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2020-10-02 11:52 | Report Abuse


No harm to write to them, let us see how they answer you.
However, please accept the reality that the authority wanted to promote structured warrants by waiving the 1% stamp duty. Anyway, we respect different opinions.

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2020-10-02 08:37 | Report Abuse

Yesterday I bought Oct / Nov Spread, so all my Short Spread Oct / Dec now become Short Spread Nov / Dec.

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2020-10-01 10:19 | Report Abuse

If you intend to trade short term, say buy today and sell within a week, then fair value calculation is not very important, because the issuer will most probably maintain the same pattern of market making, you will be buying expensive and selling expensive too.

But if we don't mind to buy and keep until cash settlement, then fair value calculation is very important.


2020-09-29 19:35 | Report Abuse


If a structured warrant's expiry is on 30th Sept, the settlement value is the volume weighted average price (VWAP) calculated from 5 trading days before the expiry, i.e. 23rd, 24th, 25th, 28th and 29th Sept.


2020-09-29 09:11 | Report Abuse


Refer back to my earlier post on HARTA-C52,
That time HARTA=14.01, HARTA-C43=0.52, the fair value=0.3019, gearing=1.92

Because the gearing is low, HARTA-C43 will not move up or down very fast compare to mother share,

Now, HARTA=17.50, HARTA-C43=0.68buy/0.73sell, the fair value=0.4874.

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2020-09-28 16:21 | Report Abuse

Correction: then HARTA-C54 fair value will increase further.


2020-09-28 14:50 | Report Abuse


You can always write to Bursa on what you want the IB to do, but up to Bursa whether they want to entertain you or not.

There are document and announcements which you can read from Bursa website, but again I don't know whether that meet your expectation or not.

For me it is simple, when I calculate and found it cheap, then I buy and am prepared to keep it until expiry, of course after that if I found it I should sell, even at a loss, I will sell.

IBs surely are allowed to buy mother share to hedge against the CW that they issue.


2020-09-28 14:25 | Report Abuse

Of course SC or Bursa approve the issuance, else they can not be listed and traded in Bursa, and every issuance of structured warrant come with document.
Singapore and Hong Kong also have structured warrants, US also have options which is quite similar to structured warrants.
In fact, for those stocks that without structured warrants, you better be careful, may be SC or Bursa do not want to approve it because of not meeting certain criteria.


2020-09-28 14:05 | Report Abuse


Litigate for what?
I mentioned it very clear in my writing, forget about those structured warrants issued by all other investment banks, look at the structured warrants issued by CIMB only.
Because their market making is the most reasonable, the implied volatility applied by them are not very far away from the historical volatility.
However, their market making sometime is not so efficient or slow, that mean I have opportunity to get it cheap.


2020-09-28 13:48 | Report Abuse


Please understand the fair value calculation from youtube.


News & Blogs

2020-09-28 13:11 | Report Abuse

Correction: .....issued by other investment banks was worth looking at,


2020-09-24 12:07 | Report Abuse

Sold all my C52.


2020-09-19 17:22 | Report Abuse


The gearing shown in my spreadsheet is not effective gearing, My gearing = mother share price / CW price / ratio. Effective gearing is lower than that. My spreadsheet can not calculate effective gearing because the calculation is a lot more complicated.

The purpose of effective gearing is to estimate the movement of mother share price versus CW price. Let say the effective gearing is 3, that mean we expect if mother share move 1%, the CW will move 3%.

Your C53 is currently trading at a very expensive price.
You just need to compare it with C60, which both expire on the same date, easier to compare.
C53 exercise price is 23.88 which is much higher than C60's 18.00.
C53 ratio is 50 against C60's 20.
The middle price for C53 is 0.0775 and C60 is 0.08,
Multiply with the ratio, we get:
1) For C53, 50*0.0775=3.875
2) For C60, 20*0.08=1.60


2020-09-19 08:28 | Report Abuse


What is CEU that you mention?
HARTA-C53 is also a call warrant.
Now a day, call warrants can not be converted to mother share.
On expiry, the issuer will calculate the mother share average price, minus the exercise price, then divide by exercise ratio, and return the money to you. Of course if the mother share average price is less than the exercise price, then no money.
Warrants is good provided:
1) The mother share is good, and
2) The market price is lower or at least quite close to the fair value.
That mean you must know how to calculate fair value, you can learn from youtube and wiki.
Most companies issue free warrants during right issue, so must make sure that the mother share companies are reasonably good.


2020-09-08 08:38 | Report Abuse

If the share price is undervalue for long time, I think the boss might take it private, we will lose a good company from Bursa.


2020-09-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

The executive director Tan Sik Eek own 333,333 shares, he suppose to come out only 333333*0.08=RM26,667 for the right issue, but he has committed to subscribe excess right up to a total of RM15,000,000 if other shareholders refuse to subscribe.

If he is reluctant to subscribe more, he has to make sure that the right issue is attractive, i.e. the share price must be much higher than RM0.08 during the time when other shareholders are about to make their decision, whether to subscribe or not, probably during one week time before the closing date.

Of course, if he is more than happy to come out with RM15 million, then he does not need to worry about.


2020-09-03 18:51 | Report Abuse

Update after today closing,
FINTEC 90 days historical volatility was 122.44%,

Input Interest Rate of 2%, and Dividend Yield of 0%,

We get:
FINTEC-WA Implied Volatility is 72.6%,
FINTEC-WB Implied Volatility is 83.9%,
FINTEC-PA Implied Volatility is 0% or not meaningful as there is no premium.

Average of the above 3 Implied Volatility = 52.17%, input into my spreadsheet, the results:
FINTEC-WA fair value = RM0.0355
FINTEC-WB fair value = RM0.0550
FINTEC-PA fair value = RM0.1241


2020-09-02 17:21 | Report Abuse

Update after today closing,
FINTEC 90 days historical volatility was 121.25%,

Input Interest Rate of 2%, and Dividend Yield of 0%,

We get:
FINTEC-WA Implied Volatility is 69.1%,
FINTEC-WB Implied Volatility is 81.8%,
FINTEC-PA Implied Volatility is 0% or not meaningful as there is no premium.

Average of the above 3 Implied Volatility = 50.3%

Input this volatility = 50.3% into my spreadsheet, the results:
FINTEC-WA fair value = RM0.0403
FINTEC-WB fair value = RM0.0642
FINTEC-PA fair value = RM0.1365


2020-09-02 17:15 | Report Abuse


This PA does not pay dividend at all.
Where did you get the info/dividend 0.02%?


2020-09-02 08:40 | Report Abuse


I am holding PA and do not want to convert for the time being.


2020-09-01 19:06 | Report Abuse

Update after today closing,
FINTEC 90 days historical volatility was 121.06%,

Input Interest Rate of 2%, and Dividend Yield of 0%,

We get:
FINTEC-WA Implied Volatility is 74.4%,
FINTEC-WB Implied Volatility is 89.7%,
FINTEC-PA Implied Volatility is 0% or not meaningful as there is no premium.

Calculate the average = (74.4+89.7+0)/3 = 54.7%

Input this volatility = 54.7% into my spreadsheet, the results:
FINTEC-WA fair value = RM0.0490
FINTEC-WB fair value = RM0.0718
FINTEC-PA fair value = RM0.1439


2020-09-01 16:12 | Report Abuse


chankyew50 is right.

WB+0.15==>1 share,

But for PA, you can choose either:
1) PA+PA==>1 share, or
2) PA+0.08==> 1 share,

I also do not understand they buy WB for what?


2020-09-01 15:34 | Report Abuse

If the price could stand a few cents higher than 0.16, people will convert PA by adding 8 cents, then plenty of money coming to the company.


2020-08-31 20:21 | Report Abuse

Forget about other assets, consider only the value from FOCUS, and give 50% discount again, FINTEC should worth at least 20% of FOCUS price.

Now FOCUS is 2.33,
Meaning FINTEC should worth at least 0.2*2.33 = 0.46


2020-08-31 17:46 | Report Abuse

Base on Friday closing,
FINTEC 90 days historical volatility was 121.46%,

Input Interest Rate of 2%, and Dividend Yield of 0%,

We get:
FINTEC-WA Implied Volatility is 77%,
FINTEC-WB Implied Volatility is 70.6%,
FINTEC-PA Implied Volatility is 0% or not meaningful as there is no premium.

If FINTEC Volatility in the coming years is around 70.6% (Lower of WA and WB Implied Volatility),
Then FINTEC-PA fair value is 0.1346.


2020-08-31 09:47 | Report Abuse

When FINTEC was at 0.06, PA was at 0.03,
From there if FINTEC go down 50% to 0.03, PA also go down 50% to 0.015,
From there if FINTEC go up 50% to 0.09, PA also go up 50% to 0.045,

Now FINTEC is at 0.16, PA is at 0.08,
From now if FINTEC go down 50% to 0.08, PA also go down 50% to 0.04,
But, from now if FINTEC go up 50% to 0.24, PA will go up 100% to 0.16.

We should buy PA instead of FINTEC.

Of course, if you are very sure FINTEC will go down, then do not buy at all.


2020-08-29 18:22 | Report Abuse

FOCUS is highly unpredictable.

Look at the last 90 trading day closing prices, the volatility is 77.06%.

If the same volatility maintain from now onward.

Using 200 steps Binomial model, Focus price one year from now could be as following:
1) 6% chance that the price is less than RM0.50,
2) 84% chance that the price is between RM0.50 and RM5.00,
3) 10% chance that the price is higher than RM5.00,


2020-08-29 16:54 | Report Abuse

True, most probably FINTEC will not be able sell the whole block of FOCUS shares at RM2.33.
But at what price do you think they can sell the whole block of FOCUS?


2020-08-29 11:33 | Report Abuse

FINTEC is a simple company.
It is kind of Closed End Fund, holding a few listed stocks, about 90% of the value come from FOCUS.
So, before you trade FINTEC, ask yourself a question, what is the fair value of FOCUS?


2020-08-29 09:33 | Report Abuse

KLK announced on 26th August that they bought 17610 ha planted/plantable land (which 10816 ha planted+6794 ha plantable) in Kalimantan from TSH for USD110.1m, or about 4.2*110.1 = RM462m.

The market price for plantable land in Kalimantan is about RM500 per ha.

Therefore, the price for planted oil palm estate is about
= (462000000 - 500*6794) / 10816 = RM42400 per ha.

CBIP own 13502 ha planted oil palm in Kalimantan,

Assuming the same valuation, it worth = 13502*42400 = RM572m,

CBIP market cap = 492*0.9 = RM443m.


2020-08-28 20:50 | Report Abuse

Read the Q1 balance sheet,

Investment securities (Under Non-Current Asset) = 511m,
Investment securities (Under Current Asset) = 24m,

Total Investment securities = 511+24 = 535m,

On 30th June, FOCUS price was only RM0.85. Today it closed at RM2.33.

I updated my spreadsheet just now after closing,
the market value of this investment securities of FINTEC is 1347m.

The next quarter result will be much better.


2020-08-28 11:44 | Report Abuse

Total Number of ICPS issued : 899,284,472, it is stated in the annual report.


2020-08-28 11:31 | Report Abuse

Get out-standing PA quantity from the latest annual report, and assume since then all the PA conversion was by way of 2 PA to 1 share, then the latest out-standing PA is 358m.


2020-08-27 08:44 | Report Abuse

The value of investment securities per FINTEC share was RM1.02 at yesterday closing.

The out-standing:
PA (assume so far conversion by 2 to 1) = 358m
WA = 131m,
WB= 90m,

Assume from now onwards, all PA conversion is by 1PA + 0.08,

The enlarged FINTEC shares = 1958m,

The value of per FINTEC share = (investment securities + conversion money) / 1958m = RM0.763


2020-08-25 20:15 | Report Abuse

Updated my spreadsheet with today closing prices.
The market value of its quoted stocks at today closing is 1375m, or RM1.008 per share.
Crazy FOCUS crazy FINTEC.


2020-08-25 08:59 | Report Abuse

Keep the PA at least until 10 cents, i.e. 2 cents above the PA conversion price.

FINTEC may need extra cash for FOCUS right issue.

If PA is higher than 10 cents, people will convert it by 1 PA+0.08 cash instead of 2 PA, FINTEC will collect extra cash.

I believe so far all the conversion is by submitting 2 PA.

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2020-08-23 14:41 | Report Abuse

To determine fair value of the mother share is in another field of study, which I think it is much more subjective, arguable and difficult.

I wish not to get involve in such argument.

Perhaps those investment masters can comment on it.


2020-08-21 19:38 | Report Abuse

Updated my spreadsheet with today closing prices.
The market value of its quoted stocks at today closing is 1322m, or RM0.969 per share.


2020-08-19 17:41 | Report Abuse

I have updated my spreadsheet,
The market value of its quoted stocks at today closing is 1148m, or RM0.845 per share.

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2020-08-19 15:17 | Report Abuse


I really don't know.
Same like I can't understand why FOCUS's price is so high.