Desa perspective

Malaysia a failed state

Publish date: Fri, 09 Jul 2021, 11:41 AM

You should know what to do.



They call Malaysia a democracy but a failed state. Malaysia cannot serve its people.


They call China a communist but the country is focused on serving its people.


Labels means nothing.

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U should know what to do.

in a failed state , the more shares you have, they more money you will lose.

2021-07-09 11:51


don't buy and sell based on past reputations.

gleam truth from facts.

past reputations count for nothing when situations changed.

2021-07-09 12:05


In a failed state u need a different approach, a different mindset.

2021-07-09 12:18


if u cannor adjust cannot adapt, u are asking for trouble.

2021-07-09 12:20


State is not failed, but the government who ruled it is failed.

We can still have our right and votes to change those culprits

2021-07-09 12:21


alieyasmart State is not failed, but the government who ruled it is failed.

We can still have our right and votes to change those culprits
09/07/2021 12:21 PM


votes means nothing when there is no common values

2021-07-09 15:15


a rising tide lifts all boats. An ebbing tide sinks all boats.

2021-07-09 15:17


u should know what to do, if not, u are another loser.

2021-07-09 15:18


Yeah, US already downgraded Malaysia into pariah state few days ago! Majority still yet to accept that Malaysia has lost the plot! Never mind, the realisation will hit eventually!
By that time, ringgit will be as valueless as rupiah! Wait! Rupiah will be more valuable in few years time!

2021-07-09 15:19


Senior Lim said that Malaysia is a fail state! Yeah, sure! But he is also the culprit in latest attempt to form alliance with court cluster of Umno!
I mean, if Senior Lim is so concern, why not form alliance with Umno without court cluster!
But knowing Senior Lim for half a century now, he is only interest playing the game of throne! He has no care of rakyat suffering especially in current economic hardship!

2021-07-09 15:21


Malaysia fulfills the category of a failed state.

Up to u to believe or not.

and what to do.

2021-07-09 15:34


For foreign investments, only China will dare to take the risk.

2021-07-09 15:38


that I why I suggest people know more about China.

2021-07-09 15:39

qqq3333 point talk about voting and democracies.............

2021-07-09 15:39


Qqq! Yeah, US totally abandon us now! Our human rights is at pariah level!

2021-07-09 15:39


Malaysia is not only a fail state, it's a pariah state! The sooner you accept this truth, the less painful it is!

2021-07-09 15:40


nothing wrong with failed state
failed state is better

many advantages of failed state, like say being allowed to rape a girl, shoot her in the head and then use C4 on her......

now can see the advantages of a failed state??????

2021-07-09 15:42


sslee says politicians think of next election election, statesmen think of next 100 years. While that is true for advanced democracies like America. It is not true for Malaysia............Here politicians think of being a profitable katak.

2021-07-09 15:43


i3lucker! Wanna have some fun! Go to Selangor factories! You can shout, police! I bet out of 100 factories, 120 have illegal migrants working there! I mean, watching migrants running for their lives after you shout police, really makes you day right!

2021-07-09 15:44


i3lurker > Jul 9, 2021 3:42 PM | Report Abuse

nothing wrong with failed state
failed state is better

many advantages of failed state, like say being allowed to rape a girl, shoot her in the head and then use C4 on her......

now can see the advantages of a failed state??????

failed state and stock market is not a good marriage

2021-07-09 15:47


kataks for sale........

this is China warring states period.....This is China before 1949.........

how do u benefit your self in such times, How to u protect yourself in such times.?

2021-07-09 15:51


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-09 15:57


rising tide lifts all boats, falling tide sinks all boats.

2021-07-09 16:04


Today another 9k cases of Covid.

What the hell is government doing?!

Piss of

2021-07-09 16:04


What the fuuck...lock is out for few more than 9000 cases...even worse than earlier lah!

This is a fail state mah!

Posted by dimmubroker > Jul 9, 2021 4:04 PM | Report Abuse

Today another 9k cases of Covid.

What the hell is government doing?!

Piss of

2021-07-09 16:08


“Failed State” Explained, And What It Could Mean For Lebanon
MAY 5, 2021

A failed state can generally be regarded as a failed one when it becomes unable to perform the following functions:

Sustain its authority over its territory and people, and maintain a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, which means that only official forces can resort to using violent force inside the state
Protect its national boundaries
Effectively make collective decisions
Provide reasonable public services to citizens
Interact with other governments and maintain diplomatic relations and international trust.

The term may also apply to a state whose government has lost legitimacy, regardless of whether it is functioning properly.

A Failed State has several key characteristics, among the most notable of which are massive economic decline, mass migration, collapsed infrastructure, and the absence of essential public services such as education and healthcare.

With that comes a sharp decline in overall living conditions.

2021-07-09 16:09


alieyasmart State is not failed, but the government who ruled it is failed.

We can still have our right and votes to change those culprits
09/07/2021 12:21 PM


votes means nothing when there is no common values

votes only means some thing when there is some shared values like what is good, like morals, virtues, honesty, common destiny, truths,

2021-07-09 17:34


without common values, democracy is just tyranny of the majority.

is just hungry wolves feeding on carcasses

2021-07-09 17:37


which is more fundamental. The process of voting or the results.

which is more fundamental. Morals and virtue , authoritarianism with Chinese characteristics or western liberal democracies.?

2021-07-09 19:25


change and reform needs energy, high levels of energy.

in fighting is wastage of energy.

China's energy is found in patriotism, in promoting heroes, celebrating heroes, positive energy based on common virtue and morals.

2021-07-09 19:29


Nazi Germany was born from voting
results of voting made the Germans kill the Jews

thats voting for you.

killing is easy and normal when the majority is used to immoral behavior and easy money from stealing the assets of the minority.

anybody who dun agree with you, just kill, thats very easy.

2021-07-09 19:30


serve the people based on moral, virtue and character. Ability to sacrifice for long term gains.

How many people can do that is how far the country can succeed.

2021-07-09 19:40


especially if that feller does not agree with your religion, just kidnap and kill him off

very easy solution for failed states

so what is so bad about failed states?

solutions are all so easy, no problem, its all kidnaps and killings

2021-07-09 19:40


Nazis base their state policies on hatred. Hatred may push people in the short term but very bad in the long term.

2021-07-09 19:42


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-09 19:44


Conclusion => Failed States solves problems easily with kidnap or killings or both together so Failed States are Good........

2021-07-09 19:59


yes a lot of similarities

2021-07-09 20:01


All must Pray for our country 24/7.
Only by upholding values teach in religion ... our Nation will be OK again.

2021-07-10 12:17


Pastor Calvin can help to initiate prayers for our Nation.

2021-07-10 12:18


Posted by trum > Jul 10, 2021 12:17 PM | Report Abuse

All must Pray for our country 24/7.
Only by upholding values teach in religion ... our Nation will be OK again.

really meh? never heard of religious wars that plaqued humanity for thousands of years?

2021-07-10 12:30


from failed state to safe state is not prayers but morals and virtue.

serve the people based on moral, virtue and character. Ability to sacrifice for long term gains. Raise national energy by celebrating heroes now doctors and nurses against covid.

How many people can do that is how far the country can succeed.

practise moral and virtue in daily life.

in case u don't know.....China ticks every box., with excellence.

2021-07-10 12:35


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-10 12:44


from failed state to sucess.....have to pass through several stages including even darker days like killings and stealings.

according yin yang theory, not dark enough yet.

2021-07-10 12:53


I always pray for my beloved Malaysia, for Malaysians and all the people in this world.

May peace, love, harmony, health, propersity and happiness filled the heart of everyone in this world.

2021-07-10 12:55


If everyone prays daily... every one will be touched and later practice practise good moral and virtue in daily life.
This is one of the cure for our Nation going into Dark ages.
Sslee you are a good religious man. May God bless our Nation thru our prayers.

Posted by Sslee > Jul 10, 2021 12:55 PM | Report Abuse

I always pray for my beloved Malaysia, for Malaysians and all the people in this world.

May peace, love, harmony, health, propersity and happiness filled the heart of everyone in this world.

2021-07-10 13:02


Calvin Tan where are you?
Pastor Calvin can help to initiate prayers for our Nation.

2021-07-10 13:05


Calvin TanEng where are you?
Calvin Tan can help to pray for Msia.

2021-07-11 06:02

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