WE ARE ALL DOOM ... onli those who keep CA$$H will survive.

Publish date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014, 10:23 AM
0 57

Fact 1 : world productivities for the past 12 months is NEGATIVE. 

U know wat negative mean or not ?

If u are lazy, onli sleep and eat but no go to work .. your productivity is zero. We can say u are useless, tarak guna, bodoh, lemboo ... But negative mean, u NOT onli NOT go to work, but u go and destroy things like killing useful people, go kill the lemboo, go steal or burn other people properties ... got my picture now ? And these will translate into LOSS ... LOSS ... LOSS for everi one. LOSS mean we ... the investor, the market players will be DOOOOOOOOM !!!! Unless of course we stop investing ... until all those cilakak dies or at least stop their destruction. Then we still need to wait for those not cilakak to start working again ... and we still  need to wait a bit longer for those working to SAVE more money ... and then maybe we can invest again. 

Evidence 1 :

oil price drop, palm oil drop, all commodities also drop.

Some said price drop due to over supply not reduce demand, .. how do they know ? NO ... they do not KNOW .. because they got stuck in stock and now simply make up stori to console and try to calm their panic self ... by tipu own self ? cina said sindili ciakap sindili song. For how long lar u can cheat your own self ?

Come i show u some data. Take palm oil.

Palm oil stock is goin up ... but first u all know wat is palm oil "stock" or not ?

If u make 10 cakes ... u sell 9 and keep 1 in fridge (because nobodi buy yet) .. the 1 in in fridge is your STOCK okay.

If tomolo u make another 10 cakes ... and i check the fridge, u got 2 cakes ... we know demand still 9 cakes per day .. correct boh ?

If tomolo u make 8 cakes ... and your fridge now got 8 cakes ... wat does this tell us ? 

IT TELL US U ARE GOIN BANCRUPT SOOON LAR  !! U goin bancrupt mean your worker also go bancrupt lar. U and worker goin bancrupt ... then WHO goin to buy flour sugar, milk from flour sugar milk producer ? Lemboo go buy aaaa ? No right ? Meaning flour sugar milk producer also die lar. 

Now, u all go check palm oil stock ? Increase or not ? u counter check with export ? Decrease or not ?

If Palm oil price drop, can Crude oil price go up ? If Crude oil cannot go up, can alm oil go up ? If crude oil, palm oil cannot go up, soy bean, peanut bean, mister bean can go up or not ?

PRice go down is the RESULT of we are all alredi DOOOOOOOM !! 

And of course some say price drop is good .... ONLI IF EVERI ONE COME TO THEIR SENSE to stop destroying things, and start producing things !! U see these happening alredi or not ? U see these Goin to happen tomolo ... next month, next year or not ? NO RIGHT ? 

Some say if we are doom ... then keeping cash also will doom. REALLLLLLY ? u reallli believe those fakkers say meh ? U go back to histori of depression, recession, crash-cession ... onli those with CA$$H SURVIVE LAR !! 



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Another piece of fear mongering news!


If really so bad, then you better send all your monies to Singapore & also migrate to somewhere else.

See in Year 2002 the Argentina Govt Froze All Bank Accounts & and gave IOU Slips to all depositors.

All can only withdraw $1,000 per month for personal expenses.

So Cash in Bank is the last place to put your money.

2014-12-11 15:14


then why u claim u currently hold 95% CASH ?

2014-12-11 15:23


Ah long don't keep cash in Bank for example. But I am not Ah Long.

What I do is Top Secret

2014-12-11 15:24

Nancy Tang

Hit the nail right on the head , ha!ha!

2014-12-11 15:25


so .. u hold cash 95% OR NOT ? YES .. no? NO ... yes ? HAHAHAHAH ... u say cannot tell ... but u still tell. Next time if cannot tell .. dun tell LIE mar. nobodi ask u leh ... u volunteer telling u hold cash 95% ... then now top secret plak ? kekekekek ... just retract and apologise mar.

2014-12-11 15:27


we are here to tok share investment mar ... buy, hold, or cabut are all related mar. If u wan to tok kok about your personal business .. than dun lar compare it with leno share investment return lor. U wan to compare personal business than compare it with leno personal business return mar ... than fair lor. u think your personal business can beat leno personal business or not ? HAHAHAHAHAHAH ... sure cannot one ... because ... leno ... alreadi ... retired for 4 years.

2014-12-11 15:31


Same here lah.

I already retired in year 2008.

2014-12-11 15:33


Leno. I bet put warrant since you are cocksure market going to doom. wakaka

2014-12-11 15:34


Bet put warrant also can die if market dooms after its expiring date.

2014-12-11 15:39


aaaa ... realli aah calvin ? i tot i saw u put up advertisement in newspaper selling something leh .. hmmm ... let me check ... 2010. ... aik ? is tis wat we call ... back to the future ?

2014-12-11 15:40


Nancy Tang, your friend always tok kok and tell fairy tales to shiok sendiri only.......hahaha.

2014-12-11 15:42


up down ... leno no bet in put warrant because outside leno efficiency mar. leno is Too lazy and too busy with hobbies mar.

2014-12-11 15:42


That's the risk that I am willing to take. No harm taking a small portion of profit to place on the table.

2014-12-11 15:43


wait a minute ... i also find another advertisement in some blog ... dated december 2013 ... KAKAKAKAKAK ... u wan leno to re-paste your advertisement here or not ?

2014-12-11 15:45


leno the most panlai.....hahaha
Give you a big LIKE.....:))

2014-12-11 15:47


why suddenly so quiet calvin ? is tis wat english people call "a cat caught your tongue" right ? KAKAKAKAKAK KEKEKEKEKEKEK KIKIKIKIKIKIK KUKUKUKUKUKUKU

2014-12-11 15:54


Leno calling Calvin?

I am looking to deploy 95% Cash now.

As Mr. Market is Now GRIPPED BY OVERPOWERING FEAR Calvin is looking at many counters to enter. See you later.

2014-12-11 15:57



I bought cheap from Trembling Mr. Market today.


2014-12-11 17:10


Bought 8 lots of MPCORP ??

Wah......Bought SO MUCH.........

2014-12-11 17:15


No lah!

Not MP Corp

Guess again?

2014-12-11 17:16


Post removed.Why?

2014-12-11 17:22


Thailand....not an oil exporting country, today also dropped this the start of 1997/1998.........??

2014-12-11 17:30


No lah,

Collapse. has to start with the US first this round. And they still have QE4 to QE99 up their slieve. So this this only a deep correction and not a crash.

Act now and pick up bargains everywhere now in Bursa.

We must be greedy when Mr. Market is fearfully selling like no tomorrow.

2014-12-11 18:09

Fam Jenny

Those good counters which have corrected 60%,can start to accumulate.

2014-12-11 18:34


Tough calls for everyone - those with shares and those with cash.

2014-12-11 19:38


Fam Jenny is correct for 3 reasons

1) Bollinger band effect. It should rebound some.

2) Dead cat bounce theory. If a cat falls from a 30 storey building. Even if it died it should still bounce up a few feet.

3) The capricorn effect. Market always down in year end. And rebound in an emerging a New Year.

The Bible also mention this. Will give exposition later on this interesting subject

2014-12-11 19:55


Leno was right for calling market crash in October! You dont try to out argue just for sake of winning an argument alone! Accept that bursa has crash! So what should we do from here! Or is bursa still on course toward north! With oil price yet to find bottom, it is wise to hold on cash!

2014-12-11 19:59


when market drops....all sort of grandma stories....have some brains n please don't cause more headache to us...

2014-12-11 20:02


fortunebullz, are u related or whatsoever with Leno...'cos I noticed that u always praised him? ( no hard feelings, please)

2014-12-11 20:27


Beside cat and bull share 4 legged traits, i dont think we are animally related! But maybe we are the same person with different id! Wink wink!

2014-12-11 20:33


Beside cat and bull share 4 legged traits, i dont think we are animally related! But maybe we are the same person with different id! Wink wink!

2014-12-11 20:33

Nancy Tang

Like your postings leno ... informative & entertaining ha!ha!

2014-12-11 20:54

Lewis Lee

This is what I learn from Leno :-
1. "Be more greedy when others are greedy,
Be more fearful when others are fearful !"

2. "Rule No.1 :- always lose your money.
Rule No.2 :- always repeat Rule No.1 "


2014-12-12 17:21


oil going down.. this is not good for the market simple.. this time its different.. US is the largest oil producer now.. SHALE OIL.. new game.. this time all its hard for malaysia and the markets.. first all the markets will react then only the ones not dependent on oil will go up.. the rest will keep going down for a long time to come.. malaysia headed into recession.. nothing to do with US>..

2014-12-12 17:28


oil and gas first then palm oil then banks then contructions.. there is no where to hide.. all related in malaysia.. keeping cash cant help u.. useless... unless u have the guts to buy at the right time which most retail investors dont have.. so dont keep cash.. buy solid stocks that are safe from all this.. HLBANK is one of them.... there are a few more... i wont name them here.. sorry LOLX

2014-12-12 17:31


SELL and RUN at least u will be able to sleep at night.. LOLzz..and when the market is a few hundred points down from here u can look and laugh at those who did not sell.. my advice.. forget about the US bailing the world out this time..

2014-12-12 17:32


Leno rules:

Rule no. 1. Protect capital ( BCCA )
Rule no. 2. Don't forget rule no. 1.

2014-12-12 17:35


Managed to sell 50% of my shares. Thinking of selling another 40%. Should hv sold sooner. But i worry i made the same mistake like during 2009.
Sakit hati.

2014-12-12 17:36



2014-12-12 17:38


Sell fast fast die fast fast hidup pun cepat.

2014-12-12 17:40


Five years ago, when oil price hit USD42 help many companies because lower oil price always good for economy.

2014-12-12 17:54


Yes. Last time oil price went up to 100. Share market shake. Now oil drop share market also shake. What the. Put warrant is a good choise now.

2014-12-12 17:59


Last 5 years, when oil went to USD110, the market crashed. And the oil price followed and felt below USD40, and not long the global market recovery.

Why now terbalik? Isn't when the oil price go down is better for all of us? At least many countries are buying cheap petrol.

2014-12-12 18:04

Raymond Tiruchelvam

in economics.... recession and inflation is easily explained, as in decrease in aggregate demand and increase in aggregate demand... but when aggregate supply changes (supply shocks), thats when havoc happens.... as in now, an decrease in aggregate supply (ie. increase in wages, or sharp increase in input prices) this we call as stagflation.... but today we have decrease in energy price, therefore aggregate supply curve shifts right.... for this there is little remedy, but for aggregate demand to retreat in order to reduce prices further, and bring market to equilibrium... but will the world leaders see this and make the right adjustments is yet to be seen

2014-12-13 05:01


If pantai cat so smart it should advice us to buy USD, but not keeping RM.

2014-12-13 08:58

mr x

ha ha bbbbbbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc cccccccccccccc aaaaaaaa, faking economies play second to faking wife lolo kikikikikiki

2014-12-13 11:15


Many miss the point! The current panic in oil is clear! Saudia want to kill off competitors! And US want to attack Russia! And hedge funds more than happy to create havoc! So just sit tight and wait for the cat to give you the buy calls!

2014-12-13 11:18

Nancy Tang

Yeah ... fully agreed there's more turbulence ahead for the market ... cash is really king !!! Will commit only when there's a clear buy signal from Leno !!!

2014-12-13 13:01

Fam Jenny

The huge fall in dowjones is not due to oil but their parliament delays the approval of their budget approval of US1.1 trillion.Now everyone is eying at that approval.
There is no recession but a correction worldwide only.
Regarding Malaysia we have US137billion oil reserve money bcos for the past 2 years we make a lot of money from the increase in oil price and will not be in recession.So we are not so broke.
Buy when USA budget is approved.Meanwhile there will be margin call by some banks but a lot was done earlier.

2014-12-13 15:58


You got a strong point here-Jenny
the US parliament delaying approval of US 1.1 trillion budget
probably trigger off D No Confidence element

have you forgotten the US Parliament Shut Down in the last/previous year ?
Miss Dowjones also dancing UP...&...DOWN

2014-12-13 23:05

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