Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Seniors have weak leg muscles & how to improve them? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021, 03:58 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

I am 88 years old. About 7 months ago, I torn my left Achilles tendon and twisted my right knee 3 times. As a result, I have consulted an orthopaedic surgeon 3 times in the last 7 months. I have another appointment to see the orthopaedic surgeon next week. I have been using a wheelchair frequently.

Many a time, I thought I was going to die soon. Fortunately, I have a good caring wife. She constantly encourages me to struggle on. She told me that if I don’t walk, I will surely die soon.

Common sense tells me that if I do not use my leg muscles, I will not be able to walk eventually.

I did some research and I found this useful article which I would like to share with you. If you are still young, you may like to forward it to your old parents and friends.

Are you a senior who has lost some mobility due to having leg muscle weakness in one or both legs? Maybe you’ve had a fall or two because you’ve been experiencing weak leg muscles?

Weak legs are a common problem in seniors because we lose muscle mass as we get older. As we age, we tend to become less active, and this causes a reduction in our muscle strength.

While some physical conditions can cause leg weakness, chances are, your weak leg muscles are part of the aging process. But don’t fret, there may be some things you can do to improve the strength in your legs and help you become more active.

Understanding muscle weakness symptoms

Let’s talk about the role that muscles play in your legs and throughout your body. Your body has around 600 or so muscles consisting of three types of muscles: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Muscles comprise 40% of your body weight.

Smooth muscles help aid in digestion, while cardiac muscles enable your heart to beat correctly. The muscles responsible for movement are skeletal muscles. When your body works right, you should be able to move your skeletal muscles at will, that is, whenever you want to.

While each muscle type has a specific purpose, the different muscle types work together to help your body function at its best. So, it’s possible that when there’s a problem with one type of muscle, it can affect other areas of your body.

Skeletal muscles give your body the power and strength it needs to move. When the skeletal muscles in your legs contract, they allow motion in your legs. The smaller muscles in your legs help you to rotate the joints in your legs and promote stability.

When your leg muscles don’t contract as they should, you may feel as though the muscles in your legs are weak. Some people say their legs feel like rubber or jelly when their leg strength is diminished. Weak leg muscles can make it difficult to walk or stand. Because you may not feel as stable, you may experience a fall.

One thing is sure. If your legs are weak, you may naturally feel vulnerable. Sometimes understanding the causes behind your leg weakness can help. Then, perhaps you can find ways to improve the weakness.

Chronic leg muscle weakness includes

As you get older and become less active, your body will undergo muscle loss. Studies show that adults age 50 and older lose 15% of their muscle strength each decade as they age. This can reduce your endurance to the point that you feel weaker in your legs.

When this happens, you may notice a reduction in your leg strength on a daily or chronic basis. Often, this is simply a part of the aging process. And, as you use your legs less, your leg muscles atrophy or shrink, making the weakness worse in the long run.

Some common health conditions contribute to this process of muscle loss.

A reduction in hormones

Declining hormones contribute to loss of muscle strength. 

Peripheral artery disease (PAD)

PAD causes poor circulation in your legs, which can restrict blood flow. If you have PAD, you could experience leg weakness, numbness, tingling, pain, color changes, or cramps. Your legs and feet may also feel colder than the rest of your body. You’re at a higher risk of getting PAD if you smoke.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

DVT is a common problem in aging seniors. It signals a blood clot deep within the leg, usually in the lower leg. The blood pools near the clot and doesn’t return to the heart as it should. DVT can be serious if the blood clot breaks off and travels to the heart or lungs. If you develop DVT, you would likely develop swelling and a cramping pain in your leg. The color of the skin near the clot could turn pale, red, or blue. The skin on your leg may also be warm to the touch. 


Diabetes is also common in seniors. While diabetes usually causes you to have high blood sugar, it can also diminish the circulation in your legs. This can cause you to have leg pain, cramping, or swelling. You might also develop neuropathy, which could make you lose feeling in your legs. The sugar swings could make you feel off-balance and dizzy. You may have an overall weak feeling that contributes you to moving less and less. 

Cardiovascular Disease

According to the American Heart Association, approximately 70% of seniors age 60 to 70 have cardiovascular disease. This causes narrowed or blocked arteries that can lead to a stroke or heart attack. A heart attack can cause chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath, or numbness and weakness in your arms or legs. If you have a stroke, you could have sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body, particularly in the face, arm, or leg. You might also have problems speaking or feel confused. Sudden problems walking or dizziness are also common with a stroke. 

Chronic heart failure

Chronic heart failure often happens in seniors. When the muscle of your heart doesn’t pump as well as it should, heart failure can result. High blood pressure and narrow arteries in your heart could weaken your heart. If you have heart failure, you might feel short of breath, fatigue easily, or have weakness. Your legs and abdomen may swell, and you may have a chronic cough or wheezing. You may also notice your heart fluttering or beating fast.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Both conditions can cause problems with gait and walking, as well as affect your balance. These can make you feel weak in the legs and increase the risk of a fall.

These conditions become more common as you get older. Very often, this results in a more sedentary lifestyle, which further worsens weak leg muscles and can increase muscle loss. Experts say the key is to keep moving as much as physically possible.

Preventing muscle loss and improving leg muscle fatigue

No matter what the cause of your muscle loss and leg weakness, it’s possible to slow down or reduce the amount of muscle your legs lose as you get older. This is an important consideration because if you have weak legs, you are more likely to have falls and injuries.

You’re also less likely to remain active, which can make the problem worse and create a cause and effect scenario.

Follow your physician’s advice in treating any health condition you may have. Then ask them about their recommendations for you staying as active as possible. If your doctor gives the green light to try some steps at home to prevent further muscle loss and improve your leg weakness, consider the following:

Avoid sitting too much

Though a health setback might limit your mobility, simply walking more around the house with the aid of a helper, walker, or cane can improve the circulation in your body and legs. You may lose muscle mass at a slower rate and improve or prevent further weakness in your legs. 

Look into strengthening exercises.

Ask your doctor about what types of activities you can do to strengthen your legs. Your doctor may refer you to physical therapy to slowly build your muscles back up. Once you feel as though your leg weakness is improved, it’s essential to continue to build your muscles back up and maintain your strengthening routine.

 Elevate your legs when sitting or lying down.

Your blood circulation slows when you sit and lay down. This can put more pressure on your legs and prevent important nutrients and oxygen from circulating. Ask your doctor about whether elevating your legs can help relieve the pressure and improve any weakness in your legs. This might be particularly beneficial if you have diabetes, PAD, or cardiovascular disease. 

Lifestyle factors:

Reducing or improving the factors that lead to chronic disease and a sedentary lifestyle can help you live your best life.

  • If you smoke, try to stop smoking.
  • Ask your doctor if reducing your salt intake can help you lower high blood pressure or minimize excess fluid in your body.
  • Keep sugar levels at healthy levels to prevent the onset of diabetes or to prevent complications if you already have diabetes.
  • Look for ways to boost circulation in your legs to help prevent or improve weak leg muscles. If you find it difficult to be active enough to promote circulation in your legs, ask your doctor if it’s okay to try a product that can stimulate your leg muscles for you.

Final thoughts

While some degree of leg muscle loss is expected as you get older, there are ways to minimize it. It’s vital to do so because it could lead to more weakness in your legs. Weak legs can affect your entire well-being and your ability to remain mobile.

If you already suffer from weak leg muscles, ask your doctor about any pre-existing health condition that can be contributing to your leg weakness. Follow your doctor’s advice and ask him or her about self-help measures you can take to improve any weakness.

Remember that sudden leg weakness can be a warning sign, and you should seek an immediate evaluation if it happens.


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Seniors have weak leg muscles & how to improve them? By Koon Yew Yin

Uncle, write more articles like this. Good for all of us here to read. Thanks

2021-07-31 10:20


buy more hiaptek shares can improve leg muscles to become steel.

2021-07-31 10:32


King Saul is the father-in-law of King David. Michal married to King David. She told the soldiers that her husband was not available when the soldiers were instructed by King Saul to capture him at his house.

While King David was on the run from the King Saul and hiding from cave to cave, he had an close encounter where he can kill King Saul. However, he chose not to kill King Saul but only cut a small portion of his clothes and to show he had spared his life and he can not kill the father of his wife. But the advisers did not believe and telling King Saul that King David must have killed him if given the slightest chance. This act of goodwill was returned with many blessings for King David. He replaced King Saul.

King David bought the Land but Hashem told him that he can not build the Temple because he had blood in his hands as he was a warrior and fighter in the wars. Therefore, prophet Samuel told him that his son, Solomon will be supposed to build the Temple.

At the age of 70, when King David passed away (Adam died at the age of 930, and add 70 = 1,000 years),he felt very cold despite multiple layers of clothes were wrapped to his body. Accordingly, according to the sages, it is a "pay back" because he removed a part of the clothes of King Saul.

2021-07-31 18:03

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

You need a period of rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Talk to your doctor about engaging a knowledgeable personal trainer to build up your muscle strength and walking.

2021-07-31 18:09


kyy, thanks very much for your advice. U indeed got a good heart for all of us here. May I wish U long, healthy, wealthy n hapi life.

2021-07-31 22:14


How about MNRB? Long time you left me trapped in this stock.

2021-08-01 13:31


Post removed.Why?

2021-08-01 13:49


MNRB ... the longer we got trapped, the more moni we shall make !!!

2021-08-01 13:54


Person 1 : You know why I am rich?
I went to university, I associated with the stockbrokers big time, am a highly qualified, invested heavily, worked long hours, analyzed the fancy charts day & night, with my own ability...

Person 2: You know why I am rich?

I am the belittled guy in the classroom/loser, not so smart but humble guy, one day the Creator sent one friend & gave me one idea and I invested in the products/companies, now if God not pleased with anyone, how far he can go is all in the hand God...our sustenance/parnassah is all determined by Him.

2021-08-01 15:49


What about for those whose personal faith belief system does not include a divine being

2021-08-01 15:57


From what I understand, Buddhism for example does not have such a divine being

2021-08-01 15:58


There are many hundreds type of religions. Mostly, their founders would have claimed that he/she alone had the encounter with god/angel before launching the movements...some have failed while some managed to continue until today.

Is all 50/50 possibility. Like my word is against your word. Did he/she meet the angel/god? It is a 50/50 answer. It can be YES or NO. Not even a second witness unlike at Mt Sinai where Moses received the Commandments from God that witnessed by millions of people on that day even in the day time.

Only Moses alone had the privilege to have communicated with God face to face while all the other prophets received messages in their dreams/visions. This is exemplary.

A prophet means he brought up the/some prophesies (from God) during his life time and those happenings/events had come to pass and some will come in the future. If there is no prophesies in their book, that person can not be called as prophet, God (the Creator) had instructed.

Also, If the person is just saying what other prophets have mentioned before, he is not a prophet.

2021-08-01 16:57

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