
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2018-02-23 11:59 | Report Abuse

Why? you asked why? there is no why. It just is.


2018-02-23 04:07 | Report Abuse

this is an investment forum, not politics or a popularity contest.

he needs to go elsewhere, with all this "look at me i'm robinhood" BS.


2018-02-23 02:57 | Report Abuse

Go and read his "My Purpose in Life" article.

Then contrast it with some facts:

The man is VERY dishonest.

But kudos to him. He makes money. Thats what we all want, no?


2018-02-23 02:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-02-23 02:45 | Report Abuse

ops i did it again. played with your heart... hahahaha

ahjib is smarter the dr. m for sure, who is outdated with too many skeletons!


2018-02-22 19:31 | Report Abuse

accumulate? when you take dumping, do you accumulate the sh*t or flush it?

of course, Morgan Stanley begs to differ....


2018-02-22 18:54 | Report Abuse

That said. Caveat Emptor. Cannot go blaming others for follwing a "guru" or "sifu"...


2018-02-22 18:53 | Report Abuse

Come on.

We all know this greedy old man's MO.

Thats why he does so much "charity". sadly, his reputation is dirt.


2018-02-22 18:27 | Report Abuse

Not bad. Good result.


2018-02-22 18:14 | Report Abuse

There should be a list of the Most Amazing & Capable Management In The World awards..

This company management sure win one!

OutStanding Result of -36 sen per share!

Can they achieve a -50sen per share next Q? stay tuned to find out.


2018-02-22 18:10 | Report Abuse

chunwei94 ... thanks for stating the obvious. only for the suckers now...

same thing in scomi-wb


2018-02-22 17:59 | Report Abuse

waiting for the KCChongnz article about this....

Greenblatt, buffet, graham, moral values, moral police etc etc etc blahdy blah blah...


2018-02-22 12:58 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-02-22 12:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-02-22 11:07 | Report Abuse

have to file away under the 'deformed & handicapped" child category...


2018-02-22 10:18 | Report Abuse

wow! what happened? no big move?

juicy Financials to dump AAX shares?


2018-02-22 00:44 | Report Abuse

Is brahmal still stuck in this useless counter?


2018-02-22 00:42 | Report Abuse

talk about cold eye, you'll all have red eye wiping tears when this share heads down to 40 sen...


2018-02-21 23:44 | Report Abuse

good stuff. Might be too late to jump in tomorrow. keen on mother.


2018-02-21 21:51 | Report Abuse

Shale Boom? - The US consumes ~20 million barrels themselves, daily. Thats a daily figure from the international energy agency.


2018-02-21 20:53 | Report Abuse

Its all about AAX tomorrow. Warrants will be spicy.

News & Blogs

2018-02-21 20:27 | Report Abuse

Every man & his dog will be in tomorrow...


2018-02-21 20:22 | Report Abuse

Hot trading action here tomorrow...


2018-02-21 04:10 | Report Abuse

Is BAT smuggling the ciggies from Indo, just to spite the Govt?

Would be funny if that was the case.


2018-02-21 04:06 | Report Abuse

This counter is way too expensive.


2018-02-21 04:02 | Report Abuse

Going to hit RM150 per share. A "respectable" stock price on Bursa.

US, Amazon is over 1100+ USD, don't even talk about Priceline....


2018-02-21 03:27 | Report Abuse

Isn't it a good time to book profit and move on?


2018-02-20 23:43 | Report Abuse

Just gone ex-bonus. time to sell.


2018-02-20 16:46 | Report Abuse

Stamp duty exemption, still cannot rise?


2018-02-20 15:35 | Report Abuse

oh, i meant in the KC article. no friction whatsoever with yourself.

not currently punting in the puts, unless the dow drops 666+ points. firm rule.


2018-02-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

any comment on the prlexus (8966) price action?


2018-02-20 15:28 | Report Abuse

thanks rchi. sometimes a bit heated. but i mean well. no hard feelings.


2018-02-20 15:18 | Report Abuse

does i3 close for lunch maintenance these days?


2018-02-20 15:15 | Report Abuse

heading back to 59 sen?


2018-02-20 14:33 | Report Abuse

wah, now i3investor closed for lunch break too...

News & Blogs

2018-02-20 00:53 | Report Abuse

lol. getting popcorn ready...

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 21:38 | Report Abuse

Dysfunction everywhere. If there was misappropriation of funds at Selangor FA, then refer to MACC.

Why is PH trying to bribe everyone? There is already free footie - Its called Mamak Shops...

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 21:34 | Report Abuse

Sounds hot. Take my money!

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 19:58 | Report Abuse

so tell me soojinhou, have you even gone on a first date, got your first job or even spent a

day outside in the world. Or just gaming at home with the PC?

Is your social circle Sunday School & church?

Get a grip!

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 19:49 | Report Abuse

----Bursa has it's fair share of scandals no? On the contrary, the purpose of a pump and dump operation is precisely to create volume for low capitalised stocks. If a market it deep and the stock is well capitalised, like Apple for example, it would take a fortune to manipulate the share price. Bluemont, Asiasons and LionGold are all penny stocks before they are manipulated to high heavens, it is only possible because these stocks have limited liquidity.---

So you, want a perfect market where all stocks have perfect liquidity and everyone presents their biometric eye for ID before buying and selling a stock, so that out masters, CIMB, SC, Public Bank and the Government can track every and all purchase to make sure our soul is clean and our intentions pure, with no deceit, so that one day, we may become a market like NASDAQ, or NYSE, where no stock is left behind, with perfect levels of liquidity, and no one ever get cheated.

Oh wait...

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 17:51 | Report Abuse

Nice read. Thanks.

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 16:28 | Report Abuse

since when did the bagla construction workers and the school drop outs start writing blog posts?

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 15:49 | Report Abuse

soojinhou ... the way you say it as if the entirety of Bursa is scammers & fraudsters.

I really, highly doubt the level is quite as bad as China, HK or the US of A.

Our market is just not as liquid to attract the Glengarry Glen Ross (movie) or Boiler Room types.


2018-02-19 15:39 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2018-02-19 15:21 | Report Abuse

listen mate, the Asiasons, Blumont and LionGold case is outright fraud.

how do you define "pump & dump"? What piece of SC legislation are you referring to?

If I see value and buy, and tell others, and they buy, is that "pump & dump"?

Isn;t that what all the sell-side analyst in banks are doing?

Come now. What you are saying is pump & dump - what a certain "super investor" is doing, is NOT illegal.

Anyway, why are you worrying about John Soh, or any such persons? Aren't you busy enough with your own investments? Why all this moral posturing? My "Warren Buffet" is Holier than thou "Carl Ichan".

Please lah, Spare us this grandstanding. All the various market players, whether big, banks, syndicates, promoters, retailers etc MAKE the market and contribute liquidity.

We need to focus on improving liquidity in Bursa, so things like:

1) Protecting Minority Shareholders

2) Changing the 25% free float requirement

3) Prosecuting directors like those of XinQuan

THESE are the things we as investors need to fight for. Not Haranguing & Nagging folks and Arguing amongst each other about who is a "super investor" or not.

Its downright childish.


2018-02-19 12:12 | Report Abuse

Frankie, no problem. I'm looking forward to Quarterly Report & Divvy announcement.

Should be in the next few days...