Publish date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013, 08:32 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Morning ... most, if not all, of us want to be happy. Indeed ... happiness is a commodity. We do spend lots of time ... to fulfil our needs, our wants ... and to fill our souls, in a hope of attaining happiness. What is happiness, anyway?

It is the most widely spoken word(besides money?) ... and there are many of us out there, seeking for happiness, yet we deny that we are seaching for it. The fact is there ... who are we kidding?

As I went through not so smooth childhood, I have always long to be 'happy' ... you know, the usual small boy who don't know what happiness is, without guidance or sharing. Is scoring distinctions in exam a happiness? Is having lots of friends bring us happiness? Is having that items we wanted to have ... could bring us happiness? All these are temporary ... seeking out deeper ... we all know those are superficial.

So, as we grow older ... seeing things in different aspect, from different angles ... perhaps we were trying to re-define our own happiness. Rushing into lives ... doing what others are doing could bring us a temporary thrills but that ain't lasting inside us. We all knew it ...the feeling of having that new ipad or iphone, perhaps a trip to a nice place ... or short moments with good friends. These are all ... fillng the gap inside us, just for a while.

I do know few of those happy ones who have 'God' in them. Yes, I do believe that is more lasting, even those we have nothing much, alone in empty space ... we are 'happy. So, having God with us could bring us those everlasting feelings of being loved ... and it is not explainable by words. It is a feeling.

1. Free our heart from hatred : It is something I have learnt over the years ... example, never use the the'hate'. Just say ... dislike or disapprove. It is OK to dislike something or someone. I do not have many I dislike, I accept most of people as I know how imperfect I am ... and at times, if I offended anyone, I will not hesitate to apologise. Yes, as I grew older ... I have changed so so much, more subtle, mellowed down ... and hmm .. I want peace? Love ... as we all understood it subjectively, is something we all search for ... but most of the time, we feel we deserve more? I m just as happy as God loves me and given me a beautiful family, to love and be loved. Forgiving others .. forgive ourselves .. and never to hate.

2. Free our mind from worries : I am not a worry-type but being humans, we do have our own worries. I do not worry much about what others say or see me, I m not worry about losing money in markets, I m not worry about many many things in office, I m not worry what to eat, wear etc etc ... but my worry perhaps is my family. I do worry of my health ... as I m working too hard, lack of rest and still taxing with loads of un-finished jobs, tasks, responsibilities ... and I do worry about my young kids, if they are to be without me. So, I m preparing for their future, making sure they will have enough for much of neccesities needed. I m also guiding my wife to manage the family financial. Yeah ... my worry is related to humans closest to my heart. Nothing else matter much ... so, no worry ... be happy?

3. Live simply : Oh yes ... I think I am a happy person as I am as I m such a simple person. I m not particular about many many things, except certain food I do not take(such as vege).

to be continued(may be)

Have a happy day!!


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2 people like this. Showing 5 of 5 comments

Peter Lee

cp you are great,your view on malaysia stock market b4 and after ge13,tq

2013-03-22 09:41


And free from illness, mentally, physically or socially.

2013-03-22 13:26


Live simple, want less, give more.... yet accumulate wealth.

2013-03-22 22:52


Believe me.. happiness mean diff things to diff ppl. I think it is jus ur emotional state and the paradox may confuse us. live simple with a hectic schedules and dream big. caring or loving heart with a lot of superficial like friends. give more to earn more for financial freedom. can't stop worry of our kids or family to be happy, expect less and want a higher salary, etc etc .. so is it confuse to be happy ? anyway just live the way we want if we want to be happy.

2013-03-22 23:57


I still remember teacher's ambitious and his 2013 resolutions. not easy to achieve without some sacrifices, like some the quotes in the happiness .. haha. joker to me expecting a perfect world. okok, let him explain what is live simply and expect less... waiting for his to be continued. woof woof

2013-03-23 18:20

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