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hektar购入5间mahkota parade店铺

Publish date: Wed, 08 Jul 2015, 08:40 AM
all about malaysia, singapore reits

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uncle jim曾经在旧文hektar 31/3/2015 quarter report,稳定向上透露,hektar(5121,MYREIT)买入5间mahkota parade店铺,分别是:

  1. Lot G59 at Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre for the purchase price of RM 1,342,480.00;
  2. Lot G60 at Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre for the purchase price of RM 1,737,560.00;
  3. Lot G39 at Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre for the purchase price of RM 4,211,070.00;
  4. Lot G69 at Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre for the purchase price of RM 4,474,800.00;
  5. Lot G12 at Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre for the purchase price of RM 3,554,100.00;
  6. Lot G05 at Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre for the purchase price of RM 3,200,000.00

而uncle jim昨天碰巧在mahkota parade,为大家一一解剖吧:

  1. Lot G59 – 从购入价RM 1,342,480.00来看,就懂这不是最好的单位,其实他是位于parkson的出口,atm machine section前的一个小单位,目前是电话用品店,图片中的顾客正在排队领钱,看图下:IMG_20150707_45236
  2. Lot G60就位于Lot 59旁啊,可是它是corner lot,所以收购价比Lot 59高,目前是手表店:IMG_20150707_43461
  3. Lot G39是中间单位,虽然面向center court,可是微微里面了一些,目前是darling服装店:IMG_20150707_42885
  4. Lot G69是正正面向center court的corner unit,大门进来必定看到,黄金地点,所以收购价也高,是该次收购单位中最高,目前是darling鞋店:IMG_20150707_45806
  5. Lot G12是中间店铺,大门进来的第一排店铺,目前是tomei珠宝:IMG_20150707_41731
  6. Lot G05与tomei同一列,目前正空置:


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How much is the monthly rental gonne be? just curious,

2015-07-09 04:46

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