Did you know it's now less than 100 days left to 2023?
Investors must be thinking, when can the Bear of 2022 leave the stockmarket.
What can you do in 100 days to prepare for 2023?
1. Fix a sum of money for investing.
Don't simply increase the amount by adding new funds. Don't use money you urgently need now for another purpose. Money for investing is not for your children's school fees within the next 6 months.
2. Read some stock investment books.
Personally, the best book on stock investing in the Malaysian context is Peter Lim Tze Cheng's "What I Learnt as An Analyst 2nd Edition". https://trident-analytics.com/shop/what-i-learnt-as-an-analyst/
Chinese readers can read 冷眼 Fong Siling's 《30年股票投资心得》。(unfortunately there's no English translation, if I'm not mistaken)
There are other good alternatives such as kcchong's "The Complete Value Investing Guide That Works!" https://mphonline.com/products/the-complete-value-investing-guide-that-works or "Once Upon a Time in Bursa: The MONEY Equation" by Tradeview https://mphonline.com/products/once-upon-a-time-in-bursa-the-money-equation
The important part is to learn the lessons in the books. Although some chapters may convince you to buy the stock, but you must do more research before buying.
3. List down the stocks you are interested in.
Read as much as you can about the companies whose stocks you found an interest in. Don't jump in straightaway. You may want to study their finances or technical charts first.
4. Ask yourself what method are you most comfortable to invest
Some use technical analysis (TA) like technical share price charts, some use fundamental analysis (FA) like studying a company's business.
5. How long can you hold the stock?
This is to know if you can invest long term or short term.
6. Check back your investment decisions in 2022.
See where it went right and wrong to avoid same mistakes in 2023. ​
Gloveholders having seen TOPGLOV 1st loss-making quarter report last week had their hopes dashed. Gloveholders can refer to the following articles for suggestions if you are stuck:
1. Mr. Mai's https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/investment_advisory_mai/2022-09-22-story-h1649219797
(can Google Translate to English if you don't know Chinese)
2. My https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/CCthoughts/2022-07-02-story-h1625185375-Review_of_Stockpicks_2022_What_should_I_Do_Now
3. My https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/CCthoughts/2022-07-16-story-h1626189498-Don_t_Panic_in_a_Bear_Market_Falling_share_prices_are_Normal
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Nope, I did not say this. But it's good advice for all of us.
Disclaimer: This article is not tailored financial advice, but mere general stock sharing / observations. Please do further due diligence. The author disclaims all liabilities from readers. The author has interest in TOPGLOV.
Created by CynicalCyan | Nov 18, 2023
Created by CynicalCyan | Jul 08, 2023
Created by CynicalCyan | Jun 24, 2023
Created by CynicalCyan | Jun 18, 2023
Nice sharing. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." if you see the market as "static".
"If you evolve to plan, your plan will evolve", I say that. Haha..that's why I like to trade in an evolving share market.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk
2022-09-25 12:08
My sole purpose for writing this article is to prevent my readers from losing their hard earned money or life time savings.
2022-09-25 11:23