
kcchongnz | Joined since 2012-08-22

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Trained and worked as an Engineer. Passion in finance and investing. Later qualified as a personal financial planner and a finance and investment professional. Now engage in training in fundamental value investing through internet.





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2019-03-03 06:24 | Report Abuse

Great if more youngsters, and even retirees can spend time and effort learning the right path of investing, the fundamentals of investing, or at least as the basics before plunging into other disciplines.

This ensures building of long-term wealth, steadily, rather than most likely, 99% of the time, getting killed by the sharks trying getting rich quick.

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2019-02-25 16:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 18, 2019 12:11 PM | Report Abuse
want to teach people investing?
can be like Philip or not?
10 years already, same 4 stocks, never have to sell shares.....


just look at KC Chong stock selection through the years.....any of those shares can keep one or not?



same like OTB.....

OTB has also never bought a single share while in i3 which did not eventually collapse.....same DNA........At least OTB never need to quote here quote there......








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2019-02-18 07:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 18, 2019 02:47 AM | Report Abuse
kc.....take my advice....Why don't u declare Buffalogy dead and join Icon become a contrarian since you have no desire to buy good quality shares.......your margin of safety have stopped you from even considering good quality shares anyway.............

Although I quote Buffett often, I don't follow exactly his way of investment because as a retail investor who has the knowledge and experience, we maybe able to do better buying just good companies at cheap prices.

But I say you know nothing about Buffalogy, nothing at all. You know nothing what a good company is, judging your calls on Jaks and Sendai, and continue to do so even it is shown repeatedly they are rubbish companies with doggy management. So it it better to keep your mouth shut instead of exposing your ignorance.

Philip and 3i are some who follow Buffalogy closely, and it is an excellent way of investment. But why you now criticizing your idols?

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2019-02-17 08:52 | Report Abuse

Dr. Quack Quack Quack.

He is dubbed as PLP king and a very successful “modern day snake oil salesman” in I3investor. His favorite quote; “Rigid is dead, flexibility is life”

His Topic: How I PLP “ChongKer”, front running him and make million….. Why not? When I have the killer instinct…..""


A good satire on the above character. However, I think you have shortchanged him for not mentioning his other great attributes as below which he is very proud of,

1) The greatest personal attacker attacking relentlessly so many contributors in i3investor.

2) The biggest conman in i3investor in enticing the novice and newbies to sailang and margin to buy the stocks sold by him.

3) The loudest quack quack quack in i3investor,all with rubbish and nonsense and zero substance.

4) The chameleon with the most number of nicks used, Desa967, Brightsmart, TheLoneRanger, quack quack quack.

5) The hard-to-find äccountant" who doesn't know much about accounting, finance and investing, even some very simple and basic concepts, but just with "gut feeling", like a rookie.

6)The man with the thickest skin with no shame.

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2019-02-17 00:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 16, 2019 01:49 PM | Report Abuse
I earned my rights... I am not a novice. ( like sslee)

What rights have you earned?

The most notorious PLP king?

The greatest personal attacker attacking relentlessly so many contributors in i3investor?

The biggest conman in i3investor in enticing the novice and newbies to sailang and margin to buy the stocks sod by you?

The loudest quack quack quack in i3investor?

The chameleon with the most number of nicks used, Desa967, Brightsmart, TheLoneRanger, quack quack quack, etc. so that you can con again and ag again?

The hard-to-find äccountant"who doesn't know much about accounting, finance and investing, but just with "gut feeling"?

The chameleon from a long-term investor (for Jaks and Sendai) to panic moment, dynamite investing, a day trader, a speculator, manipulator?

News & Blogs

2019-02-12 00:06 | Report Abuse

rchi my good friend,

Yes, take thing easy, will you? I do.

I found the statement most appropriate after I have written my article and just before publishing it.

If you have read it, don't you agree?

I just borrow it. Hope you don’t mind.

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2019-02-11 07:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by abang_misai > Feb 11, 2019 07:45 AM | Report Abuse
Happy CNY KC.

Strange from you but thanks anyway.

News & Blogs

2019-02-11 07:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 11, 2019 12:28 AM | Report Abuse
kc...what is the use of all this nonsense, anyway?

People who read and understand this will be able to avoid the cheating from conman like the quack quack quack who, for the last two years, told them that they could be a multi-millionaire instantly following his sailang and margin buying Jaks and Sendai at RM1.80+ and RM1.40+ respectively.

Sadly, many were caught and cheated, if only they have read all my articles posted in i3investor, instead of the quack quack quack.

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 22:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 10:10 PM | Report Abuse
KC...stock market got more than Jaks and Sendai...and Insas......open your eyes.....
like that already want to be subscription seller.....

I hope you can answer my question below and not keeping on quack quack quack.

Which is better, avoided huge losses in Jaks and Sendai by treating me for a roti canai and teh tarik for 6 months for advice the last two years, or get it for free from you touting the stocks and lost a fortune being cheated by you?

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 21:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 09:21 PM | Report Abuse
S = Q r
If I am novice , I will be extra careful dealing with internet sifus.....
and kc....your own Q is so small ( almost invisible).....the S must be very limited.......

Everybody, not only novice, even including "super investor" must be wary about cheat who would profit from relentlessly asking you to sailang and margin Jaks and Sendai, and at the back he profited hugely from his activities, at your expense, which he out-rightly boasting about.

Especially for one using 3 qs plus a cube. There are so many Qs, or quacks.

And you know what is a quack? It is

an unqualified person who claims accounting knowledge or other skills"

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2019-02-10 21:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 09:04 PM | Report Abuse
People lost money in Jaks and Sendai is because they are lousy ....none of my business.....Who doesn't know I am a trader.? I never say please pay me a fee.......

You cheated them and shouting to their ears everyday for the last two years to sailang and margin on Jaks and Sendai, and as you have boasted over and over again that you had made huge gain from the two stocks.

Which is better, avoided huge losses in Jaks and Sendai by paying me a fee for advice the last two years, or get it for free from you touting the stocks and lost a fortune being cheated by you?

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 21:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 08:37 PM | Report Abuse
U talk 3 talk 4 but your money are in rubbish stocks. ....luckily, this forum got people like 3iii and Philips who show, genuine investors in good quality stocks is actually the easiest way to make money.......participating in the growth of good quality companies as the Bursa is intended to be.......
kc...u are teaching the public the wrong approach to the stock market....Bursa do not need people like u........

I am motivated by others as below, and not you.

Posted by 3iii > Feb 10, 2019 01:50 PM | Report Abuse
Listen to icon, kc and Philip.

Posted by (S = Qr) Philip > Feb 6, 2019 12:27 PM | Report Abuse
*KC you make a good point as usual.

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 21:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 08:29 PM | Report Abuse
kc...U are one of those responsible for SSlee and his rubbish stock picks.....That is a wrong lesson for everybody....wrong approach to stock market....and only novice loves such stock ......
so , what are u good for except getting novices to follow u and your Insas?

The return of stocks of Jaks and Sendai touted by you everyday with sailang and margin, lost 69% and 56% respectively. Many newbies and novice were cheated by you and lost all their savings in these two stocks.

So who was the culprit touting rubbish stocks for the last two years?

What are you good at except PLP and cheating?

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 19:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 06:54 PM | Report Abuse
kc...look at your best student, that sslee....All he knows is rubbish like Insas.....I blame you personally for bringing up such rubbish students.....

Insas is one of the most undervalued stocks in Bursa. SSLee has analysed it with facts and figures which I fully agreed. I believe it is a matter of time its value will be unlocked.

His investment skill is thousand miles ahead of you.

Don't just quack quack quack here and quack quack quack there. Do a well written article to articulate why Insas is a rubbish stock. Best compared with your quack quack quack stocks of Jaks and Sendai which you have been shouting sailang and margin for the last two years and nothing else. I will be very happy to discuss with you there.

And SSLee is a very well-mannered, with very good characters and a man filled with humility.

Compared with you, a man with a skin thicker than the skin of crocodile in PLP, propagating sailang and margin in the stock margin to the newbies and the public with zero investment skill, but to buy the stocks of Jaks and Sendai touted by you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

So stop attacking SSLee.

And also stop attacking others like OTB, whom in making money in the stock market, you can't even smell his fart. He never evne respond to any of your attack.

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 16:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 04:19 PM | Report Abuse
or every one of your purchase, sooner or later also collapse just like everyone of OTB purchase?

You mean like Jaks and Sendai which you have been shouting sailang and margin the last two years at RM1.80+ and RM1.40+ collapsed within a few months to 50 sen and 60 sen?

No woh.

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 16:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 04:19 PM | Report Abuse
no QL, never mind...it is just an example.....but....
when was the last time you bought a share that shows some sustained multiple year rise?

Multi-year rise? You got ah?

But is multi-year rise of a share the most important thing? Let me show you a couple of examples and see if this "accountant"can grasp it or not.

Stock A, from 2013 to now at multi year high,

Year Beginning Return End value
2013 100000 2% 102000
2014 102000 5% 107100
2015 107100 6% 113526
2016 113526 3% 116932
2017 116932 7% 125117
2018 125117 1% 126368

Stock B, a little volatility, more than 10% below its high last year,

Year Beginning Return End value
2013 100000 35% 135000
2014 135000 25% 168750
2015 168750 -5% 160313
2016 160313 35% 216422
2017 216422 40% 302991
2018 302991 -10% 272692

Can see which is a better investment or not, "äccountant"?

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 16:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 04:03 PM | Report Abuse
kc...QL is a multiple bagger.......since you did not / could not benefit from the sustain arise of QL, what can I call you?

There are 900+ stocks listed in Bursa. Why must everyone buy QL? How shallow is the thinking of a 60+ year old "accountant".

No other stocks are multi-baggers? How long have you been in the stock market? If you don't have any multi-bagger, does it mean that there is none?

But seriously, the most important thing for anyone here was not following your sailang and margin in Sendai and Jaks in the last two years.

Those who have not being cheated by you in Jaks and Sendai will most probably doing all right. Like me, I did reasonably okay.

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 15:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 03:56 PM | Report Abuse
Personally I do not see any difference between KC, Calvin and raider......all no business sense......no qualitative sense....all based on maths......
More rear view mirrors than front side view....but I like people who has front side view...stock market rewards investors with front side views......

Business sense? This bullshit thing was propagated by quack quack quack for the last two years for Jaks and Sendai. Look what this BS has done?

So who has no business sense? i know you only quack quack quack all those bullshit.

News & Blogs

2019-02-10 15:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 10, 2019 03:49 PM | Report Abuse
Personally I do not see any difference between KC, Calvin and raider......all no business sense......no qualitative sense....all based on maths......

I am happy to be associated with Calvin and Raider. They are credible people who have much better investment skill than the quack quack quack, and don't pong lan pa with skin as thick as the crocodile skin, and touting margin and sailang in Jaks and Sendai for the last two years, resulting many newbies and innocent lost their pants.

News & Blogs

2019-02-06 12:00 | Report Abuse

Calvin can do no harm to anybody by promoting his deep value stocks. I don't think many follow him anyway as in my opinion, he has no such clout in the public space. I absolutely see none of any pumped and dumped intention of him, but more for some fun. One problem with him is he likes to condemn other stocks or make some wild accusations which agitates others.

Sorry Calvin, I don't mean to look you no up. Calvin does have a good methodology in investing too, in my opinion, which has worked in matured markets, but whether it works or not in Bursa, I am not very sure about it.

On the contrary, people who have such clout, those rich individuals who keep on boasting their prowess in investing and how they have made millions in investing, those with certain standing and highly respected in the society, or at least they have been claiming to be, should be more responsible in the investing society.

These individuals should share their knowledge and experience in investing, sharing the right way of investing, instead of the promoting and touting stocks after they have bought low. Stop propagating the Greater Fool Theory.

Well, if at the end, if everyone makes money, it is well and good. But is it possible? What have the past shown?

Well, if everyone makes money, the one who promotes and pumps it up with huge amount of money will lose money. Is that good for him? Is doing "charity" like that a good service to the society? I highly don't think so. Nobody in his right mind will do thing like this.

So most of the time it is trying to be the other way, buy huge amount of shares at low and pump it up, and sell for huge profit and laughing all the way to the banks.

Hack, trading and speculating is a zero-sum game for all those stocks touted. Cut the crap out thinking it is investing, and trying to make everyone rich!

Is making huge amount of money from the naive and newbies, especially those who respect you so much, worthwhile? What those extra millions for? Do your spouse and children need so much money? A modern day Robin Hood?

In my humble opinion, it is much better to leave a "fragrant" legacy, maintain your reputation, and maintain the respect you have in the society in the short span of life left behind in this world. It certainly trumps the useless money left behind from some immoral activities.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 23:27 | Report Abuse


the other thing is don't worry about people "breaking my rice bowl". I am not rich but after working 25 years as a civil engineer to quite a senior level in a public listed company, I have accumulated a little wealth, plus my investment return so far, I can live reasonably comfortably throughout my retirement, be it in 10 years, 20 years or 30 years (God willing). I will still be okay no matter how the market is as I don't even put half of what I have in the stock markets, here and abroad. I don't need tuition fee to survive too.

Teaching the right path of investing is my passion now, after retiring from engineering 17 years ago at the age of less than 50 years old, and migrated to a foreign land, though Malaysia is still my home.

With my academic qualifications in finance and investing, my practical investment knowledge through the wisdom of super investors, and the experience I have in the stock market, I feel it is a waste not to guide those who wish to learn about the right way of investing, and at the same time earn some pocket money in a honest way for a little more luxuries in life.

To be frank, I haven't got a single additional course participant for months, or even a year. But that is not my problem if people prefer to follow touting of stocks in the internet space, from tipsters and hence 90% of them lose money,instead of treating me for a daily teh tarik and roti canai for 6 months and learn all about the basics of fundamental investing,and earn extra-ordinary return safely but surely, ot even for the purpose of avoiding losing big in the market.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 20:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 3, 2019 08:43 PM | Report Abuse
it's called evolution....

Oh, evolution. From monkey to human.

I thought it was like those normal thing, when a conman being found out to be a conman, he changes his name to avoid people knowing him, and he can continue to con.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 18:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 3, 2019 06:08 PM | Report Abuse
too bad u cannot find that from me and others also cannot evidence to that.....

Common, it is all over i3investor for the last 2-3 years. Don't forget your other nicks such as Desa, Stockmanny, Brightsmart, TheLoneRAnger, qqq3 etc.

Oh, why do you need so many nicks to post in i3investor?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 18:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 3, 2019 05:59 PM | Report Abuse
I think the move from a forum of rubbish collectors to a forum for quality collectors is a good movement......but I also very practical one.....I know the forum cannot just have quality stocks, so I propose people buy Jaks at 50 sen....very good choice......

You definitely is damn good, damn good rubbish promoter promoting Jaks all the way down from RM1.80+ to 50 sen.

I suggest you to be given the best rubbish promoter title.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 15:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 3, 2019 12:59 PM | Report Abuse
simple....for 2018, the newbies who did not attend any subscription service or any investment seminar and did not buy any shares came out ahead of those who do....

So you had a crystal ball in front of you on 1st January 2018 that the year would be a bad year for stocks? Or are you just a snake oil salesman? What about year 2009 to 2017?

And why you quack quack quack the whole of 2018 telling people to sailang and margin Jaks and Sendai, and then told others because your master was in it and so you quack quack quack?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 15:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 3, 2019 01:10 PM | Report Abuse
me? I give the best advice and its free too.

You mean those given to the public and newbies in i3investor for the last couple of years, sailang and margin Jaks and Sendai at RM1.80+ and RM1.40+ espectively?

And all the quack quack quack?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 15:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > Feb 3, 2019 01:07 PM | Report Abuse
This qqq has no track record just escape from tanjung rambutan, by changing his name from mammy to qqq, talk bad of kc, who have contributed so much to i3 ??
Enough is enough...KC is one of the best trainer in i3 mah...!!
Chinese old people says don try to break people rice bowl, and this mental patient escapist qqq is precisely doing that loh...!!


Thanks for the compliment. Despite our heated argument on certain issues previously, we still respect each other's philosophy and point of view.

I hope the rest do the same.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 3, 2019 12:14 PM | Report Abuse

(S = Qr) Philip > Feb 3, 2019 11:57 AM | Report Abuse

This is probably more than all those sifu selling their subscription classes and their trading seminars will ever show you.

newbies must absolutely avoid subscription classes and trading seminars for the simple reason this is entering into a very asymmetric relationship......and that is the last thing u want to be successful.

Yeah, yeah yeah, newbies should just follow the quack quack quack tod sailang margin Jaks and Sendai in the last two years. In his thousands of comments in the past two years, that was what he has been quacking quacking and quacking about.

On the other hand, none of those who learned from me on investing touched anyone of those stocks pumped and dumped and promoted by the accomplices. Look at the articles I wrote in i3investors about Jaks and Sendai in the last two years, and the number of promotion articles on them.

Instead most of them earned extra-ordinary return during the good times, and lost very little during the bad time in 2018. These are all recorded in i3investor.

So what is your problem of learning the proper way of investing at a small fee, instead of losing huge following the quack quack quack for free?


2019-02-01 13:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 1, 2019 01:07 PM | Report Abuse
share market...kc....the only thing we have is whether the thing makes sense.....and the thing makes sense.....so, what is your problem, KC? SSlee?

I don't know about you but for me, if the management rewards themselves with ESOS, I would not be too happy too, although they have to pay an exercise price, which normally is low.

But if the management rewards themselves with free shares, and for what? I have big problem, and I would run fast fast.


2019-02-01 13:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 1, 2019 01:05 PM | Report Abuse
The CEO....has taken some LTIP at $ 1.40, bought shares from the market, subscribe to his warrants at 25 sen......
Yes, he has done every thing to increase his shareholders in Jaks......
Now, the share is at multiple year low, It makes perfect sense to exercise his LTIP.......

You sure know what you are talking about?


2019-02-01 13:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Feb 1, 2019 12:49 PM | Report Abuse
But it takes a Tg Rambutan candidate to be an idiot like SS lee here.....How many more years u think SS lee can avoid Tg Rambutan?

I can see SSLee is trying to do something good for the existing minority shareholders of Jaks, even though he is not one. He is indeed a good and honest person.

Compared to you, the last two years you have been enticing newbies to margin and sailang on Jaks at RM1.80+, and as a result, causing many of them lost their underwear.


2019-02-01 13:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by John_Lee > Feb 1, 2019 01:00 AM | Report Abuse
qqq3, sslee is the saviour of mankind from injustice. Saviour of the people. All hail sslee. Zzzzz...

John Lee, I am surprised this cynical remarks came from you.

SSLee is not a saviour, but he is kind enough to try to do something good here and holders of Jaks should appreciate instead of ridiculing him, seriously. Can't you see it?


2019-02-01 12:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 31, 2019 11:52 PM | Report Abuse
sslee...what is your problem?
Market price now also 51 sen....u also can buy at 51 sen if u so wish.....same price as this option given to CEO.......
only difference....CEO buys from the company. U buy from the market.

SSLee trying to do something good but as usual, cheh li pu tou hou.But someone claimed to be the best investor here can't even differentiate ESOS and RSP, one needs to pay and the other not.

Kena F also don't know. How to make money in the stock market?

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2019-01-30 21:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Holycow > Jan 30, 2019 05:57 PM | Report Abuse
hi kc,i agree to your blog. But question, may i know how to calculate whether the company stock is undervalue ? or correspond to your margin of safety ?

First look at whether it is a good company,


Here you can see the difference of a good company and a bad one.

Next, do some simple valuations. Without a valuation, it is hard to decide if a price offer is worth taking,


There are various valuation technique to be used as shown in the above link.

The above two is generally good enough to decide whether to invest in a stock or not.

Then if you want to dig deeper into margin of safety, try reading and learn up the stuff as shown in the stuff below.


This last one is harder but not insurmountable if you certain level of skill. But it is not utmost essential to be successful in investing. It is like another wedge in your golf bag.

News & Blogs

2019-01-29 22:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 09:34 PM | Report Abuse
kyy?...KYY just whatsapp me less than 30 minutes ago.....

Oh, you still in his WhatsApp group. Very great!

Didn't benefit in his touting of carimen and Hibiscus Wc ah?

What a waste, after PLP so hard.

Why never participate in the following activities any more, like you have done a great great job in Jaks and Sendai?

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 04:57 PM | Report Abuse
pump and dump?
got to learn from carimin ......u need commitment, guts, conviction, confidence.......got or not?

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 05:01 PM | Report Abuse
make money from low quality shares u think so easy?
.u need commitment, guts, conviction, confidence.......got or not?

News & Blogs

2019-01-29 21:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 07:39 PM | Report Abuse
quote here quote there just for show.
finally only 2 types of people....
those who buy quality shares like 3iii and Philips
those who buy rubbish like calvin, raider and sslee.

So now 3iii is one of your two heroes now.

You know this is the first comment of 3iii in this thread,

Posted by 3iii > Jan 28, 2019 10:01 PM | Report Abuse
Thks KC.

Did you read what he talks about margin of safety here? The term is all over the place in this thread.

Did you know that he has encouraged forumers here to attend my fundamental value investing course?

Did you know that I am a good teacher in fundamental value investing course?

3iii is always in this thread. He can dispute what I have just said here if it is not true.

What about kyy. You deserted him after he told OTB that you don't even match up with OTB's middle finger?

News & Blogs

2019-01-29 20:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 08:35 PM | Report Abuse
quote here quote there just for show.
finally only 2 types of people....
those who buy quality shares like 3iii and Philips
those who buy rubbish like calvin, raider and sslee.
which type u belong, kc....I have made up my mind a long log time ago......
Have I ever witness investors of quality shares become teachers for a fee? No, never. Good reasons for that , mainly got to do with incompatibility of characters, practises and expectations .
can I ever imagine Philips giving seminars and collecting fees from students.? No, never, it is just out of the question.
Teaching NTA and PE is easy. Teaching Business sense? Who dares?
Worse still teaching Qr? Who dares. ? But, it is the secret sauce for success.

Let me be very frank with you, very very frank.
CAlvin, Raiders, SSLee and most of the people here are thousand times better you in investing. You only know how to quack quack quack here, quack quack quack there. No substance at all. Zero substance.

Many of my course participants thank me for educating them on the fundamental of investing, how to look at a business through reading, analysing and interpreting financial and annual reports, and how to do valuations. From there, many are able to investing on their own and make satisfactory return. Many of them have also ventured into regional and US markets and made extra-ordinary return.

I believe many of them also avoided the touting of shares such as Sendai and Jaks by the quack quack quack fellow, shouting margin and sailang for the last two years.

Without the knowledge of reading and analysing the financial statement of Jaks and Sendai, many just followed blindly the touting of sailang and amrgin by the quack quack quack fellow and lost a fortune.

So who is a better person. me teaching them to make extra-ordinary return, or you who caused so many people losing their fortunes?

The answer is pretty clear, isn't it?

News & Blogs

2019-01-29 17:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 02:52 AM | Report Abuse
kc...value here, value there , tp here, tp there, can make money meh?
margin of safety here and there , can make money meh?

Yes, I value here value there, margin of safety here margin of safety there all this while in my articles and stocks sharing in i3investor.

I have shown to you with portfolios of stocks, at least three of them, and numerous articles on analysis of stocks, published and recorded in i3investor.

You can read them and see how much money I would have made with the stocks picked. There were all published records.

Of curse yes, with those records, no bullshit like you do, I have made money in the stock market.

It is not like what you claim in your trading. Today buy at what price and a few days later, before the steep drop in share prices, claimed that you have sold and made money.

So where have you been?

News & Blogs

2019-01-29 15:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 02:52 AM | Report Abuse
kc...value here, value there , tp here, tp there, can make money meh?
margin of safety here and there , can make money meh?

Take some time to read through this article, rather than simply quack quack here, quack quack there.

All the super investors who have made billions for themselves and their investors; Warren Buffett, Charles Munger, Seth Klarmen, Mohnish Pabarai, etc. They all use and talk about the concept of margin of safety all the time.

Who the hell are you quack quack quack? After working for 30-40 years, you only have RM100k to invest, and hope to make it to be a M200 millionaire with your quack quack quack method.

And you keep on criticize them? Please lah. Go look at the mirror first.

News & Blogs

2019-01-29 15:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 29, 2019 02:52 AM | Report Abuse
kc...there are no accounting margin of safety...its a delusion.
There are only two kinds of safety....
1 learn to say NO....
2 good sense of timing.....
using NTA and PE as margin of safety is a delusion.....

Quack, quack quack, quack quack here quack quack there,

Accounting margin of safety? WTF is that?
We are talking about investing, aren't we?

Your 2 kinds of MOS? to say No, and good sense of timing? WTF are those?

Say no to what? Jaks and Sendai the last two years? Of course!

Good sense of timing? What sense do you have? Quack sense?

Margin of safety NTA and PE only you know? Thats all?

You only know how to quack quack quack here, quack quack quack there.

You see, if you know nothing, just keep quiet and nobody knows you are stupid. But every time you open your mouth, you expose your utmost ignorance and let people laugh at you.

Well, good also. Give us some fun here.

News & Blogs

2019-01-28 20:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 28, 2019 07:56 PM | Report Abuse
kc...there are no accounting margin of safety...its a delusion.

There are only two kinds of safety....
1 learn to say NO....
2 good sense of timing.....
using NTA and PE as margin of safety is a delusion.....

Accounting margin of safety? WTF is that?

Your 2 kinds of MOS? to say No, and good sense of timing? WTF are those?

You only know how to quack quack quack here, quack quack quack there.

You see, if you know nothing, just keep quiet and nobody knows you are stupid. But every time you open your mouth, you expose your utmost ignorance.

Well, good also. Give us some fun here.

News & Blogs

2019-01-28 18:47 | Report Abuse

While I was enjoying reading this article, followed by the comments, I see my name being mentioned here again. This quack quack quack, aka Desa9697, Stockmanny, Brightsmart, TheLoneRanger, etc etc. loves to quack quack here, quack quack there, here quack there quack everywhere quack quack quack. Allow me to make some clarifications, otherwise newbies here will be misld by this quack.

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 28, 2019 03:22 PM | Report Abuse
there is another group of people......kc does not want to look at quality shares, shares with Big and Obvious Q,...he says these are too institutionalized....cannot make money out of the fund manager shares......

Me: Quack quack quack doesn't know what is "quality". He think quality comes with a "Q", or quack quack quack. He thinks those shares only held by institutional investors are quality share. All others are rubbish. He thinks companies like Jaks and Sendai are "Q" stocks. Go through his articles and comments for the last two years. They are all about panic moment, dynamite investing, sailang, margin on these two stocks and nothing else.

So, they go look for non institutionalized shares with accounting check list in hand......they call it margin of safety.....

Me: What "checklist" this quack talking about? Yes, checklist is good. Many super investors, including Monish Pabrai use checklist. I suggest, first time here, investors to use check list. What is wrong with checklist? Check list is called "margin of safety"? Who said that? The quack quack quack?

For a few years , they had a good run didn't they?

Me: Yes, I had had good runs since 2008 until 2017. For 2018, we lose some money, little money. But how many investors don't lose money in 2018? What do you think our return is with a few years of good runs and a small loss in 2018?

Now, they are faced with Mourinho problem......First two years do well, third year every thing collapsed.....change manager wins 8 out of 8...........

Me: WTF Mourinho? Investing is like playing football ah? Quack quack quack here, quack quack quack there!

News & Blogs

2019-01-27 15:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 27, 2019 11:38 AM | Report Abuse
kc...u want to be a teacher, u better answer cat's query.....and I am watching u and recording every word......

Hey, who do you think you are?

News & Blogs

2019-01-27 11:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 27, 2019 11:06 AM | Report Abuse
this kc...for two years only want to talk about Jaks and Sendai....u not malu one ah?? Is that how a teacher of stock market behaves?

Malu? Why?

By sharing a totally different analysis and opinion on Jaks and Sendai, those who read them and taken the advice would have saved huge amount of money from manipulators, syndicates, insiders.

Those who wish to learn how to avoid lemons would also benefit greatly.

Is this something to malu about?

Or shouldn't those who have been touting the stocks with margin and sailang feel malu, extremely malu and should look for holes to hide?

News & Blogs

2019-01-27 10:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 27, 2019 12:11 AM | Report Abuse
how good can this kc be when he go promote stuffs like Insas?
and I thought only novice do that......

KC Chong has written 353 articles published in i3investor, with 14461 comments so far. They were all for sharing of investment philosophies, methodologies and process of fundamental value investing.

Don't just quack quack quack, go through all the above and show us one article, or one comment of KC Chong, which promotes any particular stock.

On the contrary, go and look at some of the few quack quack quack article, and its many other nicks such as Desa6769, Brightsmart, Stockmaany, TheLoneRanger etc. How many times he shouted panic moment, dynamite investing, margin, sailang on Jaks and Sendai for the last two years, and nothing much else.

Jaks share price has fallen relentlessly from RM1.80+ to 50 sen sen now in less than a year.

Sendai's share price not so bad, just yet, but also fallen from RM1.40+ to about 60 sen now.

News & Blogs

2019-01-26 23:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 26, 2019 11:13 PM | Report Abuse
kc.......Insas appeals to rubbish collectors....A teacher with experience will stay clear of rubbish dumps.....

Look at the share price movement of Insas and Jaks which you have been quack quack quack from two years ago.

Insas share price is unchanged but with 3 sen dividends.

Jaks has no dividend, and it lost more than 50% of its value.

Which has been a rubbish share?

News & Blogs

2019-01-26 23:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 26, 2019 11:18 PM | Report Abuse
but u got to up your game if you want to give real value to your students......kc.......what u have been feeding them...tak bolih pakai one......

As far as value investing is concerned, during the good years in 2015 to 2017, my portfolios of stock pick made many times the return of the stock market.

In a bad year like 2018, my stock pick using value investing no win no lose, while the overall market lost more than 20%.

So HTF you know what I taught tak boleh pakai. You just quack quack quack only.

News & Blogs

2019-01-26 23:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 26, 2019 11:13 PM | Report Abuse
kc.......Insas appeals to rubbish collectors....A teacher with experience will stay clear of rubbish dumps.....

Nope. Insas is thousand times better than the kowsai Jaks and Sendai which have been promoted by you for the last two years.

News & Blogs

2019-01-26 23:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Jan 26, 2019 11:05 PM | Report Abuse
kc...u want to be a better teacher...first understand the power of Qr.............here it is....

Please lah, don't link those with quack quack quack. all those scribbled by quack quack quack just talk cock good for a laugh and have negative value.