My Trading Adventure

My Blog, My home

Publish date: Fri, 18 May 2012, 02:03 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
After a day of short technical rebound yesterday(I was too busy to write but I was with my group, yeah) ... yet another sell-down day. Are you in fear now? Remember Sept 2011? Yeah .. I remembered it clearly as I was so excited. I posted a list of 100 stocks in my watch-list where the RSI reached ridiculous level ... some in single digit!! Remember that post or many more new readers around? A check on my nuffnang's statistics, it shown only 316 unique clicks for half a day today. Hmmm ... used to attract about 800 clicks averagely in the morning last year(before creation of my own group) as I do write about stocks I m watching, stocks that I traded ... even given 'live' commentary reports on some going-ons in KLSE. Wow ... and I am NOT being paid to be the reporter!! I took hours sharing here and hours more doing my readings ... only to see some un-appreciative readers(luckily only a handful of them) making fun of my PERSONAL postings, ridicule my intelligence(if any).

Nuffnang : Another invitation to attend the RHB talk next Tuesday ... 6pm. Might reply and my excited mellowed after the recent disappointment. I have placed Nuffnang ads to join in the group for events related to financial. I want to push myself a notch higher, to know more investors and those with experiences. I want to get out of the circle of those attended normal public market talk. Anyway, I do not get any amount of money from Nuffnang after about a year posting the ads. But, hope they will invite me for these talks.

Freedom to write

It will take me some time to get used to blogging MY WAY again. I dislike the attentions especially being featured in the 'i3-investor' site where most being their only interested with profitting from markets. I could not be 'free' to write ... if you get what I mean. You don't if you are not a blogger, or you do not write about your personal stuff in your blog, being viewed, syncronized, judged ... arr ... I really dislike censorship. I want to write what I have in my mind as this blog is a place I clear some thoughts which stucked inside my head. Too congested upstairs ... making me very forgetful in many things going on.

Car : a depreciating 'asset'

I remembered I posted a post about cars ... 2.0 sedan. Then, I was comparing Toyota, Honda, Hyundai ... hai-ya ... it was just placing what was in my mind at that point of time. I went to Madza's showroom that day ... and told my wife I will prefer Camry or Accord, uncle's family car. Then ... some people needs to make remarks in i3-site. I was pissed off but I did not reply. Normally, I 'piss-off' for a moment only ... and the senses came back to me. Arrghh ... these people in forums have nothing much to do, they like to judge and blah blah ... let them be la. So, I did not reply, of coz. I do have so much better things to do and still struggling to fine the time to complete them to my best abilities.

You see, IF I really have the money(obviously I do not ... otherwise, why would I still be riding a kap-cai to work, right?) ... I won't buy a car. I won't. I wrote in my blog here before about 3 years ago ... I was driving a kancil ... and if I ever upgrade my car to Proton saga ... I would have doubled my income. Yup, by shifting to KL and working hard ... I have actually doubled my income. And IF one fine day ... I write about changing my Proton to say ... Avanza(the kids growing up, u see), I would be doubling what I am earning at the current moment. I am planning that in 5 years time, you know. Dream ... plan .. action.

To me, car is just a transportation mode. Buying a car for anything than its main function is ...err ... stupid? I dont need to drive 200km/hour. I dont need to show-off to many around and telling them "see, I can afford the car". I do not have passion for machines. Weird ... man supposed to love nice cars? ok ok ... I am a gay. haha

Anyway, I should place those personal views to my personal blog, not this so-called financial blog. haha ... I could laugh when some considered my blog as categorised in 'financial'. It is obviously NOT.

Financial Knowledge

Yes, I do read Rich-Dad, Poor-Dad ... it was a REALITY check for my bad personal financial situation. You need to read my blog about 3-4 years ago ... when I struggle(and still am) financially. With little saving, the weddings ... the new born baby ... I was so financially tight. And with 2008 being a bad year for markets, I lost almost everything .. financially. And my failure in my keropok business also 'forced' me to be educated ... all the stress and failures. All the criticism from surroundings. I am still being viewed as a 'gambler' ... being in markets by my family. So, I do not take about stock market with anyone in my family, except my young cousin-brother.

Today, after 4 years in market ... I told my wife ... see how I changed my whole mindset about finances and stock-markets? It is a place for me to learn, to explore ... and giving me opportunities to get in touch with so many investors/traders ... and giving me the extra PUSH that I needed to do 'better'.

I am not shy to tell many that I was broke merely 6 years ago ... I was without financial knowledge, I do not know anything about managing money, ANYTHING at all about money, I was a total idiot. But, having said that ... I m a person who won't sit down and let the fate taking it course? I was determine to prove the critics wrong .. more importantly, to tell my wife to see how I improve from there. I did not look back since then.

Today, I could understand what is trapping majority of teachers. They are kind people, some are very dedicated ... yet, they will never be financially 'free'. The whole education system is flawed ... we never being taught to think out of the text. I should know ... I am in education line for 20+ years now. Indeed ... 6 years of transformation in me is ... amazing. I simply dont care what nay-sayers splashing cold water into me. Those 'good' friends who tried to advise you to be very careful in stock markets(with good intention, of coz).

But those knew me well enough ... know that I will not take 'quit' as the answer. :)

Here, I would like to thank few people who have been supportive. I do not think so I could be able to pull myself out of the rut without those encouraging words. To those who have criticised me ... thanks.  Without that, I could not push myself much harder. Positive people gives us the extra pull ... negative people give us the extra push.

Songs : The path to my emotion

Another thing I do like to write about ... songs. Yeah .. I listen to songs, I dont really care if it is Chinese or Malay .. or Indon. I do like to put songs up as it reminds me of what songs I am listening too and I could search for them. Last year, I have reduced the song-postings and created a blog just to put those songs!! But I failed(due to laziness) as I m so into this blog, I find it troublesome to have so many blogs to maintain. Why can't I just campur-aduk ... my personal postings, my songs ... and my stock-markets here? I still want to write about Liverpool ... or my bowling? I am not always stock-stock or money-money, u see. I am human, a blogger  ... err ... who just want to find his own cyber-space? Sometimes I wish I do not have followers!! haha ... But then again, I want to be in touch with those good people and to share opinions, particularly on stock-markets or financial-related. See my dilemma?

I love it when someone told me they like Sam Hui's songs too. It is sharing ... rather than just telling me they like Perisai too.

Trading group : My 'social' life

Last Sept, when market came crashing down ... I had my first trading class!! Yes, there were about 10 of them. I was excited and wrote about it in details. Haha ... what an experience, teaching(more of sharing) adults about stock-markets. Many of them been in markets longer than me. Just that they are here to learn basic technical analysis. I do mean ... REAL BASIC. I m a non believer in many indicators blah blah ... I m not selling indicators, to sell my trading classes. In fact, I told everyone ... I dont see myself teaching next batch or perhaps I was lack of confidence. I am surprised that my cohort-1 given me the confidence and I have my cohort-2 coming. Then ... from there, BL of my cohort-1 created a facebook group for us all to communicate, discuss and share. BL is the person coined the word 'tratles' too. I never looked back since then ...

Tmr will be my cohort-6 and I have increased the 'fees'. They are still paying cheaper than my tuition students paying me(for exams). Hence, obviously ... I am still the cheapest in town with motto "Now, everyone can trade". Haha ... How to trust some crazy guy like me? Yes, it is risky. Haha. ok ok ... at times, I do show my serious side, ok?

One step at a time ... I will only think of cohort-7 after done with my cohort-1 to 6. There are about 70 in the groups now and it is kinda crowded even in the facebook. I will have trader's meeting for my own group once in a  month. It is meant for learning ... learning to trade, to share about investment ... a platform for many to remind each other not to lose money(much) and also continue to learn ... and I will continue to share more with those in my group. Trading has been a 'lonely' journey in my 3.5 years until this group created(never even expect it to grow so fast ... some of my tratles introduced their colleagues, friends to attend my class!!) ... and now I have a space to write about my trades. Yeah ... the writing of trades no longer being here much, unless I have the time to share few of the trades taken ... win or lose.

By the way, from FEB to MAY now ... the market has been very challenging. Some in my stock watch group has stopped(they lost some money following my calls?). I can't blame them ... anything we buy also go down ... unless you punt into those 'hot' stocks la, which unfortunately ... NOT to my interests.

Well, I have changed the course structure and some contents. I will reduce the talk-talk-talk(tho they are important aspect of trading, IMO) ... and adding in some into my contents for discussion.

Well ... didnt realise that I could really blah-blah ... feeling better to realise that this is MY blog, anyway. I can blah-blah anything I want(not politics, please) ... and wont need to answer anyone anything. Hehe

To be frank ... I am glad with the responses of my cohort-6 and my dedication and time will be spent with my tratles, e-tratles and stock-watch(my clients la). Haha

Have a nice weekend ahead.


p/s : Added a new label 'blah-blah'. Expect more blah-blah once I am 'free' next week. haha
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1 person likes this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


yes, i remember last year sept... 26/9/2011... uoadev @ 1.18, mahsing @ 1.65... JCY @ 0.405.... lol...

2012-05-18 14:53


The story of our 'investing' life. Did you make money or counting misses

2012-05-18 14:58

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