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5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 15:56 | Report Abuse

Former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad called upon Malaysians to vote for “the devil you know” rather than “the angel you don’t”.

We would like to express our most sincere appreciation to Dr Mahathir for finally admitting that Barisan Nasional is “the devil” who have been robbing Malaysians dry over the past 56 years. And we would like to thank him for alluding that Pakatan Rakyat is “the angel” who has yet to rule Malaysia. Do Malaysians still want to let “the devil” continue to bleed the country, or give a chance to “the angel” to make things better?

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 16:21 | Report Abuse

How Umno killed long-time ally MCA
11:17AM Apr 12, 2013

YOURSAY 'MCA deserves the bullying. After all, they have been bending over backwards to please their Umno master.'

Uproar over MCA 'loaning' seats to Umno

your sayQuigonbond: This is an interesting change in dynamics, but it will be disastrous for Umno.

In order for them to beat back DAP, both their paradoxical propaganda need to work together - first, for the Malays, a vote for DAP is a vote for Christian state, and to the non-Malays, a vote for DAP is a vote for Islamic state.

It will never happen. If they secure Malay votes, they will lose the non-Malay votes. If they secure the non-Malay votes, they will lose the Malay votes.

Racial politics is Umno's forte. Chances are, the folks in the same constituency will exchange notes and see Umno propaganda for the bullshit that it is.

Descending into a race-neutral contest, they will be thrashed. As for MCA grassroots feeling slighted about their constituencies being lent to Umno, it was simply a matter of time before this day arrived.

Either they get defeated, or they don't contest at all. The result is the same.

Samuel Ng: Even before a single vote has been cast, MCA has lost one state seat and four parliamentary seats.

Ferdtan: That is the problem MCA leaders set for themselves many years ago. Although they are Chinese-based party, they dare not face the Chinese voters.

They, especially the top leaders, prefer only to stand in Malay-majority seats. That made them winnable with the Malay votes.

In the past, there was not a problem. Umno can afford to be generous to their junior partner MCA as Umno have sufficient winnable seats for themselves.

However, now it is a different scenario. First, they have no confidence in MCA at all. They don't believe that they can deliver the votes to win seats to retain Putrajaya.

Secondly, Umno are also not confident themselves to win enough seats in their traditional areas without having to take additional ones from MCA.

So it is BN's (or Najib Razak's) dilemma. Let MCA contest they may lose, but if Umno were to contest in their seats (they may look stronger) they may face wrath and rebellion from the grassroots MCA members.

Either way, it is doomsday for BN.

...more, read all here FREE...



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-12 17:01 | Report Abuse

NO NO NO!!!..BN will win and recapture Penang, Kedah and Selangor. Kelantan looks shaky too.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

UMNO BN#Bankrapkan Negara says, you need experience to run government, but what kind of experience do they have?

The last 12 years they have turned into budget deficit.
In 10 years in a row, they failed to achieve growth targets that they set for themselves.
While the performance has dropped, government expenditure has been increased.
Malaysia national debt is now RM556 billion.
They spent RM325 billion from Petronas in 4 years.
They might have experience, but is BAD experience!

It’s time for change! Ini kali lah!!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:12 | Report Abuse




2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:14 | Report Abuse




19 posts

Posted by Sacide82 > 2013-04-12 17:15 | Report Abuse

Changes are good but depends on what kinds. From what I observe, I will continue to support our beloved govt who has maintained peace and shown the world that Malaysia is a country on whole in terms of economy, democracy, etc. to other countries.

And from what I observe, the opposition PKR leader keep putting on shame on Malaysia by blaming publicly everything else on CNN, Al-Jazeera, etc. And when asked on Nepotism on CNN, he put the fault on other people again when he himself, his wife and daughter were in the previous parliment.
And same blaming game action goes to other oppostion leaders.

A true leader would not spend time digging fault and blaming others. But a true leader will accept the fact of fault and committed to be better. And frankly our current government actions show that.

My praise to BN.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:16 | Report Abuse




558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-12 17:16 | Report Abuse

The country will turn bankrupt if PR runs the country. Anwar Ibrahim almost did that when he was DPM and Finance Minister. Is this the same person u want to be the next PM? U must be making him a laughing stock. Can't even patch potholes on the roads and collect rubbish, u want to run the country? U must be kidding lah Bingo.

Dr M saved the nation when he imposed currency control. That's why Anwar was sacked. He's good in "other things" but NOT finance and public administration. Can sweep PR under the carpet.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

23-Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day – Dr M in his post-PM decade has emerged as the greatest enemy of his own Bangsa Malaysia concept in Vision 2020 and the single greatest threat to Malaysian nation building



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

BN has my undivided support.

Those who voted against BN in the 2008 GE has returned to BN. BN is getting stronger and stronger.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-12 17:23 | Report Abuse



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-12 17:25 | Report Abuse

PAKATAN is well known for making slanderous remarks, including bullshitting. U can cheat the man on the streets but NOT me!!!!


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-12 17:27 | Report Abuse

Looks like So Hai Ranger you don't read or understand business and GDP. This debt is recorded on podcast at BFM....by two org Refsa and ISIS.....don't just take someone's info and understand with little facts and then start to talk as if it's true.....because when u do so, it reflect on BN and ur stupidity....Kakakaka,a


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-12 17:28 | Report Abuse

Read first So Hai Ranger and learn from the analyst and researches with stats....otherwise u really look like a so hai and worst the Babi rider.....lol


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-12 17:34 | Report Abuse

U Ranger betul betul buta, lagi bodoh. And now with info and stats start reading and start understanding type of debts and how govt conceal.....luckily BFM is podcast and u don't need to read because u are so stupid u may get it wrong.......lol


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 12, 2013 05:16 PM | Report Abuse

Dr M saved the nation when he imposed currency control. That's why Anwar was sacked. He's good in "other things" but NOT finance and public administration. Can sweep PR under the carpet.


haa,haa, haa...Ranger you are stupidly blind and don't know anything and trying to be clever by twist & turn. Mamakutty sack YB Anwar because of saving his own sons skin. His sons all borrow in hundreds of millions in U.S. Dollar and when U.S. Dollar shoot to $4.80, Malaysian Ringgit which was at around $2.80 before when his sons borrow, this Mamakutty sons had to pay back in U.S. Dollar & also the bank interest in U.S. Dollar too. So during the Asian currency crisis, Mamakutty's all sons koyak and some want to commit suicide in Singapore. How to pay when Mamakutty sons had no money to do business but to borrow heavily from U.S. banks syndicate loans. The banks wants back the borrowed money back and this Mamak sons couldn't pay. So what's the alternative?? Play out YB Anwar and the Mamakutty became the Finance Minister and thus use the country's money to bail out his sons.

So stupid Ranger who is really a idiot and don't know anything, just keep your bloody mouth shut, will you and nobody will say you are a bloody idiot & bloody fool?


298 posts

Posted by super911 > 2013-04-12 17:37 | Report Abuse

Ranger the cock sucker again prove that he is king of talk cock.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:41 | Report Abuse

And what happen to this Mamakutty sons listed shipping company? What was the share price back then, let me tell you stupid & idiotic Ranger..it's about 30+ cents and this Mamakutty then become Finance Minister when he sack YB Anwar and then this Mamakutty ask Pernas to buy all Mamakutty sons shipping company shares at around $4.80 cents...so bloody & bloody stupid Ranger don't let other members call you a Pig Rider again as you are really a stupid idiot who know next to NOTHING? Kosong otak Ranger you are and you trying to be clever??


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-12 17:43 | Report Abuse

Ranger begitu bodoh, he takes half an hr to understand a podcast.....just go lah to BFM and look for podcast on ISIS and Refsa.

I like the statement below best..
he says PR cannot cheat him but can cheat other people implying he is smart.....errr....his last reply was 20 minutes ago....still cannot understand the podcast I guess....hahahahaha

News: Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy
Apr 12, 2013 05:25 PM | Report Abuse

PAKATAN is well known for making slanderous remarks, including bullshitting. U can cheat the man on the streets but NOT me!!!!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 17:44 | Report Abuse

So, this mamakutty sack YB Anwar to become Finance Minister himself and then use the country's money to save his sons, that the real truth. So , stupid & idiotic Ranger don't try to be clever as you know NUTS, you are just a empty vessel and making empty noises only, podah??


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 18:01 | Report Abuse

Stupid & idiotic Ranger, go & check out "Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd" own by Mamakutty's son and see what happen to this listed company????


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-12 18:06 | Report Abuse

Just wondering why no one rebut this guy....MC hammer, pls understand that ur argument written below has no source of the problem. The problem is not abt tol but the enrichment of the cronies that BN has pick and my guess is a mutual > 200% gain if concession continues...while you worry about Kelantan...u should also be most concern about outflow of money thru this enrichment because, Kelantan should get their oil royalty by right. While this is not given to them , and your concern is tar road, sorry to say, you are easily satisfied while the masters to be continue to play their strings in this puppet show....

Posted by Mat Cendana > Apr 10, 2013 06:30 PM | Report Abuse

Hapuskan tol...? That's very easy to say. So who is going to reimburse those who had invested money to build and maintain the expressways? If you say "the government" or "Petronas", that means the money will still have to come from somwhere. If the government takes over, that means those in Bukit Panau, Tanah Merah, Kelantan who would never use the tolled roads are indirectly paying for those who use them every day. I would be happy because I'm in the Klang Valley and use NKVE, DUKE etc. a lot of the time. But would it be fair to everyone?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 18:09 | Report Abuse

An Open Letter of Protest to all local mass media, both electronic and printed, at the lack of fair play in my response to Mahathir�s allegations on nepotism
Media Conference Statement
by Lim Kit Siang

(Petaling Jaya, Tuesday): This is an Open Letter of Protest to all local mass media, both electronic and printed, at the lack of fair play in my response to Mahathir�s allegations on nepotism.

When Mahathir accused me of nepotism, he was given the fullest media publicity over radio, television and the local printed media. But when I rebutted and responded to Mahathir�s accusation at a media conference yesterday, I was not given equal and fair treatment by the local printed and electronic media.

I had challenged the Prime Minister to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Nepotism with special focus on the children and associates of Mahathir as well as the Lim Kit Siang/Lim Guan Eng alleged nepotism case.

I had also referred to a memorandum submitted by 15 NGOs including Aliran, AWAM, FOMCA, ERA, SUARAM and Tenaganita to the Anti-Corruption Agency in August last year asking for swift investigations concerning various noted personalities, including the children of the Prime Minister and an accompanying document containing lists of private limited companies where three children of the Prime Minister - Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz Mahathir - acted as directors, and that according to searches made at the Registry of Companies at the end of 1994, Mirzan had interests in 98 companies, Mokhzani in 48 companies and Mukhriz in 67 companies.

My rebuttal and response to Mahathir on the allegation of nepotism was completedly blacked out by the electronic media, whether radio or television. Not a single newspaper, in whichever language, dared to mention the names of the three children of Mahathir and the 213 companies they had interest as at the end of 1994, or my statement that I would not be surprised if Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz had in the last four years doubled if not trebled the companies where they have interests.

Can the Malaysian printed and electronic media explain why when Mahathir accused me of nepotism in connection with Lim Guan Eng, this was given prominent coverage, but when I raised the question as to whether there is nepotism involving Mahathir and his three children, Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz concerning the hundreds of companies in which they have interests, this was completely censored by the local mass media?

Do we have in Malaysia not only selective prosecution, but also selective coverage of allegations of nepotism, where the mass media practises double-standards where they would only print the Prime Minister�s allegation of nepotism against the Parliamentary Opposition Leader but not vice versa?

I had said yesterday that the treatment of the local mass media of my rebuttal and response to Mahathir�s allegation of nepotism is a test of press freedom and mass media fair-play in Malaysia, and clearly the local mass media have failed both tests.

I do not blame the journalists for the most unfair treatment of my response to Mahathir on his allegation of nepotism, as I believe they would have all gone back to their newspaper offices and sent in fair and balanced reports, but the mass media bosses did not allow them to see the light of day.

This is because the local mass media are required to serve the Barisan Nasional agenda, where the DAP and the Opposition are presented in the worst possible light, as in the recent DAP problems, so as to distract public attention from the many grave serious national problems and multiple crises as well as the very serious problems faced by the Barisan Nasional component parties, especially UMNO.

Whenever certain local mass media give the DAP very prominent coverage, including front-page headlines several days in a row, when normally their readers could hardly read about the views and demands of the DAP, discerning Malaysians must know that the Barisan Nasional agenda is at work!

I ask the local mass media, both electronic and printed, to redeem their credibility by publishing my further response today to Mahathir�s allegations on nepotism against me. This is a further test of press freedom and mass media fair play in Malaysia.
Challenge to Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz Mahathir to make public details in all the companies they presently have interests, to let Malaysians know whether they have doubled or trebled the total of 213 companies they had interests as at the end of 1994
Today, I want to challenge Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz Mahathir to make public details in all the companies they presently have interests, to let Malaysians know whether they have doubled or trebled the total of 213 companies they had interests at the end of 1994 as disclosed in the document submitted by the 15 NGOs to the Anti-Corruption Agency.

...to continue


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 18:10 | Report Abuse


If Mahathir and his three children, Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz maintain that there is no nepotism whatsoever, then they should have no qualms in making public all the hundreds of companies the three Mahathir children have interests, the nature of their interests and stakes in these companies, and subject themselves to public accountability and scrutiny.

Furthermore, let Mahathir agree to the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Nepotism. I am prepared to appear before the Royal Comission of Inquiry on Nepotism and am prepared to give full co-operation into its investigations into the alleged Lim Kit Siang/Lim Guan Eng nepotism.

But Mahathir should similarly give full co-operation to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Nepotism, particularly as to whether there is any nepotism in the government, through Petronas, using hundreds of millions of ringgit of public funds to bail out Mirzan Mahathir�s Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd. The MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Ling Liong Sik, should also give full co-operation to the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Nepotism as to whether there is nepotism in the case of his son, Ling Hee Leong, being able to acquire RM1.2 billion of corporate stakes in three months.

Let Mahathir tell the country and the world that he has nothing to hide as far allegations of nepotism is concerned by announcing the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Nepotism in the presidential address at the UMNO General Assembly this week, and that he and his three children, Mirzan, Mokhzani and Mukhriz, would fully co-operate with such a public inquiry.

**Lim Kit Siang - Malaysian Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Democratic Action Party Secretary-General & Member of Parliament for Tanjong



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 18:21 | Report Abuse

Is Mahathir really the brave Malay hero who does not fear the US or the Jews?

Mahathir's reason for the open animosity for Jews is the same as that applicable to his diatribes of the US - the open animosity is a diversion so that Mahathir's close relationship with the Jews will not be apparent, and he can continue to deceive the Malays and the Islamic world.

Let us look at the facts. Mahathir was a close buddy of Soros (a Jew) in hedge-fund deals and currency manipulation, later blamed Soros for the financial crisis of 1997/1998 and called him a "moron", and subsequently absolved Soros of any responsibility for Malaysia’s financial crisis when Soros visited him after his retirement (http://minaq-jinggo.fotopages.com/?entry=1017436 ).

Was Mahathir a hypocrite, lambasting first then later embracing and absolving Soros? Mahathir had engaged Saatchi & Saatchi, Goldman Sachs and other Jewish firms for various projects and tasks during his tenure as PM. In fact, he engaged Salmon Smith Barney, a Jewish firm, to advise him on how to manage the financial crisis and implement currency controls in 1998.

Mokhzani, Mahathir’s son, worked for Lehman Brothers, a Jewish firm. Another of Mahathir's son, Mirzan, worked for Salomon Brothers, another Jewish firm. Prof Jeffrey Sachs from Harvard, one of Mahathir's top economic advisors, is a Jew. Mahathir (ok, some unknown person) engaged Abramoff, a Jew, to arrange the meeting between Mahathir and George Bush mentioned above. Could Mahathir make an enemy of the Jews (who, according to Mahathir himself, control the world) and still survive, unless he had been granted leeway?

Mahathir's October 16, 2003 speech at the OIC meeting contained some of the most outrageous statements any leader of a country has made publicly against the US and the Jews. Mahathir explicitly labelled the US and Jews as the enemy of Muslims and said that Muslims need "guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defense."

How is it that Mahathir is still alive and kicking and can even visit the US after having seriously offended the most powerful nation in the world (the US) and the most powerful people in the world (the Jews), not once but repeatedly? Something to think about. Something that must be clearly explained to the Malays so that they will know the real Mahathir.

read everything here please..



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 18:25 | Report Abuse

Who is really the ‘Best Pal’ of Jews? Anwar or Mahathir?

Mahathir’s open vitriolic act against the Jews is legendary. Mahathir’s reason for the open animosity for Jews is to serve as a diversion so that Mahathir’s close relationship with the Jews will not be apparent, and he can continue to deceive the Malays and the Islamic world. Let us look at the facts.

Mahathir was a close buddy of Soros (a Jew) in hedge-fund deals and currency manipulation, later blamed Soros for the financial crisis of 1997/1998 and called him a “moron”, and subsequently absolved Soros of any responsibility for Malaysia’s financial crisis when Soros visited him after his retirement (http://minaq-jinggo.fotopages.com/?entry=1017436 ) – was Mahathir a hypocrite, lambasting first and later embracing and absolving Soros?

Mahathir had engaged Saatchi & Saatchi, Goldman Sachs and other Jewish firms for various projects and tasks during his tenure as PM. In fact, he engaged Salmon Smith Barney, a Jewish firm, to advise him on how to manage the financial crisis and implement currency control in 1998. Mokhzani, Mahathir’s son, worked for Lehman Brothers, a Jewish firm

Another of Mahathir’s son, Mirzan, worked for Salomon Brothers, another Jewish firm. Prof Jeffrey Sachs from Harvard, one of Mahathir’s top economic advisors, is a Jew. Mahathir (ok, some unknown person) engaged Abramoff, a Jew, to arrange the meeting between Mahathir and George Bush mentioned above.

Could Mahathir make an enemy of the Jews who (according to Mahathir himself) control the world and still survive, unless he had been granted the leeway ? Could Mahathir make an enemy of the Jews who (according to Mahathir himself) control the US and still survive, unless they were his good friends who allowed him the leeway to make all those ridiculous statements because of a far more critical hidden agenda?

Mahathir’s Oct 16, 2003 speech at the OIC meeting contained some of the most outrageous statements any leader of a country has ever made publicly against the Jews since Hitler. Mahathir explicitly labelled the Jews as the enemy of Muslims and said that Muslims needed “guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defense.”

How is it that Mahathir is still alive and kicking after having seriously offended the “most powerful people in the world” (the Jews), not once but repeatedly? It is because, he has been a stooge of not only the US but also the Jews, and he was excused by them for his over-zealous efforts to deceive Malaysians and the Islamic world about his anti-Jewish and consequently anti-Israeli stand.

So who is really the “Best Pal” of the Jews? Anwar or Mahathir? Anwar may be a friend of Israel but Mahathir is most certainly the “Best Pal” of the Jews.

...read the rest here please..


So to those many idiots who hero worship Mahathir, think again for the sake of our beloved Malaysia...please don't be taken for a ride by this devil Mamakutty.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-12 18:38 | Report Abuse

But Bingo, Ranger says he cannot be bullshited.......after all the info straightforward and not rhetorics, the stupid fella still thinks he is smart. He dissapeared since 5.25pm after I ask him to listen to BFM....hahahahaha


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-12 19:03 | Report Abuse

Dr Mahathir sedang usaha hancurkan negara - Salahudin



457 posts

Posted by skyboyman > 2013-04-12 23:40 | Report Abuse

bursa on uptrend mode, brainless bingo on downtrend mode.. LOL


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-04-12 23:50 | Report Abuse

wah bingo u posted heavily political topic...quite long, suka hatilah kau-lah , asalkan u bahagia bingo. and jacko...u're bingo, so i wish u the same wish just like jacko...i mean bingo, hehehe


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-04-12 23:53 | Report Abuse

bingo is against the gov, is not because he really likes pakatan...but he's a racist...u can read his lips


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-04-12 23:57 | Report Abuse

bingo biggest agenda is not about shares...it's more to politics...he's one of the agent of PAKATAN...not just a supporter...he's a soldier, ...aku tak belah mana2, siapa jadi gov will have my support..that's my principle


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-13 00:47 | Report Abuse

Anbz, ur the man....esp the last statement....I may support a certain party but just don't get carried away....


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 01:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by anbz > Apr 12, 2013 11:53 PM | Report Abuse

bingo is against the gov, is not because he really likes pakatan...but he's a racist...u can read his lips

anbz, you call me a RACIST & this is a very serious matter. Pleaze think carefully before you said this word as it can land you in trouble. In all my postings have I call anyone a RACIST? So, think before you open your mouth before you get into trouble.

Please note that I had copy your statement calling me a racist and it will be noted.

anbz, I pick no quarrel with you and had never comment on any of your political writings and you anbz suddenly call me a RACIST is really really a very serious matter. Nobody, just nobody, can call any person a RACIST in a multi racial country like Malaysia and you abnz just did that. Just ask your friends and seed whether you abnz can call another person a RACIST?

PS... just anyone can post political material if he wants too but please do not go call others a RACIST and you abnz calling me a RACIST is a very serious matter & will definately get yourself into trouble, period.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 01:53 | Report Abuse

The news that I posted here are from web sites and the url had all been copy & posted it here for all reference and to check out the news whether I had posted the correct thing or I bullshit and nowhere are these my words. So anbz, just you try to go to the url I had posted and you call that writer a RACIST and see what happens to you...period.

Mind you abnz, ask around and see if you calling another Malaysian as a RACIST is a very serious matter or not, period.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-13 02:10 | Report Abuse

FYI bingo, even if the material and links are not yours, you are still liable for the sharing if they come after you. Under code of responsible sharing and based on the understanding what u are sharing, you are as good as the writer of the blog. Pls be informed and be adviced.


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-13 02:14 | Report Abuse

And Bingo, to take it a step further, you can also be sued by the blog owner for sharing indescriminately. Double jeapordy...!! Blog owners can be sued but it will be a long case depending on a lot of factors. But for you to take an info out of the blog and share it on a public domain like a forum, this can b taken as a case. I m sharing this w you since you don't sound as if u are aware...!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 02:55 | Report Abuse

ok, brother jacko, I will take note of it, thanks....cheers.


457 posts

Posted by skyboyman > 2013-04-13 10:49 | Report Abuse

brainless bingo thinks he is so powerful.. want to threathen others ?? you think you are that powerful ?? there are more a lot of powerful people & you better shut your mouth !! free bullets for your head if you really want it !!


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-13 10:53 | Report Abuse

Listen Listen Listen Carefully


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-04-13 11:03 | Report Abuse



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-13 14:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by skyboyman > Apr 13, 2013 10:49 AM | Report Abuse

brainless bingo thinks he is so powerful.. want to threathen others ?? you think you are that powerful ?? there are more a lot of powerful people & you better shut your mouth !! free bullets for your head if you really want it !!

skyboyman , this is really threatening and you can rest assured that some of my friends will show it to the police and we see will be be their action...period.

skyboyman, I didn't say that I am powerful but you accuse me before as a conman of shares and that's a serious accusation. And now this, I quote "free bullets for your head if you really want it !!"....let's see what my friends had to say first to me.


457 posts

Posted by skyboyman > 2013-04-13 15:06 | Report Abuse

go ahead brainless bingo.. you don't know who are facing with.. i can assure you can't never be able to touch me..


130 posts

Posted by cobra125 > 2013-04-13 15:38 | Report Abuse

skyboyman belum kena chakap besar kaakaakaakaa


130 posts

Posted by cobra125 > 2013-04-13 15:39 | Report Abuse

nanti kena makan pun tak senang, kikikiki


457 posts

Posted by skyboyman > 2013-04-13 15:47 | Report Abuse

you better ask bingo when he is going to do it.. until it's realized you will see who is suffering..


130 posts

Posted by cobra125 > 2013-04-13 16:07 | Report Abuse

skyboyman , jangan chakap besar, siapa kau?? In English we say don't try to talk big??? Jangan tunjuk u berani tetapi u sa orang yang chakap lebeh lah. Kena kau kau dari pehak kerajaan baru u tahu. In English, we say be humble and don't try to show off. Even our Prime Minister don't say such things. So who are you to talk like this???


130 posts

Posted by cobra125 > 2013-04-13 16:09 | Report Abuse

skyboyman, one last word of advice. Please believe in Karma as GOD is watching you skyboyman. You can run but you cannot hide, period. Enough said.


457 posts

Posted by skyboyman > 2013-04-13 16:22 | Report Abuse

you better ask bingo who he is..

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