KLSE: IRIS (0010)       IRIS CORPORATION BHD ACE : Technology
Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.415   -0.015 (3.49%)  0.41 - 0.435  1,403,100
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Market Cap: 339 Million
NOSH: 816 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):3,783,736
4 Weeks Range:0.41 - 0.52
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
52 Weeks Range:0.065 - 0.52
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%):
Average Price Target: 0.20
Price Target Upside/Downside: -0.215
Stamp duty exempted for year 2024

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2024 [#4]  |  20-May-2024
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2024  |  30-Aug-2024
T4Q P/E | EY: 10.50  |  9.53%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: 0.4651  |  0.89
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: 8.69%  |  8.50%


Date Subject
23-Apr-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 23 Apr 2024
23-Apr-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 23 Apr 2024
23-Apr-2024 Iris Corp Forms JV to Set Up Offshore Company in Sri Lanka
16-Apr-2024 Iris Fails to Sell Stake in Subsidiary That Lost NIISe Project
16-Apr-2024 Daily Market Commentary - 16 Apr 2024
16-Apr-2024 Daily Market Report - 16 Apr 2024
16-Apr-2024 Mplus Market Pulse - 16 Apr 2024
29-Dec-2023 Top 12 Financial News in 2023
27-Nov-2023 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 27 Nov 2023
27-Nov-2023 Daily Market Commentary - 27 Nov 2023
23-Aug-2023 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 23 Aug 2023
23-Aug-2023 Daily Market Commentary - 23 August 2023
23-Aug-2023 Mplus Market Pulse - 23 Aug 2023
23-Aug-2023 Iris Disputes ‘unlawful’ Termination of Immigration Contract
15-Aug-2023 MQ Market Updates - 15 August 2023
15-Aug-2023 PublicInvest Research Headlines - 15 Aug 2023
15-Aug-2023 Daily Market Commentary - 15 August 2023
15-Aug-2023 Mplus Market Pulse - 15 Aug 2023
15-Aug-2023 Iris Says NIISe Contract With Home Ministry Terminated With Immediate Effect

Business Background

Iris Corp Bhd is a Malaysian based company. It operates in five divisions. Trusted identification Division offers e-passports, e-identification cards, banking cards, transportation and other related trusted identifications devices and equipment. Property Development and Construction sub-division are engaged in the construction of buildings and modern integrated farms and manufacturing of Koto industrialized building systems. Food and Agro Technology sub-division provide provision of food and agro-produce and equipment. Environment and renewable energy provide provision of waste management and power and energy-related systems. Education Division offers the provision of academic, tertiary and professional courses. It generates the majority of the revenue from Trusted identification Division.
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  76 people like this.
speakup flytothemoon miss the boat? Never too late to buy. Don't wait till 60sen then regret didn't buy
26/06/2024 1:08 PM
flytothemoon i have 200k paper gain now, got whatsapp or wechat? i send you the photo
26/06/2024 2:25 PM
speakup Then why sound like sour grape?
Anyway good hear u making good money in Iris 👍
26/06/2024 2:55 PM
flytothemoon not soul grape ,dai koh, just giving laulau advise no need what also relate to iris....share something real enough
26/06/2024 4:32 PM
laulau Thanks for your advice.
Loved the Operator's Textbook Modus Operandi.
#Strike fear on Retailers with talk of more Share Consolidation?
#Attack the Messenger
#If fails, tried Shaming or Praise instead?
#If still fails, Try to attack the Credibility or Raise Doubts instead?

I still rest my case.
"With a firmer Bursa today, Iris is well positioned to move higher once the small block at 0.46 sen is broken, only 500k required. Soft target is 0.50 followed by 0.60 & beyond is still on." :)
Btw for those who profited from my call on Iris, have a look at Vstecs, Kobay or Engtex. Prime candidates for another Bullish Rebound?
27/06/2024 8:16 AM
speakup laulau u the man! what is iris tp?
27/06/2024 8:27 AM
nasgee fasterr iris jc wth theetaaaa...vroomm LU soon
27/06/2024 11:43 AM
faruqie hard to break 0.48-50 sen
27/06/2024 12:57 PM
Eagle77 Otw down ⬇️⬇️⬇️🩸🩸🩸
27/06/2024 2:54 PM
Eagle77 0.40 ⬇️🩸coming
27/06/2024 3:03 PM
Eagle77 Iris has nothing no project so ⬇️⬇️⬇️🩸🩸🩸
27/06/2024 3:15 PM
flytothemoon speakup, Eagle77 this one is so called sour grape la, coz he no buy but like to talk cock
27/06/2024 4:16 PM
speakup Ya ni memang sour grape 🍇
27/06/2024 9:56 PM
opportunist88 Composite index direction
28/06/2024 9:26 AM
Konnichiwa Management kinda low profile for long time. No news pun 😬
28/06/2024 7:26 PM
Konnichiwa The reason to keep the price steady is to sell their shares on hand. LOL
02/07/2024 8:41 AM
faruqie thick seller 0.48-0.49…hahaha
02/07/2024 3:16 PM
flytothemoon faruqie, 0.495 already lo, how thick is 0.48-0.49?lol
03/07/2024 9:42 AM
faruqie oh yeah..good for you moon..hahahaha
03/07/2024 4:56 PM
speakup 1 more hour to go...........Are you ready for CASINO DE BURSA!
04/07/2024 7:54 AM
Konnichiwa Direct Business Transaction

4/7/2024 - 12 million shares @ RM0.48

1.471% of total shares

New investor???
05/07/2024 2:11 PM
boyah89 iris just now in the MW3.. long way to go to rm2.8
05/07/2024 5:38 PM
CoolBull now good price lor
08/07/2024 12:39 AM
Konnichiwa Ka booooom… habis
16/07/2024 3:22 PM
flytothemoon morning after sold then freefall, lol, can consider buy back now
16/07/2024 3:31 PM
flytothemoon bought at 0.455
16/07/2024 4:45 PM
hhhiii123 die liao, but dun think this company so bad lol. Hope got good news coming
16/07/2024 5:05 PM
Chung 上升像乌龟下跌如雷雨。
16/07/2024 5:08 PM
Eagle77 No more project so sleep forever ⬇️⬇️⬇️🩸🩸🩸
16/07/2024 10:11 PM
flytothemoon lol, gg.com
17/07/2024 9:23 AM
Konnichiwa Port City BPO (Pvt) Ltd. is assumed by the JV entity of Aitken Spence PLC and IRIS Corporation Berhad.


Seems legit partnering with Sri Lankan blue chip conglomerate. Not sure if they will tell more in the upcoming annual report.
17/07/2024 11:59 PM
speakup rm1 mali?
18/07/2024 7:47 AM
hhhiii123 Will iris start involve in other biz also lol?
18/07/2024 9:35 AM
Konnichiwa https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/718266

Scicom said BPO has lower margin compared to border control and immigration. But the latter has high barrier to entry, mostly due to the need of proven track record which Iris already had.

Why would Iris enter into low margin BPO business, in foreign country instead of Malaysia? More details needed to justify the move.
18/07/2024 11:47 AM
Konnichiwa Or could it be stepping stone?
18/07/2024 11:54 AM
speakup Washout all the sellers already last 2 days
18/07/2024 3:51 PM
Chung Iris still not yet wake up for AI wave ???
24/07/2024 1:05 PM
speakup Heard Iris will declare 1.5sen dividend next month
24/07/2024 1:13 PM
flytothemoon speakup, iris will give dividend unless end of the world, dreaming :D
24/07/2024 4:34 PM
flytothemoon i checked record, Iris 10 years never give a single cent dividend
24/07/2024 4:36 PM
speakup we shall see whether my info correct or yours 10 year history. LOL!
24/07/2024 9:29 PM
Konnichiwa Wait and see lor. Would seems reasonable if IRIS managed to sell IITS but it didnt. Liabilities gonna pile up further, and it will take years to collect the NIISE outstanding from government since the dispute is brought to arbitration. Really got confident to pay dividend meh, at this juncture cash is king wor
24/07/2024 10:50 PM
flytothemoon but 1.5 cents not attractive also
25/07/2024 12:11 AM
Konnichiwa Yes not attractive, it is not a dividend stock. But the competitors like DSONIC, SCICOM are consistently paying dividend. Even THETA pay 1.7 sen, i.e., <1% yield. hahaha
25/07/2024 7:27 AM
flytothemoon aiya, second round loss, not dare to keep, too violatile
25/07/2024 9:34 AM
Konnichiwa Tutup kedai lo, Theta better
25/07/2024 10:06 AM
GoToHolland Weiii...otw to the holland....wkakakakakkaka
26/07/2024 11:50 AM
flytothemoon lol, legend stock, 2 weeks times dropped 20+% without reason, up fast drop even fast, going back to RM0.1
26/07/2024 5:22 PM
Konnichiwa lose money in both iris and theta. Lol
26/07/2024 5:36 PM
hhhiii123 Look bad, but I will hold for long term prospect
26/07/2024 5:48 PM

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