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(Icon) Trump & Trade (1) - 12 Reasons Why US Cannot Turn Protectionist

Publish date: Sat, 03 Dec 2016, 06:00 PM
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I follow the smell of money.

When he was still a presidential candidate, Donald Trump threatened to impose 45% tariff on imports from China. Last week, he forced Carrier to cancel its plan to relocate to Mexico, thereby saving more than 1,000 US jobs. He said that he will apply the same pressure tactics on other US manufacturers. Is this the beginning of American protectionism ? As an investor of export stocks, I have given some thoughts to this issue. My conclusion is that trade is a very complicated thing. Donald Trump is not really in a position to shut US off and turn inward. The followings are some of the reasons. 


1. Discourage Manufacturing Investment

What Donald Trump did to Carrier recently will discourage companies from investing in US manufacturing. Who dares to set up operation in US if they can ony go in and cannot get out ? We have seen this happens in Europe and india - strong unions make it difficult to fire workers. As a result, companies are very reluctant to hire even during boom time. If you are not careful, you will be stuck with employees you cannot get rid of during downturn. Push come to shove, they would rather spend on automation to meet the surge in demand. How is that good for jobs creation ?


2. Risk Of Crony Capitalism

Businesses should be left alone to make decisions by themselves with minimal interference from government. The Carrier case set a bad precedence because in the future, US companies will have to seek government approval for their investment decisions. Red tapes create oppurtunities for corruption. Just imagine how the system can be manipulated to serve the interest of those friendly to Trump. We don't even do that in Malaysia, let alone US. There will be pushback if Donald Trump really implement it large scale.  


3. Extortion By Companies

The Carrier case opens up a can of worms. It agreed to stay in US in return for USD7 mil tax break over 10 years. Now every US manufacturer will start claiming that they are planning to relocate overseas. Then they can start negotiation with US government for tax incentives. Free money.


4. Painful For Consumers

The first victim of protectionism will be US consumers. Last time a pair of jeans cost USD10, now it costs USD14.5. 


5. Detrimental To Competitiveness

Due to globalisation, most manufacturing companies in US import a huge amount of components from overseas. Imposing tariffs will push up manufacturing cost, destroying their competitiveness.


6. Benefits Competitors Of US Manufacturers

In reaction to news that Donald Trump is pressuring Apple to move manufacturing jobs back to US, Global Times, a newspaper closed to Chinese government published an article to explain that that will be fantastic news for Chinese brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi, and helps them to steal market share from Apple. This is because the shift back to US will increase Apple manufacturing cost by USD2,000 per phone. As Apple is unlikely to fully absorb the higher cost, it will have to increase its retail price. That will be a big gift to its competitors. This is not only applicable to Apple but to all US products. How is that good for jobs creation ?


7. Destroy Service Related Jobs

When Obama was president, he imposed tariff on tyres imported from China. An economic think tank conducted a study to ascertain how much benefit it creates for America. They found that the tariff saved 1,200 manufacturing jobs. However, due to higher cost, certain retail businesses that sell the products ceased operation. That resulted in more than 2,000 job losses. In other words, you can't just look at jobs from manufacturing point of view. There are other sectors that will be adversely affected. 


8. Redirected To Other Countries

In the abovementioned case of Obama tariffs on Chinese tyres, Chinese suppliers were adversely affected. But American manufacturers did not really benefit much. Most of the imports were redirected to Indonesia and several other Asian countries.

This is not only true for China but applies to everywhere else. Any tariff imposed on imports will cause US companies to source products from other low cost countries. How is that good for US manufacturing industry ?     


9. Republicans Are Pro Trade 

Following the latest election, the Republicans control both Congress and Senate. It is true that Donald Trump is a Republican and he can count on his own party to support him. But Republicans are traditionally pro trade (Democrats have strong relationship with Unions). US president can impose tariffs on imports, but it is only for 150 days. Beyond that, it will require Congressional approval to extend it. Donald Trump will face a lot of resistence from his own party if he pushes it too far.


10. Donald Trump Is Not A Socialist

Protectionsim can be simplified in one sentence - take value from businesses and pass it to the people. To a very large extent, it is a zero sum. A socialist leader will do it irrespective of the outcome because he is driven by ideology. But Trump is no socialist. He is a business man. Unless desperate, the last thing he will do is to reallocate value in such a way. It is simply not in his blood.


11. Other Countries Will Retaliate

China will retaliate if US impose tariffs on its products. It is true that China exports USD350 billion more to US. But it will still be painful if a trade war developes. Tens of billion USD of American businesses will be affected if things turn ugly. China can impose tariffs on US products, limits toursits to US (spent USD21 billion in 2015), stops purchasing US treasuries, or do nothing when North Koreans get their nuclear missiles ready.

Looked like China is a tough nut to crack. Why don't we whack some Malaysians or Vietnamese ? Well, they can do that. But life is not all about money. Please refer to next item.    


12. Geopolitics

Trade is only one aspect of a country's power. Geopolitics also influences how huge countries like US behave. Over the past few years, the US has engaged in a struggle with China for influence in East Asia. If the US turns inward and starts harming the interest of small countries like Malaysia and Vietnam, these countries will align themselves with China. This is the last thing that US wants to see. 

7 people like this. Showing 24 of 24 comments


China has make it a more advance form in facilitating to the Foreigners Investment.

2016-12-03 18:15


May be too early for Huawei n Xiaomei to celebrate. US cud impose import tariffs, with caution that China cannot retaliate, or it'll face escalated tariffs.
In a total trade war, China loses trade surplus of US$360 bil a year. That's the basic data point. It's complicated, of course.
But I'd agree, Trump will probably stop US cos going out. I'd expected aircons getting import tariffs coming back from Mexico - that was what he campaigned - rather than a tax incentive.
That rather than trying to bring production home, or broad-based tariffs, which are needed to narrow the horrendous trade hole, but he hadn't created the decades-long problem. It's not his job to ask Americans to consume within its means.

2016-12-03 18:29


I believe trump is a tok onli president and he won't be able to do 90% of the things he promised.

2016-12-03 19:32


nobody can affort to buy super expensive "Made In USA" products! so how is america going to be great again under trump?

2016-12-03 19:38


Trump want reverse its economies from globalisatio to dasar tutup pintu China. Obviously, China appear to take charge as giant to make America worsen.
Trump wrongly phrase as make American great again.

2016-12-03 19:51

Vc Looi

ban Apple from selling genuine products in China! ?? you already so wrong..

2016-12-03 20:21


China "steals" because it can! and don't forget almost all capable countries practice industrial espionage to a certain extend.

2016-12-03 20:21


yep, china built the world's most powerful supercomputer. i guess china must have "stolen" the technology from God himself!

2016-12-03 20:41


Mango juice just incase you are too young to know. Most of the sucessful countries product they innovates starts from copying. 10 years ago korean they are copying japanese cars and look where they are now. 40 years ago mitsubishi copying car mostly based on American vehicle companies like Ford. Same goes to Ford who copy cars based on Mercedes. Most important is the reverse engineering from the products that you copied.

2016-12-03 20:43


Trump memerintah berdasar pri nsip economic tertutup.... Boleh kah the great China has practice this long ago tidak berjaya.... Still want to go ahead....... Let see how he does...

2016-12-03 20:59


This is a damned good article and timely.

Donald Trump.....mark my words, nothing good ever comes out of Donald Trump.

Trump will be impeached within these 4 years. He will break the law and give excuse to impeach him for that is who Trump really is. Trump's interest is Trump and only Trump , no one else, nothing else.

Trump is just a boy child, kindergartener who can bankrupt casinos, stiff workers and contractors, cheat students, > 2,000 law suits against him...started the birther movement about Obama not born in America.

Right now, we are witnessing a sort of honeymoon for him, the normalisation of a monster....It will not last.

The Republican party (together with the Democrats) will push him off the cliff for a very standard Republican in the form of Mike Pence.

2016-12-04 10:47


Trump is only talkot president . He cant and not able to do all the things he kot

2016-12-04 15:15


I only hope he dare to create world war that i been hoping very long

2016-12-04 15:15


all logical reasoning suggest that he won't/wouldn't be able to do most of the things he promised to do. however, if he really as narcissist as everyone thought he is, populist policies may still be on the cards. republicans may not dare to be tough, at least publicly, against a popular president. after all, republicans won big this round, arguably because of trump.

what I'm afraid is that before the election, everyone has overestimated what trump can do, but now after the election, everyone is underestimating what he would do. one bad decision by trump could shake the world. and if he screws up, he can always blame other countries or leaders (not the first time in his life)

2016-12-04 21:13


Post removed.Why?

2016-12-04 22:15


Post removed.Why?

2016-12-05 00:39


now exporters cannot keep more than 25% of their proceeds in foreign currency http://www.theedgemarkets.com/my/article/bank-negara-malaysia-announces-measures-boost-forex-market-liquidity

2016-12-05 09:58


muka donald trump macam donald duck...betul-betul macam donald duck kartun animasi

2016-12-05 10:01

Retired Boss

ALl export companies get hit by new BNM measurement on foreign proceeds

2016-12-05 12:13


BNM force conversion on export proceeds may not be all bad afterall;

1.RM is undervalue compare with the peers if not bcos of the poor sentiment.....if force convert...could be good mah....!!
Bcos without BNM instruction....exporter don dare to convert even RM is undervalue mah.....!!
2. Going fwd exporters are generating many many USD why should they speculate leh ? If USD appreciate....exporter benefit from new export proceeds mah....but if RM reverse strengthen....at least exporter don have currency losses thru holding forex mah....!!

So it is win win BNM ruling....help ur country & help yourself loh....!!

2016-12-05 12:58


Did you all know that fund managers in Malaysia cant change MYR to foreign currency to trade foreign stocks as of today?

2016-12-05 17:37


kids also know US Cannot Turn Protectionist, while they have military bases located all over the world.but there is a sign ,he would put on a reverse gear on globalization.many policies from obama will be abandoned,and no more golf game with number one offier

2016-12-05 18:17


We vote Trump because he promised us with jobs if elected. If he does not keep promise can we revote and choose Hillary Clinton instead?

2016-12-07 04:10

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