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Rafidah tells Pakatan to work hard instead of fighting for posts

Publish date: Tue, 15 May 2018, 06:01 PM

PETALING JAYA, May 15 — Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz has told Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders to stop squabbling over government positions, and work hard to repay Malaysians for taking a gamble on them instead.

Having secured the mandate in 14th general election (GE14), the former international trade and industry minister said the new government must put national interest above all else. 

“Time to work together and not to ever even think of manoeuvres, plottings or whatever that can erode the rakyat’s confidence in the PH government

“No one should test the rakyat’s patience or betray their trust. Please get your act together,” she said, while adding that “no sideshows is necessary or warranted” on Facebook today.


The PH parties openly tussled over Cabinet positions after Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced the holders of three key portfolios — finance, defence and home affairs — on Saturday.

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli criticised the announcement by saying his party was not consulted beforehand, and insisted that the selections were not final.

The former Pandan MP, who has repeatedly stressed that he would not accept any Cabinet posts, said the decisions were made outside PH’s spirit of consensus.

PKR Subang MP Wong Chen and Wangsa Maju MP Tan Yee Kew both supported Rafizi, adding that PH should welcome the open expression of disagreement that they said had not been allowed under the defeated Barisan Nasional’s (BN) rule.

But Rafidah insisted today that such disagreements could be expressed with greater civility and sensitivity, saying that these would otherwise send the wrong message to the public.

“Just gel and unite, as one strong Pakatan Harapan team in the government, with Tun Mahathir leading the way.

“No sidetracking, no unnecessary antic and shenanigans, no wasting of precious time jostling for position,” said Rafidah.

“It is time for nose to the grindstone... to work for the rakyat,” she added.

Rafidah then warned those seeking to put themselves before their country that they risked jeopardising Malaysia’s future.

She also reminded them that the public would not tolerate such political machinations any longer.

Rafidah also told PH that they needed to be mindful that they were now governing the country and not just running a party, adding that this required a change in mentality.

“Public governance is not the same as leading a mere political party, where one (is) accountable mainly to the card-carrying members of the party.

“Public and national governance are beyond party interest, loyalties and inward-looking decisions. It is also not and never has been about power and positions,” she said.


2 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Tun M need not deal with individual party members of the coalition.
He has made it clear his government will make policy by consensus or agreed upon by majority of cabinet, i.e. collective decision.

Leaders of the 4 component parties should control their own members not to voice any grievances in open. Solve their problems within party.
Component party to state only single view representing party stand through party leader in presidential council.

Don't disappoint us.
Show to BN you PH also can govern the country effectively.

2018-05-15 20:09


Rafizi Ramli must find out for himself why Wan Azizah was not with the rest of leaders in Presidential Council meeting.
Why Wan Azizah did not send her Deputy Party leader to attend if she is not available due to something 'so important' ........

2018-05-15 20:13


Can we request re-election? We make wrong choice on PH. We miss out increased pay for civil servants and double BRIM.

2018-05-15 21:25


Kedahan: you request double only?? WE selangorean request 10 X BRIM. lol

2018-05-15 21:30

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