My Trading Adventure

RHB : election stocks

Publish date: Sun, 13 Nov 2016, 10:30 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Good morning ... been few days of up-down crazy swings in market. Settling the dust ...

I attended RHB's market outlook for 2017 talk yesterday ... and I will place few things I heard or learnt from. Many of the things said is kinda agreeable and I do feel the analyst-speaker done a good-talk, not to give stock-pick ... but to be frank that he is 'unsure'. At current situation, markets are digesting Trump's victory with contrasting manners ... those yelling crash for equities and USD to dive would be exaggerating(perhaps done on purpose to sway the biases in masses).

Anyway ... with many pointers, let me show the list of the stocks listed by RHB as potential election plays.

1. Affin
2. Axiata
3. Boustead Plantations
4. Bumi Armada
5. Cahya Mata Swak
7. Datasonic
8. Destini
9. DRB-Hicom
10. E&O
11. E-force
12. Felda Global Ventures
13. Genting
14. Genting Malaysia
15. Goodway
16. Malaysia Airport
17. Maxis
18. Media Prima
19. MISC
20. MRCB
21. Myeg
22. Petronas Chemical
23. Petra Energy
24. Petron Malaysia
25. Petronas Gas
26. Prestariang
28. Sapura Kencana
29. Sime Darby
30. SPSetia
31. Star group
32. Tadmax
33. Tenaga
34. Time dotCom
35. UEM Edgenta
36. UEM Sunrise
37. Yinson Holdings
38.YTL Corporation

There are 39 counters listed above. Which one would be your choice(s)?

Affin : shot up to hit resistance, bad candle last Friday and still trapped in the range of RM2.10-RM2.30 level.

There .. the bigger picture of the depressing price of Affin ... and banking-stocks in general (except PBBank la, my uncle Teh's company).

BPlant ... I have shown in previous post as I m going to take pending breakout. Wonder why BPlant in the list but not BStead the mommy ... or BHIC? Why ar? Wanted to ask the analyst but he said these counters were collectively from his colleagues and he is not checking on them. He kinda likes 'Datasonic' as he mentioned it few times (giving hint or tips? haha). Ok ok ... check DSonic at RM1.20 support level. Sell RM1.60 resistance.

As for AK's counters ... forget about Armada, who is still stuck in deep coma ... dip inside the overflowing crude-oil. Crude oil prices down below USD50 again. So .. Maxis is more attractive .. back to RM5.73 support level.

Maxis buying region would be around RM5.50... so, another 3 black candles down would be me excited to buy Maxis (again). I bought below RM5.50 all the way down previously, remember? Easier said than done ... later they talk about spectrum ... etc etc again? Perhaps ... for Bersih5, we should be looking at Digi the yellow-man instead?

While I have shown many times about DRBHcom and FGV, no need to show again here.

Tenaga ... dived in the morning, brought KLCI down ... but funds back to support. Nice long tail there ... time to rebound? Support at RM14.73 ... I saw it down but no intention to catch her. Tenaga is a BUY to me ...and yes, they will support KLCI, btw(in case those crash-kaki coming out yelling crash in KLSE again. Not me leh ... I m bullish in 2016).

SIME ... I would prefer SIME if I have to choose between SIME vs TENAGA. SIME in news ... if they are to list their plantation-arm (speculation on this news been ages ago), that would be great. O&G, Property, Auto ... all sectors not doing good. So ... split them and investors could focus in the plantation-sector which made-up their main profits, anyway.

Genting (and wa) would be good for trading but I missed Genting low recently and have to wait again.

For trading stocks, besides DSonic ... MyEg is worth to trade.... go up and down. DRB, MRCB, UEMS ... those around RM1 plus. I would recommend to check on Airport, Presbhd and gang too.

Airport ... kasi tax kita kau-kau ... quality lacking. Monopoly punya biz ... sure win also dont know how to win money. Kasi pergi Istanbul (as Liverpool won there ... so, I strongly believe whoever made that decision is a die-hard Liverpool's supporter) airport buat apa? Focus kat Malaysia la ...

Will have e-meeting with members tmr night to talk about all the counters here. Needing to read and do some homework today. As market diving, I m always busier ... been relaxing and lepaking for 2-3 months ... waiting for NOW. haha.

Have nice week ahead as we hope market would go lower.

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Cpteh,only death is sure

2016-11-13 10:54


Just a matter of time only....just like the big crash sure will come...when only....could b tmr,could b 2 years later could b 20 years later...

2016-11-13 10:56


When u said u r expecting market to crash,as long as u never give yr estimated timeframe u can never b wrong...however if u really want to give an indicative timeframe,u may give "within the next 100 years" then all the jokers who made fun on u all this while should oredi dead long time ago

2016-11-13 10:59


Dont repeat the mistake of ttb

2016-11-13 11:01


E-meeting for discussion again.... What to discuss if one doesn't do his homework to study the business, past track records and the industry of a company involved. Discussion is nothing more than historical share price and volume.

2016-11-13 11:23


GE14 will only be in 2018. Trust speakup!

2016-11-13 11:24


To be honest this should not be about 'election stocks play' or trading strategy and selection per se in my opinion, Why, simply because if the election is later part of next year or the maximum time limit allowed is on or before 24 August 2018; we are looking at maximum of up to 7 quarterly results. Between that time anything can happen base on the performances, other sentiments and factors.

However, if the election is set at xx.xx.xxxx date, which is say 3 to 6 months from now, then my investment strategy will likely to include 'election stocks play' list. For now I still think the time tested FA, industry theme play, global business sentiments, current demand, forex factors,TA, and last but not least the quarterly result will be the better indicators for now instead of so called 'election stocks play' list criteria.

2016-11-13 12:21


So BN fear what happen after Brexit and unexpected Trump winning?

speakup GE14 will only be in 2018. Trust speakup!
13/11/2016 11:24

2016-11-13 12:59


if najib resign, our CI will shoot up 100 points!

2016-11-13 13:25


If election, RM will drop more

2016-11-13 13:25


I remember during Mahathir time those political share will shoot up the roof because this is how Mahathir fund his election. Nowsday only properties shoot up the roof as RM keep depreciate and every state is selling state land to highest bidder inorder to balance the state budget and of Najib he can got all the fund for election by the Arab donation with no string attached so forget the GE stock play.

2016-11-13 13:44


Mango Juice, totally agree with you on 'stick to what work best for YOU'; in this case including the every 4 years 'election play' routines - the key word here is 'You'...:)


2016-11-13 15:58


The thematic Play for Year 2017 to early 2018 will be centered around Govt pump priming to shore up KLSE & to benefit UMNO Linked GLC & Cronies. See what these entities are buying to SEE future development :

KHAZANAH (Control by Minister of Finance or Pm Najib)

Above All Check Whether TOP DIRECTORS/ INSIDERS Are Loading Up or Not.

1. Affin
2. Axiata
3. Boustead Plantations
4. Bumi Armada
5. Cahya Mata Swak
7. Datasonic
8. Destini
9. DRB-Hicom
10. E&O
11. E-force
12. Felda Global Ventures
13. Genting
14. Genting Malaysia
15. Goodway
16. Malaysia Airport
17. Maxis
18. Media Prima
19. MISC
20. MRCB
21. Myeg
22. Petronas Chemical
23. Petra Energy
24. Petron Malaysia
25. Petronas Gas
26. Prestariang
28. Sapura Kencana
29. Sime Darby
30. SPSetia
31. Star group
32. Tadmax
33. Tenaga
34. Time dotCom
35. UEM Edgenta
36. UEM Sunrise
37. Yinson Holdings
38.YTL Corporation

From the above Calvin likes

(For this EPF is both buying & selling. However, DRB has bought into POS heavily) Both POS & DRB are UMNO Cronies Co,

20) MRCB
(This One Insider heavily Loading Up. They bought as if there in no tomorrow. These MASSIVE Buying & Buying will lead to where? Only time will tell. Calvin thinks the future for MRCB is good & bright!

Highest dividend paying stock among Plantations!

Don't simple follow anyone without doing your own homework.
Good luck!

2016-11-13 16:21


How many i3 sifus counters eg paperplane2016, OTB, KC Chong?

2016-11-13 17:04


Why RHB only choose calvintaneng 3 counters? Why no B Puri, Zelan, MP Corp, Mulpha, etc?

2016-11-13 17:08


8 ctrs in my BN_Menang portfolio ie CIMB, CMSB, FGV, Genting(I choose W), Media Prima, Petra Energy, SKP Petro and UEM Sunrise.

1. Affin
2. Axiata
3. Boustead Plantations
4. Bumi Armada
5. Cahya Mata Swak
7. Datasonic
8. Destini
9. DRB-Hicom
10. E&O
11. E-force
12. Felda Global Ventures
13. Genting
14. Genting Malaysia
15. Goodway
16. Malaysia Airport
17. Maxis
18. Media Prima
19. MISC
20. MRCB
21. Myeg
22. Petronas Chemical
23. Petra Energy
24. Petron Malaysia
25. Petronas Gas
26. Prestariang
28. Sapura Kencana
29. Sime Darby
30. SPSetia
31. Star group
32. Tadmax
33. Tenaga
34. Time dotCom
35. UEM Edgenta
36. UEM Sunrise
37. Yinson Holdings
38.YTL Corporation

2016-11-13 17:19


Thanks CP Teh for the blog. Sharing is caring. Despite so many abusive posts about you here by i3 members at least you keep sharing.

2016-11-13 21:27


Hi Calvin, B Plant is highly illiquid stock. Is it worth considering?

2016-11-14 09:37


Posted by Junichiro > Nov 14, 2016 09:37 AM | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin, B Plant is highly illiquid stock. Is it worth considering?

Calvin thinks BPlant has high hidden value in lands at old prices not yet revalued. And BPlant gives the best dividend among plasntations except TMakmur which is being taken private.

Besides BPlant I think Dutaland & CBIP are also undervalue.

2016-11-14 10:08


Thanks, Calvin

2016-11-14 10:33



2016-11-14 16:52

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