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2022-03-31 12:27 | Report Abuse

Sapu la apa tunggu


2022-03-31 11:46 | Report Abuse

Macam mau terbang


2022-03-29 12:56 | Report Abuse

Selamat menyambut kedatangan bulan Ramadan yg mulia.


2022-03-29 11:18 | Report Abuse



2022-03-29 07:01 | Report Abuse

Kanger International Bhd is disposing of China-based bamboo flooring company Ganzhou Kanger Industrial Co Ltd for 30.22 million yuan (RM20 million), as it seeks to streamline its business to focus on the construction business. It said the group has entered into a deal to sell its 100% stake in the Chinese company to Zeng QinHu.


2022-03-29 06:59 | Report Abuse

Habis...breakfast roti telor


2022-03-28 12:37 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (March 28): Cash-strapped oil and gas service provider Sapura Energy Bhd has appointed restructuring specialist Cosimo Borrelli as its non-independent and non-executive director effective last Friday (March 25).

In a Bursa Malaysia filing last Friday, the group said the Australian specialist is currently the leader of the Asia-Pacific and the Caribbean restructuring practice of Kroll.

He is also a well-known restructuring and insolvency practitioner in Asia having worked exclusively in this area since 1990, Sapura said.

“Cosimo Borrelli is also well regarded for his work as an independent director to listed companies internationally, especially those undergoing or targeting turnarounds, mergers and acquisitions, divestments and special situations.

“Borrelli's assignments often have a cross-border focus, including work in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, the US, the UK, Europe, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Africa,” it elaborated.

Borrelli, 55, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Adelaide, Australia.

On March 18, Sapura Energy saw its net loss for the fourth quarter ended Jan 31, 2022 (4QFY22) widen to a staggering RM6.61 billion, compared with a loss of RM216.03 million a year prior, largely due to impairment on goodwill worth RM3.29 billion and impairment on property, plant and equipment worth RM2.1 billion.

Its quarterly revenue dropped significantly by 68.61% to RM453.14 million from RM1.44 billion for the previous year, primarily due to a lower percentage of completion recognised in the quarter resulting from recognition of foreseeable losses and higher project costs in the engineering and construction (E&C) business segment.

For the full year ended Jan 31, 2022 (FY22), the group recorded a net loss to the tune of RM8.9 billion — its highest ever — from a net loss of RM160.87 million for the prior year as it realised impairment on goodwill and property, plant and equipment worth RM5.39 billion collectively.

Meanwhile, annual revenue fell by 22.84% to RM4.13 billion from RM5.35 billion for FY21 due to lower contributions from its E&C, and operation and maintenance segments.

At the time of writing on Monday, Sapura Energy traded five sen or 16.67% higher at 3.5 sen, valuing the group at RM559.27 million.


2022-03-25 12:33 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: National oil company Petronas has denied holding any discussions with the government on a proposal to take over Sapura Energy Bhd.

Petronas acknowledged that there had been speculation on “purported talks” with Putrajaya on a proposal for it to acquire a significant stake in Sapura.

“Petronas wishes to categorically deny these reports and speculations,” it said in a brief statement today.

“The group has always been and will continue to be strictly guided by an established framework for any investment or divestment consideration.

“Petronas wishes to emphasise it remains committed to working closely together with the oil and gas services and equipment (OGSE) industry players, leveraging on their expertise and capability as activities increase with the industry recovering from the impact of Covid-19.”

Sapura, a government-linked company (GLC), had announced a loss of RM8.9 billion last year, which former prime minister Najib Razak said was the largest for any Malaysian GLC in history.

The Pekan MP had proposed that the government intervene by providing easy interest loans or loan guarantees to Sapura to solve its cash flow problems.

Alternatively, Najib said, Putrajaya could direct Petronas or Khazanah Nasional Bhd to take over ownership of Sapura, citing how Petronas still required Sapura’s services for its projects and had a better understanding of the sector.


2022-03-24 08:29 | Report Abuse

Cabut la...


2022-03-24 08:27 | Report Abuse

Morning....minum coffee dulu


2022-03-24 08:25 | Report Abuse

Morning...minum coffee dulu.


2022-03-23 23:34 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (March 23): Jiankun International Bhd said its failure to pay the first advance of RM2 million in time led to the termination of the joint venture agreement (JVA) it inked with Menara Rezeki Sdn Bhd for the redevelopment of Flat PKNS Jalan Tun Razak in Kampung Baru.

The company said it could not make the payment within 30 days of the letter of demand dated Feb 4 because it was unable to obtain the relevant financial information within the agreed timeline.

“The company is still in the midst of discussion with the company lawyer for any further legal implication of the termination of the JVA and action against Menara Rezeki,” Jiankun said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia.

The company had received the notice of termination of the JVA from Menara Rezeki on March 21

The agreement, which was entered into on Jan 26, was for the redevelopment of the flats into a mixed residential and retail development with a gross development value of RM1.2 billion, over 28 times its market capitalisation of RM42.74 million, based on its closing price of 20 sen on Wednesday.

The 3.69-acre site along Jalan Tun Razak was to be redeveloped into 52-storey apartment towers and three towers with retail and residential components.

Under the agreement, the advance of RM2 million was to be utilised for initial expenses such as stamp duty, loan documentation, professional fees and consultant fees, with an additional advance of RM13 million earmarked as compensation to the existing owners of the land.

The project was previously slated to be the largest undertaken by Jiankun.


2022-03-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Take profit...cabuttttt


2022-03-22 08:52 | Report Abuse

Serba - Sumatec = sama nasib


2022-03-22 08:42 | Report Abuse

Standby bullet


2022-03-22 08:41 | Report Abuse

cabutttttt la...apa tunggu


2022-03-21 17:32 | Report Abuse

'Project' RM1 million only.....sangat memalukan.


2022-03-21 17:29 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: Sapura Energy Bhd yang mencatatkan kerugian bersih luar biasa RM8.9 bilion bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Januari 2022 dijangka mengalami kerugian lebih besar bagi tahun kewangan semasa.

Syarikat itu dilaporkan sedang mengalami tekanan kecairan, apabila paras hutang dan pembayaran tertunggak terlampau tinggi, ditambah dengan kesukarannya mendapatkan kemudahan kredit, demikian menurut penganalisis.

Penganalisis RHB Investment Bank Bhd, Sean Lim, berkata Sapura Energy dijangka berdepan dengan unjuran kewangan masa hadapan yang sangat mencabar.

Beliau berkata, kegagalan menepati perjanjian kewangan tertentu, menyebabkan jumlah pinjaman RM10.7 bilion syarikat itu akan kekal sebagai liabiliti semasa.

Katanya, mengikut permohonan cadangan skim pengaturan (SOA) dan Perintah Penyekatan daripada Mahkamah Tinggi, Sapura Energy perlu memuktaman dan melaksanakan SOA yang dicadangkan serta mencari sumber pembiayaan baharu.

"Sapura Energy berkemungkinan diklasifikasikan sebagai syarikat Nota Amalan 17 (PN17)," katanya.

Lim berkata, buat masa ini, tempahan kontrak dalam tangan yang dimiliki oleh Sapura Energy adalah berjumlah RM6.6 bilion.

"Kami percaya Sapura Energy akan mendapati adalah sesuatu yang sangat mencabar untuk menambah kontrak daripada tender RM28 bilion sedia ada.

"Namun, berdasarkan keadaan kewangan semasanya, segmen penggerudian dijangka memberikan aliran tunai yang stabil, dengan jangkaan sembilan pelantar beroperasi," katanya.

Sapura Energy sebelum ini memaklumkan bahawa tiga lagi anak syarikatnya diserahkan petisyen pembubaran pada 7 dan 9 Mac lalu disebabkan tidak dapat menyelesaikan sejumlah pembayaran tertunggak.

Sapura Fabrication Sdn Bhd (SFSB) diberikan petisyen pembubaran yang dikeluarkan oleh Posh Subsea Pte Ltd, berikutan kegagalan syarikat itu mengikut pelan pembayaran sebanyak AS$3.99 juta (RM16.76 juta) ditambah faedah.

Sapura Offshore Sdn Bhd (SOSB) diserahkan dengan petisyen oleh Lincoln Energy Sdn Bhd berikutan tidak membayar invois sebanyak RM150,150 yang didakwa terhutang di bawah kontrak untuk peruntukan barang yang dijual dan dihantar.

Sementara itu, Sapura Project Services Sdn Bhd (SPSSB) diserahkan petisyen pembubaran oleh Danamin (M) Sdn Bhd untuk RM4.24 juta di bawah kontrak pembinaan bagi peruntukan kerja mekanikal.

Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) yang juga pemegang saham utama Sapura Energy baru-baru ini menegaskan kepada semua pemegang unitnya, bahawa situasi di syarikat itu hanya memberi kesan minimum ke atas portfolionya.

Jelas dana pelaburan itu, pada harga pasaran semasa, pendedahan PNB dalam syarikat minyak dan gas terbabit adalah kurang satu peratus daripada aset di bawah pengurusannya (AUM).

Sementara itu, PublicInvestment Research menurunkan saranannya terhadap saham Sapura Energy kepada 'jual' dengan harga sasaran tiga sen, berbanding lima sen sebelumnya, berikutan keadaan yang amat tidak menentu dari segi kedudukan kewangannya.

"Kebimbangan terhadap kecairan masih lagi ada, sekali gus menjejaskan usaha pemulihan sambil mengehadkan prospek pertumbuhannya. Ini juga akan menjejaskan pelaksanaan projek tertentu disebabkan kurangnya sokongan daripada pembekal disebabkan oleh jumlah yang masih tertunggak.

"Kumpulan sedang berunding dengan vendor berhubung pembayaran tertunggak dan penyedia pinjaman menerusi kemudahan sedia ada atau baharu, di bawah SOA," katanya.


2022-03-21 10:44 | Report Abuse

21 Mac - KONFLIK RUSIA-UKRAINE | Rusia memberi Ukraine tempoh masa sehingga jam 5 pagi waktu Moscow hari ini bagi menyerah bandar Mariupol.
Pengarah Pusat Pertahanan Kebangsaan Rusia, Kolonel Jeneral Mikhail Mmizintsev dalam satu kenyataan berkata, sesiapa yang menyerah diri akan diberi laluan keluar dengan selamat dari bandar itu.


2022-03-21 08:34 | Report Abuse

Relax....minum coffee dulu


2022-03-18 17:27 | Report Abuse

Relax...kena teh tarik & roti canai dulu


2022-03-16 14:07 | Report Abuse

Ini berita baru betul ngam...
PETALING JAYA: The government will allow another withdrawal from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced today.

He said the government decided on this as it was aware that many people were still struggling from the after-effects of the pandemic.

“The government has agreed to allow a special withdrawal of EPF funds of up to RM10,000,” he told a press conference today.

There have been growing calls for Putrajaya to allow EPF withdrawals for those struggling to make ends meet.

Former prime minister Najib Razak has been leading the calls for the withdrawals and proposing ways the retirement fund could replenish its members’ savings.

More recently, even opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, who had been reluctant to support the move, urged the government to allow another round of withdrawals.

Finance minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz had warned that EPF would have to sell more of its overseas assets if the government allowed another one-off withdrawal of RM10,000.


2022-03-16 08:10 | Report Abuse

Morning...minum coffee dulu


2022-03-15 22:33 | Report Abuse

Emak sudah jalan....tomorrow anak kita sapuuu


2022-03-15 22:31 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow cabut la...apa tunggu.


2022-03-15 20:32 | Report Abuse

Malaysian rubber glove sector prepares for endemic phase


2022-03-15 20:03 | Report Abuse

Cikgu pesan....jangan percaya pada orang yang banyak cakap.


2022-03-15 18:33 | Report Abuse

If Gold’s $1,925 Support Fails, Next Could Be $1,887
Dixit of skcharting.com says the spot price of bullion, which he uses as basis for his technical outlooks on gold, could reach $1,887 if it doesn’t hold support of $1,925 after Tuesday’s drop to $1,927.85.

“Gold has been falling and doesn't show any strength,” he said.


2022-03-15 18:32 | Report Abuse

If Gold’s $1,925 Support Fails, Next Could Be $1,887
Dixit of skcharting.com says the spot price of bullion, which he uses as basis for his technical outlooks on gold, could reach $1,887 if it doesn’t hold support of $1,925 after Tuesday’s drop to $1,927.85.
“Gold has been falling and doesn't show any strength,” he said.


2022-03-15 17:35 | Report Abuse



2022-03-15 15:46 | Report Abuse



2022-03-15 14:34 | Report Abuse

Ready to fly...


2022-03-15 14:19 | Report Abuse

Tunggu 0.10 saya sapu 5 lori...haha


2022-03-15 14:17 | Report Abuse

Ikan bilis sudah banyak masuk...tunggu masa mau goreng..haha


2022-03-14 14:56 | Report Abuse

Commodities are dead.


2022-03-14 14:44 | Report Abuse

Sapuuuuuuu la...apa tunggu


2022-03-13 10:11 | Report Abuse

COVID-19 - Malaysia Dijangka Lepasi Kemuncak Jangkitan Omicron Hujung Bulan Ini- Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan


2022-03-11 17:27 | Report Abuse

Ini gila bukan sebarang gila....hanya ada satu dalam sejuta..hahaha


2022-03-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

Tunggu 0.10...


2022-03-11 17:23 | Report Abuse

Rehat dulu....masa dah habis.


2022-03-11 08:17 | Report Abuse

Morning...minum coffee dulu


2022-03-10 20:40 | Report Abuse

Capital A unable to get RM500m Danajamin loan as founders refuse to be guarantors.