My Trading Adventure

Icapital and TTB

Publish date: Mon, 03 Oct 2016, 02:33 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Monday ... but it is an OFF day. Today's topic is about TTB as he is being focused by FocusM.

With around 70% in cash-position ... I attended TTB's yearly talk in 2011 ... at that time, he was bearish in equities. I disagreed as I see market just recovering. Today ... he is still bearish in markets, increased his cash-position ... I do agree. It is 2016 ... ok, fair.

In 2009, cash-position was 10.51% ... that was great. In 2011, cash-position was at 34.92% level. By 2013, his cash position exceeded 50% ... and in 19th July 2016, his cash position stands at 69.73%.

TTB has been known as 'value investor' and he cited that their is nothing much to buy at the moment.

"As explained many times previously, the high cash level is a by-product of the fact that stock market has been richly valued. The KLCI is currently trading at PER of around 19times against the backdrop of declining corporate earnings : Tan says in the annual report"

This is what written ... and I posted to my group for discussion purposes.

These are stocks icap is holding, the huge paper-profit in Padini but Parkson (was from huge paper-profit) is in sorry-state. They are still sitting in huge paper-profits, overall.

I have been following TTB's stories and his investment strategies as I want to learn from our proclaimed Malaysia's WB. Tho I disagreed in many of his pointers ... he is still one of the best around, managing huge funds. It would be a great pleasure if I could allow to 'interview' him. And if I m able to work under his guidance, I will definitely learnt a lot about investing.

I do highly respect TTB and his team. Yes ... one day, when market crashing ... he will be the last to laugh ... as his critics sound louder now as market moving higher.

We shall see ... from the bullish vs bearish camp. I will maintain my 50% in cash position, increase that to 70% by next year.

time to move again.


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1 person likes this. Showing 35 of 35 comments


Timing the market is not always the best strategy in investment. For TTB, I think the criticism is based more on the fees he charged the fund ( especially when the fund held so much cash). If the fees charged had been based on annual fund performance than probably it would not have attracted so much criticism.

2016-10-03 16:43


Hello Cpteh. I thought you sold everything including your house, your furniture, your tuition centre, your kerepek business and wait for crash? Why are you saying you are in 50% cash? So were you conning your students all the while?

2016-10-03 17:04


Another idiot.LOL

2016-10-03 17:31


When u made too many lies u tend to forget which lie u made....BTW, have you sold your son's bicycle?

2016-10-03 18:37


If u really want to learn from ttb in dealing with market crash soon (?),u may withdraw all yr ASB n buy icap then u will be at the same boat with ttb n make big money during ,market crash (klci 800 point )....meanwhile store few years inventory of keropok while waiting for the big day to come

2016-10-03 18:47


ha ha

2016-10-03 18:50


Aiyah, this guy is pretending to be a guru predicting market crash lah. He told his bloggers his market is crashing but he is trading here and there without profit behind lah

2016-10-03 19:15


狼来了,狼来了。有一天狼 一定会来。What is considered " chun chun forecast" for this lousyTTB fund Manager?

2016-10-03 19:46


TTB is renowned one of the best 5 fund managers in the investment world

2016-10-03 19:48


Dun play play

2016-10-03 19:48


To me ,TTB is a greedy and irresponsible fund manager, if over last 5 years he can not locate any value stock to invest, at least , distribute the cash to shareholders or dissolved the fund or draw fees on invested portion only and not on the cash portion.

2016-10-03 19:58


One day he will be right. Key word: "One day"

2016-10-03 20:08


Kalau bro tan boleh fikir Jauh x perlu kena tembak

2016-10-03 20:21


Icapital is real monkey business managed by a monkey for monkeys. Lots of thing to learn from this monkey on how to earn money without needing to deliver good result.

2016-10-03 21:08


Compared to red chips counters here, icap is nothing. Should condemn red chips companies here.

2016-10-03 21:09


Bearish on markets for so many years, sure will win one day in coming 1-10 years. It's like expecting someday we will die, eventually we will surely die, what so special if we will right then? Rubbish fund management!

2016-10-03 21:10


I taught malaysia warren is uncle fong ....

2016-10-03 21:20


America election I don't know which party will win
And I can be sure BN will win

2016-10-03 21:49


Of course the end result of holding so much cash is due to wrong forecast of bearish markets since last 6years. What is so proud of it..... Yet dare to let public know. .... Beh pai sai..... What is the inflation rate for past has disminished in real value....

2016-10-03 21:49


I can sense the bull run everyday
It feel so good
And it smell bad for him

2016-10-03 22:16



2016-10-03 22:18


We have enjoy bull market for last 6 years n our capital has grown . We are ready to reduce our investment while our Ttb is sour grape. Hahahaha . This so called Fund Manager ? or That is right, monkey manager.

2016-10-03 22:23


CP Teh, why dream of working for monkey? Should work for human lah.

2016-10-03 22:24


I'm so glad to read all these comments. In contrast, I found the re-election of a director telling of the understanding of retail investors.
Why would a fund manager be "known" as a value investor just because he claims it? The same way he claims in FocusM to be one of world's five best fund managers? fund's NAV was up an average 2.5% a year last five years; he could not even keep up with FD rate.
By the time TTB is "proven right," KYY might have made RM300 mil, as might other real sifus mentioned in i3investor. Being right 5 or 10 years later is right?
If Teh knows market timers who did well, he might like to mention them. Kindly also mention their CAGR.
There may well be, but TTB is not one of them. He is one of world's 5 worst fund managers. Others are educating new investors, kindly do not mislead them.

2016-10-03 23:34


..CAGR latest 5 years. BTW, what's your CAGR last 5 years?

2016-10-03 23:39

Jonathan Keung

funny claiming to be best of the best. if holding cash is a sure win then why establish a stock exchange in a country. the last 5 years we gave seen inari price shoot up > 3.00 from 0.80. AA price move up from the low of 1.30 to >3.00. AWC climb up 90 from 40. FGV climb from 1.30 to 2.50. where were you?

2016-10-04 00:18


icapital? last they did promotion rm25/year subscription. I subscribed, and in every issue tan teng boo is bullshitting about his prophecy of market crash, bursa drop to 500 to 800 points bla bla bla.... deiii... I close one eye sapu fgv airasia pmetal pun daj untung how many %. this teng boo still talking market crash.... gila liao lo...

2016-10-04 00:25


last year*

2016-10-04 00:26


that rm25 really wasted for that piece of market crasj bullshit... I could eat 5 plates of chicken rice ady instead of this crap by tan teng boo

2016-10-04 00:27


Key element of investment decision involves with common sense, informative subscription will not sell cheap and lousy subscription worth only $25 or less. So, it's quality is nothing more than TOILET PAPER. If you don't mind use it to wipe your buttock .hahahahaha......

2016-10-04 07:38


pity TTB. last time called himself the Warren Buffet of Asia, but now everybody call him the Soh Chai of Asia.

2016-10-04 10:09

Jonathan Keung

expensive toilet roll (premium grade)

2016-10-04 10:09


thanks CP TEH for creating this thread for us all to HANTAM TTB :-) he deserves it!

2016-10-04 10:12


despite all the criticism of ttb, his free talk on Day 1 of Investors Day was packed to the brim. He goes by way of value investing; the same applies to Tong Kooi Ong as well. Both are holding a large cash portion.
Many market punters used to follow Fred Tam and he has taken many followers to Holland. So, choose your mentor and dont regret.

2016-10-04 15:49


Tong Kooi Ong starts his value investing column in The Edge weekly Paper about a year of so, it is funny that he can still find valued in many companies listed in Bursa while our self proclaimed valued fund manager Tiam-Taim Boo can't locate these companies since 5-6 years ago.
If both are using the same method of investing, why Tiam Yiam Boo just can't do it?
Further Tong Kooi Ong only raised his cash level lately where else Tiam Tiam Boo raised his cash level since 2010 with all sorts of economic bullshit excuses.
In summary, he is totally sleeping on his job at expense of icap shareholders.
A Fd placement fund manager should not procalimed as valued investors.

2016-10-04 16:19

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