Selamat pagi semua,
Nama saya Philip. Saya ingin memohon ribuan maaf kerana sudah lama tidak bertutur dalam bahasa melayu, diharapkan mendapat keizinan untuk menulis blog ini dalam bahasa melayu+english.
Dalam fikiran saya, masalah utama penduduk B40 dan M20 Malaysia ialah walaupun penduduk Malaysia ialah 75% orang Melayu, namun sedemikian kebanyakan karangan dan risalah untuk mendapatkan kehidupan bebas hutang dan kemiskinan adalah dalam bahasia english dan Cina. Harapan saya ialah, tulisan ini dapat membantu golongan tersebut untuk mencari kehidupan yang lebih selesa dan bebas yang rasional.
Untuk maklumat semua, ini ialah portfolio saya yang tertera dalam website i3investor selama 3 tahun ini, secara live dan setiap pembelian dan penjualan dikira dan dimasukkan dalam rekod.
Dalam jangkamasa ini, jelas terlihat bahawa semasa dunia terjunam kesusahan COVID dan CRYPTO dan TECH crash, portfolio saya semakin menambah dan membesar. Dilihat dari transaction group dan wealth creation:
boleh terlihat bahawa CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) yang dikira dari januari 2019 sehingga jun 2022, keuntungan semakin menambah sebanyak 25% setahun.
Kiraan ini sangat penting untuk menjawab soalan dalam blog ini: KENAPA CINA KAYA?
Kepada orang yang tahu tentang "investment methodology" saya sangat berminat dengan konsep Mental Model. Kenapa? Ini adalaha kerana model pemikiran ini menjadi tabiat automatik untuk membuat keputusan harian dan pelaburan. Secara lazim, jika kita berfikiran secara perkauman, secara umum pemikiran orang Cina adalah lebih budaya perniagaan, maka keluarga akan lebih mementingkan pendidikan, matematik, dan mengharapkan anak menjadi doktor/engineer/lawyer. Secara umum pemikiran orang Melayu adalah lebih budaya agama dan persefahaman, maka keluarga akan mementingkan agama, tolong menolong, dan mengutamakan kesenian, budi bicara dan mengharapkan anak menjadi insan tanpa paksa.
Tiada salah dari pemikiran ini, tetapi dari segi ekonomi, banyak hukum utama yang penting terbelangkai, dan banyak prinsip penting disalah fahami.
SALAH FAHAM NO 1. Pinjam duit tidak bagus. Hutang duit tidak bagus. Tamak tidak bagus. Terlampau banyak duit tidak bagus.
Di dalam tulisan Quran (2:177) kitab mengajar kita untuk tidak mengejar kekayaan, dan patut menolong orang yang memerlukan bantuan dan membahagi kekayaan kita untuk membebaskan hamba, menolong orang yang miskin, dan membantu semua yang memerlukan. Ini ialah prinsip yang sangat bagus, dan dalam dunia yang ideal ialah mental model yang patut kita bertindak. Tetapi, terlampau banyak orang yang menyalahgunakan prinsip ini untuk menipu niat bagus orang melayu. Disebabkan ada mental model ini yang ajaran Islam tidak membenarkan orang menyalahgunakan agama untuk menipu duit, kebanyakan orang melayu tidak ada pengajaran yang cukup untuk melihat dan memahami skim penipuan yang menjadi makin rumit. Dengan kata lain, orang Melayu terlampau baik sehingga senang ditipu.
Dalam bahagian ini ada banyak yang boleh dipelajari dari kaum Cina. Secara ringkas, kaum Cina disebabkan peperangan dan pergaduhan negara, mereka menubuhkan puak yang boleh mengumpul dan meminjam duit untuk memajukan perniagaan dan kerja supaya kentungan nanti boleh dipulangkan kepada pokok puak nanti. Disebabkan konsep puak ini yang tidak dilindungi agama, orang Cina lebih kurang budaya percaya satu sama lain, dan lebih percaya kepada perjanjian di antara orang daripada perjanjian orang dengan agama. Keburukan prinsip ini ialah kurang persefahaman dan tatasusila antara orang, kebaikannya ialah kes penipuan lebih susah berlaku dan lebih senang dikesan.
1. Duit secara lazim bukannya bagus atau jahat, tertapi penggunaan duit itu akan menjadikan seorang itu jahat dan tamak atau bagus. Hutang juga tidak semestinya bagus atau jahat, tetapi penggunaan hutang yang bagus adalah beza syarikat seperti Serba Dinamik dan Yinson. Pinjaman untuk mengembang syarikat dan menambah kapasiti OK, pinjaman untuk membeli ferrari dan kapal terbak tidak OK.
2. Ada banyak duit tidak salah atau hal yang memalukan, sebaliknya kita perlu faham sumber wang itu, dan cara pengunaan. Orang yang pandai berniaga dan pandai menggunakan perniagaan untuk menolong orang lain (menambah kerja yang gaji stabil dan tinggi) adalah orang yang patut kita menjadikan idola dan bukan orang yang kita mengecam dan maki. Jangan mejadi ketam dalam air panas menekan yang lain daripada menjejak pentas yang baru. Isu yang paling penting ialah ini: Sebelum kita boleh menolong orang lain, kita perlu mendapat KEBOLEHAN membantu diri sendiri dulu.
3. Tamak tidak bagus, tetapi kekurangan duit juga merupakan dorongan utama untuk individu membuat pilihan pemikiran masa pendek.Masalah utama menjadi miskin bukan malas atau bodoh, tetapi kekurangan pilihan. Fikirkanlah, disebabkan miskin terpaksa beli kasut kerja murah RM25 yang boleh tahan 1 tahun, atau membeli kasut kerja yang berkualiti rm150 yang boleh tahan 10 tahun. Konsep ini pun boleh diasingkan kepada peningkatan diri, pergi sekolah ambil sijil ijaza RM100K tetapi dapat kerja sebulan RM3500, atau terus bekerja lepas SPM, gaji RM800 dan kurang peluang baru.
Mengikut perancangan keluarga, bapa yang latar belakang petani faham itu kesusahan hidup, dan keinginan untuk memberikan kehidupan yang lebih bagus kepada anak menyebabkan bapa kerja dengan lebih kuat agar masa depan cerah. Generasi kedua, anak yang faham kesusahan bapa, ingin menolong bapa dan anak dan menarik keluarga ke masa depan dengan belajar bagus untuk mejadi peniaga atau insan. Dan setiap generasi seterusnya membuat perancangan yang bagus untuk membawa kekayaan dan keselesaan keluarga.
Tetapi, kenapa 75% golongan rakyat malaysia MISKIN?
Seperti yang dikatakan: KEKURANGAN PILIHAN. Kalau cukup pilihan iaitu:
1. Cukup masa melabur
2. Cukup duit bertahan 12 bulan
3. Cukup pendidikan untuk membuat pilihan
4. Cukup kawan-kawan yang boleh membimbing dan membantu
Saya rasa setiap orang di malaysia boleh MEMBANTERAS KEMISKINAN. Jadi, macam mana untuk menambah pilihan? Kita bermula dulu dengan pendidikan.
Baseline BENCHMARK untuk pelaburan.
Secara lazimnya, jika melabur secara defensif yang tiada risiko, menambahkan pelaburan di dalam EPF selama 17 tahun kita akan mendapat 6% setahun (ZERO RISK RATE), dan jika melabur dalam SP500 kita akan mendapat sekitar 10% setahun (ZERO RISK RATE) selama 70 tahun. Jika kita bermula dengan 10 ribu, dan setiap bulan kita simpan 500 di EPF, keuntungan tanpa peluang rugi ialah sebanyak:
Inilah kekuatan perancangan masa panjang. dan jika kita lihat selepas masa ini tiada lagi penambahan kewangan,
dari permulaan 10,000, setiap bulan tambah 500, kerja untuk 17 tahun. Selepas umur 37, tidak payah lagi menambah duit, cuma biarkan duit mencari duit:
Selepas umur 55 tahun, dengan cara hidup yang tidak payah membuat pilihan susah, dapat mengumpul 528 ribu, dan mendapat riba 6% setiap tahun atau 30 ribu setahun atau 2500 sebulan untuk dijadikan duit penggunaan persaraan.
Ini ialah konsep yang mudah, cukup masa dan cukup pendidikan, tidak payah membuat pilihan susah atau mendapati kerugian besar. Nak jadi kaya, senang aje, jangan rugi.
Keuntungan 2% sehari. simpan 1000, lepas 3 bulan dapat 3000.
FOREX trading seminar (nampak gambar saya di dalam?)
Soalan pertama yang perlu ditanya ialah: boleh tunjukkan portfolio and trading record? Berapa banyak trading growth? berapa banyak duit yang dimasukkan? Berapa CAGR? Dalan zanab socmed kini, banyak yang membuat selfie dan menunjukkan kelas yang penuh, tetapi yang menjadi kenyataan ialah kelas penuh lebih kepada daya tarikan dan marketing guru, yang tiada kaitan dengan kebolehan untuk membesarkan portfolio. Walaupun saya sangat berminat menghadiri kelas kelas "self improvement" seperti ini setiap tahun, prinsip continous learning sangat penting (tidak semestinya lepas dapat ijaza dan master tak payah lagi belajar, boleh terus belajar seumur hidup), tetapi setiap kaedah pembelajaran perlu ada benchmark atau "RESULTS ORIENTED".
Naik kelas trading, tetapi tidak ada result, salah guru ke salah pelajar? Dengan kata lain, kalau nak jadi success, nak jadi kaya, kita perlu fikirkan konsep yang senang ini:
Dengan kata lain, work hard, work smart.
Seperti dikatakan, kita perlu fikirkan cara yang paling efective untuk mendapat keuntungan. Setiap urus niaga kita harus menilai 3 asas ini, BUKAN SAHAJA DILIHAT DARI SEGI MASA DAN KEUNTUNGAN BESAR.
Sebagai contoh: guna 1000, dalam 2 minggu dapat 2000. Bagus tak? memang bagus. Tetapi golongan ramai cuma tutup mata dan menilai dari segi keuntungan 2x dalam masa 14 hari. Tetapi, jila kita melihat dari 3 asas:
1 - risikonya, kalau ambil 100 urus niaga seperti ini, jangkamasa yang panjang, kadar kerugian 90/100 (kes penyelewangan yang tidak ada agreement yang sah. risiko sangat tinggi.
2. - usaha yang diperlukan untuk memahami dan copy urus niaga yang sama adalah sangat besar, sehingga menjadi masalah sekiranya partner lari/hilang/mati. Katakan kita nak buka restoran, kita letak duit jadi silent investor, sekiranya partner yang menjalankan perniagaan hilang, berapa banyak usaha yang diperlukan untuk menjayakan perniagaan ini nanti. Ini adalah semua masalah real world yang sangat besar (itulah disebabkan 80% usaha F&B tutup lepas 5 tahun). Golongan kaya biasanya akan cuba mengurangkan risiko ini dengan membeli sistem atau franchise yang memerlukan minimum effort for success. Tetapi kos tinggi juga la, McDOnald franchise yang dibeli oleh jiran sebelah sekarang berharga lebih dari 2 juta RM (tetapi minimum effort to risk ratio yang berbaloi). Bak kata pepatah, Good things are rarely cheap, Cheap things are rarely good.
3 - masa adalah isu terbesar sebab dalam era sekarang yang penuh socmed, setiap individu terjunam dalam hidup hutang kerana dalam facebook dan instagram kawan kawan semua ada kererta mewah, rumah mewah, kaya dan gembira dalam umur yang muda. Ini ialah konsep yang salah. Dalam agama Islam kita diajar untuk tidak gila kekayaan dan mengejar kesenangan masa pendek. Memang betul, tetapi hidup yang stabil dan boleh membawa perkembangan negara dan masa depan keluarga juga memerlukan kekayaan minima, atau "middle class income". Ini ialah konsep hidup yang menjadi dorongan kerja harian saya sehingga kini. Saya bukan nak jadi kaya, saya cuma tak nak jadi orang miskin. Bezanya, jika kita ada prinsip hidup yang bagus, ada mental model yang kuat, cara hidup dan kerja seharian yang berulang akan secara automatik menjadikan kita sebagai orang yang kaya. Yang penting: perlu ada programming minda yang kuat, MENTAL MODEL yang kuat. Asal kurang buat benda yang bodoh, suatu hari nanti akan nampak cahaya di akhir terowong. Masa adalah satu aset yang sangat penting, tetapi ia juga satu aset yang perlu digunakan dengan cara yang betul. Many things in life cannot be rushed. Seperti juga kita tidak patut satu kali pakai semua duit untuk membuat investment, kita juga perlu menggunakan masa yang terhad ini untuk TRY. REVIEW. MEDITATE. IMPROVE. TRY AGAIN. Ini ialah mantra yang sama dengan continuous learning, continuous improvement. Tidak peduli trading, long term investment, beli rumah, cari kerja, yang paling penting perlu menggunakan masa untuk improve quality of life.
Jadi dalam kata lain,
Lesson 1. Don't take unnecessary risk (Dont lose money).
Lesson 2. Refer to lesson 1.
Created by Philip ( buy what you understand) | Dec 07, 2022
Created by Philip ( buy what you understand) | Mar 02, 2020
Created by Philip ( buy what you understand) | Jun 30, 2019
Created by Philip ( buy what you understand) | May 20, 2019
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Mengapa Malaysia miskin?
2022-06-05 10:12
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Miskin bukan kerana sifat malas, sifat tamak: tetapi "scarcity mentality". kekurangan wang membuatkan individu buat kerja bodoh.
2022-06-05 10:15
Boleh miskin $$, tapi kaya dari segi budi dari segi akhlak. Ramai ahli politik dah kaya raya tapi masih makan duit betul? halal ke?
2022-06-05 10:51
You can have big family when you get rich, not the other way round; as being practiced right now. History is well documented on this wealth creation..
2022-06-05 11:31
Philip ( buy what you understand)
Very true, but mental models are very important also to understand why.
Kenapa ahli politik makan duit? Mereka pun takut juga kena tangkap sprm, kena ini Dan itu. But why do they still do it?
This is simply because politics is a business. The architecture is such that in Malaysia one must "pay" and contribute to become yb, minister, pm etc. Your ability to convince grassroots to help you, to get other politicians to support you comes down to your ability to work with business people to get results aka money back into the pool and give back to your supporters. That is the problem with politics in Malaysia. Until we find politicians who can show ability to lead first (then money), we will forever require that politician give money first ( then lead)
Posted by chinaman > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Boleh miskin $$, tapi kaya dari segi budi dari segi akhlak. Ramai ahli politik dah kaya raya tapi masih makan duit betul? halal ke?
2022-06-05 12:43
When South Africa got independence from white rulers in 1990 under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, his supporters, mainly African Tribes, demanded Reservations in education sector, govt sector & in private sector!*
Nelson Mandela replied that he will not allow any type of Reservations in any sector i.e. in education sector, in govt sector & in private sector at any cost, because Reservations & the products of Reservations will destroy the whole nation!*
The famous statement of Nelson Mandela is displayed at the entrance of the University of South Africa thus:*
"Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students."*
Patients die at the hands of such doctors.*
Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.*
Money is lost in the hands of such economists & accountants.*
Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars.*
Justice is lost at the hands of such judges...*
"The collapse of education is the collapse of a nation."*..
2022-06-05 12:47
Phillip! Kaddos for writing in Bahasa! I have new found respect for you! Anyway, i don't understand a thing since my bahasa is very poor! I had to translate using google!
Anyway, i do agree that been 'poor' is a mental issue! I see alot of malays that own huge track of lands but remain poor! Why! Because they don't know what to do with their lands! Some resort to sell their lands for quick buck! And like they say, give a monkey bunch of banana, they will eat it in a day! And eventually, the money they got form selling their lands, evaporate completely!
Then you have alot of chinese who can't own land due to their non malay status! They say, if you give a chinese a pot of soil, they will end up playing a hectare of vege on it!
2022-06-05 15:24
And there's alot a question of culture! Malays are used to praying 5 times a day! And they say, chinese are used to work 5 times a day! In short, olden chinese are hardcore workaholic! Many able to work 12 hours a day without breaking a sweat! Well, those were the olden days! And of course the other thing was MCA was a dominant force in Malaysia politics! Actually, decades ago, MCA was more powerful that Umno! So many of the mega projects were wallop by MCA while Umno was the dumbass in the house! MCA as race based party, wisely invest their gains into many chinese institutions! Today however, many of this institutions are on verge of dissapeearing! Today however, the Gen Z local chinese are not as hardworking and no longer have the luxury of getting fat projects from government!
The days of 'Kenapa cina kaya' are almost goner! The voice of local chinese also becoming mute in increasingly malaycentric society!
So it's good that some local chinese like SsLee and Phillip realise the importance of not been controversial admist scary changing Malaysia!
So brush out your bahasa! Indonesia will be huge in coming years! If Malaysia fails, you need bahasa to explore Indonesia market! Sorry! Indonesia won't tolerate whining of 2nd class citizens or UEC recognition! Either you speak their language or you won't get any business in Indonesia!
2022-06-05 15:32
Generalisation and stereotyping is a dangerous game. Some are deeply flawed arguments. I wonder why you have to use the offensive title "Kenapa Cina Kaya?" , when in each race, there are the rich, middle class and poor. Your title seems to suggest chinese equates rich, which is a lazy and poor simplification of the topic. This is bound to cause further division, unease and distrust among the races in this nation which is already fragile. If you have a morsel of thoughts on the unity of the country, stop making such innuendo which leads to further detriment in a fractured nation. Your article contains too many flawed and bias examples. There are plenty of amazing malay businessmen/women which you failed to mention. Even your example of buying a quality working shoes which can last 10 years is such a lazy reference. Which RM150 shoes can last 10 years ?
2022-06-05 16:58
this wrong narrative to justify perpetual NEP with Bumi affirmative policy. Many rich chinese already migrated overseas. only left poor salaryman chinese fighting for a living with migrants bangla,, indon, pinoy,
2022-06-05 18:04
Chinaman! The wealthy chinese already set up home based in Australia, Canada, US or EU!
The ones screaming and shouting 2nd class citizens and UEC recognition are living the great delusion! Because nowadays, majority malays already lost their tolerance and consider local chinese as outsiders!
Welcome to scary malaycentric era! And with Indonesia becoming major economy a decade or so, Malaysia will see more and more indos here! Basically malay will accept themselves part of Indonesia!
Tell me, would local chinese still be relevant! After 15 years without local chinese participation in Putrajaya, we are risk becoming voiceless!
2022-06-05 18:59
The only reason why an Indonesia company employ me as GM is because of my technical knowhow and ability in 3 languages which allowed me to communicate with key technology suppliers and customers.
So if you want to do international trade English and Chinese are the language of international trade.
2022-06-05 20:36
Hello uncle philip, u said Malay constitute 75% of Malaysia population, uunyiahboh? Apek lu google hoholai, lu xiao arr? Chinese 23%, India 7%, indigenous Borneo 16%, Malay 57%. Apa itu 75% ur head.
2022-06-07 08:26
Politician in Malaysia always fond of using this phrase "Cina Kaya" espeacially Tun M and UMNO to potrait to the whole world that the Chinese do not need government assistance and Malay are potraited to be "poor" and need all the asistance from the government. Chinese communitee in Malaysia have been long enough intimidated, bully and sub-pressed by this unscrupulous politicians. Time for the Chinese in Malaysia to come together vote these racist Melayu politician out.
2022-06-07 10:19
Philip: Thanks for ur advice!-this is for B40,20++
its d first step in saving money.For Gen Y,X,Z who earn "cukup makan salary>Dont buy houses/condos,
its better to rent! in KL_Selangor which young man/woman can afford to buy a house/condo now? do u hv RM400k?
of course u can take a bank loan but u gotta work for d Bank Donkey years! Rent residence near ur work place so that
u guys dont face STRESS on d road...or better still go back to ur hometowns to find jobs if available-this way,u dont hv problems buying or renting a house!make sure u PAY to ur parents for living in d Family house/residence!
better to rent so u dont face any non payment of arrears to the banks!
2022-06-07 10:51
stop that nonsense
look at how malay raya this year, flexing their wealth with lambo convoy summore. did any other race did that?
2022-06-07 10:59
Kenapa orang Tionghua kaya?? (better use right label>"Orang Cina citizen of CHINA ok!)
Tionghua rakyat di Tanah Melayu & Borneo!Tionghua were rich since Colonial MALAYA
due to British policy of "Divide & Rule"! they gave lands to kaum Tionghua in towns-
KL,Seremban,Ipoh,Georgetown,JB,etc! Melayu live in kampungs-they were food
providers-nelayan,padi farmers,rubber tappers & Government servants/teachers!
Indiaputra mostly work as Railway workers,rubber tappers at big estates,or chettiars,doctors,lawyers!
Like Philip says d early China immigrants(pendatang)-Chinese who assimilate with Natives(Melayu),
"Singkek are hardworking-they work hard for their families!most were good in business-thats y
there is large number of Tionghua in all major cities-KL,JB,Ipoh,Seremban,Penang,Kuantan,etc.
since MERDEKA 57,All Non Melayu cannot be called pendatang-all are Citizens of MALAYA now
MALAYSIA! so whether u like it or not,all citizens will die on this Malay Peninsula/Borneo soil!
unless they want to migrate to US,Europe,TIMBUKTU,etc....
So guys Enjoy ur life in our beloved MALAYSIA!
2022-06-07 11:17
well u forgot to mention that the main reason malays are poor is because most malays are easily trapped when they believe politicians' propaganda who keep shouting out "undi parti saya untuk membela hak melayu", "ketuanan melayu" etc etc. it is true that voting these parties benefit the malays greatly. but most malays fail to realise that it is only the very small circle of malay cronies who benefit big time. just to give an example - when projects are given out, bumi companies owned by the cronies will get the project. then these cronies will subcon to another bumi company, then subcon again and again. in the end, yes....the malays benefit big, but how many malays? as long as most malays still believe the politicians, things will not improve. the worst fear of many bumi political parties is when the malays realise that only very few cronies benefit and stop believing those propaganda. but this is unlikely to happen in at least the next decade.
2022-06-07 13:04
“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”
Progress can only come about thro' hard work and being resilient.
2022-06-07 13:13
Posted by Tiger62 > Jun 7, 2022 10:19 AM | Report Abuse
Politician in Malaysia always fond of using this phrase "Cina Kaya" espeacially Tun M and UMNO to potrait to the whole world that the Chinese do not need government assistance and Malay are potraited to be "poor" and need all the asistance from the government. Chinese communitee in Malaysia have been long enough intimidated, bully and sub-pressed by this unscrupulous politicians. Time for the Chinese in Malaysia to come together vote these racist Melayu politician out.
Answer : Sure! But tell me, how come Harapan leaders brought back Mahathir! Say one thing but do another!
2022-06-07 14:56
the nation needs to progress as one.
when you start giving 'privileges' to the bulk of the nation (75%) whereas the other 25% have to fight for themselves, you know that the nation is going nowhere. take housing for instance - the discounts given should not be given to the BULK % of the nation. If u can afford to buy, buy it like everyone else instead of asking for a discount. If u can only afford to buy affordable homes, then make sure only those who buy are those who are qualified. Dont create another gap amongst those who can only afford affordable homes. If it was a RSKU or RUMAWIP, then let those in the income group go buy it, not open to others. For a luxury condominium in KL CBD area, why should one get a bumi discount when he is buying a PENTHOUSE unit?
bring back the GST. make it fair for everyone. Everyone pays a tax, whether you are making millions, or whether you are selling fried banana in a stall. That is only fair.
Dont make the top 20% of the country pay for the rest of the 80%.
2022-06-07 15:15
We thought Tun M is a changed man and we need him to kick out the kleptrocrat and corrupted BN government in GE14.
2022-06-07 15:21
SsLee! Harapan didn't need Bersatu to form government post GE14! Harapan actually had enough majority back then! Bersatu should have been minor alliance! But no! Harapan leaders made Mahathir PM!
Until today, the Lims still begging for Mahathir to return under so called big tent!
2022-06-07 15:24
For me 95% Chinese and a few Malay community decided to change government in GE14 was a risky move and that bring us to today chaos and political instability. Now the Malay community as a whole including those young generation have a huge responsibility to bring back the country to its former glory before GE14 and teach all those frog and political liar from PH so that the politician cannot simply lie to the people especially with their manifesto and so on just to get people vote. Bring them a direct message and i believe many voters in Sabah, Sarawak, Melaka and Johor are now showing this same sentiment.
2022-06-07 16:24
tobby, izoklse, so bring back zahid and najib for "stability"? change president to mat hasan or khairy also more reasonable. unfortunately, zahid and najib cannot let go or else masuk penjara.
2022-06-07 17:09
compare je. orang study kuat.. orang kerja kuat.. simpan duit kuat.. apa lagi mau. no kuku also can be minister.
2022-06-08 13:07
political actors very similar to job scammer...simply promise moon. now, Tengku promise myr10K per household to get votes. main cakap aja....
2022-06-08 16:30
Politicians are just scammers or crooks! This is the hard truth! They are not here to serve rakyat! Period!
How long should we the ordinary rakyat fight and get so angry with ourselves because of the mess our politicians have created!
For me, i won't bother to get angry with myself! All i want from government is clean and transparency! Rakyat centric and perform competently in economy! But then again, all this are fairy tales!
2022-06-08 16:59
Saya kehilangan semua simpanan hidup saya kerana penipuan mata wang kripto, dan saya membaca melalui google yang saya dapati ini (Pakar Pemulihan Dana Global)
kumpulan penyiasat yang mana mereka membantu saya mendapatkan kembali wang saya dan menangkap penipu ini adalah laman web mereka mungkin boleh membantu seseorang ( w w w. gfrexperts .com )
2022-09-04 05:47
This Philip way of training is not practical & effective, it emphasis talk more than do loh!
Listen to Raider lah!
Raider came from a B40 background & manage to come up & successful mah!
The formula is easy & Here is the idea loh!
1. U need to instil the desire to be successful, self confidence, determination and willing to work hard, in order to be successful. That means willing to work on 3 to 4 type of income revenue at one time loh!
Like working in a factory, Grab driver, Amway, zhulian & insurance distributors and say pasar malam or pasar pagi vendors during weekends n nite loh!
2. After u have earn reasonable good monies, u must not simply spend, u need save up & build a war chest of capital to enhance your wealth further loh!
Avoid need of buying expensive cars, motorcycles, lavish brands or splashing money or spending on kenduris loh!
3. For The Bumiputra, the best avenue for your savings & growth are Amanah Saham Bhd....this type of investment guarantee your capital from losses & give growth n dividend exceeding 8% pa for u for doing nothing loh!
Next u should consider low cost houses in good location that can give u rental yield of exceeding 8% pa loh! U may buy a few units of low cost units as long the rental yield far exceed your loan repayment which has interest rates of 4.5% pa loh!
In addition, should u have more capital & cash build up....pls do consider farmland loh....including cheap bumi & malay reserve it & rent it to the chinese & indians who are more efficient vegetable farmers & make sure get yield of 8% to 10% pa loh!
4. Be an Enterpreneur; By now u are famous among B40....among your list of contacts & friends....u should know which are the makciks can make best nasi lemak, nyonya kueh, Goreng kuahtiau, popiah, satays and tongyam....U setup a kedai kopi after u have secured all those successful makcik who are willing to join u loh! U can set aside 30% to 40% shares all these makciks to be your business partners loh! Setting a successful traditional coffee shop can help u to make rm 20k a month but the cost of this setup is less than Rm 150k per unit loh!
Make a point of expanding 1 coffee shop per year & u can draw on your business partner of makcik to manage these shops mah!
4. Integrate your amway & zhulian distributorships, Grab logistic business into your current chain of kedai kopi loh! But Chinese u set up illegal 4 ekor into your kopi chain loh!
By now u r already a millionaire....u can just scale up & keep expanding loh!
2022-09-04 13:10
Die can even bankcrupt with this learning.please everyone need to spend if earn medium or big.tq.
2022-09-04 17:52
It is not about races. Never ever put races into measure.
It's about the personality, the mindset, the exposure, the knowledge and etc. Many other races also very rich and wealth and even wealthier than cina. Just not being known or not being disclosed or very low profile only.
2022-09-05 14:57
Y malay poor because malay do thing too nasi lemak with all the basic thing with drum stick rm 7-9.chinese do it rm 11-rm 15.assume all in normal places.some-more with the prize chinese can pay more salary rm 1500-rm 2k compare to malay rm 1k-rm 1.2k.just see it.
2022-09-11 20:25
Yu and me is right.its about mindset,exposure and knowledge.more malay are getting richer or better pay due to gov willingness to help the malay to be better.more malay earning 5 figure in agriculture,businesses(sme) abd even sales.salute to the new malay regardness of political party.but the better malay need to help the other classes lower then tht better malaysian will be.
2022-09-11 20:31
Philip ( buy what you understand)
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