4 people like this.

175 comment(s). Last comment by nicholas99 2023-01-10 09:13


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 09:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > Dec 31, 2022 8:38 AM | Report Abuse

Also, why do you spend so much time being an investor activist? It is probable easier and more productive just to save your time and walk away from such company.

Answer: For far too long CEO can just cheat all the minority shareholders with impunity because good man do nothing.

Knowledge is power and with great power come great responsibility.


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 10:07 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-12-31 10:54 | Report Abuse

Spoken like a hin leong trader.


The profitable of refinery depend on the crack spread and the crack spread was at record high:

Q1 2022
Prices of Dubai crude USD 95.6/barrel
Gasoline cracks USD 17.8. Price USD (95.6 + 17.8) = USD 113.4 /barrel
Diesel cracks USD 21.6. Price USD (95.6 + 21.6) = USD 117.2/barrel
Kero-jet cracks USD 16.2. Price USD (95.6 + 16.2) = USD 111.8/barrel

Q2 2022
Prices of Dubai crude USD (101.8X2- 95.6) = 108/barrel
Gasoline cracks USD (26.4X2-17.8) = 35. Price USD (108 + 35) = USD 143/barrel
Diesel cracks USD (36.6X2-21.6) = 51.6. Price USD (108 + 51.6) = USD 159.6/barrel
Kero-jet cracks USD (27.7X2-16.2) = 39.2. Price USD (108 + 39.2) =USD 147.2/barrel

Q3 2022
Prices of Dubai crude USD (101.2X3- 95.6-108) = USD 100.3/barrel
Gasoline cracks $ (22X3-17.8-35) = 13.2. Price USD (100.3 + 13.2) = USD 113.5/barrel
Diesel cracks $ (38.1X3-21.6-51.6) = 41.1. Price USD (100.3 + 41.1) = USD 141.4/barrel
Kero-jet cracks $(29.3X3-16.2-39.2) = 32.5. Price USD (100.3 + 32.5) = USD 132.8/barrel

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-12-31 11:01 | Report Abuse

Sslee, let's just admit facts for once and stare at the mirror together.
Why do you invest? I was once like you many decades ago when I first started buying stocks.

I wanted to be proud that I spent enough time researching and find a misplaced stock that no one else noticed or mispriced.

And then when I found it and bought the stock, the market would notice and I would make millions as the prices soared then I could tell everyone how smart I was buying a great company at its beginning.

This is pure hubris and ego speaking.

In investing you can make tons of money being safe and you actually make better returns by avoiding the "value traps" of "under valued" companies which seemingly no one noticed and buy them at cheap prices which fail to move long term.

I find that investing is more about emotive control rather than intellectual ability. Being able to pay fair prices for excellent companies, you actually go further in the long term versus paying cheap price for cheap companies.


Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > Dec 31, 2022 8:38 AM | Report Abuse

Also, why do you spend so much time being an investor activist? It is probable easier and more productive just to save your time and walk away from such company.

Answer: For far too long CEO can just cheat all the minority shareholders with impunity because good man do nothing.

Knowledge is power and with great power come great responsibility.


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 11:20 | Report Abuse

It's ok...sslee is just a beginner investor but advanced activist


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 11:23 | Report Abuse

All things considered, it's ok for sslee to buy byd......the buffalo sell? Don't worry....u think buffalo never sell some thing before and to see it go multiple baggers after he sell meh?


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 11:30 | Report Abuse

U can buy a start up and sell when it become a successful company...u can also buy a successful company and it becomes even more successful....both also ok


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 11:38 | Report Abuse

As for hengyuan at 3.50.... that is real headache for retailers holding the share at 3.5... no one needs this kind of headache.....of course those who benefits from the strong q2 profits and took profits smartest of them all.


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 11:48 | Report Abuse

Competition in China is so fierce, u can be a China champion, u can easily take on the world. Take Huawei, no matter what America throw at Huawei, it will find a way to survive and come back stronger than before....same for byd.


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 11:57 | Report Abuse


Putting the question of whether this is pure hubris and ego speaking aside. The question you must ask is has you make a different?

I remember during joint meeting with SC and Bursa, I complained bitterly why I need to pay company secretary to get a copy of AGM minutes? And why Bursa/SC did not make published of AGM minutes compulsory for all the listed companies in Bursa?

So I think, I do make a different. How about you?


737 posts

Posted by Windy1974 > 2022-12-31 12:13 | Report Abuse

Philip's latest blog resembled so much of my own 29 years journey in stock market investments. I tried very hard to share with my friends so that they won't repeat my mistakes but now i would just share and refrain from going further. One time, i tried to "rescue" a friend from going into forex trading since i had been there and done that before. He was so convinced that making quick profit was so easy in forex that i told him let's start small and let me know the results in 6 months time. When i asked him after 6 months, he just kept quiet and i am glad he never shared about forex anymore thereafter. Super smart people learnt from others mistake. Smart people learnt after 1 mistake. Average people like me learnt after multiple repeated mistakes. Dumb people never learnt and blamed it solely on others. These people are destined to fail in life.
I have decided to refrain myself from i3 because this is a toxic place. My last advice to you.
1. Don't trust someone just because they sound nice or say they looked after your interest. (In fact, anyone who said they look after your financial interest must be a con) My ex boss was very nasty on words but he is one who honoured his words and took care of his employees. Anytime, i would choose him over those mild mannered but cunning bosses (The question is could you discern or not?) Of course la, the best boss are mild mannered and genuine. (I only know one, that's me. If you wanna join my organisation, please email me at suckers@suckers.com)
2. There are undervalued companies in share market, but you won't have a chance unless you are in that industry. Understand what you invested. Philip screwed up on Serba because he wasn't in O&G. I knew because i got market infos, he doesn't. The most infos he got probably from Serba employees, which was already a big mistakes.
3. Stop wasting your time in i3. No sifus here are looking after your interest. You think they are jesus? If anyone claimed in the name of religion, either Christianity, Buddhist or Islam, then stay a mile away from them. Any religion or preachers who tell you to make money must be a con. Go listen to Grand Pine Alfred Chen, he shows you proper investment in proper companies. He was a trader too and he learnt. I believe he is here in i3 as Tan KW. All the best in your investment journey or your gambling journey to bankruptcy.


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 12:34 | Report Abuse

You need to take every article in i3 by every Sifu with a pinch of salt. But please do not prejudice people as con. I3 is still a good place to share investment idea and learn from other people mistakes included mine mistakes which I happen to have a few too many.


737 posts

Posted by Windy1974 > 2022-12-31 12:49 | Report Abuse

SSlee. You were one of those i wished my 3 pointers would make you think. You are contradicting your own statement by "do not prejudice". Why you give me the feeling you only target Philip in i3? I believe over the last few years, if you follow Philip's portfolio for KLSE, you would lose least among all sifus recommendations? Is it because of his harsh words to you? How about other sifus? They are better? Or just because they angkat you by praising you?
In life, we need to prejudice. If i give credit terms to all my customers i would be a bankrupt by now. Anyway, it's up to you since it is your life, your way


13,931 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2022-12-31 13:00 | Report Abuse


I had been repeating umpteen times that crack rates are theoretical maximum profits enjoyed by refineries.
NOT all are expected to get the theoretical maximum.
You are unable to understand or totally refuse to understand crack rates are just theory

NOT all refineries will always have theoretical profits.

standard deviation curve mean = crack rates = theoretical maximum profits <= This is the answer you will get at AGM

in life there are multiple standard deviations from the theoretical mean.

Just like the standard dick is 6 inches, does not mean everybody has got the same crack rate of 6 inches.
Better measure yours.
some may not have any dick at all => like HRC QR results = Zero inches <= aka MIkeCheatYouCrazy dick length

Some have imaginary virtual non-existent dick of 12 inches like Bob, does your crack rate theory explain this?

I think you just REFUSE to understand that not everybody gets the average otherwise everybody will be lonely in Indonesia running a palm oil company.......


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 13:10 | Report Abuse

Not everyone can be like Philip or invest like him and not everything Philip do is a right decision. Since so many people look up to and praise Philip I just want to be someone point out his few faults and mistakes.

By the way this is an open forum and you can't judge people because you do not even know who you are talking to (some may be just a naughty 10 year old children), so it is totally diffent from real life where you can easily rate your customers or suppliers.


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 13:19 | Report Abuse

If the average dick is 6 and standard deviation is 2. Then this quarter can be positive 8 and next quarter can be pisitive 4.

It cannot be this quarter is 12 and next quarter is negative 12. Can it?


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 13:21 | Report Abuse

Personally I think Philip's real successful investing formula is not in stock mkt (basing on his last 3 to 4 years performance in I3).

Infact his real secrets of success are as follows:

1) Marrying a rich man's daughter

2) Working as a full time Engineer and part time job (dunno what lah) in a remote Sabah (in jungle or oil palm plantation?) to make millions of tens of millions of hundreds of million RM to repay his debts (or losses in Aokam, Y2k Stocks etc)


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 13:24 | Report Abuse

For me Option 1 seems not feasible....unless i get divorced n marry a rich widow

Option 2 is still possible...maybe time for me to migrate to a jungle in Sabah or Indonesia? Hopefully Philip can share with me his secret life in a jungle then...printing fake notes or hunting orang hutan ?


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 13:29 | Report Abuse

If Philip can write an article here (How i made millions /tens of millions/hundreds of millions working as part time in Sabah's jungle ) he likely will get a record high view rates.....


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 13:35 | Report Abuse

CharlesT is so ctitical on Philip because he lose a two year bet on his MNRB against Philip QL.

And then
Philip is so critical on Insas is because he lose his two year bet on his QL against Stockraider Insas.

The world is fair and square.


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 13:37 | Report Abuse

lol.....SSlee started to learn abt humanity after staying long enough in I3

Step 1 towards the success of making money in stock mkt


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 13:44 | Report Abuse

I m very sceptical on God/ Superpower/Master/Sifus etc etc


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 14:05 | Report Abuse

CharlesT is critical of KYY because KYY did not invited him to Meru Golf resort restaurant for lunch.

Grilled Margaret River Wagyu Tomahawks, rib-eye fillet on the bone with grilled asparagus, roasted baby potatoes, green beans and bacon confit garlic.

By the way when I first meet KYY, he refuse to take my gift of Indonesia birdnest and invited me and my son to this Meru golf resort restaurant for lunch.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 15:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse

3iii on the other hand only goes around finding faults with people all the time

When Calvin first promoted Pm Corp in year 2013 Stockraider reposted my article in Investlah

as a result he came to attack me because of Stockraider highlighting Pm Corp


It was Leno in investlah who highlighted his pick of PMCorp. We had a good discussion on this stock compared to my pick. Don't even know who stockraider was at that time.

he kept attacking Pm Corp and some poor souls were infected with his poison. Sold pm corp and switched to patimas

patimas was a far worst stock which 3iii did not go give warning

patimas later went bankrupt


Again, these are imaginations of calvin. Not telling the truth at all. Far from the truth.

Re: Patimas (7042) ~ TP 30 cents

Read the above thread in investlah. A classic thread for anyone who wish to know how clever and powerful manipulators can be,

again in year 2019 he came to attack Uzma when it dropped from 90 sen to 55 sen

but failed to warn people in Utusan and London biscuit (both went bankrupt)
Uzma then up 100% from 55 sen to Rm1.10

Typical of the hero of Netx, calvintan. After his long stay in Netx from 2019 to 2011, the results of his promotion were there for everyone to glance at. I can't even remember participating in any serious discussion in UZMA. I did have a look and gave my opinion. As I anticipated and suspected, it is not a stock that qualify in my book. Today its price is back to its doldrum days, though as not unexpected there are people like the hero of Netx telling us how much he had profited. Well, what can I say?

now 3iii goes Attack Tsh while Calvin told him to go check up on Kgb (0151) which has Rm530 million receivables (iou) and high debt

Every one please take note and you will know

I had a look at TSH. I studied its finances. I read its quarterly and annual reports. I tried to understand its risks and its rewards. I even did a valuation on this (usually I don't, since it failed the first part of my analysis). I posted what I think of this stock. Rather than discussing on these facts, the hero of Netx, calvintan chooses to post in his usual unproductive manner.

SSLee talk ideas while 3iii need to learn from him

I do learn from SSLee, Philip, Charles T, KYY, OTB and many others here. After all, there are a wealth of personalities here and their participations here gave this forum rich materials to study and to learn from. Even the hero of Netx, calvintan knows I don't just post my views without some basis, which I also posted clearly, the reason for my thinking so. Of course, being individuals, everyone should do their due diligence and make their own decisions.

This is the last day of 2022. May the new year 2023 be an even better year for everyone.


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 15:49 | Report Abuse


Your unfinieshed job was your neglect of warning people in Utusan and london biscuit while commenting against Uzma in year 2019

Now go study Kgb (0151) and do not shirk this time


13,931 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2022-12-31 15:51 | Report Abuse

Laws of Probability never explains why.
some times ten flips of coin gets 10 Tails, its a small sample size
some companies are just born unlucky with 10 years of losses, small sample size.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 16:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 43 minutes ago | Report Abuse


Your unfinieshed job was your neglect of warning people in Utusan and london biscuit while commenting against Uzma in year 2019

Now go study Kgb (0151) and do not shirk this time

Don't sound so silly. Please. :-)


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 16:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 2020-06-07 08:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > Jun 7, 2020 8:29 AM | Report Abuse

I'll just wait until your next big loss for you to disappear from i3investor again. Gamblers like you win 200% one day and lose 100% the next.

Suddenly I saw this kind blessing of Philip way back in June 2020, today is 31 Dec 2022. Still survive n active in the mkt n I3.


14,874 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-12-31 16:43 | Report Abuse

In stock mkt difficult to tell one, better learn fm OTB...make money then buy more properties n place money in PBB Bond funds

Only keep some of yr money (say 20% to 30%) in stock mkt.

Even u lose 100% of it u still can always come to I3 to talk coxk


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 16:49 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 16:55 | Report Abuse

There are so many counters, when promoted, shot up by 50% to 100%, and a few months later prices dropped back to pre-promotion or even below pre-promotion prices.

The hero of Netx, calvintan is an expert in these promotions. He should know what I meant when I posted my views.


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 17:06 | Report Abuse


That is what Peter Lynch taught about 6 category of stocks

Tricky ones Peter Lynch mastered are

turn arounds like jtiasa

Asset play like Bplant and Thplant

Cyclicals like oil and gas Uzma

3iii knows nuts above these and shouid refrain from commenting


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 17:13 | Report Abuse

This 3iii also forgot Netx was promoted with Opcom and Redtone

At it's March 2020 low of 25 sen Opcom went up 500% to Rm1.60

Peter Lynch said buy a basket of 10 stocks even if two or three go bankrupt if one or two are 10 baggars will do ok

Maximum loss of a share is 100% (yet Netx is still listed)

The maximum gain like Opcom, Texchem, Bonia, Ancom my can be 400% to 500%

Of course 3iii cannot understand what are cyclicals and assets play or a turn around just as a crab cannot walk straight


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 17:29 | Report Abuse

I think Philip at least more forth right and speak his mind

he will tell you what he likes or hates upfront

this 3iii I know him since year 2013: 9 long years have passed

and this is an honest evaluation

3iii will stretch out his right hand of "friendship " but his left hand holds a dagger and will give you a real nasty stab if you are not careful


11,436 posts

Posted by OTB > 2022-12-31 17:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse

In stock mkt difficult to tell one, better learn fm OTB...make money then buy more properties n place money in PBB Bond funds

Only keep some of yr money (say 20% to 30%) in stock mkt.

Even u lose 100% of it u still can always come to I3 to talk coxk
1.) I did that because I came from a very poor family, I experienced "no rice to eat' phenomenon during my childhood.
2.) I made my first million in 1993 when I became a remisier, I lost all my commissions and profits in 1997/8 stock market crash. I was nearly a bankrupt.
3.) I need to take up 3 jobs a day in order to come back to investing again. I became a trainer for T3B in KL and Hong Kong for 3 years on top of a remisier job.
4.) I started to make back all my money lost after I performed very well in 2013/4/5 after I met Mr Koon.
5.) I do not want to be a poor man again in my last part of my life. I bought all my properties using join names with my wife. I told my wife that I cannot sell these properties, I told her to refuse to sign S&P agreement if I lost back all my money in the stock market.
6.) I am quite sure now that I cannot lose in the stock market until bankrupt.
Thank you.


11,888 posts

Posted by dompeilee > 2022-12-31 17:49 | Report Abuse

I dug out my copy of Peter Lynch's book which I bought in '15 & perused it again after many years...he also mentions that stocks can morph between the categories of cyclical, turnaround & asset stocks & even be a combination of all of them at certain points in time.

What stuck out for me this reading was he mentioned that a stock can go nowhere for years & years before finally making a big move up...my Oriental comes under this category lol


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 18:03 | Report Abuse







Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 18:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 48 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I think Philip at least more forth right and speak his mind

he will tell you what he likes or hates upfront

this 3iii I know him since year 2013: 9 long years have passed

and this is an honest evaluation

3iii will stretch out his right hand of "friendship " but his left hand holds a dagger and will give you a real nasty stab if you are not careful


Not true. Nothing to do with being personal.
It is always on the stocks.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 18:23 | Report Abuse

Best Regards

UZMA IF THEY LISTENED TO 3iii WOULD HAVE MISSED 100% UPSIDE AT RM1.10 When Calvin told all to sell & take profit



Chapter 20 - “Margin of Safety” as the Central Concept of Investment

A single quote by Graham on page 516 struck me:

Observation over many years has taught us that the chief losses to investors come from the purchase of low-quality securities at times of favorable business conditions.

Basically, Graham is saying that most stock investors lose money because they invest in companies that seem good at a particular point in time, but are lacking the fundamentals of a long-lasting stable company.

This seems obvious on the surface, but it’s actually a great argument for thinking more carefully about your individual stock investments. If most of your losses come from buying companies that seem healthy but really aren’t, isn’t that a profound argument for carefully studying any company you might invest in?


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 18:31 | Report Abuse

Sometime Philip like to write sarcastically and at time figuratively so that his writting is more lively and flowery. Hence do not read his meaning literally

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 18:39 | Report Abuse


Posted by calvintaneng > 21 minutes ago | Report Abuse








I preferred the First edition of Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. It is a smaller book and a lot of readable. All the basic concepts that Benjamin Graham wished to impart were written clearly and easily understood.

The later editions and the ones that are now in the bookshop are too bulky and heavy reading. Try to get the first edition, and you will be happy to know it is an easier book to read and comprehend.

Peter Lynch has written 3 books. Another is titled Learn to Earn. All very readable. However, the readers must be able to translate his teachings into a simple program to benefit from his teaching.

A good investor ALWAYS need to be able to study a company in a certain format. Preferably he has access to these in a format that he likes. Often these are not available free of charge. At times, the sites providing these datas are just too expensive.

I do not look at too many stocks. I do screen many with a simple check list. Where they satisfy the list, I will study in greater detail. I tend to reject most, and accept very few indeed. Those I am truly interested, I will spend a bit of time on them. The reward is definitely proportionate to the time spent. However, it is true, 20% of time spend provides you with the 80% essential facts on the stock. Spending too detailed into a stock may not be of benefit to your investing. Always study the risks before the rewards. You can sense that I often talk about the risks of a stock first in most of my studies.

A must read book is MARGIN OF SAFETY by Seth Klarman. This is an amazing book. If I were the author, I probably sensed his regret in sharing so much of his "secrets" and "skills." When I read Buffett's newsletter in Berkshire Hathaway, I find many quotes that are quite similar or perhaps picked up by Buffett for his writing. Some of Buffett's writing are also from Peter Lynch.

Unlike Peter Lynch, Seth Klarman's approach is different: focussing strictly on value investing. Peter Lynch. Investing style of Seth Klarman is bottom up, as is demanded of a value investor. You can pick up a lot of ideas from Seth Klarman's book.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 18:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse


That is what Peter Lynch taught about 6 category of stocks

Tricky ones Peter Lynch mastered are

turn arounds like jtiasa

Asset play like Bplant and Thplant

Cyclicals like oil and gas Uzma

3iii knows nuts above these and shouid refrain from commenting

I know all about Peter Lynch's teaching. I can recite the 6 groups of stocks he teaches.

In any case, an investor should know to choose the games he wish to play. Inability to do so, converts their advantage to disadvantage in the game.

At appropriate times, I have applied Peter Lynch other strategies too.

However, in my portfolio, the biggest gains have been from the great companies bought at fair or low or reasonable prices, with economic moats and kept for a long time, ignoring the market price volatilities most of the time. I am grateful that I did not deviate much from this strategy for decades. Moreover, my style of investing is fairly relaxing.


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 19:27 |

Post removed.Why?


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-12-31 19:30 | Report Abuse


In year 2019 PETRONAS poured Rm30 billions into Ogse upstream

Now less capex as 20% goes to solar so it will be lesser effect


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 19:50 | Report Abuse

everybody interviewed above is trying to squeeze some thing out of the system.

but it is the system, the environment that is changing. ......

and that is the key.


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 19:54 | Report Abuse

u go and interview the Robert Kuoks and li ka shing and elon Musk who benefited from the old system....all u get is their stories.

the future stories not yet written.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2022-12-31 20:58 | Report Abuse

Peter Lynch taught me:

1. Behind every stock is a company. Find out what it’s doing.
2. Never invest in any idea you can’t illustrate with a crayon.
3. Over the short term, there may be no correlation between the success of a company’s operations and the success of its stock. Over the long term, there’s a 100% correlation.
4. Buying stocks without studying the companies is the same as playing poker – and never looking at your cards.
5. Time is on your side when you own shares of superior companies.
6. Owning stock is like having children. Don’t get involved with more than you can handle.
7. When the insiders are buying, it’s a good sign.
8. Unless you’re a short seller, it never pays to be pessimistic.
9. A stock market decline is as predictable as a January blizzard in Colorado. If you’re prepared, it can’t hurt you.
10. Everyone has the brainpower to make money in stocks. Not everyone has the stomach.
11. Nobody can predict interest rates, the future direction of the economy, or the stock market. Dismiss all such forecasts and concentrate on what’s actually happening to the companies in which you’ve invested.

Lynch’s advice had a profound effect on my stock market approach. He taught me that investment success isn’t the result of developing the right macro-economic view or deciding when to jump in or out of the market. Success is about researching companies to identify those that are likely to report positive surprises.


8,926 posts

Posted by qqq47660 > 2022-12-31 21:17 | Report Abuse

When opportunity shows, grab it

That is the only thing that matters, actually...

Right now opportunity shows in HK China


6,217 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-12-31 21:18 | Report Abuse

If someone sold his Tesla at the beginning of the year then he can now use that money to buy 3.24X Tesla.


13,931 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2022-12-31 21:37 | Report Abuse

changes only happens outside the company ie DLady
where the oatmilk trend was many years in the making openly before milk companies started going bankrupt in US and UK.
Zooming microscopically into investees in those milk business did not tell people to dump milk shares.
Many still insisted on holding Dlady even when the facts blew up in their faces
and price of DLady started dropping beyond mathematically and statistically attributed to random events.

so how does knowing the company you invest help you in DLady collapse?

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