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25,708 comment(s). Last comment by matt88 4 days ago


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-10 08:19 | Report Abuse

It could be beneficial for Pos Malaysia to have a new shareholder to replace DRB-HICOM for several reasons:

1. Fresh Strategic Direction: A new shareholder could bring fresh ideas, strategies, and operational changes. This could help Pos Malaysia better adapt to the challenges of digitalization and declining traditional mail volumes.
2. Capital Infusion: A new shareholder might have the resources and willingness to inject capital into the company. This could support investments in technology, logistics infrastructure, and diversification efforts, especially in the growing e-commerce and courier sectors.
3. Improved Management: If the new shareholder has experience in logistics or related industries, their expertise could enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve profitability.
4. Operational Independence: Pos Malaysia could benefit from being less tied to a conglomerate like DRB-HICOM, which has a diverse portfolio. A new shareholder focused on Pos Malaysia’s specific needs might prioritize the company’s long-term growth.
5. Potential for Partnerships: A new strategic investor might have existing networks or partnerships that could expand Pos Malaysia’s reach, both domestically and internationally.

A shareholder change can thus bring new energy, financial resources, and expertise, helping Pos Malaysia navigate the evolving postal and logistics landscape.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-10 19:31 | Report Abuse

drb to sell off pos msia?😇😍

TOKYO: The Japanese owner of 7-Eleven announced plans on Thursday to spin off non-core operations into a new holding company, a move seen as fending off a takeover bid by Canada's Alimentation Couche-Tard.

Seven & i Holdings "resolved at the management meeting held today to establish an intermediate holding company... that will preside over the Company's supermarket food business, specialty store and other businesses", a statement said.

It said it would consider an initial public offering (IPO) of the new unit "in order to unlock value for the Company's shareholders and other stakeholders."

7-Eleven is the world's biggest convenience store chain and has more than 85,000 outlets worldwide, around a quarter of those in Japan.

Seven & i rejected a takeover offer worth $40 billion last month from Alimentation Couche-Tard (ACT), which owns Circle K.

The firm had said that the proposal, which would be the biggest foreign takeover of a Japanese firm, "grossly" undervalued its business and could face regulatory hurdles.

Seven & i said on Wednesday it had received a revised offer but declined to give details.

Bloomberg News and other media outlets reported that the new offer totalled around seven trillion yen (US$47 billion).


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-11 22:41 | Report Abuse

DRB-HICOM’s move to privatize Pos Malaysia could be driven by several key factors:

1. Restructuring Opportunities: DRB-HICOM might see value in taking Pos Malaysia private to carry out more substantial restructuring without the pressure of public market scrutiny. This could include operational changes, cost-cutting, or diversification into more profitable areas, such as logistics, e-commerce, or fintech.

2. Addressing Financial Performance: Pos Malaysia has been facing financial challenges, particularly due to declining mail volumes and rising costs. By taking it private, DRB-HICOM could work on turning around the company's performance away from the pressure of quarterly reporting.

3. Strategic Integration: As a diversified conglomerate, DRB-HICOM might aim to align Pos Malaysia more closely with its other businesses. This could enable more efficient synergies, particularly in logistics, supply chain management, and digital transformation.

4. Unlocking Value: DRB-HICOM may believe that the current market undervalues Pos Malaysia. By privatizing, they can unlock long-term value through transformation strategies that are difficult to pursue in a public company framework.

These strategic reasons would allow DRB-HICOM more flexibility to address Pos Malaysia's challenges and invest in its growth areas.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-12 11:56 | Report Abuse

DRB-HICOM acquired a 32.21% stake in Pos Malaysia from Khazanah Nasional Berhad, the Malaysian government’s investment arm, in 2011. The purchase price was approximately RM622.8 million, based on RM3.60 per share  .


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-14 12:10 | Report Abuse

epf dumping drb stocks nonstop... No visible plan for pos malaysia till now😂


482 posts

Posted by turbochart > 2024-10-14 12:25 | Report Abuse

EV easily lost control and burnout. Try avoid near distance with EV and avoid parking beside EV


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-14 20:44 | Report Abuse

tiada pelan untuk pos Malaysia, epf jual syer drb berterusan

EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 2,573,200 shares on 09-Oct-2024.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-14 21:01 | Report Abuse

drb & pos:
Harga saham Pos Malaysia boleh pulih disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk:

1. Peningkatan dalam e-dagang, yang meningkatkan permintaan untuk perkhidmatan penghantaran.
2. Transformasi digital dan automasi, yang mengurangkan kos operasi dan meningkatkan kecekapan.
3. Penyusunan semula dan pelan pemulihan, yang dapat memperbaiki prestasi kewangan.
4. Diversifikasi perkhidmatan baru, seperti logistik kesihatan dan penghantaran antarabangsa.
5. Sokongan kerajaan melalui insentif atau bantuan kewangan.
6. Pemulihan ekonomi Malaysia dan global, yang meningkatkan permintaan.
7. Keyakinan pelabur terhadap prospek jangka panjang syarikat.

Faktor-faktor ini boleh meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur, seterusnya memulihkan harga saham.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-14 21:04 | Report Abuse

Potensi penggabungan dan pengambilalihan (M&A) untuk Pos Malaysia dilihat sebagai langkah yang cerah, kerana ia boleh membawa banyak manfaat strategik dan kewangan. Beberapa sebab mengapa M&A bagi Pos Malaysia boleh dianggap cerah termasuk:

1. Peluang Sinergi:

M&A dengan syarikat logistik atau perkhidmatan penghantaran lain boleh menghasilkan sinergi yang kuat, di mana kedua-dua entiti dapat memanfaatkan kekuatan masing-masing. Ini boleh meningkatkan kecekapan operasi, mengurangkan kos, dan memperbaiki rantaian bekalan.

2. Peningkatan Modal dan Sumber:

Melalui M&A, Pos Malaysia boleh mendapatkan akses kepada lebih banyak modal dan sumber teknologi. Ini boleh digunakan untuk memodenkan operasi, mempercepat transformasi digital, dan mengembangkan perkhidmatan e-dagang, yang semakin penting dalam ekonomi digital masa kini.

3. Pengembangan Pasaran:

Penggabungan dengan syarikat logistik serantau atau antarabangsa boleh membantu Pos Malaysia mengembangkan jejak globalnya. Ini membuka peluang untuk masuk ke pasaran baru, meningkatkan penghantaran lintas sempadan, dan memperluaskan penawaran perkhidmatan ke negara-negara ASEAN atau pasaran lain yang sedang berkembang.

4. Pengukuhan Daya Saing:

Dalam industri yang semakin kompetitif, M&A boleh membantu Pos Malaysia memperkuat kedudukannya dalam sektor logistik dan penghantaran. Dengan memperoleh syarikat yang mempunyai kelebihan tertentu (seperti teknologi, rangkaian logistik yang lebih luas, atau pelanggan yang lebih besar), Pos Malaysia boleh menjadi lebih kompetitif berbanding pemain lain di pasaran.

5. Peningkatan Nilai Pemegang Saham:

M&A yang berjaya boleh memberi kesan positif kepada harga saham syarikat, terutamanya jika gabungan tersebut meningkatkan prestasi kewangan dan operasi. Ini boleh menarik minat lebih ramai pelabur dan meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham.

6. Penyelesaian Masalah Kewangan:

Jika Pos Malaysia sedang berhadapan dengan cabaran kewangan, pengambilalihan oleh syarikat yang lebih kukuh dari segi kewangan boleh membantu menyelesaikan masalah modal dan memastikan kelangsungan operasi syarikat.

7. Akses kepada Teknologi Baru:

M&A dengan syarikat yang memiliki teknologi inovatif (seperti automasi logistik atau platform digital) boleh membantu Pos Malaysia mempercepat digitalisasi perniagaannya, seterusnya meningkatkan kecekapan operasi dan pengalaman pelanggan.

8. Diversifikasi Portfolio Perkhidmatan:

M&A juga boleh membantu Pos Malaysia mendiversifikasikan perkhidmatan mereka ke sektor lain, seperti logistik perubatan, perkhidmatan fintech, atau e-dagang, yang mempunyai potensi pertumbuhan besar di Malaysia dan rantau ini.


Potensi M&A untuk Pos Malaysia memang cerah, terutama jika ia dilakukan secara strategik dengan syarikat yang dapat memberi nilai tambah dari segi teknologi, pasaran baru, atau modal tambahan. Langkah ini boleh mengukuhkan daya saing Pos Malaysia dan meletakkannya pada kedudukan yang lebih baik untuk menangani cabaran industri yang berubah dengan cepat.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-15 07:37 | Report Abuse

Drb killer ka? ?

Major shareholders: Pos Malaysia
Name Equities % Valuation
53.50 %
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan
3.965 %
Deva Dassan Solomon
1.859 %
Shanti Kumari Pathmanathan
1.251 %
Employees Provident Fund
1.217 %
Mooi Soong Cheng
1.093 %
M J Arumanayagam
0.9067 %
Chin Siang Kok
0.7592 %
Shirin Devi Pathmanathan
0.5941 %
Selina Sharmalar Solomon
0.5104 %


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-15 07:45 | Report Abuse

Just let it go 😎

A solid free cash flow (FCF) can indeed indicate that Pos Malaysia has the financial flexibility to sustain operations until it reaches profitability. Positive free cash flow suggests that a company generates more cash than it needs to maintain or grow its current operations, allowing it to cover its debt, invest in growth, and handle any short-term cash needs without requiring external funding.

For Pos Malaysia, solid free cash flow could justify its ability to weather financial challenges and delays in reaching profitability. Key factors that contribute to this endurance include:

1. Operational Efficiency: With strong free cash flow, Pos Malaysia can invest in cost-cutting measures and improve operational efficiency, potentially accelerating its path to profitability.

2. Debt Management: Sufficient free cash flow enables Pos Malaysia to meet its debt obligations and reduce its financial leverage, which can improve its credit profile and reduce borrowing costs.

3. Investment in Growth: The company can also use its free cash flow to fund capital expenditures, such as expanding e-commerce logistics, upgrading digital infrastructure, and enhancing its retail offerings (like Pos Shop & Café), which could drive future revenue growth.

4. Resilience to Market Fluctuations: Strong FCF gives Pos Malaysia the ability to withstand market downturns or unexpected disruptions (e.g., changes in consumer behavior, rising operational costs) without compromising its long-term strategy.

If Pos Malaysia continues to manage its cash flow effectively, it could maintain resilience and gradually pivot towards profitability. However, external factors like regulatory changes, competition, and shifts in demand will still play a role in determining its ultimate financial success.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-15 07:47 | Report Abuse

Pos Malaysia has explored several avenues for disposing of noncore assets in recent years. These moves are typically aimed at reducing debt, focusing on core postal services, or freeing up cash for other ventures. Examples of Pos Malaysia's disposal of noncore assets include:

1. Sale of Real Estate Assets: Pos Malaysia owns a portfolio of properties across Malaysia, some of which are considered noncore. In the past, the company has sold properties such as land or buildings that are not critical to its postal and logistics operations to unlock value and improve liquidity.

2. Divestment of Loss-Making Subsidiaries: Pos Malaysia has divested subsidiaries that are not integral to its core postal, courier, and logistics operations. For instance, the company could consider selling off entities related to retail or services that don't align with its strategic direction.

3. Possible Spin-Off of Pos Shop & Café: Although not confirmed, Pos Malaysia could look into spinning off its Pos Shop & Café, which might not be seen as core to its postal operations. By doing so, it could raise funds through an IPO or other financial mechanisms, as this segment may not be as integral to its long-term strategy.

These examples are part of larger restructuring efforts to streamline operations, reduce losses, and focus on core strengths.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-15 07:50 | Report Abuse

Baik bagi drb :)

Pos Malaysia could revive and excel again for several reasons, as long as it strategically adapts to the evolving market landscape. Here are some key factors that could contribute to its revival:

1. Digital Transformation

Pos Malaysia has already initiated digital transformation efforts, but accelerating this process can significantly enhance efficiency and customer experience. Introducing digital postal services, smart logistics solutions, and an improved e-commerce platform could cater to the growing demand for fast and transparent deliveries.

2. Focus on E-Commerce & Logistics Growth

With the rapid growth of e-commerce in Malaysia and globally, Pos Malaysia is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend. By enhancing its courier and logistics network, upgrading sorting hubs, and offering tailored solutions for e-commerce businesses, it can capture a larger market share. Partnerships with major e-commerce platforms and improved last-mile delivery services will be critical.

3. Leveraging Its Extensive Network

Pos Malaysia has a widespread and established infrastructure, including post offices, delivery networks, and logistics hubs throughout the country. By modernizing these assets and integrating technology-driven solutions, it can become a major player in courier, logistics, and financial services. It also has the potential to expand services such as banking and insurance in rural areas through partnerships.

4. Noncore Asset Monetization

The disposal or spin-off of noncore assets like real estate, subsidiaries, or Pos Shop & Café could generate significant cash flows. These funds could be reinvested into core operations, infrastructure upgrades, and other high-potential business segments like logistics and e-commerce.

5. Diversification into Financial and Retail Services

Pos Malaysia can expand beyond postal services into adjacent industries such as digital banking, insurance, or financial services through Pos Malaysia’s extensive branch network. Developing its retail services arm, including Pos Laju, could open new revenue streams and complement its existing operations.

6. Improved Cost Management and Efficiency

Revamping internal operations and optimizing costs could lead to improved profitability. This includes automating various parts of the mail and logistics processes, rationalizing manpower, and adopting leaner operational models to reduce overheads.

7. Government Support

Pos Malaysia holds a significant role in the national infrastructure. Continued government support, in terms of regulatory frameworks or subsidies, could help the company weather tough economic conditions and secure new contracts, especially in rural and underserved areas.

8. Strong Branding and Trust

Pos Malaysia is one of the oldest and most recognized brands in Malaysia. Leveraging its trusted brand to offer reliable services, particularly in logistics, financial services, and digital innovation, could restore consumer confidence and help rebuild its market position.

By strategically navigating these areas, Pos Malaysia has a clear path to revival and potential success.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-15 19:22 | Report Abuse

At 32sen, market cap ~rm250m. Drb dah own 50%++, privatize rm150-200 dah cukup dah🤔🤔🤔


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-16 08:52 | Report Abuse

Hope it happens hehe

A merger between DRB-HICOM’s Bank Muamalat and Pos Malaysia to form a postal bank can be justified for several reasons:

1. Leverage Financial Expertise: Bank Muamalat’s banking knowledge and infrastructure would accelerate Pos Malaysia’s entry into financial services, ensuring smooth operations and regulatory compliance.
2. Expand Financial Inclusion: The merger would extend banking services, especially Islamic finance, to underserved and rural areas using Pos Malaysia’s vast network.
3. Revenue Diversification: It would allow Pos Malaysia to diversify its revenue streams and cross-sell financial products to postal customers.
4. Digital Banking Growth: Combining digital banking with Pos Malaysia’s physical outlets would enhance customer reach while reducing operational costs.
5. Government Support: The merger aligns with Malaysia’s goals of improving financial inclusion and Islamic finance.
6. DRB-HICOM Synergies: The merger would create operational synergies within the DRB-HICOM group, enhancing profitability.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-16 08:54 | Report Abuse

Many countries have postal banks, including Japan, France, Italy, India, Brazil, China, the UK, and Switzerland. The primary justifications for establishing these postal banks are:

1. Financial Inclusion: They provide banking services to underserved and rural populations where traditional banks are scarce.
2. Leveraging Postal Networks: Existing postal infrastructure is used to offer banking services without additional costs for setting up new branches.
3. Revenue Diversification: Postal banks help postal services generate new revenue as traditional mail volumes decline.
4. Trust and Accessibility: Postal services have public trust, making them an ideal platform for offering affordable and accessible financial services.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-16 16:23 | Report Abuse

pos & drb, sama2 berdikari😎


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:39 | Report Abuse

Whether DRB-HICOM should sell its stake in Pos Malaysia depends on several factors:

1. Performance: If Pos Malaysia’s financial performance continues to decline due to reduced mail volume and increasing competition, DRB may consider divestment to focus on more profitable ventures.
2. Long-term Strategy: If DRB sees potential in Pos Malaysia’s pivot to e-commerce logistics or financial services (e.g., postal banking), retaining the stake could align with its broader goals.
3. Market Conditions: Favorable market conditions and a strong buyer offer might make selling attractive.

The decision should be driven by DRB’s long-term financial and strategic goals.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:40 | Report Abuse

It is unlikely that Pos Malaysia would completely close down in the near future, but it could face significant restructuring. With the decline in traditional mail services and growing competition in logistics, the company is facing financial challenges. To remain viable, Pos Malaysia is focusing on areas like e-commerce logistics and exploring other revenue streams, such as offering banking services. However, if these efforts don’t stabilize its financial performance, there could be branch closures or downsizing, though a complete shutdown seems improbable given its national importance.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:45 | Report Abuse

Syed Mokhtar controls 56% of DRB-Hicom, which in turn owns 53.49% stake in Pos Malaysia.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:46 | Report Abuse

Increased interest in DRB-Hicom, Pos Malaysia, sparks speculation.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:49 | Report Abuse

Pos Malaysia could potentially be an attractive acquisition target for e-commerce giants like Lazada or Shopee due to its established nationwide logistics network. Acquiring Pos Malaysia could help either company expand its last-mile delivery capabilities, particularly in rural areas, reduce delivery times, and integrate their e-commerce logistics operations. However, the strategic fit would depend on the buyer’s long-term logistics and service strategy, considering that Pos Malaysia is facing operational and financial challenges that may require significant restructuring .


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:52 | Report Abuse

The most suitable companies to acquire Pos Malaysia would likely be those with a strategic focus on logistics, e-commerce, or postal services. These could include:

1. E-commerce giants like Lazada or Shopee: Expanding their last-mile delivery network would help improve their logistics efficiency.
2. Logistics players such as DHL or FedEx: These companies could integrate Pos Malaysia’s network to bolster their local delivery services.
3. Private equity firms focused on restructuring distressed assets: They could turn around Pos Malaysia’s operations through optimization.

These companies could leverage Pos Malaysia’s established infrastructure.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:54 | Report Abuse

Grab could be a suitable candidate to acquire Pos Malaysia, given its established logistics and delivery network. As a leading ride-hailing and food delivery service, Grab has been expanding its logistics operations, which could benefit from Pos Malaysia’s infrastructure and experience in postal services. This acquisition could enhance Grab’s last-mile delivery capabilities, especially in rural areas.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-17 20:57 | Report Abuse

As of mid-October 2024, Pos Malaysia’s share price is approximately MYR 0.315. Over the past year, the stock has seen a significant decline, losing about 40% of its value, and it is currently trading close to its 52-week low of MYR 0.305  .

Determining an appropriate sale price for Pos Malaysia would involve evaluating several factors, including its financial performance, market conditions, and potential synergies with a buyer. Given the current market capitalization of around MYR 250 million, strategic buyers might consider offering a premium to this price, but it would ultimately depend on the strategic fit and the potential for operational improvements post-acquisition.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-18 11:14 | Report Abuse

Drb: to rescue proton, brought in geely; to quicken POS turnaround, bring in grab, Lazada or Shopee, no brainers. Stay strong n wait ya


1,370 posts

Posted by stevenckheng > 2024-10-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

HVGT for 200k car, fast buy this counter, safe from HVGT


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-10-18 15:20 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim, as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, could potentially consider an approach similar to what Najib Razak did for Proton if he seeks to revitalize Pos Malaysia. Let’s break down why this approach might make sense and what it could involve:

1. Strategic Importance of Pos Malaysia

• National Asset: Pos Malaysia is a crucial part of Malaysia’s infrastructure, connecting the entire country, especially in rural and underserved areas. Similar to how Proton was seen as a national automotive icon, Pos Malaysia represents national identity in the logistics and postal sector.
• Economic Contributions: Like Proton, which was integral to the Malaysian automotive industry, Pos Malaysia plays a significant role in logistics, e-commerce, and communication. A thriving Pos Malaysia could stimulate other sectors like e-commerce, retail, and SMEs, helping the broader economy.

2. Revitalization through Partnerships

• Najib’s Proton-Geely Deal: Najib’s government facilitated Proton’s partnership with China’s Geely, leading to a technological and financial boost for Proton. Anwar could consider a similar partnership for Pos Malaysia, especially with global or regional logistics giants, to enhance technology, processes, and competitiveness in the digital age.
• Tech and Innovation: By partnering with global leaders in logistics or e-commerce, Pos Malaysia could modernize its services, including automation, AI-driven logistics, and digital transformation, much like Proton did with its car manufacturing.

3. Government Support and Policy

• Government Intervention: Proton’s revival was not only due to the Geely deal but also to government support in terms of loans, tax incentives, and a favorable policy environment. If Anwar’s government provides subsidies or policies to support Pos Malaysia, such as promoting local delivery services or protecting domestic logistics players, it could help the organization recover.
• Public Confidence: Najib’s intervention helped Proton regain public trust as a competitive local brand. Anwar could take steps to restore public confidence in Pos Malaysia’s efficiency and reliability, which has faced challenges due to digital disruptions and competition.

4. Diversification and Modernization

• New Services and Products: Proton diversified its product range post-Geely partnership, including electric and hybrid vehicles. Pos Malaysia could diversify its offerings by moving beyond traditional postal services to include more digital services (e.g., e-wallets, fintech, e-commerce logistics), tapping into Malaysia’s growing digital economy.
• Technology Investments: Just as Proton upgraded its technology and R&D capabilities, Pos Malaysia could benefit from investments in cutting-edge logistics tech, such as drones, AI, and green delivery solutions, helping it remain competitive.

5. Focus on Competitiveness

• Local Champion: Proton was once viewed as a local pride in the automotive industry, and efforts were made to protect it from foreign competition. Anwar could focus on making Pos Malaysia a more competitive “national champion” by helping it adapt to new market trends and providing resources to thrive amidst strong competition from global logistics players like DHL, FedEx, and others.
• Competing with New Market Entrants: With the rise of tech-driven logistics and e-commerce platforms, Pos Malaysia could emulate Proton’s comeback by becoming a significant player in the rapidly growing e-commerce delivery space, ensuring it isn’t sidelined by more agile or tech-savvy competitors.

6. Public-Private Collaboration

• Private Sector Involvement: Najib’s administration didn’t shy away from opening Proton to foreign collaboration while keeping some national control. Anwar could use a similar model by leveraging private investment or partial privatization of Pos Malaysia, ensuring it has access to capital and expertise while retaining national oversight.

In conclusion, Anwar could focus on modernizing Pos Malaysia through technology, forming strategic partnerships, diversifying services, and giving it a policy boost to help it remain competitive, much like what Najib did for Proton. This would ensure that Pos Malaysia continues to play a pivotal role in Malaysia’s economy while adapting to new trends in logistics and e-commerce.


1,214 posts

Posted by ocbc > 2024-10-18 16:19 | Report Abuse

Incentive to EV !


2,905 posts

Posted by xiaoeh > 2024-10-19 16:38 | Report Abuse

Dear Good123
what price will u buy DRBHCOM?


1,214 posts

Posted by ocbc > 2024-10-19 20:49 | Report Abuse

1) Listing of Bank
2) More people buy EV cars since Ron95 increse in 2025 !


317 posts

Posted by kebling98 > 2024-10-20 00:07 | Report Abuse

minimum wage has no impact to drb loh, as their worker salary was far above 1700 already lah. Btw, the hike on salary will boost car sales for sure loh
Those last time can buy only axia, now can buy s70 , proton is the winner of the budget


317 posts

Posted by kebling98 > 2024-10-20 15:31 | Report Abuse

Orang kaya plan to list
1) mmc
2) bank muamalat
by next year loh, so, this is best time to start accumulat drbh loh.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

DRB-Hicom might consider selling its stake in Pos Malaysia for several strategic and financial reasons. The company has faced persistent financial difficulties with Pos Malaysia, which has been posting losses in recent years due to declining mail volumes, increased competition in logistics, and the high costs associated with maintaining its extensive delivery network. Pos Malaysia’s core postal services have been less profitable in an era of digitization and reduced demand for traditional mail services.

One key reason for DRB-Hicom’s potential divestment is to improve its overall financial position. DRB-Hicom is a diversified conglomerate with interests in automotive, property, and services. Shedding the underperforming asset (Pos Malaysia) would allow DRB to focus on more profitable segments and reduce the drag on its overall financials. Pos Malaysia’s operational losses have impacted DRB-Hicom’s share price, as market confidence wanes when a key subsidiary consistently underperforms  .

Additionally, Pos Malaysia is undergoing a transformation, including efforts to modernize and integrate more sustainable business practices (like EV adoption). While these steps are promising for the long term, they require significant investment, which DRB-Hicom might be reluctant to commit to without a clear path to profitability. Selling its stake would free DRB from the burden of these investments and allow the conglomerate to streamline its portfolio.

In summary, DRB-Hicom might let go of its stake to strengthen its financial standing, reduce operational risks, and concentrate on its more lucrative ventures, all of which could positively influence its share price.


56 posts

Posted by matt88 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

this company got no hope. who wants to buy pos a company that is consistently losing money. i rather start a new company that take over a dying one. you probably have to pay someone to take off your hand. so don't get your hope too high.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Jika jualkan pos kpd grab, lazada atau shopee, balik rm3-4 takda masalah 😉

KUALA LUMPUR: The planned audit on some 2,000 government-linked companies (GLCs) is timely to identify those that are dormant and can be closed down or sold, an economist said.

Dr Geoffrey Williams said the money generated from disposing those companies can be channelled for better purposes.

He said GLCs have thousands of subsidiaries which are underperforming and could be sold through a process of responsible privatisation. In other words, they could be sold to employees, community groups or others with a clear social agenda.

"In addition, these subsidiaries are often preferred in tenders for GLC contractors meaning private companies and SMEs are crowded out. Auditing them will help create an agenda to cut crowding out," he told Business Times.

He added GLCs are often underperforming or dormant but still have board positions and senior managers appointed through patronage.

Audits on the GLCs cuts these patronage cascades and reduces corruption.

"The change in criteria for GLC appointments is also important because it opens up opportunities for senior managers especially in underrepresented groups such as women or young executives and makes appointments available on merit.

"This should help to improve the quality, credibility, accountability and transparency of GLC management and governance," added Williams.

The government fully backs the National Audit Department's (NAD) audit of 2,000 GLCs starting next year.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the department's involvement would enhance lower-level oversight and help resolve the frequent confusion among agencies.

In September, the NAD announced that it would be auditing 2,000 GLCs beginning next year to create a new era of enhanced governance in Malaysia.

Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi said the initiative followed the recent approval of the Audit Act 1957 amendment bill in July 2024, which significantly strengthened the Auditor-General's powers, thus enabling a more comprehensive oversight of public spending in Malaysia.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Drb can privatise pos Malaysia, then buat macam proton, jualkan 49% kpd lazada, shopee ataupun grab. Juga boleh lepaskan stake kini directly. Wait n see


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Jika drb lepaskan pos msia, pos and drb share price up serta merta😉


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

The disposal of Pos Malaysia by DRB-HICOM can be seen as a strategic move to maximize shareholder value for several reasons:

1. Focus on Core Businesses

DRB-HICOM's diverse portfolio includes automotive, property, and services, among other sectors. Pos Malaysia, primarily in postal and logistics services, may not align with DRB-HICOM's core growth areas. By divesting Pos Malaysia, DRB-HICOM can streamline its portfolio and focus on its core competencies, such as the automotive sector, where it has a stronger competitive edge. This focus could lead to better allocation of resources, improving profitability and growth prospects, thereby maximizing shareholder returns.

2. Unlocking Value Through Monetization

The sale of Pos Malaysia would unlock capital tied up in a non-core asset. DRB-HICOM could use the proceeds from the sale to invest in higher-growth areas within its core segments, pay down debt, or return capital to shareholders via dividends or share buybacks. This would enhance the overall value for shareholders, especially if the capital is reinvested in projects with higher returns on investment.

3. Potential to Attract Strategic Investors

By divesting Pos Malaysia, DRB-HICOM opens the possibility for Pos Malaysia to be acquired by a strategic investor or a logistics-focused player who can leverage Pos Malaysia's existing infrastructure and network to scale the business. A strategic buyer could bring in new technology, expertise, and efficiency, potentially leading to a more competitive and profitable Pos Malaysia, which would increase the value of the stake being sold.

4. Improvement in Operational Efficiency

Pos Malaysia has faced challenges, including declining mail volumes and competition from other logistics companies. DRB-HICOM may not be able to address these issues effectively due to its focus on other sectors. A sale to an entity that specializes in logistics could lead to operational improvements, cost efficiencies, and innovation, enhancing Pos Malaysia’s profitability. This, in turn, would lead to a higher valuation of the business and, ultimately, better returns for DRB-HICOM shareholders through a more favorable sale price.

5. Reduction of Debt and Financial Leverage

Selling Pos Malaysia can provide DRB-HICOM with liquidity to reduce its debt, thereby lowering its interest expenses and financial leverage. Improved financial health would strengthen DRB-HICOM's balance sheet, making it more attractive to investors. Additionally, a lower debt burden could improve the company's credit rating, reducing borrowing costs for future projects.

6. Market Perception and Investor Confidence

The strategic disposal of non-core assets often signals to the market that a company is actively managing its portfolio to create value. For DRB-HICOM, this could enhance investor confidence as it demonstrates a commitment to capital discipline and long-term shareholder returns. This positive perception could lead to an improved stock price, benefitting existing shareholders.

7. Opportunity for Spin-Off or IPO

If outright sale is not preferred, DRB-HICOM could consider spinning off Pos Malaysia through an IPO, allowing shareholders to directly benefit from the value of the standalone entity. This approach would create two distinct entities, giving investors the choice to invest in either DRB-HICOM's core businesses or the logistics sector through Pos Malaysia. It would also potentially unlock hidden value as a separate listing might attract higher valuations for Pos Malaysia.

By disposing of Pos Malaysia, DRB-HICOM can better position itself to pursue growth opportunities that align with its strengths, while allowing Pos Malaysia to seek new paths under more specialized management. This strategic reallocation of resources is likely to maximize overall shareholder value.


2,905 posts

Posted by xiaoeh > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dear Good123
have u enter your position for DRBH?


1,547 posts

Posted by abc333 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

new cw ex price 1.15. banker bet it will keep down trend


1,547 posts

Posted by abc333 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

stock price might stay below 1.1 for years, so that it can take it private below 2


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

A potential acquisition of Pos Malaysia by Ninja Van seems plausible, though no specific deals have been confirmed. Pos Malaysia has been struggling with losses due to intense competition from newer logistics companies like Ninja Van and J&T Express. These competitors have gained market share by offering lower rates, making it challenging for Pos Malaysia to stay profitable. Analysts suggest that Pos Malaysia could benefit from an acquisition, especially by e-commerce players or logistics companies like Ninja Van, to modernize its operations and improve service offerings  .

If Ninja Van were to acquire Pos Malaysia, it would allow the company to expand its logistics infrastructure, especially in rural areas where Pos Malaysia has a strong presence. This could help Ninja Van enhance its delivery services across Malaysia. Moreover, the acquisition could lead to digitalization efforts, potentially transforming Pos Malaysia into a tech-driven logistics service provider, improving e-commerce integration and last-mile delivery .


1,547 posts

Posted by abc333 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse


Privatize is just a matter of time. this stock is not for trade , but a FD that potential earn 80% interest rate in 1-2 years


23 posts

Posted by seelah > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dead horse


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Possible Reasons for Privatization:

1. Pos Malaysia’s Financial Struggles:
• Pos Malaysia has faced challenges in recent years, including declining mail volumes due to digitalization and increased competition in the logistics and courier industry. If the market is undervaluing Pos Malaysia’s shares because of these struggles, DRB-HICOM may see an opportunity to take it private, restructure, and turn around the business away from public market pressures.
2. Turnaround Potential:
• DRB-HICOM may believe that taking Pos Malaysia private could allow for a more focused turnaround strategy. Without the need to meet short-term earnings expectations from public shareholders, DRB-HICOM could implement long-term restructuring plans, potentially involving cost-cutting, digital transformation, or selling off non-core assets.
3. Unlocking Asset Value:
• Pos Malaysia owns a significant amount of real estate, including postal offices and distribution centers across the country. DRB-HICOM might consider privatizing the company to have more flexibility in managing and monetizing these assets without needing approval from minority shareholders.
4. Synergies with DRB-HICOM’s Other Businesses:
• DRB-HICOM is involved in various sectors, including automotive, property, and services. Privatizing Pos Malaysia could allow it to better integrate Pos Malaysia’s logistics and courier operations with its other businesses, creating synergies and potentially reducing operational costs.
5. Avoiding Public Scrutiny:
• As a public company, Pos Malaysia is subject to significant regulatory and public scrutiny. By taking it private, DRB-HICOM could operate with greater flexibility and confidentiality, especially if it needs to make major changes such as workforce reductions, asset sales, or significant business restructuring.
6. Enhancing Digital Transformation:
• Pos Malaysia has been focusing on digital transformation to shift from traditional mail services to e-commerce and logistics. DRB-HICOM may see privatization as an opportunity to accelerate these changes without the distraction of public market expectations.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

If DRB-HICOM acquired POS Malaysia at a high share price, there are a few strategic actions they could consider to optimize the situation:

1. Operational Efficiency:

• Streamline operations: DRB could push for internal reforms within POS Malaysia to improve cost efficiency, reduce overheads, and optimize operational processes like logistics, warehousing, and fleet management.
• Automation and digitization: Invest in technology to modernize the postal and delivery services, reducing manual work, and improving service levels to meet e-commerce demands.

2. Revenue Diversification:

• Expand into e-commerce: Leverage POS Malaysia’s extensive logistics network to offer e-commerce solutions and compete in last-mile delivery for online shopping platforms.
• Financial services: POS Malaysia could expand its financial services, such as remittances, bill payments, and insurance, leveraging its nationwide reach.

3. Asset Optimization:

• Monetize real estate: POS Malaysia owns many prime real estate properties, such as post offices, that could be redeveloped or leased to generate additional revenue streams.
• Partnerships and joint ventures: DRB could seek out strategic partners to co-invest in enhancing POS Malaysia’s infrastructure and services, especially in sectors like logistics, fintech, or telecommunications.

4. Cost Restructuring:

• Reevaluate pricing strategy: DRB could work with POS Malaysia to adjust service pricing to better reflect market conditions and improve margins.
• Exit non-core businesses: Evaluate and divest from underperforming or non-essential business lines to focus on profitable areas.

5. Customer-Centric Innovation:

• Enhance customer experience: Improve POS Malaysia’s service standards through enhanced tracking, faster delivery, and better customer support, which will help regain market trust and possibly increase market share.
• New product offerings: POS Malaysia could develop new services like courier express, logistics for pharmaceuticals, or temperature-sensitive goods, leveraging the growing demands of various industries.

6. Strategic Review:

• Revisit acquisition strategy: Assess whether the acquisition premium was justified and if adjustments or negotiations with stakeholders are needed to improve long-term value.
• Consider M&A: DRB could consider merging POS Malaysia with a strategic partner in the logistics space to pool resources and scale up effectively.

By focusing on these areas, DRB-HICOM can turn the high acquisition cost into a long-term value creation opportunity for POS Malaysia.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Jika POS Malaysia menjejaskan prestasi DRB-HICOM, DRB perlu bertindak segera untuk mengurangkan impak negatif ini. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang boleh diambil:

1. Penyusunan Semula Kos:

• Pengurangan kos operasi: DRB perlu melihat kepada peluang untuk mengurangkan kos operasi POS Malaysia, termasuk mengurangkan pekerja yang tidak diperlukan, mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga, dan memperbaiki rantaian bekalan.
• Penstrukturan semula hutang: Jika POS Malaysia mempunyai beban hutang yang tinggi, DRB boleh mempertimbangkan penstrukturan semula hutang untuk meringankan beban kewangan.

2. Penambahbaikan Operasi:

• Digitalisasi perkhidmatan: Melabur dalam teknologi untuk meningkatkan kecekapan, seperti memperkenalkan automasi dalam proses penghantaran, sistem penjejakan yang lebih baik, dan digitalisasi perkhidmatan kaunter.
• Pengoptimuman rangkaian logistik: POS Malaysia mempunyai rangkaian logistik yang luas, dan DRB boleh menambah baik kecekapan logistik melalui pengurusan aset yang lebih baik, penjadualan pengangkutan yang lebih efisien, dan penggunaan teknologi logistik terkini.

3. Diversifikasi Pendapatan:

• Meningkatkan kehadiran dalam e-dagang: DRB boleh memanfaatkan rangkaian POS Malaysia untuk menjadi pemain penting dalam e-dagang dan penghantaran logistik, terutamanya untuk penghantaran “last mile” dan penyelesaian logistik digital.
• Memperluaskan perkhidmatan kewangan: POS Malaysia boleh mengembangkan perkhidmatan kewangan yang sedia ada seperti kiriman wang, insurans, dan pembayaran bil untuk menjana lebih banyak pendapatan dari sektor perkhidmatan.

4. Menjual Aset Bukan Teras:

• Pelupusan aset tidak strategik: DRB boleh menjual aset atau bahagian perniagaan POS Malaysia yang tidak menguntungkan atau bukan teras, seperti beberapa hartanah yang mungkin boleh dijual untuk menghasilkan modal tambahan.
• Perkongsian strategik: DRB boleh mencari rakan kongsi strategik untuk melabur dalam atau mengurus sebahagian daripada operasi POS Malaysia, khususnya dalam bidang logistik atau fintech.

5. Peningkatan Perkhidmatan Pelanggan:

• Tingkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan: Memfokuskan kepada pengalaman pelanggan yang lebih baik, seperti meningkatkan ketepatan masa penghantaran dan sokongan pelanggan yang lebih responsif, boleh memulihkan kepercayaan pengguna.
• Inovasi produk: DRB boleh memperkenalkan perkhidmatan baharu seperti penghantaran ekspres, penghantaran antarabangsa yang lebih kompetitif, atau penyelesaian penghantaran untuk barangan khas.

6. Kajian Semula Strategi:

• Kajian semula pegangan: DRB perlu menilai sama ada terus memiliki POS Malaysia adalah pilihan terbaik, atau sama ada melepaskan sebahagian atau keseluruhan pegangan dalam POS Malaysia boleh memberi lebih nilai kepada syarikat induk.
• Gabungan atau Kerjasama: Mempertimbangkan penggabungan dengan syarikat logistik lain untuk mencipta sinergi dan mengurangkan kos.

Dengan bertindak cepat dan melaksanakan langkah-langkah ini, DRB dapat memperbaiki prestasi POS Malaysia dan mengurangkan kesannya terhadap prestasi keseluruhan DRB-HICOM.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Menjual POS Malaysia mungkin merupakan langkah yang baik untuk DRB-HICOM bergantung kepada beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dengan teliti. Berikut adalah beberapa sebab ia boleh menjadi langkah positif, serta beberapa potensi risiko yang perlu difikirkan:

Kelebihan Menjual POS Malaysia:

1. Pengurangan Beban Kewangan:
• POS Malaysia mungkin memberi tekanan kepada aliran tunai DRB jika syarikat itu beroperasi pada kerugian atau prestasi yang lemah. Dengan menjual POS Malaysia, DRB dapat mengurangkan beban kewangan dan menumpukan sumber ke bidang perniagaan lain yang lebih menguntungkan.
2. Fokus kepada Perniagaan Teras:
• DRB-HICOM mempunyai pelbagai perniagaan dalam industri automotif, hartanah, dan pertahanan. Dengan menjual POS Malaysia, DRB boleh memfokuskan lebih banyak tenaga dan sumber pada perniagaan teras ini, yang mungkin mempunyai potensi pulangan yang lebih tinggi.
3. Menjana Dana:
• Penjualan POS Malaysia boleh membawa masuk dana segar yang boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan hutang, melabur dalam perniagaan lain yang lebih strategik, atau melancarkan projek baru yang lebih menjanjikan.
4. Mengelakkan Risiko Kelebihan Kapasiti:
• Sektor pos dan kurier semakin terjejas oleh persaingan ketat daripada syarikat teknologi dan e-dagang. Menjual POS Malaysia boleh membebaskan DRB daripada risiko kelebihan kapasiti atau ketidakmampuan bersaing dalam sektor logistik yang berubah dengan pantas.

Potensi Risiko Penjualan POS Malaysia:

1. Kehilangan Aset Strategik:
• POS Malaysia masih mempunyai rangkaian logistik yang luas dan aset hartanah yang bernilai. Dengan menjual syarikat itu, DRB mungkin kehilangan akses kepada aset strategik yang berpotensi mencipta nilai dalam jangka panjang, terutamanya jika ekonomi pulih atau sektor e-dagang terus berkembang.
2. Nilai Jualan Tidak Optimum:
• Jika POS Malaysia dijual semasa prestasi syarikat lemah, harga jualan mungkin tidak mencerminkan nilai sebenar aset syarikat. Ini boleh menyebabkan DRB kehilangan potensi pulangan yang lebih baik jika syarikat itu dipulihkan sebelum dijual.
3. Kesinambungan Pendapatan:
• POS Malaysia masih menyumbang kepada pendapatan DRB, walaupun pada kadar yang mungkin lebih rendah. Menjual syarikat ini akan menyebabkan pengurangan dalam sumber pendapatan, walaupun ia tidak menguntungkan sepenuhnya.
4. Potensi Peluang Masa Depan:
• Sektor logistik dan penghantaran mempunyai potensi pertumbuhan yang tinggi terutamanya dengan peningkatan e-dagang. Melepaskan POS Malaysia mungkin membuat DRB terlepas peluang dalam sektor yang sedang berkembang ini jika diuruskan dengan lebih baik.


Jika DRB-HICOM menilai bahawa POS Malaysia tidak lagi sesuai dengan strategi jangka panjangnya dan penjualan boleh memberi manfaat kewangan yang ketara, ia mungkin merupakan keputusan yang baik. Namun, DRB harus memastikan bahawa penjualan dilakukan pada masa yang tepat, dengan harga yang adil, dan mempertimbangkan potensi risiko jangka panjang terhadap portfolionya.


27,725 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Menyerahkan POS Malaysia kepada syarikat e-dagang seperti Lazada atau Shopee, sama ada melalui penjualan keseluruhan atau sebahagian kepentingan, mungkin satu strategi yang menarik bagi DRB-HICOM. Namun, keputusan ini memerlukan penilaian yang teliti terhadap beberapa faktor berikut:

Kelebihan DRB Melepaskan POS Malaysia kepada Lazada atau Shopee:

1. Fokus kepada Perniagaan Teras:
• DRB-HICOM boleh memfokuskan semula sumber dan tenaga mereka kepada perniagaan utama, seperti automotif, hartanah, dan perkhidmatan lain, yang lebih dekat dengan kepakaran syarikat. Melepaskan POS Malaysia mungkin membantu mengurangkan beban operasi yang di luar bidang fokus utama DRB.
2. Perkongsian Strategik:
• Jika DRB memilih untuk menjual hanya sebahagian kepentingan kepada Lazada atau Shopee, mereka boleh mewujudkan perkongsian strategik yang lebih rapat. Lazada dan Shopee mungkin berminat untuk mengawal sebahagian daripada operasi logistik mereka sendiri melalui POS Malaysia, yang boleh meningkatkan sinergi dan kecekapan penghantaran.
3. Peningkatan Modal:
• Melepaskan POS Malaysia kepada syarikat besar seperti Lazada atau Shopee mungkin membolehkan DRB mendapat nilai jualan yang signifikan, terutama jika sektor e-dagang terus berkembang. Modal yang diperoleh boleh digunakan untuk mengurangkan hutang atau melabur dalam bidang perniagaan lain yang lebih menguntungkan untuk DRB.
4. Memperkukuhkan Operasi POS Malaysia:
• Lazada dan Shopee sebagai pemilik baru boleh melabur lebih banyak dalam infrastruktur logistik POS Malaysia untuk meningkatkan kecekapan penghantaran. Ini mungkin memberi manfaat kepada keseluruhan industri logistik di Malaysia dan mengukuhkan kedudukan POS Malaysia dalam pasaran e-dagang.

Risiko dan Keburukan Melepaskan POS Malaysia kepada Lazada atau Shopee:

1. Kehilangan Aset Strategik:
• POS Malaysia masih mempunyai nilai yang signifikan sebagai aset strategik di Malaysia, terutamanya dengan jaringan logistik yang luas dan potensi pertumbuhan jangka panjang dalam sektor e-dagang. Jika DRB menjualnya, mereka mungkin kehilangan akses kepada perniagaan yang boleh menjadi lebih menguntungkan di masa depan, terutama jika diuruskan dengan baik.
2. Ketergantungan Kepada Pihak Ketiga:
• Jika POS Malaysia dijual kepada syarikat e-dagang, DRB mungkin kehilangan kawalan ke atas perkhidmatan logistik penting yang boleh mempengaruhi banyak syarikat tempatan lain. Ini juga boleh menyebabkan kebimbangan pasaran, terutamanya jika Lazada atau Shopee mengubah model perniagaan atau menaikkan kos penghantaran untuk pesaing mereka.
3. Nilai Jualan Tidak Optimum:
• Sekiranya prestasi kewangan POS Malaysia masih dalam keadaan yang lemah, DRB mungkin tidak memperoleh nilai yang optimum daripada jualan. Menjual pada masa yang salah mungkin menyebabkan DRB kehilangan potensi peningkatan nilai di masa depan jika industri logistik dan e-dagang terus berkembang.
4. Kesan kepada Kakitangan:
• Jualan kepada Lazada atau Shopee mungkin menyebabkan penyusunan semula kakitangan dan operasi, yang boleh menjejaskan kebajikan pekerja POS Malaysia. DRB mungkin ingin memastikan ada langkah perlindungan untuk memastikan nasib pekerja terjamin.

Alternatif Lain:

• Penstrukturan Semula: DRB boleh mempertimbangkan penstrukturan semula POS Malaysia untuk menjadikannya lebih cekap dan menguntungkan sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menjualnya. Ini mungkin termasuk mencari rakan strategik atau melabur dalam teknologi yang meningkatkan kecekapan operasi.
• Kerjasama Operasi Tanpa Jualan: DRB boleh mempertimbangkan untuk menjalin kerjasama operasi dengan Lazada atau Shopee tanpa perlu menjual POS Malaysia. Ini membolehkan POS Malaysia mengekalkan kemerdekaannya, tetapi pada masa yang sama mendapat manfaat daripada pelaburan teknologi dan logistik dari syarikat e-dagang.


Melepaskan POS Malaysia kepada Lazada atau Shopee boleh menjadi langkah strategik yang baik untuk DRB-HICOM jika mereka melihat sektor logistik sebagai kurang penting untuk masa depan mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka harus memastikan bahawa jualan tersebut memberi nilai yang wajar, dan mempertimbangkan implikasi jangka panjang, terutamanya dalam konteks pertumbuhan e-dagang. Alternatif seperti kerjasama atau penstrukturan semula juga boleh dipertimbangkan sebelum mengambil langkah akhir.

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