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Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Memecat semua ahli lembaga pengarah DRB-HICOM hanya wajar jika ada bukti jelas salah urus, keputusan pelaburan yang gagal, atau tiada tindakan pemulihan terhadap penurunan nilai POS Malaysia. Sebelum membuat keputusan drastik, penilaian individu harus dilakukan, dan pemecatan terpilih atau penambahbaikan strategi mungkin lebih adil dan seimbang untuk memastikan akauntabiliti tanpa menjejaskan kestabilan syarikat.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Pelantikan ahli lembaga pengarah syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) di Malaysia sering dipertikaikan sebagai lemah kerana beberapa sebab yang boleh dilihat melalui contoh-contoh terdahulu dan amalan semasa. Berikut adalah beberapa bukti dan faktor yang menunjukkan kelemahan dalam pelantikan lembaga pengarah GLC:
1. Pengaruh Politik yang Kuat:
• Pelantikan Berdasarkan Hubungan Politik: Dalam banyak kes, ahli lembaga pengarah GLC dilantik berdasarkan hubungan politik, bukan semata-mata berdasarkan kelayakan atau kepakaran. Ini menimbulkan persoalan mengenai integriti, kebolehan pengurusan, dan keutamaan syarikat. Sebagai contoh, terdapat beberapa laporan di mana tokoh politik atau individu yang rapat dengan kerajaan dilantik tanpa pengalaman mendalam dalam industri berkaitan.
• Kes Terdahulu: Pada 2018, selepas perubahan kerajaan, beberapa ahli lembaga pengarah dalam GLC di Malaysia dipecat dan digantikan, menonjolkan bagaimana pelantikan boleh berubah mengikut arah politik, yang menunjukkan ketidakstabilan dan kelemahan dalam memilih berdasarkan merit.
2. Kurangnya Kepakaran Khusus:
• Pelantikan Tidak Berdasarkan Kepakaran Industri: Beberapa ahli lembaga pengarah yang dilantik ke GLC tidak mempunyai kepakaran yang relevan dalam sektor tertentu. Sebagai contoh, ahli lembaga pengarah dalam syarikat telekomunikasi mungkin tidak mempunyai latar belakang teknologi, atau ahli lembaga dalam sektor logistik tidak mempunyai pengalaman dalam pengurusan rantaian bekalan.
• Impak Negatif pada Prestasi Syarikat: Ketiadaan kepakaran dalam lembaga pengarah boleh menjejaskan prestasi syarikat, kerana mereka tidak dapat memberikan bimbingan strategik atau membuat keputusan yang tepat dalam industri yang semakin kompetitif. Ini juga boleh mengakibatkan salah urus atau peluang perniagaan terlepas.
3. Ketiadaan Akauntabiliti:
• Tiada Tindakan Terhadap Prestasi Buruk: Dalam banyak kes, ahli lembaga pengarah yang dilantik ke GLC tidak bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya walaupun syarikat mencatatkan prestasi buruk atau kerugian besar. Ketiadaan tindakan tegas terhadap ahli lembaga pengarah yang gagal menunjukkan bahawa akauntabiliti mereka tidak diutamakan.
• Contoh POS Malaysia: Dalam kes seperti POS Malaysia yang dibeli oleh DRB-HICOM, prestasi saham yang merosot tidak diiringi dengan tindakan terhadap ahli lembaga pengarah yang terlibat, walaupun terdapat kerugian besar bagi syarikat dan pemegang saham. Ini menimbulkan persoalan mengenai bagaimana keputusan dibuat dan siapa yang bertanggungjawab apabila prestasi syarikat merosot.
4. Campur Tangan Eksekutif:
• Kawalan Terlalu Ketat oleh Kerajaan: Banyak GLC dikendalikan dengan kawalan kerajaan yang ketat, yang menghadkan autonomi ahli lembaga pengarah dalam membuat keputusan perniagaan. Ini menyebabkan mereka lebih cenderung membuat keputusan berdasarkan kepentingan politik berbanding dengan kepentingan komersial syarikat.
• Impak pada Pertumbuhan Jangka Panjang: Campur tangan eksekutif yang berlebihan sering menyekat inovasi dan keupayaan syarikat untuk bersaing di peringkat global, kerana keputusan strategik jangka panjang sering dikompromikan.
5. Pelantikan Tidak Melalui Proses Pemilihan Terbuka:
• Tiada Proses Pemilihan yang Transparen: Pelantikan ahli lembaga pengarah GLC jarang dilakukan melalui proses pemilihan yang telus atau berasaskan merit yang jelas. Selalunya, pelantikan dibuat secara dalaman atau melalui rundingan tertutup, yang menyebabkan kurangnya keyakinan terhadap kualiti pengurusan dan tadbir urus syarikat.
• Ketiadaan Amalan Terbaik: Di banyak negara maju, pelantikan lembaga pengarah dibuat berdasarkan penilaian profesional dengan penglibatan pelbagai pihak berkepentingan. Di Malaysia, proses ini sering kali kurang terbuka dan tidak berlandaskan kriteria kelayakan yang ketat.
6. Kes-kes GLC dengan Prestasi Buruk:
• 1MDB: Satu contoh terkenal ialah skandal 1MDB, di mana kegagalan tadbir urus dan pengawasan yang lemah menyebabkan kerugian berbilion ringgit. Skandal ini menunjukkan kelemahan dalam proses pelantikan, di mana individu-individu dengan hubungan politik yang kuat memainkan peranan dalam lembaga pengarah tetapi gagal memastikan pengurusan kewangan yang bertanggungjawab.
• Tabung Haji: Tabung Haji juga mengalami krisis pengurusan, di mana pelantikan ahli lembaga yang tidak cekap menyebabkan kerugian dan skandal kewangan, menjejaskan imej dan prestasi kewangan syarikat tersebut.
Kelemahan dalam pelantikan ahli lembaga pengarah GLC di Malaysia berpunca daripada pengaruh politik yang kuat, ketiadaan kepakaran industri yang relevan, kurangnya akauntabiliti, campur tangan eksekutif, dan proses pelantikan yang tidak telus. Ini boleh dilihat melalui beberapa kes prestasi buruk dan salah urus dalam GLC seperti 1MDB, Tabung Haji, dan POS Malaysia. Bagi memperbaiki kelemahan ini, proses pelantikan perlu lebih berasaskan merit, telus, dan bebas daripada campur tangan politik.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
The principles of meritocracy can also significantly benefit DRB-HICOM, a prominent government-linked company in Malaysia involved in various sectors such as automotive, logistics, and property development. Here are several reasons why meritocracy is particularly relevant for DRB-HICOM:
1. Performance-Driven Culture: Implementing a meritocratic framework would ensure that employees are rewarded based on their contributions and results. This can lead to improved overall performance, as seen in many organizations that adopt performance metrics to evaluate staff. Companies with strong performance management systems tend to outperform their peers, according to research by Gallup.
2. Enhanced Employee Morale and Engagement: A meritocratic environment can boost employee morale and engagement. When employees feel that their efforts are recognized and rewarded, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to the organization. A Gallup study found that organizations with high employee engagement are 21% more productive and have 22% higher profitability.
3. Attracting Top Talent: DRB-HICOM, like other GLCs, competes for skilled talent. A meritocratic system can help attract high-caliber candidates who are seeking environments where they can thrive based on their abilities. According to LinkedIn’s 2020 Workforce Report, organizations that emphasize meritocracy are more likely to attract talent, leading to a stronger workforce.
4. Innovation and Adaptability: DRB-HICOM operates in dynamic industries such as automotive and logistics, where innovation is crucial for staying competitive. A meritocratic approach encourages employees to share their ideas and solutions, fostering a culture of innovation. Research by the Boston Consulting Group indicates that companies with diverse and meritocratic teams are 1.4 times more likely to be innovative.
5. Accountability and Transparency: Implementing meritocracy can enhance accountability within the organization. When employees know that their advancement is based on merit, they are more likely to take ownership of their work. The World Economic Forum has noted that accountability mechanisms in organizations lead to improved operational performance.
6. Reduction of Bureaucratic Inefficiencies: GLCs like DRB-HICOM may struggle with bureaucratic inefficiencies. A meritocratic culture can streamline decision-making processes by empowering capable individuals to lead initiatives. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, reducing bureaucratic hurdles can significantly enhance organizational efficiency and responsiveness.
7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): By fostering a meritocratic culture, DRB-HICOM can also enhance its CSR initiatives. Employees motivated by meritocratic values are often more engaged in community service and sustainability efforts, aligning with the growing consumer demand for corporate responsibility. A study by Cone Communications found that 87% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that advocates for social and environmental issues.
In conclusion, adopting meritocracy in DRB-HICOM can lead to improved performance, innovation, and employee satisfaction while addressing challenges associated with public sector organizations. This approach can ultimately strengthen DRB-HICOM’s position in competitive markets and enhance its contributions to the Malaysian economy.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Why? Not able to stop the pos share price tumbled from rm3.60 to 31sen now? Epf dumped drb shares now???
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 175,700 shares on 21-Oct-2024.
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 242,000 shares on 18-Oct-2024.
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 612,900 shares on 17-Oct-2024.
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 1,988,600 shares on 16-Oct-2024.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Drb dapat selamatkan pos malaysia ka?😛
On a brighter note, UPS added 5.28% after the parcel service provider reported a rise in third-quarter profit, on rebounding volumes and cost cuts.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
😇🤩 Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, a prominent Malaysian tycoon, would have multiple reasons to consider stepping in to rescue Pos Malaysia. His interests in the company likely go beyond immediate financial returns:
1. Strategic National Importance: Pos Malaysia is a national asset, providing critical infrastructure for communication and logistics. As a business leader with significant holdings in essential industries (e.g., ports, telecommunications), Syed Mokhtar might view Pos Malaysia as a strategic asset to maintain the flow of goods and services across the country, especially as e-commerce and logistics sectors expand.
2. Business Synergies: Syed Mokhtar controls several logistics and transportation-related businesses, such as DRB-HICOM, which owns a significant stake in Pos Malaysia. Ensuring Pos Malaysia remains viable would align with his broader business interests in logistics, automotives, and transportation. A successful Pos Malaysia could strengthen his other ventures by creating operational synergies, improving efficiency across his portfolio.
3. Reputation and Influence: As one of Malaysia’s most influential business figures, Syed Mokhtar’s involvement in rescuing Pos Malaysia would enhance his standing as a key player in the national economy. Supporting the recovery of a high-profile company would reinforce his image as someone capable of managing large-scale national assets and turning around struggling businesses.
4. Long-Term Growth Potential: Pos Malaysia’s ongoing transformation plan, including its shift from traditional mail services to parcel delivery and digital services, aligns with growth sectors like e-commerce. With the right strategic support, Pos Malaysia has the potential to tap into these expanding markets, making it a long-term growth opportunity for Syed Mokhtar’s portfolio  .
Thus, Syed Mokhtar would likely have strong financial, strategic, and reputational reasons to ensure Pos Malaysia’s success.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
🤩 Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary’s decision to maintain control over Pos Malaysia likely stems from several strategic factors, including its potential for digital transformation, vast infrastructure, and its role in Malaysia’s national logistics network. Here are some reasons why Pos Malaysia remains a valuable asset:
1. Extensive Infrastructure
Pos Malaysia possesses an established network of post offices, sorting centers, and distribution points across the country, making it a key player in Malaysia’s logistics and delivery landscape. This infrastructure can be leveraged to expand into e-commerce and digital services.
2. E-commerce Boom
With the rise of e-commerce in Malaysia and across Southeast Asia, there is enormous growth potential in logistics and parcel delivery. Pos Malaysia has the opportunity to reposition itself as a leading player in the booming e-commerce supply chain, offering last-mile delivery services, warehousing, and fulfillment solutions.
3. Government Ties
Being a national postal service, Pos Malaysia is closely linked to the government, which can provide support and collaboration for future ventures. Additionally, its importance in providing postal services across urban and rural areas adds a public service dimension to the business.
4. Digital Transformation
Syed Mokhtar might see the potential in transforming Pos Malaysia into a more technology-driven company. With investments in digital infrastructure, Pos Malaysia could tap into the fintech, logistics tech, and courier sectors. Modernizing services like payments, logistics tracking, and digital platforms can unlock new revenue streams.
5. Diversified Services
Pos Malaysia has already diversified into other services like financial services, insurance, and logistics. Syed Mokhtar may see the potential for further diversification, positioning the company to capture additional market segments, especially with rising consumer needs for integrated solutions.
6. Revival Potential
Although Pos Malaysia has faced challenges, Syed Mokhtar’s decision to retain it could signal a belief in its turnaround potential. With the right leadership, investment, and restructuring, the company could capitalize on growth opportunities, especially in the face of global logistics shifts and technological advancements.
In summary, Syed Mokhtar likely sees Pos Malaysia as a strategic national asset with significant untapped potential, especially in the areas of e-commerce, digital transformation, and logistics services.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, a prominent Malaysian businessman, might focus on making Pos Malaysia profitable soonest possible for several strategic and financial reasons. Here are some key motivations, supported by relevant evidence:
1. Diversification of Business Portfolio
Syed Mokhtar owns a diversified business empire through his company, DRB-HICOM, which acquired a controlling stake in Pos Malaysia in 2011. Pos Malaysia provides a key opportunity for Syed Mokhtar to expand his business portfolio into logistics, e-commerce, and postal services, especially in an era of digital commerce growth.
• Evidence: DRB-HICOM’s annual reports highlight their focus on growing logistics and postal services as part of their overall strategy, seeing synergies between automotive and logistics sectors.
2. Strategic Position in the Logistics and E-Commerce Market
With the rapid growth of e-commerce in Southeast Asia, Pos Malaysia’s logistical network can be leveraged to capture more market share in the delivery and courier services industry. Turning Pos Malaysia profitable would help Syed Mokhtar capitalize on this growing demand for last-mile delivery solutions.
• Evidence: According to Pos Malaysia’s Annual Reports, the company has been modernizing its delivery fleet and infrastructure to meet increasing demand from e-commerce giants like Lazada and Shopee. The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has also forecasted significant growth in the courier and delivery sectors.
3. Government Contracts and National Importance
As the national postal service, Pos Malaysia handles numerous government-related deliveries, including official documents, voting papers, and financial services for rural areas. Making the company profitable would secure these government contracts and preserve its national importance. Syed Mokhtar has historically maintained close ties with the government, and a profitable Pos Malaysia could strengthen his position in key government-related sectors.
• Evidence: Pos Malaysia’s involvement in distributing government aid and documents, along with Syed Mokhtar’s close relationships with political leadership, has been well documented in local media, particularly during national elections and pandemic aid distribution.
4. Financial and Investment Returns
Like any businessman, Syed Mokhtar would aim to generate returns on his investments. Pos Malaysia has been struggling with losses in recent years, and turning it profitable would not only enhance the value of his stake but also improve DRB-HICOM’s overall financial health.
• Evidence: Pos Malaysia reported significant financial losses in 2020 and 2021, as revealed in its financial reports. A turnaround plan to cut costs, improve efficiency, and explore new revenue streams was announced, with significant involvement from DRB-HICOM.
5. Job Creation and National Prestige
Pos Malaysia employs thousands of Malaysians, and keeping the company profitable would ensure the security of these jobs, something that may hold significant importance both politically and economically. As a key player in Malaysia’s corporate scene, Syed Mokhtar’s ability to revive a national icon would enhance his reputation and social standing.
• Evidence: News outlets such as The Star and NST have reported that Pos Malaysia plays a significant role in national job creation and its restructuring plans are aimed at minimizing job losses.
In summary, Syed Mokhtar’s interest in making Pos Malaysia profitable soonest possible likely stems from his desire to capture growing market opportunities, ensure government contracts, enhance financial returns, and maintain a strong political and social position.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
The appointment of a British CEO at Pos Malaysia, particularly under the leadership of Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary and the broader context of Malaysian Government-Linked Companies (GLCs), can be seen as a significant step towards meritocracy for several reasons. Here are some key points, along with supporting evidence:
1. International Expertise and Standards
The appointment of a foreign CEO often brings a wealth of international experience and best practices that can enhance operational efficiency and corporate governance. This move signals a shift toward prioritizing skills and qualifications over local connections or affiliations.
• Evidence: The tenure of CEO Charles Brewer, who took over Pos Malaysia in 2020, was characterized by efforts to streamline operations and introduce international logistics practices. His background in the logistics sector (previously with DHL) brought a fresh perspective to Pos Malaysia, focusing on efficiency and customer service.
2. Focus on Performance Metrics
A meritocratic approach emphasizes performance-based evaluations rather than traditional seniority or favoritism. The British CEO’s role in implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) and operational benchmarks can be seen as a move towards accountability.
• Evidence: Under Brewer’s leadership, Pos Malaysia introduced new KPIs to improve service delivery, customer satisfaction, and operational performance. This was reported in various business news articles, emphasizing a results-oriented culture.
3. Cultural Shift Towards Professionalism
Hiring foreign executives can catalyze a cultural shift within organizations, encouraging local talent to adopt more professional and competitive attitudes in the workplace. This aligns with the global business environment’s emphasis on meritocracy.
• Evidence: Industry analysts and commentators noted that Brewer’s leadership style fostered a more professional work environment. His focus on merit-based promotions and employee development initiatives has been reported in several business publications, showcasing a change in the corporate culture at Pos Malaysia.
4. Response to Economic Challenges
The challenges faced by Pos Malaysia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, necessitated a leadership approach focused on agility and innovation. Appointing a CEO with international experience can be viewed as a response to these challenges, prioritizing capabilities over local norms.
• Evidence: Brewer’s strategic initiatives, including partnerships with e-commerce platforms and the modernization of logistics operations, were essential during the pandemic. Reports highlighted how these strategies aimed to make Pos Malaysia more resilient and competitive in the market.
5. Inspiration for Other GLCs
The success or progress of a foreign CEO in a prominent GLC like Pos Malaysia can inspire other government-linked companies to adopt similar meritocratic principles in their leadership and operational structures. This trend can gradually shift the perception of meritocracy in Malaysia.
• Evidence: Commentary in Malaysian financial media has pointed out how Brewer’s leadership is being watched closely by other GLCs, with calls for more similar appointments to drive efficiency and modernize operations across the sector.
6. Potential for Talent Development
The presence of an international CEO can create opportunities for local talent to learn and develop skills that align with global standards. This mentorship can enhance the overall talent pool in Malaysia, fostering a more meritocratic environment.
• Evidence: Under Brewer, initiatives for staff training and development programs were introduced, aiming to elevate local talent to higher management roles, as reported in various press releases and corporate announcements.
The appointment of a British CEO at Pos Malaysia symbolizes a potential shift towards meritocracy within Malaysian GLCs by emphasizing international standards, performance metrics, cultural professionalism, and opportunities for local talent. This change can be seen as a significant step in reshaping the corporate landscape in Malaysia, promoting a more competitive and merit-based approach.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, a prominent Malaysian tycoon, is known for his strategic business decisions, including in companies he controls. Regarding Pos Malaysia, Syed Mokhtar, through his business ventures like DRB-HICOM, acquired a significant stake in the company. It is noteworthy that Pos Malaysia appointed its first foreign CEO, Charles Brewer, in 2021.
Appointing a foreign CEO marked a shift towards meritocracy, emphasizing expertise and global experience over nationality. Syed Mokhtar's decision to support such appointments could be driven by the need to bring in international best practices, strategic vision, and leadership skills to transform the company. It was a move to ensure Pos Malaysia adapts to evolving market conditions, especially in the competitive logistics and e-commerce sectors.
This approach indicates Syed Mokhtar's willingness to prioritize company performance and growth, embracing leadership that brings the right skills and experience to steer the organization forward.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, seorang tokoh perniagaan terkemuka di Malaysia, dikenali dengan keputusan strategik dalam syarikat-syarikat yang dikawalnya. Berkaitan dengan Pos Malaysia, Syed Mokhtar melalui usaha perniagaannya seperti DRB-HICOM telah memperoleh pegangan besar dalam syarikat tersebut. Adalah penting untuk diperhatikan bahawa Pos Malaysia melantik Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) asing pertama, Charles Brewer, pada tahun 2021.
Pelantikan CEO asing menandakan peralihan ke arah meritokrasi, dengan memberi penekanan kepada kepakaran dan pengalaman global berbanding kewarganegaraan. Keputusan Syed Mokhtar untuk menyokong pelantikan sedemikian mungkin didorong oleh keperluan untuk membawa masuk amalan terbaik antarabangsa, visi strategik, dan kemahiran kepimpinan untuk mengubah syarikat. Ia adalah langkah untuk memastikan Pos Malaysia dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan pasaran yang sentiasa berubah, terutamanya dalam sektor logistik dan e-dagang yang kompetitif.
Pendekatan ini menunjukkan kesediaan Syed Mokhtar untuk mengutamakan prestasi dan pertumbuhan syarikat, dengan menerima kepimpinan yang membawa kemahiran dan pengalaman yang tepat untuk memajukan organisasi.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
赛莫达·阿尔布哈里(Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary)是马来西亚著名的企业家,以其在所控制公司中的战略决策而闻名。关于马来西亚邮政(Pos Malaysia),赛莫达通过其商业企业,如DRB-HICOM,获得了该公司的大量股份。值得注意的是,马来西亚邮政在2021年任命了首位外籍首席执行官(CEO)查尔斯·布鲁尔(Charles Brewer)。
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Kajian Kes: Usaha Pemulihan Pos Malaysia
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, yang terkenal dengan kepentingan perniagaan yang pelbagai, telah mengambil langkah-langkah penting untuk menangani cabaran yang dihadapi oleh Pos Malaysia. Sebagai pemegang saham majoriti melalui DRB-HICOM, beliau telah menunjukkan niat yang jelas untuk memulihkan prestasi syarikat tersebut. Memandangkan landskap logistik yang kompetitif dan berubah dengan cepat, syarikat ini telah berhadapan dengan penurunan jumlah surat dan peningkatan kos operasi, yang memerlukan pengubahsuaian strategik.
Fleksibiliti Kepimpinan
Menyedari bahawa pemulihan yang berjaya memerlukan kepimpinan yang cekap dan strategik, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar telah menunjukkan keterbukaan untuk melantik CEO yang terbaik, tanpa mengira kewarganegaraan atau latar belakang. Fleksibiliti ini menekankan bahawa keutamaan adalah untuk membawa masuk kepakaran yang dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan pasaran, berinovasi, dan memacu pertumbuhan. Sama ada CEO itu tempatan atau profesional antarabangsa ("mat salleh"), fokus adalah pada memilih pemimpin yang dapat melaksanakan strategi pemulihan yang mantap.
Elemen Strategi Pemulihan
1. Diversifikasi Perkhidmatan: Pos Malaysia telah aktif beralih dari perkhidmatan surat tradisional kepada penyelesaian digital dan logistik. Seorang CEO baru yang memahami e-dagang, logistik, dan teknologi dengan baik dapat mempercepatkan peralihan ini, menjadikan syarikat kurang bergantung kepada perkhidmatan surat yang semakin merosot.
2. Kecekapan Operasi: Menyusun semula operasi untuk mengurangkan kos adalah kritikal. Seorang pemimpin dengan pengalaman dalam transformasi digital dan pengoptimuman operasi dapat membantu mengenal pasti langkah-langkah penjimatan kos, memodenkan infrastruktur syarikat, dan meningkatkan kecekapan.
3. Perkongsian Strategik: Pos Malaysia telah meneroka perkongsian untuk memperluaskan jejak e-dagang dan logistiknya. Di bawah arahan Syed Mokhtar, mencari CEO yang mahir dalam membina perikatan strategik dapat meningkatkan tawaran perkhidmatan syarikat dan capaian pasaran.
4. Pemisahan Anak Syarikat: Baru-baru ini, terdapat perbincangan mengenai potensi IPO Pos Shop & Café. Membawa masuk CEO yang dapat menilai kesesuaian pemisahan tersebut dan memaksimumkan nilai pemegang saham boleh menjadi sebahagian penting daripada pelan pemulihan. Ini sejalan dengan fokus untuk menyusun semula bagi memberi tumpuan kepada bidang perniagaan teras sambil melepaskan atau menjalinkan kerjasama dalam segmen yang bukan teras.
Keterbukaan Syed Mokhtar untuk mengupah pemimpin terbaik, sama ada tempatan atau asing, menunjukkan pendekatan pragmatik untuk menghidupkan kembali Pos Malaysia. Dengan memberi tumpuan kepada kepimpinan strategik, mendiversifikasi perkhidmatan, dan memacu kecekapan operasi, Pos Malaysia berpotensi untuk mendapatkan semula kedudukannya dalam pasaran. Penekanan pada kepimpinan mencerminkan pemahaman bahawa dalam persekitaran yang kompetitif dan dinamik hari ini, mempunyai kepakaran yang tepat di peringkat atasan adalah kritikal untuk mengatasi cabaran dan mengarahkan syarikat ke arah pertumbuhan.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
丹斯里赛德·莫克塔尔·阿尔-布哈里(Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary)是一位知名的马来西亚商人,他采取了重要措施来应对马来西亚邮政所面临的挑战。作为通过DRB-HICOM的主要股东,他清楚地表达了恢复公司业绩的意图。考虑到竞争激烈且快速变化的物流环境,该公司一直面临邮件量下降和运营成本上升的问题,这需要战略性地进行改组。
1. 服务多元化: 马来西亚邮政积极从传统邮件服务转向数字解决方案和物流。新任首席执行官若对电子商务、物流和技术有深入理解,能够加速这一转型,使公司减少对衰退邮件服务的依赖。
2. 运营效率: 优化运营以降低成本至关重要。具备数字化转型和运营优化经验的领导者可以帮助识别节约成本的措施,现代化公司的基础设施,并提升效率。
3. 战略合作: 马来西亚邮政探索了合作伙伴关系,以扩大其电子商务和物流业务。在赛德·莫克塔尔的指导下,寻找擅长建立战略联盟的首席执行官可以增强公司的服务和市场覆盖能力。
4. 剥离子公司: 最近,有关马来西亚邮政商店和咖啡馆(Pos Shop & Café)潜在IPO的讨论也逐渐增多。引入能够评估这种剥离的可行性并最大化股东价值的首席执行官,可能是复苏计划的重要组成部分。这与专注于核心业务领域,同时剥离或合作非核心部分的重组目标一致。
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Deng Xiaoping's philosophy, encapsulated in his quote about the cat, emphasizes pragmatism over ideology. It suggests that the effectiveness of policies and results are more important than strict adherence to a specific political or economic ideology. This approach facilitated China's economic reforms and modernization by prioritizing growth and practical solutions.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Falsafah Deng Xiaoping, yang terkandung dalam petikannya tentang kucing, menekankan pragmatisme berbanding ideologi. Ia menunjukkan bahawa keberkesanan dasar dan hasil adalah lebih penting daripada pematuhan ketat kepada ideologi politik atau ekonomi tertentu. Pendekatan ini memudahkan reformasi ekonomi dan pemodenan China dengan mengutamakan pertumbuhan dan penyelesaian praktikal.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary has been involved in the privatization of several companies, particularly through his conglomerate DRB-HICOM Berhad. While specific figures can vary based on definitions of privatization, here are notable examples of companies he has been associated with:
Notable Privatizations Involving Syed Mokhtar
1. Pos Malaysia Berhad:
Privatization: DRB-HICOM acquired a controlling stake in Pos Malaysia in 2011.
Reason: To improve operational efficiency and modernize the company's services, aligning them with the growing demands of e-commerce and logistics.
2. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor:
Privatization: Syed Mokhtar was involved in the restructuring and privatization of this state-owned entity, which focused on various sectors including utilities and infrastructure.
3. Proton Holdings Berhad:
Privatization: DRB-HICOM acquired a controlling interest in Proton in 2012.
Reason: To revitalize the Malaysian automotive industry and improve Proton's competitiveness by leveraging synergies with DRB-HICOM's other automotive ventures.
4. Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad:
Involvement: While not a complete privatization, Syed Mokhtar has been associated with efforts to enhance this Islamic bank's operations and financial standing.
Reasons for His Involvement in Privatizations
1. Strategic Growth: Syed Mokhtar typically seeks to enhance the operational capabilities and market positions of the companies he acquires, driving growth through strategic investments.
2. Public Service Enhancement: His investments in public utilities and services, like Pos Malaysia, often aim to improve service delivery to the public, aligning with national development goals.
3. Synergistic Benefits: By privatizing and restructuring these companies, he aims to create synergies with his existing businesses, particularly in logistics, automotive, and finance.
4. Economic Development: His involvement in privatizations is often seen as a way to foster economic growth in Malaysia, creating jobs and stimulating investment in various sectors.
While the exact number of companies Syed Mokhtar has privatized may not be publicly documented, his involvement with key companies like Pos Malaysia, Proton, and others indicates a focused strategy on enhancing operational efficiency and driving growth within the Malaysian economy.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
DRB up 3sen; any good news for POS? 🫵🏻
Posted by xiaoeh > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
may i know your ave entry price?
and your TP?
Posted by Sslee > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
I trade some stocks to get free bintang beer just small amount.
Posted by qqq47660 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
makes no sense to play with DRB.....makes more sense to play with Natgate, 99 and HK/ stocks. Geely from 6 to 15.
Posted by ocbc > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
listing of bank likely by end of this year ? Proton EV too. POS profit soon. All pointed up for sure!
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
dumping drb shares by epf, maybe, epf not happy with drb managing pos malaysia😊
Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016)
Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Address 5th Floor, EPF Tower,
No. 1, Persiaran Kwasa Utama
Shah Alam
40150 Selangor
Company No. EPF ACT 1991
Nationality/Country of incorporation Malaysia
Descriptions (Class) Ordinary shares
Details of changes
No Date of change
No of securities
Type of Transaction Nature of Interest
1 22 Oct 2024
Disposed Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident Fund Board
Address of registered holder Level 42, Menara Citibank, 165 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction
Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred Disposal of 2,150,000 ordinary shares by Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident Fund Board
Nature of interest Direct Interest
Direct (units) 145,980,732
Direct (%) 7.551
Indirect/deemed interest (units)
Indirect/deemed interest (%)
Total no of securities after change 145,980,732
Date of notice 23 Oct 2024
Date notice received by Listed Issuer 25 Oct 2024
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Pos msia bottom out; tunggu ia untung je😎
@ ocbc
listing of bank likely by end of this year ? Proton EV too. POS profit soon. All pointed up for sure!
4 hours ago
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
😉 POS Malaysia (POS) and DRB-HICOM (DRB) share prices are often linked because DRB-HICOM is a significant shareholder in POS Malaysia, with a controlling stake. Here’s why this relationship affects their share prices:
1. Ownership Influence: As a major shareholder, DRB-HICOM’s financial health and strategic decisions directly impact POS. When DRB-HICOM performs well, investor confidence in its subsidiaries, including POS Malaysia, generally increases, potentially raising POS share prices as well.
2. Financial Interdependence: DRB-HICOM may provide financial support, strategic direction, or operational resources to POS. Therefore, any positive or negative news about DRB’s performance, financial standing, or business outlook often influences POS’s market perception.
3. Sector and Economic Sentiment: Both companies are linked to logistics, automotive, and property sectors, so they are sensitive to similar economic factors like fuel prices, economic growth, and government policies. Market sentiment in these shared sectors can lead investors to adjust both POS and DRB share prices similarly.
4. Market Perception: Investors tend to see POS as an extension of DRB’s portfolio. If DRB shows signs of strength or weakness, investors may extrapolate that sentiment to POS, adjusting their expectations accordingly.
The intertwined financial and operational connections between the two companies create a market relationship where the performance and outlook of one often impact the other’s share price.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
😎 Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary might aim to defend the share price of POS Malaysia to enhance DRB-HICOM’s overall value, as DRB holds a controlling stake in POS. Boosting POS Malaysia’s market performance could positively influence DRB-HICOM’s valuation and financial outlook, attracting investor confidence and strengthening DRB’s position. This move aligns with Syed Mokhtar’s interest in protecting and enhancing his portfolio companies, especially in logistics and infrastructure, and could also help stabilize DRB’s broader strategic investments and revenue streams.
Posted by ocbc > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
high risk to be privatize by Major shareholder since selling at lelong price now.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary’s potential buyback of shares in POS (Malaysian government-linked or public-owned entities) through DRB-HICOM, his other companies, or personally could serve several strategic purposes, particularly in terms of investor confidence and market stability. Here’s how such a buyback might impart confidence and justify the move:
1. Demonstrating Confidence in Value: By buying back shares, Syed Mokhtar could signal his confidence in the company’s intrinsic value. This act often indicates that a major shareholder believes the shares are undervalued, leading other investors to view the company more favorably.
2. Increasing Shareholder Value: A buyback typically reduces the number of shares in circulation, which can increase earnings per share (EPS) and potentially drive up the stock price, benefiting remaining shareholders and making the stock more attractive to new investors.
3. Stabilizing Market Sentiment: If shares in DRB-HICOM or related companies have experienced volatility or downward pressure, a buyback could help stabilize prices, offering reassurance to current investors and stakeholders.
4. Strengthening Control and Influence: By increasing his stake, Syed Mokhtar can consolidate his control over the companies, enabling more direct influence over strategic decisions, which could lead to positive restructuring or efficiency improvements.
5. Commitment to Long-Term Growth: This move could signal a commitment to the companies’ long-term performance, potentially appealing to institutional and retail investors alike. His willingness to invest personal or group resources shows dedication to strengthening the companies’ future.
6. Support for Malaysian Economy and GLCs: As a prominent Malaysian business figure, his buyback may be perceived as a commitment to supporting Malaysia’s economic stability, especially if these companies are key government-linked corporations (GLCs) or contributors to national projects.
This strategy, however, would need clear communication to the market and stakeholders to ensure that the buyback is seen as a prudent move rather than a short-term intervention.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
POS is a dark horse, Syed could privatize it abruptly cheap price now
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Pos nta 54sen, book value 1.5-2X , offer price for MGO 72sen to RM1.08
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed will do something I believe , acquired POs at rm3.60, now ~32sen. Time to take immediate action e.g. mgo etc restructure quietly etc
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Even 36sen = 10% of rm3.60 paid by Syed to buy POS dulu😅
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Pos acquisition was the biggest shame of Syed in the corporate world if not mistaken
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
POS should be next anytime
Yes, MMC Corporation Berhad, a Malaysian infrastructure and energy company, was privatized in 2022. The privatization was completed after the company was taken private by a consortium led by its largest shareholder, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary. This move aimed to streamline operations and focus on long-term growth strategies without the pressures of public market scrutiny.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Time up for Syed to do what he did for mmc for POS now. Buy pos for super abnormal ROI probably 😉
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Sapu in stages till 50sen++ for more shares, then offer a price like what he did for mmc 😁
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
I think everyone hopes Syed privatize POS asap usah memalukan negara hehe
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
POs jumped to 32sen so early, a good sign
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Maybe, granted geely to sapu POS shares from the open market. Like proton taken private and then sell 49%++ to geely, pos as well? Wait n see
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
POS is rising now, hope for the best like MMC, proton with Syed 😉
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Last chance to buy POS of drb before it fly nonstop 😎
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
There are various factors to consider regarding the potential privatization of POS Malaysia, similar to what has happened with MMC Corporation and Proton.
1. Market Performance: If POS Malaysia continues to face financial challenges, a privatization strategy could be seen as a way to restructure and revitalize the company.
2. Government Support: The Malaysian government may play a significant role in determining the future of POS Malaysia, especially if it has strategic importance in logistics and delivery services.
3. Private Investment Interest: Potential investors may find value in POS Malaysia’s assets and market presence, which could lead to discussions about privatization.
4. Regulatory Environment: Any move toward privatization would need to comply with Malaysian regulations and receive approval from relevant authorities.
5. Comparative Cases: Looking at the experiences of MMC and Proton, lessons can be drawn regarding management, operational efficiency, and the impact of privatization on stakeholders😍
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, a prominent Malaysian businessman, has shown interest in privatizing Pos Malaysia for several reasons, each of which can be justified with supporting facts:
1. Operational Efficiency: Privatization can lead to more efficient management. Private entities often operate with a profit motive, which can drive them to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance service delivery. For instance, in many countries, privatized postal services have improved operational efficiencies, leading to better service levels.
2. Financial Performance: Pos Malaysia has faced financial challenges in recent years, including losses and declining market share. By privatizing, Syed can inject capital and resources to restructure the company, focusing on profitability. For example, in FY2021, Pos Malaysia reported a net loss of RM120 million, highlighting the need for urgent financial restructuring.
3. Technological Advancement: The postal industry is evolving with the rise of e-commerce. A privatized Pos Malaysia could invest more in technology and infrastructure, improving logistics and parcel delivery services. The global trend shows that private companies are more agile in adopting new technologies to meet changing consumer demands.
4. Market Competition: The logistics and delivery market in Malaysia is becoming increasingly competitive, with players like Grab and Lalamove entering the space. Privatizing Pos Malaysia would allow for more strategic agility to respond to market changes and consumer needs.
5. Government Focus on Core Functions: The Malaysian government may benefit from focusing on its core functions while allowing the private sector to handle services like postal delivery. This could free up resources for public services that require government attention, such as education and health care.
6. Growth in E-commerce: With the rapid growth of e-commerce, privatization could facilitate the necessary investments to capture this market. According to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, the e-commerce market in Malaysia was worth RM35.2 billion in 2021, indicating a lucrative opportunity for Pos Malaysia to expand its services.
7. Global Trends: Many countries have successfully privatized their postal services, leading to improved service quality and customer satisfaction. For instance, the UK’s Royal Mail privatization in 2013 has resulted in significant operational improvements and financial performance.
In summary, privatizing Pos Malaysia under Syed Mokhtar’s leadership could lead to enhanced efficiency, financial stability, technological advancement, and better competitiveness in a rapidly evolving market, benefiting both the company and its customers.
Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Effective & terbukti berjaya🤩
The privatization of the British postal company, Royal Mail, was driven by several key factors:
1. Financial Performance: Prior to privatization, Royal Mail faced significant financial challenges, including declining revenues and increased competition. The government aimed to improve its financial health and make it more efficient.
2. Market Liberalization: The European Union’s Postal Services Directive encouraged member states to liberalize their postal markets, allowing for increased competition. Privatization was seen as a way to comply with this directive and prepare Royal Mail for a competitive environment.
3. Increased Efficiency: Privatization aimed to enhance operational efficiency. Private companies often have more flexibility to restructure and innovate, which could lead to better service delivery and cost reductions. It was believed that a privately run Royal Mail would be more agile in adapting to market changes.
4. Investment in Technology: Privatization was expected to attract private investment, which would be necessary for upgrading technology and infrastructure. This investment was crucial for Royal Mail to improve its services, especially in the growing e-commerce sector.
5. Focus on Core Services: The UK government wanted to shift its focus away from running a postal service and instead concentrate on its core functions. Privatizing Royal Mail would allow the government to step back while ensuring the continuation of postal services.
6. Public Debt Reduction: Selling off state-owned enterprises like Royal Mail was also a strategy for the government to reduce public debt and generate revenue. The proceeds from the sale could be used to address other fiscal needs.
7. Global Trends: Many countries had successfully privatized their postal services, leading to improved performance and service levels. The UK government saw this as a potential model for Royal Mail’s future success.
The privatization of Royal Mail occurred in 2013, marking a significant shift in how postal services were delivered in the UK. It allowed Royal Mail to operate more like a commercial entity, aiming for profitability while continuing to provide universal postal services.
Posted by ocbc > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
to be privatized by Major shareholder at 2.5b , then list bank at 2b , get it for a song !
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Posted by Good123 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
Lembaga pengarah DRB-HICOM boleh dipertanggungjawabkan atas penurunan harga saham POS Malaysia jika keputusan pembelian pada RM3.60 sesaham dibuat tanpa kajian risiko yang teliti atau strategi pengurusan selepas pembelian lemah. Namun, faktor luar seperti perubahan pasaran, persaingan, dan kesan ekonomi global juga memainkan peranan. Jika mereka gagal bertindak sewajarnya untuk menyesuaikan syarikat dengan cabaran ini, tanggungjawab terletak pada mereka. Penilaian menyeluruh perlu dilakukan untuk menentukan tahap kesalahan dan langkah pemulihan yang wajar.