 PM
RCZ2020 Good QR share price should shoot up tomorrow
28/02/2024 10:21 PM
biggie0000 accumulate more SMRT firstt.
29/02/2024 6:07 PM
VIinvestor half a year 3 cents EPS is not bad at all. if we speculate 6 cents per year, at 0.895 the pe value is only 14. The industry average for tech is 25-30. I will just hold. Its seems the panic is unwarranted. Not a financial advise.
01/03/2024 9:53 AM
BursaKakis SMRT lands ATM infrastructure project in the Philippines
04/03/2024 4:44 PM
BursaKakis Pito AxM Platform Inc. (PAPI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Seven Bank and PSC, aims to cover more than 3,000 7-Eleven stores nationwide by the end of 2023.
04/03/2024 5:02 PM
BursaKakis SMRT makes inroads into Philippines via managed ATM infrastructure deal
05/03/2024 7:01 AM
BursaKakis SMRT's venture could lead to bigger things in Philippines
05/03/2024 10:59 AM
KopioDinosaur Support SMRT!
06/03/2024 7:47 PM
RCZ2020 See how tomorrow
06/03/2024 11:25 PM
Michael Kwok Smrt 94 cents
Resistance 98 cents
Support 88 cents
If still cannot breach resistance by early April means will dive
7/3/24 12.11am
07/03/2024 12:11 AM
RCZ2020 ABRDN and URUSHARTA keep buying. Price is also pressed for them to buy
07/03/2024 10:17 AM
RCZ2020 The price won't shoot up until the 2 giants buy enough for them
07/03/2024 1:12 PM
RCZ2020 Stagnant already.
11/03/2024 10:08 AM
RCZ2020 Good QR and new contracts yet struggling to move up.
Hope this week can touch 1.00
11/03/2024 10:12 AM
RCZ2020 With good QR and new contracts very slow movement. Waiting for SMRT to rebound back. 🤗
13/03/2024 5:38 PM
FhizzK Keep holding! Rm1 lai liao!
14/03/2024 4:19 PM
paktua73 Post removed. Why?
20/03/2024 12:10 PM
Profit101 stagnant another month now
02/04/2024 5:45 PM
stockraiders It seems to be forming a falling wedge pattern.
09/04/2024 8:25 AM
newbietrader9 dip a bit more please
09/04/2024 2:28 PM
icecube solid fundamentals, good growth prospects, tech IoT play ... and trading at annualized PE of just 15x only vis-a-vis 20x-40x of other tech stocks. just very unfortunate that this stock is not getting enough attn as others...
11/04/2024 9:11 PM
kritikos results coming out later this month.. fingers crossed it would be good!
08/05/2024 10:12 PM
dawchok 三哥,when is your turn to go up?
17/05/2024 12:28 PM
jusztpu2ra Minister of Finance, Urusharta Jamaah keep buying this month. Interesting, something is brewing hehe
21/05/2024 12:46 PM
investopology Smrt result is out today. Good profits and earning per share increasing as well.
27/05/2024 6:31 PM
VIinvestor As expected of SMRT. Still undervalued compared to the industry average. PE ratio at 20 is worth 1.20 easily.
28/05/2024 9:33 AM
Lazioshare This counter better kasi jual. Director asyik jual share sahaja. Jangan kena trap dengan in kaunter
18/06/2024 1:47 PM
Lazioshare Ini kaunter banyak rugi kalau u beli. Dr 50sen sudah turun 40 sen baik jual sahaja ini kaunter tiada ong
18/06/2024 1:48 PM
Lazioshare Directo disposed sahaja tiada buy back mau beli ke ini company
18/06/2024 1:49 PM
jusztpu2ra merepek apa ni, see latest shareholders. Many instis are in ady. Solid fundamental riding with TNB's growth
21/06/2024 10:47 AM
Lazioshare Merepek apa nie harga makin jatuh hahaha
24/06/2024 4:16 PM
jusztpu2ra Ministry of Finance keep acquiring. Keep laughing while i laugh to the bank
04/07/2024 5:35 PM
dawchok Thks for the info. This is interesting.
05/07/2024 8:38 AM

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