Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Why do I post articles so often? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sat, 01 May 2021, 10:03 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

I am 88 years old. During my long-life time, I have learned many useful lessons which I like to share with you. I often write about politics, about life improvement and about investment in the stock market to help people.

My scholarships offer

Since I have more money than I require, I have recently selected 110 poor students for my scholarships so that they can complete tertiary education. Almost all of their parents have lost their jobs due to Covid 19 pandemic. Some of their parents have passed away or divorced. My only condition is that all my scholarship recipients must remember that when they were poor, I helped them and when they have graduated and have some spare money, they should help other poor students. By this way I hope I can create more and more charity workers. It is similar to investment in the stock market.

Why do I post articles on politics?

I published my first book namely Malaysia: Road Map to Vision 2020 which has 380 pages in 2009. Recently, I wrote my second book, namely New Road Map to A Developed Nation which was launched by Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim. It is only 50 pages long and you can read it within 2 hours. I hope more people especially politicians will read and practice what I preached so that Malaysia can become a Developed Nation.

At one time Malaysia was the largest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil. Moreover, we have petroleum. Yet we could not become a Developed Nation. Our neighbour Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea became Developed Nations. They do not even have timber to build their houses. How could they be classified as Developed Nations so quickly?

Managing a country is like managing thousands of various kinds of business operations. Good management produces good result and bad management produces bad result.

About 2 years ago, I wrote an article about our civil service with good intention. I said that we have the most civil servants per capita in the world. We have 1.6 million civil servants for a population of 32 million; 1 civil servant for every 20 citizens. Almost all our civil servants are Malays.  

Tan Sri Muhyiddin who was the Home Minister then ordered for my arrest. He ordered a special branch Police Officer to grill me for 2.5 hours at Jelapang Police Station for my criticism of our Malaysian Civil Service. I told him what I have been preaching so that Malaysia can become a Developed Nation. Fortunately, he did not arrest me.

My last article on politics is “Who will be our next Prime Minister?” If you are interested to read it, you can find it on i3investor.com or my own blog: koonyewyin.com.

Corruption is our biggest culprit. If you Google “rich politicians” you can see this rich Malaysian politician. 

Why do I post articles on life improvement?

This morning I posted my article namely “You should teach children these 10 lessons. I am very happy to know that many of my readers like my article. You can find it on i3investors.com or my own blog: koonyewyin.com. 

I consider one of my best articles is “Happiness is our ultimate aim in life” which can be found from i3investors.com or my blog: koonyewyin.com.

Why do I post articles about investment in the stock market?

Based on good fundamentals such as up trending, good profit growth prospect, good type of business and selling at single digit PE, I have posted recently articles on Alcom, LB Aluminium, Lean Fuat, MNRD, KPS, MMC and Dominant. Most likely all of them will report increased profit in the next few quarters.

My critics

Unfortunately, there are few senseless critics, hiding behind some fictitious names mistook my honest intention. They often said that whenever I recommend buy, they must sell and when I recommend sell, they must buy. Since I recommended buy for Alcom, LB Aluminium, Lean Fuat, MNRD, KPS, MMC and Dominant, they should quickly sell. Only time can tell who is right and who is wrong.      



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2 people like this. Showing 40 of 40 comments


Small kid like me can learn a lot from our mkt god, kyy. Thanks.

2021-05-01 22:22


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-01 22:36


KYY dont post any negative news on glove counters after your exit. Let the readers make their own decision. It is enough to say your or out. Admitting once's mistake is sign of maturity.

2021-05-01 22:40


Posted by Invest4fun > May 1, 2021 10:40 PM | Report Abuse

KYY dont post any negative news on glove counters after your exit. Let the readers make their own decision. It is enough to say your or out. Admitting once's mistake is sign of maturity.

On the other hand, if you don't like what he posts, you can ignore it instead of behaving like a mor--on. He has his freedom of speech and thought and to share it too.

2021-05-01 22:50


Uncle... buy stock to goreng and toss till forget proper name ah...
leon fuat not lean fuat
mnrb not mnrd...

2021-05-02 00:13


So uncle Koon will be the next PM of Malaysia?

2021-05-02 00:29


inused to respect KYY but now he's a senile old man. Writing rubbish articles about gloves just because he was bitten by it.

2021-05-02 09:52


Those so-called Sifu's....off and on give you tips on counters to buy....immediately the counter shoot up 10cts or more....wtf...the sifu already bought tons of the shares earlier....so he'll make good profits from his subscribers.....rather suckers.

2021-05-02 09:55


Koon, apa cerita MNRB? Lama aku kena sangkut di MNRB

2021-05-02 10:08


Bro, KYY will tell you he has sold MNRB. His article doesn’t match his action!

2021-05-02 10:11


KYY, ur days are numbered!

2021-05-02 10:37


MNRB ???????????????????????????????

factories will shut down to save oxygen just like India

Malaysian politicians now follow Indian politicians

2021-05-02 10:40


Uncle, post it before u can’t post anymore!

2021-05-02 11:20


Did Koon wrote any article onnMMC?
I happen to hold 100K MMC at 1.0485. Should I buy more or sell?

2021-05-02 11:21


newbie traps like MMC and INSAS must always buy more and hold forever
both are same.

wink wink

2021-05-02 11:26


haha. I'm stuck to this stock and can only laugh.

Posted by i3lurker > May 2, 2021 10:40 AM | Report Abuse

MNRB ???????????????????????????????

factories will shut down to save oxygen just like India

Malaysian politicians now follow Indian politicians

2021-05-02 11:27


There are 2 actions to take after being tipu by uncle, i.e. cry or laugh. I choose to laugh.

Posted by spyking > May 2, 2021 10:11 AM | Report Abuse

Bro, KYY will tell you he has sold MNRB. His article doesn’t match his action!

2021-05-02 11:29


Listening to i3lurker is a better option than listening to Koon so I will just hold and will only add more to average down.

2021-05-02 11:48


Never b4 in the past 1 year during the pendemic Lazada & shoopee offer discount on gloves mah!

If they offer discount....that means another no good sign on gloves...is coming mah!

Thus be very careful loh!!

Posted by drken91 > May 2, 2021 11:29 AM | Report Abuse

thanks for the sharing of interesting discounts on lazada and shope, Mr Calvin

I mean, yes, why not spend 1 cents on a cheap glove to roam around Covid ward of 50 patients in a day and do per rectal examination while we're at it

Quality over quantity la... gloves are never meant to be part of consumer market, large medical institutions and workforce will be buying them in bulk, from reputable marketeers... not from some Tom, Dick and Harry who sells gloves at 1 cents during mega Raya discounts...

I agree, the argument to imply saturated prices of gloves due to high supply is valid.. but to equate it with other consumables/wearable items in the market, like Tomatoes are just absurd.
One is a commodity, and another one is a necessity.

Unlike gloves, I also can plant tomatoes in my backyard la friend..
Gloves are a necessity in combating the pandemic, and while lives are in my hands literally; what better way to handle them safely with a pair of high-quality-multiple-layered gloves?

I dare you to roam around a medical ward filled with 50 ill-infected patients while wearing your 1 cent Lazada Raya sale cheap gloves and masks, and do per rectal examination while you're at it...

I'm no economist, nor an eagle, but I'd rather be human.
Not an eagle that roams around her prey, only to be shot down by a hunter-gatherer that is... human.

Wear your human-thinking cap, it takes no rocket scientist to understand that the pandemic is far from over and the demand will continue to exceed supply.

And I'm sure as hell will be glad that gloves prices got cheaper, therefore to save another priceless human being's life will be easier.

Gotta grab those sales on Lazada stat!

@PJSeow, couldn't have said it any better, agree with you.

2021-05-02 13:19


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-02 14:30


You have also on 26.3.2021 posted "EUPE is underrated". The price then was RM1. Today it is RM0.93. Why do you exclude from the article above??
EUPE is no longer Underrated ??? Perhaps typo error?

2021-05-02 14:43


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-02 14:50


uncle sometimes also doesn't remember the way to go back to his home after an outing. Don't ask him difficult questions.

Mabel Uncle,

What happens to these golden rule?

Two consecutive profits and PE below 10?

Feel sorry to see many of your fan are losing their panties...

Meow Meow Meow

2021-05-02 14:52


What golden rules? He is the master of TA nowadays.

2021-05-02 16:25


Uncle, donate all your ill gotten fortune like Warren Buffet. Can’t go together with you to hell!

2021-05-02 17:01


kyy got the freedom of writing n posting n we got the freedom of reading n following. Fair n square lah !

2021-05-02 19:28


If Geezer were to tell the truth all the time exactly when he starts buying and when he starts selling, then how to make money. He needs to tell some white lies so that he can make money. So, to cut a long story short, when it comes to making money there is no mercy and no ethics to maintain. Do whatever it takes by hook or crook.

2021-05-02 21:54


"My scholarships offer"
- Thanks for your kind gesture. I wish uncle's project a success!

"Why do I post articles on politics?"
- I agreed with uncle's opinion.

"Why do I post articles on life improvement?"
- With uncle's age, uncle certainly qualified. Thanks for sharing.

"Why do I post articles about investment in the stock market?"
- Sorry uncle, this one I cannot give you a "like". Uncle has the record of promoting certain counter heavily but at the same time uncle disposing it and only inform uncle's readers month later. The most recent example, Supermax. I just can't see the integrity of it, maybe uncle could enlighten me with one blog post explaining why uncle do so one day?

"My critics"
- I'm sure we can't make everyone happy but there must be a reason why there're criticism especially they all point to one thing. But I still want to thanks uncle for enabling the "comment" function for the public to respond on uncle's posts. Although there're some harsh or rude comments, but there're some very informative opinions as well that could really help uncle's new followers to make their judgement.

2021-05-02 22:33


only time will tell? history also will tell also - Mudajaya? AT? Supermax? Jaks? KYY you are a shameless person who are on par with our U-turn politicians

2021-05-03 08:47


come on, don't act like saint, everyone got eyes to see .... after brought cheap only announced here the stock, tell us which stock that before you brought then you already shared here???

2021-05-03 08:51


Uncle shall keep low profile like warren buffett. Do not over show your trading skill. However, you can come out with books for strategy of investment but not strategy of psycho people buy stocks.

2021-05-03 08:55


old man next round can posts of why and how to promo a stock and your side sold it 3 weeks ago?

2021-05-03 08:59


We dont have to JUSTIFY our real intentions or actions. We should rule by our very own HEART and MIND, definitely not by others' mind or hearts and MOUTHs!!

2021-05-03 09:02


This is very good artical mr koon you ask question, malaysia rich resoures why still not developed nation,were are all the money gone in malaysia. Ask mahathir, daim zainuddin and malaysia politician.

2021-05-03 10:03


"Why do I post articles about investment in the stock market?"
- Sorry uncle, this one I cannot give you a "like". Uncle has the record of promoting certain counter heavily but at the same time uncle disposing it and only inform uncle's readers month later. The most recent example, Supermax. I just can't see the integrity of it, maybe uncle could enlighten me with one blog post explaining why uncle do so one day?

Answer : Yeah, Grandpa Koon has fantastic track record on this grey area!

2021-05-03 10:06


GIC Singaporean sovereign wealth fund's assets at US$488 billion .Can anybody tell me malaysia Sovereign wealth fund . How much malaysia sovereign wealth fund assets

2021-05-03 10:18


wiserdude: if you are here long enough since Mudajaya, Jayatiasa days, there are even more examples to quote.

2021-05-03 14:42


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-03 15:06


Sure must have smelling something

2021-05-03 18:04


I know a lot of people blame uncle when the stock go against them, but I must say I made some money, not much but enough to pay for my children’s school fees. As long as you don’t follow blindly, you will make some out of it. Thank you uncle Koon.

2021-05-05 13:10

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