NICE 7139
One of the Top Most Actively Traded Counters for today.
Nothing much to say here except that prices are in a super ranging mode. However, I do notice a huge collection is going on here, not sure when will the bankers are going to push the prices but they are definitely collecting in huge amount.
If they have collected enough and decided to push, prices should rally back towards the previous high as it completes the Fibbonaci Sequence. However, if they decide to ditch the project in the future, prices will breakdown from the Fibo Box Support level 0 and that point in time we will know that they ditch the project and we can stay out as well.
Industry : Consumer Products & Services.
In this fast-moving digital world, we get information in a few clicks.
However, we rarely get first-hand information and more often we get misleading news.
Investing in stocks today is very different from the past, but one thing hasn't changed - to study about a stock before putting money in.
A stock chart contains data that is publicly available and accurate by itself. By having certainty in data quality, we can comfortably study charts and make investment judgements.
At Chart Story, we believe stock prices move for a reason. Our objective is to share what we believe.